Chapter 13: A Rite to Live and let Live

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Nyx and Tav PoV


After her walking breakfast and meditation. Nyx returned to the camp abuzz with discussion about some dream guardian. She didn't pay too much attention as it sounded like gossip to her more than anything else. She wanted to prepare a few things for the day.


Nyx found Clive lightly snoring in the tent. He woke when she entered.

“Good morning.", she greeted brightly, "I heard you gave Kalach a thrashing yesterday.”

“Har! Aye, the hot head’s a good sport.” he replied gruffly.

"She has declared a rematch, just so you know.", she smiled and organized her things while they spoke.

"Aye, aye she did.", he chuckled. "What's news?", he asked in a casual tone. More broadly; what were the latest developments of the whole situation.

Nyx switched to the vernacular they learned during their time with the nomadic caravan. "It's never boring with this group. It reminds me so much of Tufani.", she started with a smile on her face and in her voice.

Clive's eyebrow patterns almost climbed off his flap, and his tone became conspiratorial as he replied in the same vernacular, "The fabric walls have ears, do they?"

She snorted and elaborated, "Exactly, we know far too well that tents aren't known for their privacy and some members in camp have more superior hearing that others. So, to be safe, I'd like to keep more personal things, between us, as much as possible."

She could see Clive put it together without the need to spell it out directly. He had a smug look on his face.

"Aah, so the princess is a vamp then.", he grumbled the line for good measure, immensely pleased with himself at being spot on.

Nyx put her hand over her face and then chuckled at the turn of phrase. Clive also inferred that no one knows of Astarion's 'condition', hence the requirement for additional discretion by speaking in Tufani vernacular. Nyx knows that Clive won't say anything about it. Both understood the need for boundaries to be respected and the responsibility of being another person's confidant. Especially in travelling groups like this, privacy becomes a premium. Nyx trusted Clive's discretion, even when he had such a low opinion of Astarion.

Switching back to common tongue, she proceeded to bring him up to speed on the information they discovered regarding the Emerald Grove and their encounter with the cursed oak. She also assumed that next steps would be discussed this morning before they set out.

Someone cleared their throat outside her tent. They shared a knowing look with one another.

She found Shadowheart outside requesting her join the rest of them for the morning briefing with Tav. Nyx shared a greeting wink with Clive, excused herself and followed behind Shadowheart.




The camp was falling into a routine, Tav leading the morning discussion on priorities for the day and how it contributes to their collective wish of ridding themselves of the parasites. This morning's discussion was centred around deciding between rescuing Halsin from the goblins, backtracking to stop the Shadow Druids or looking for the Githyanki creche.

Some back-and-forth and a few heated debates (and glares) resulted in the agreement that the Githyanki creche remains the biggest unknown and trying to find it would likely result in the refugees being evicted as well as the loss of Halsin. Those consequences didn't sit well with the majority of the group, Nyx included. Thus, the next consideration was between rescuing Halsin in time to assist with evicting the Shadow Druids or deal with the Shadow Druids before razing the goblin camp.


Gale and Wyll mentioned that the goblin camp was large, with even more goblins and drow inside the temple. Their exact numbers were unknown and that the group would have to prepare before venturing into the fray. The time required to do so may lead to the Rite of Thorns being completed before they could get to Halsin (if they got out alive at all, was another comment). The other alternative was that they remove the Shadow Druids, and potentially lose Halsin to the goblins.


It was clear that the decision between the two was weighing on Tav. Nyx decided to contribute her perspective.

"How much do you know of Halsin?", Nyx asked the group, seeing as she joined after they left the Emerald Grove the first time.

Tav answered, "From what we could gather he is a well-respected and generous leader who offered the refugees shelter in the first place."

Gale elaborated, "The other druids implored us to rescue Halsin for the sake of the refugees and the grove itself, as well as to help us with the parasites."

Nyx nodded, "Then I'll assume that he'll prioritize the life of the refugees over his own once more. If the grove were to fall to the Shadow Druids prematurely, both the refugees and the grove itself will be lost. His main loyalties remain to his grove, not just to assist us. Should we save him from the goblins and the grove has fallen, he would want to restore the balance first and foremost."

She paused and continued, "Even with the assistance of Halsin, would we be able to take the grove back from the Shadow Druids after fighting through the goblins? Without the support from the grove itself?"

Nyx hoped that she illustrated their inherit dependence on the preservation of the grove, not only for the druids and the refugees, but for themselves as well.

Tav listened with intent and had made up her mind by the time Nyx finished.

Nothing exists in isolation, Nyx remembers a roaming druid once told her about their faith, All things are connected for balance to exist.

Tav set her jaw with a determined look in her eye. "We set out for the grove.", Tav declared with her hands fisted at her sides, and no one argued the point. They started to disperse.


Keetjah would have liked Tav, Nyx mused.

Gale asked at her side, "What's on your mind?", a smirk on his lips.

Nyx didn't realize she was smiling to herself at the comparison in her head.

"Tav reminds me of a mentor I had. Her name was Keetjah. She would have liked Tav.", Nyx answered.

"In what way does Tav remind you of her?", Gale continued his curiosity piqued.

"Spunk. Chutzpah.", Nyx said imitating Keetjah's thick accent and eccentric gestures.

She smiled when Gale laughed and she added, "Followed by lighting fire under the appropriate asses."

"Oh, your mentor was a wizard?", Gale asked even more intrigued.

"Sorceress.", she amended, and it was clear that Gale wanted more details, "She is Stormborn, literal lightning shooting from her eyes when she got angry. You did not want an angry Keetjah lighting fires under your ass with one of her bolts that's for sure."

"Hah. Just you wait, I'm sure Tav will give your Keetjah a run for her money in that regard sooner or later.", Gale remarked with a pointed finger and a knowing smirk.

"She would have approved of what we’re doing here too.", Nyx nodded and looked around the camp as people started to gear up. She was quite sure a few ears were listening in on the conversation as well, but she didn't mind. These were good memories to share.

She excused herself and went to get ready to set out. Leaving a deflated Gale behind, he was brimming with unanswered questions about her Stormborn mentor's magic.




Seems like this is also becoming part of the routine, Nyx was the first to wait for the others at Moonhaven's plaza while she watched Karlach approach with Scratch in tow.

"Soldier.", came the greeting and Nyx returned the nod.

Nyx motioned at Scratch with a grin, "Seems you have him falling in line already."

"Oh yeah, I told him how we go about things.", Karlach grinned even wider.

Told him? As in speaking to animals? Nyx tilted her head.

Nyx asked with both concern and curiosity, "And what if we get into a scrape?"

"We have agreed on two things." Karlach stated in a serious tone, raising her hand to gesture, and Nyx raised her eyebrows. "Number one, he follows us at a safe distance or finds us at camp later. Number two, no heroics from him, he stays out of any fights and lets us handle the fuckers.", Karlach finished by pointing at herself with her thumb.

Nyx nodded, Very reasonable. Good.

Nyx looked at Scratch, "Good boy.", she said onto him as well with a smile and rubbed his ears. She was rewarded with yaps, a lolling tongue and wagging tail.

Karlach grinned again, "He says he likes the way you smell."

Nyx blinked and raised her hands defensively, "I'm not even going to ask. I'm too afraid I might not like the answer, he's a dog after all." Nyx chuckled and said onto Scratch, "No offense."

Scratch gave another happy bark and Karlach guffawed.


The rest assembled and Tav took the lead with Lae'zel and Wyll. On the way out of Moonhaven, Karlach and Nyx had a good snicker at Astarion calling Shadowheart a 'pretty flower' in opposition to her 'grim name'. Classic Shadowheart was having none of it, whereas Lae'zel surprisingly quipped from the front that he should continue to call her as such, considering how much she 'enjoys' it.

Seems Lae'zel is starting to get the hang of banter, much to Shadowhearts' contempt.

After few hours into their journey, the craggy mountain roadside started to gradually change, and more trees lined the way. The wreckage of the Nautiloid came into view, smouldering no more. The metallic beast had been laid to rest. According to the others, the Emerald Grove was another two hours or so ahead, partially hidden within the mountain itself. This drew some exited whoops from Karlach, who was already thinking about lunch.


Another movement of shadows in the tree line caught Nyx's attention.

That was the same movement too many times now. Something is following us, and has been for the last hour, by Nyx's approximations.

Astarion caught her eye as she looked around for more movement, he signalled to her. Wolves.

She frowned, she believed him, but wolves do not track strong healthy prey like their party for this long. He saw her concern, and curiously flited next to her.

She started to speak, "Something's wrong. It's-"

Before she could finish the sentence there was a howl and the grouped stopped. More howls and growls followed, shadows moving around them between the cover of the trees.

"Wolves?", Wyll asked confused as well looking around trying to spot the stalking predators.

Nyx tracked the silhouettes and said, "No, not wolves." Her right hand already on her knife. Those closest to her drew their weapons as well, the rest following suit.

Their behaviour is unnatural; the howling and snarls are more in line with a gang of thugs making a show of wanting to rough someone up.

Nyx stated plainly, "Wolves don't play games like this."

Tav concluded from the front, "It must be the Shadow Druids.", and they all shifted into a more defensive circular formation.


A large wolf locked eyes with Tav and emerged from the underbrush. As it walked it started to shimmer, then morph into humanoid form.

"Such a clever little pup.", the wolf-now-gnome chortled condescendingly, looking between Tav at the front and Nyx at the back.

Nyx returned her attention to the other wolves who emerged from the trees, encircling them, eyes shining with malicious intent.

They were each facing off with the wolves, either in pairs or one-to-one. Nyx and Astarion each had a wolf. Astarion was to Nyx's right. Gale and Shadowheart were staring down another wolf to the left of Nyx. Further around the circle, Wyll, Karlach and Tav were facing the gnome. Leaving one more wolf to Lae'zel a little bit further away to the right of Astarion. The gnome spoke.

"A little birdy told us that you've been sticking your dirty snout in where it doesn't belong.", she spat. Her face, chest and arms were painted with black symbols.

Tav attempted to reason with them, "Stand down and relinquish the Grove. Just walk away and no one gets hurt."

The gnome laughed bitterly as another wolf stepped in next to her. It shapeshifted into a tall wood elf woman in green garb.

Well, Tav gave them a chance. More than most would have., Nyx started to raise her magic hackles. She had one hand on her hunting knife, and the other hovering above the knives on her thigh. With a slow steady motion, she inched her knives from their sheaths.

"Kagha", Tav addressed the newcomer, "You'd cast out the refugees and kill your own people so easily? I doubt the other druids will simply hand over the grove, once they know who you are working with."

Astarion rolled his shoulders next to Nyx and twirled his daggers with a flourish, bending his knees and leaning forward. He bared his fangs at the wolf in front of him. Nyx could see a flash of recognition in the wolf's eyes, and it took a step back.

Nyx sighed inwardly, So much for being subtle. He'll eventually give himself away if he carries on like that.

Kagha bristled, "Then they'll pay the price for their insolence! If they cannot see the taint brought by the refugees and by you then they'll need to be cleansed as well.", her words dripped with venom.

She sounds completely fanatical. No use in talking to her anymore, Nyx deduced.

"Truer words have not been spoken.", came the gnome's voice, indifferent to the mention of wanton slaughter, "And the cleanse will start with you."


At the word 'start', Astarion lunged at the wolf in front of him. The wolf doubled back, flailing over its own feet and ran into the tree line behind it with Astarion hot on its heels. Nyx took the opportunity Astarion's distraction provided; her wolf was surprised by his companion fleeing into the trees. Nyx could hear the clamour of metal and magic from behind, followed swiftly by Gale calling out to Shadowheart.

Nyx had already committed to her attack, sending her knives into the side of her wolf's face, drawing a pained yelp from it and it staggered backwards. The wolf thrashed its head and blood stained its white fur from two knives in its jaw, and one in its right eye.

"Shadowheart! Snap out of it!", Gale was yelling.

Nyx turned to see Gale's magic bound off a charging grey wolf as it set upon Shadowheart. Shadowheart was frozen in place, rigid with fear. Nyx dashed forward, her magic lending her enough speed to intercept it.


Nyx collided with the wolf, shoulder to shoulder, sending it reeling and her stumbling over its body and failing legs. She found her footing and her knife, turning to face the wolf as its jaws came snapping towards her. Every attempted bite resulted in a new slash to its face from her knife. Nyx was vaguely aware of Gale behind the wolf, trying to shake Shadowheart from her stupor.

The wolf’s bites came in too rapid succession for Nyx to use her other throwing knives. It came at her again and just as she arched her knife, thorned vines sprung from the ground to capture her arm. She stumbled as the vines tightened, dropping her knife while stinging thorns dug into flesh. She managed to bring her left arm up and the wolves jaws closed around it, forcing her to one knee. She reinforced both arms with her magic to prevent any further damage.

Nyx heard a gurgle from behind the wolf as she wrestled with snarling teeth. In a brief flash of concern, she feared it was Shadowheart, but then the vines around her arm dropped to the ground. She glimpsed Astarion between the wolf's legs, gutting a man with her knives in his face, The one responsible for the vines most likely. Her right arm hung limp at her side regardless.

Paralytic, she noted between growls, Abyss take it!


Nyx was rammed by something and torn from the wolf's grip. She attempted to control the roll with her magic, but with her right arm useless, she didn't have much success. A tree stopped her, slamming into her side. With a groan she got back onto her feet, her working left arm wrapped around her side.

She turned to stare into the burning eyes of the gnome. The gnome recited a spell, made a gesture with her staff and mounds of earth started to collect against Nyx's body, packing on around her limbs. It rooted her to the ground, with more mounds working up her legs, encasing her in a constricting jacket of earth.

Nyx looked up from the soil building around her calves. Astarion was stalking towards the gnome, who after setting her spell in motion, discounted Nyx as a threat and set her sights on Astarion with a manic smile. Further back, the blazing inferno that was Karlach, and Tav were engaged with Kagha. Both Lae'zel and Gale defending Shadowheart. Shadowheart crouched over Wyll's unmoving form. Bodies of wolves and druids scattered between them.


Nyx's body was panicking as blood became restricted to her legs and they went numb. She pushed against the mounds of earth, bodily and magically, but it would not budge. She watched while the gnome flung spikes of ice and wicked thorns at Astarion. He dodged most, however some buried themselves in his chest or limbs, each successful hit eliciting a cackle from the gnome.

Nyx tried to still herself, the earth mound brimming at her thighs, reaching out with her magic to probe it instead of frantically fighting. She stopped struggling and closed her eyes, concentrating on her breath.

Breathe, focus, think, she proceeded to poke, prod, push and pull against the mounds with her magic. Finally, she got the mounds to stop proceeding past her hips by lining the top of them with her magic and keeping it in place. What felt like an unnecessarily long time took only a few breaths. She looked up to find Astarion and the gnome caught in a deadly dance, each trying to shred the other. One with physical daggers; the other with magical ones.


Nyx poured most of her available magic into her three remaining knives and forcibly yanked them from their sheaths through the packed earth. She could not feel her legs anymore, but the trunk of earth around her kept her upright.

Nyx orientated the knives in the air and aimed it at the gnome, biding her time for an opening. Nyx was fighting against the growing choking discomfort in her body at her lower half's blood supply being cutoff. All the while keeping the building earth mound at bay and concentrating on the deadly dance in front of her.

Astarion was gaining ground, and the gnome was using more defensive tactics. Astarion worked the gnome around so that her back came to face Nyx. Nyx hurled two of her knives into the gnome's back at a crucial moment, Astarion's daggers baring down like fangs into the gnomes' chest. Nyx flung the third into the base of the gnome's skull, effectively returning the gift of paralysis. The gnome sunk to her knees and fell to her side. Astarion looked down at the gnome with a vicious snarl, he was bleeding from several cuts to his chest, arms, and forehead.


Nyx looked to the others to find their foes slain as well, gathering around Shadowheart and Wyll. Nyx retrieved her knives from the gnome and started to hack at the mounds around her legs. The combination of knives and magic, targeted at the seams and cracks of the mounds, dismantled them quickly. Nyx freed herself when the mounds crumbled away. She fell backwards against the tree, since she had lost the support keeping her upright. She watched as Astarion walked towards her, dragging the gnome by her collar of her outfit. Nyx slid down the tree and Astarion came to stand next to her. Nyx realized that the gnome was still alive, incoherent noises escaping her mouth.

Astarion asked plainly, "Are you alright, my dear?"

Nyx looked up to find his pupils blown with bloodlust and hunger. He was favouring his left side as well by the way he held himself. He was more injured than he seemed.

She let out the breath she was holding and replied curtly, "Yes, thank you. My legs just need to remember how to work. You?"

He nodded once, set his mouth in a line, and proceeded past her, dragging the gnome into the shadows of the trees behind her.

I never considered how all the blood during battle would affect him, especially when he got injured, Nyx mulled, Must be awful really. Like swimming in the thing that gives you life, and not being able to have it without dire consequence.


She ignored the weak strangled gasp that emanated from the trees somewhere behind her. It didn't take much to know that Astarion was collecting a blood debt from the gnome. She instead rubbed the literal life back into her legs with her good arm. Fortunately, the thorns that had ensnared her right arm were coated in a local paralytic, otherwise she wouldn't be breathing presently.

Although, they stung painfully with pins-and-needles, she thanked the graces that her legs were still operable. She awkwardly removed her backpack and dug around for something to fix her right arm. Astarion appeared beside her again, she looked up at him. Even though his clothing was mostly covered in his own blood, all his cuts and injuries have dissipated along with his head wound.

He looked down at her, pupils still dilated; seemingly under the lingering blood spell of feeding. She gestured to the side of her face, "You got a little something over there."

He froze for a brief moment, reality snapping back into his eyes, and then he licked the side of his mouth. She gave him a thumbs up for the all clear. He gave her a curiously amused smirk and raised eyebrow in return. She continued to rummage through her pack.


--- --- ---


Saying that Tav was furious was putting it mildly. She was absolutely livid.

It started to germinate in her chest as she anxiously stood watch over Shadowheart, who meticulously undid the damage Kagha, and a wolf had wrought on Wyll. Shadowheart's brow creased with concentration and dotted with beads of sweat while Wyll teetered between life and death.

He had been engaged with Kagha and her magic, while she and Karlach were engaged with the largest of the wolves, a coat as black as coal. The wolf had knocked both of them to the ground at one point and it lunged at her while she lay sprawled on the ground. Wyll threw himself in front of the wolf, deflecting its attack, but not fast enough to dodge Kagha's incoming frost magic. The magic seeped frozen icicles into Wyll's chest and slowed his reactions. The wolf seized Wyll by the shoulder, slammed him to the ground and gruesomely mauled him right in front of Tav. From the ground she shot bolts at Kagha to draw her magic away from Wyll, while Karlach proceeded to hack the black wolf into pieces with unbridled hellion rage and fire.


The anger had clawed its way up her chest and into her throat as she surveyed the injuries the others had received during the battle. She could feel the heat in her body rising as she collected Kagha's broach that designated her as Second Druid. The heat had reached her face when she held out her hand for Astarion to drop the gnome's Shadow Druid broach into her palm.

Her hands were clenched into white knuckles as she waited for the tiefling sentries to open the stone door to the Emerald Grove. She watched as a barely conscious Wyll was dragged through the doors by Lae'zel and Karlach, who supported him under an arm on each side.

Once inside, she instructed Lae'zel and Karlach to find a comfortable place to set Wyll down so that Shadowheart could resume her work. She asked Astarion to find Nettie, the druid healer, and bring her to Wyll to assist Shadowheart. She didn't wait for replies.

"Nyx, Gale, with me.", she said onto them with a tight jaw, "I need you to keep me from doing something stupid."

Nyx and Gale shared a concerned look and hurried after her, leaving the others behind, trusting that they'll do their parts.


Tav had a single destination in mind, or person to be accurate. Druids and tieflings alike took one look at her and made way. Considering that her entire crew was drenched in blood, it was likely a wise decision. She found Rath at the heart of the grove, watching the others continue with the Rite of Thorns. She pushed past the guards, not even excusing herself, they only stared at her wide-eyed.

She stopped in front of Rath, her eyes digging daggers into his back, her anger seething beneath the surface, and it bubbled in her voice threatening to boil over. He turned from the ritual to gape at her bloody appearance and his eyes widened at her expression.

"Rath", she greeted darkly, "I've come baring gifts", she stated ominously in a low tone. She shoved into his hands the bloody broaches they'd collected as well as the crumpled correspondence they'd intercepted from the secret cache. He stared at the gory broaches, eyes widening even more with realization.

"Next time, choose your leaders more wisely.", she said with a curled lip and drew herself up, "Preferably a leader whose ego cannot be corrupted too easily. And when it does, for the community to have the backbone to stand up to them." She didn't let him reply and continued brimming.

"Instead of not only being apathetic towards the plight of innocent people! But also, to be so pathetic yourself that you can't even clean up your own mess!", she paused briefly to draw breath and the words continued to pour from her, "You can find the bodies of your enemies on the dirt road outside.", she pointed with a finger in the general direction of the exit.

Rath found his voice, "But the balance must be mainta-", he stuttered defensively.

"I don't care about your excuses!", Tav spat, her voice booming off the walls as her anger nearly erupted, but she caught herself. She took a shuttering breath. Rath looking at her with an open mouth; all other eyes in the circular area on her as well. She spoke evenly trying to keep her voice from breaking.

"One of my people nearly died. And all you had to do to prevent this entire situation, was to act in accordance with your own conscious, and followed Halsin's example.", she pointed at the evidence in his hands. Rath was taken aback at her last words. Tav wanted to say so much more. She fisted her hands then walked away before she could do any more damage.


--- --- ---


Nyx and Gale had watched the altercation and there was no need to intervene. Gale tracked Tav while she walked away seething then said next to Nyx, "I'll go see if she's alright."

Nyx watched as Gale followed Tav. Nyx could almost hear Tav's thunder continued to rumble even from where she stood. Nyx's respect for Tav grew even more. Nyx didn't have full context for what exactly had transpired, but those words seemed more necessary than Tav may have realized.

Nyx could hear the other druids not engaged in the ritual whispering all around. They only saw the outburst, but not what had led to it or how it may have ultimately helped secure their lives.

Nyx looked back to see Rath staring at the bloody 'gifts' in his hands with his shoulders slumped forward.

After lightning scorches the earth, rain soothes new growth, Nyx recalled a druid saying, Or something along those lines. It’s time for the rain to fall.

Nyx walked up to Rath; he didn't meet her eyes as he read the letter. She was met with his ashamed expression, and she gave him a small empathetic smile.

Leadership is a heavy responsibility to bare. Getting it right even harder.

She sighed, and looked towards Tav and Gale talking out of earshot, gathering her thoughts.

"Inaction can disrupt harmony just as easily as unnecessary interference.", she said to no one in particular. "But I like to think that there is always opportunity to choose a different path, and to move forward with new conviction instead of regret.", she mused some more. Gale comforted Tav by giving her a much-needed hug, tears streaming down Tav's face.

Nyx smiled again, Oh, Keetjah would've liked you very much indeed. Lighting fires under appropriate asses by speaking your mind. Even when the thunder shook your voice.

She saw Rath straighten out of the corner of her eye. His face was set with newfound determination.

"Thank you for reminding this old fool.", he said softly. He turned and proceeded to call off the other druids who were still engaged in the ritual of the Rite of Thorns, holding up the broaches and letter to communicate the importance of the cessation. Afterwards, he requested that all the druids of the Emerald Grove gather in the sanctum as important information and revelations have come to light that must be discussed with utmost urgency.

Nyx looked back at Tav who met her eyes. Tav mouthed a thank you over Gale's shoulder and Nyx inclined her head in return. She turned to give them some personal space, then to check-up and help the others. She was concerned about Wyll.

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