Chapter 25: Fair Exchange, No Robbery

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Nyx and Astarion PoV


A merciless extermination was taking place. Nyx had ripped the nesting mice from the corners of her mind, clearing away the confused and angry threads to get past the emotions. To get to the bare bone truth of it all.

How did I miss it? Did I do anything to make Astarion believe that I was purely interested in a 'transactional'... thing - you can't even call something like that a relationship or even a friendship. Use and discard people. Like things; literal playthings. It's not right.

No matter how much she replayed events of the last several days in her head, she couldn't find it. Some misguided and poor decision on her part, but nothing to the extent that would suggest such a response from him. And yet it happened. Why? Her mind minced on that thought while she walked.


Earlier she woke up in the clearing, she had somehow fallen asleep and Astarion nowhere to be seen. She snuck back into camp, gingerly stepping over sleeping tieflings and druids - some even in animal form. By the time she got dressed she was utterly confused, and absolutely furious at herself, which subsequently led to the pest eradication.

The grove was her initial intended destination, but somewhere along the road she turned towards the shoreline. Hoping the waves would help her sift the truth from her spiralling thoughts. She stood watching the sea and let the salt seep into her lungs through a deep breath. A singular name floated to the forefront of her mind.


It must be. The transactional conditioning must come from him. "You bring me prey, I feed you, I reward you, I... keep you." Like a pet.

Nyx's lip curled in disgust.

Like I couldn't have figured that out before. Stupid nesting mice.

She was suddenly weary of what else might have happened to Astarion under Cazador's influence. Nyx's body shuddered, a cold creeping sensation travelled down her spine and the abyssal tendrils made their presence known.

Abyss take you. I know your mistress wanted that for me too...

She could literally feel them distantly quiver in delight.

It almost did. By the graces, it almost did. Bless Keetjah and Sanika.

She sighed bitterly, wiping her face with her hands. Anger and confusion leached into the ocean as understanding took hold, laced with that familiar bone deep sadness.

I'll give him space to work through it and then perhaps I can help, like Keetjah and Sanika did for me. However, one thing is for sure; I may not be able to do much more, but I am certainly going to help exterminate Cazador.




Nyx made her way to the grove. She was looking for Dammon, but found Shadowheart and Wyll instead. They greeted each other and Nyx looked between them with a quizzical frown.

Shadowheart spoke up with a smirk, "We're here as Karlach's moral support. Dammon is busy working on her engine."

"Ah yes," Nyx said feeling a pang of guilt that it slipped her mind and Dammon appeared from a makeshift room.

They all looked at him expectantly. He grinned and hooked a thumb behind him, "She's busy installing it." He walked over to his workbench and said onto Nyx, "I've got those arrows ready for you."

Nyx moved over to inspect the arrows. She squinted at the arrowhead, turning it in her hand and summarized, "An anterior barbed, spiral trilobate, bodkin."

Dammon nodded once with a smug smile, "Keen eye. It should give you the armour piercing you need and the additional damage upon entry."

"And exit", Nyx observed eyeing the arrowhead again, she whistled and quipped, "Dammon, I'm a bit concern about your devious genius." She returned his grin then asked, "How much?"

Shadowheart and Wyll were chuckling at the exchange, Nyx insisting on paying Dammon for his prototypes stating that even 'prototypes' took time and effort to create. Dammon reluctantly agreed to a price, since Nyx wasn't going to allow charity of his 'devious geniusness'.

Dammon set the arrows on the table then Karlach emerged from her, err, 'fitting?'

They all watched her expectantly as a shit-eating grin spread on her face.

"Did it work?", Wyll finally asked clasping his hands together.

"Damn, it feels so good!", Karlach exclaimed making fists at her sides then quickly added with a raised flat hand, "I can't dish out hugs just yet."

Dammon explained that they'll need to be on the lookout for more infernal metal on their travels. He has a few more ideas on how to cool the engine enough for Karlach to touch people and suggested that they should look him up once they find themselves back in Baldur's Gate. Regardless, Karlach's engine was much more stable now.

There were cheers and smiles all round while Nyx collected up the arrows.


"My dear, those look practically diabolical", Astarion lilted over her shoulder, and she briefly closed her eyes at his unexpected appearance.

She eyed him over her shoulder, He seems to be in good spirits. I'll ask him about it later. Carefully then, Nyx. Keep your mouth in check.

She lifted one of the arrows and a menacing grin spread on his face. Nyx pointed with the arrow towards Dammon and said, "A devious Dammon special." Dammon looked a bit sheepish at the continued praise.

Astarion lulled, "You are going to share, darling, are you not?"

Nyx snorted and asked with a raised eyebrow over her shoulder, "Am I now?"

Wyll chirruped from the opposite side of the room, "Like you shared your daggers with me at the goblin camp?", and he chuckled at Astarion's glare.

Nyx pointed her arrow at Wyll in agreement, sharing a smirk. Nyx noticed out of the corner of her eye Astarion reaching around her for one of the arrows. She whacked the back of his hand with the arrow's fletching, his hand snatched away. The other three gasped and responded with commentary of mixed amusement and shock. Astarion glowered at Nyx, standing over her. She turned squaring her shoulders with him, pointing with her arrow at his chest. She narrowed her eyes, but couldn't keep the smile from her lips.

He was nearly snarling at her, "My dear Nyx, that was either very brave or very stupid for someone who is within stabbing range."

Her smile shifted to a challenging smirk, and she replied evenly, "Astarion, I can say the same for someone who is trying to repossess my well-earned goods."

The standoff continued and the others snickered behind her. She added, "You're not fooling me", gesturing to him with the arrow, "I know you have more than enough gold of your own. So, there won't be any repossession allowed."

He shifted his weight to one leg and sighed theatrically. With a sleight of hand, he produced a gold coin then twirled it over his fingers. He tilted his head and lulled onto her grinning, "Then let's negotiate, darling."

Nyx knows enough about haggling to hold her own, but the infuriating man tried several tactics to acquire more arrows for nearly no gold. These included his proximity to her, his usual flirting, some pouting and very weak threats of casual violence. However, she managed to 'negotiate' what she thought was a fair price, even if she felt the unseen blush on the tips of her ears - him knowingly using it to his advantage, Jerk.

They settled on him 'purchasing' less than half of the arrows from her at three quarters of the price she had paid. She would have wanted eight tenths, but Whatever. I don't want to risk getting flustered in front of the rest with his escalating flirting - the others thoroughly enjoyed the show at her expense, yet were impressed that she didn't let him clean her out completely.

At the conclusion of the bartering, the others left to find Tav and Gale, who went to speak with Halsin.


Nyx split the arrows and handed Astarion his share, but not before he dropped the gold into her upturned hand. She held the arrows out to him, and he took a step closer to her. He made a show of breathing in her scent, taking the arrows from her. He stepped away and she let out her breath.

By the Abyss. Last night had not discouraged him at all?

Astarion strolled next to her on their way to the centre of the grove. Nyx asked tentatively when no one was around, "How are you doing Astarion?"

He paused and looked at her with an askance tilt of the head, "Whatever do you mean, darling? I, for one, am having the time of my undead life."

Nyx set her mouth in a line, He must make it more difficult, doesn't he?

She crossed her arms and replied genuinely, "That is good to hear. However, I was referring to what happened between us last night."

His pitched laugh escaped him, "You sweet thing. Are you checking up on me?"


She sighed inwardly and ventured again, "Yes I am, and if you'd like to talk through what was said then let me know."

He gave her a wicked grin, "Oh my dear, I'm sure we'll eventually come to enjoy each other's", he paused looking her over, "full portfolio of talents."

"By the Abyss Astarion!", Nyx threw her hands up in the air with exasperation, "You know full well that is not what I'm referring to, but if you want to be obnoxious about it then. Fine."

She started to turn from him, but paused, looking back at his lingering smug expression and added sincerely, "When you're ready to talk, I'll be here to listen."

She walked away clicking her tongue in annoyance.


--- --- ---


Astarion watched her go. She poses a very interesting challenge to him. The more he comes to know her, the more questions arise - but it hasn't changed his original plan. It merely delayed the inevitable.

She was correct though. This alliance doesn't need to be solely based on strict reciprocation. I could find myself enjoying a more relaxed, mutually beneficial association. Especially, considering that she is already willing to offer so much from her side. It's high time for me to get my fair share after so many others have taken far more than theirs.


From his vantage point, he tracked her walking across the circular sanctuary of the grove towards the others. His scent lingered on her still. Their combined scents made her neck more tempting than it should be. His mind wondered to last night, the scent of her blush, her skin against his fangs, her pulse underneath his tongue, the taste of sweat from her dancing.

I won't mind seeing her dance like that again.

His ears picked out her laugher in the distance and a brief smile tugged the corner of his mouth.

She certainly has her charms.


--- --- ---


He is going to what now?, Nyx set her mouth in a line, standing at the back of the gathering. Tav had collected everyone before mid-day and announced the next steps in their mission to rid themselves of the mind flayer parasites. Tav had agreed to Halsin accompanying them to Moonrise Towers. After the whole Shadow Druid debacle and the Goblin Camp kidnapping, Halsin thought it prudent to step down as arch-druid and a replacement was already enroute. Nyx was mildly surprised, however Halsin did seem very determined to join their merry band of delayed-onset-ceremorphites. The tiefling refugees were setting out for Baldur's Gate soon, their wagons and supplies crowding the front gate, seeing as the immediate threat to life and limb had been evaded.

Halsin declared that he has a personal stake in assisting them with their mission. He believed that the source and the cure to the parasites lie within Moonrise Towers. However, There is always a wrench in the works; not only would the journey to the towers be a perilous one, but the lands in which they resided was cursed.

Nyx snorted and mumbled under her breath, "Obviously the towers would live in the heart of the Shadow Cursed lands; filled with evil monsters, tormented souls and plain pure bad luck."

Astarion chuckled next to her and lulled, "Of course. There is no sense for it to be on a lush sunny island surrounded by beautiful virgins, now is there?"

Nyx chocked on a laugh and received a few amused glances for her efforts.

Halsin further elaborated that he wished to investigate a way to lift the curse from the lands surrounding Moonrise Towers. Tav beamingly proclaimed that their goals were aligned in that regard. There were a few huffs and eyerolls at Tav pre-emptively volunteering everyone else. Nyx too, had the sinking feeling that it was going to be one of those 'much easier said than done' situations - 'much' being the operative word. After some discussion, the group decided to take the overland route to the Moonrise Towers, through the mountain pass, the same mountains Lae'zel suspected the Githyanki Creche to be. Tav recommended that they all be ready to head back to Moonhaven, come first light they continue onwards to the Creche.

Nyx could appreciate the requirement to recruit as many able-bodied assistance as was possible, but Halsin was already glaring at her again. Well, perhaps not in exactly the same way, so I will downgrade it a level to 'intense disapproving frown'. Nyx sighed inwardly, Halsin and Lae'zel should form a club... Hmm, The Glare Bears, and she snickered mentally at her joke.




Nyx made a point of seeking out and saying farewell to Nettie. Nyx and Nettie had exchanged their notes on natural medicine and herbal remedies. It was standard practice amongst healers, not only does it pay the knowledge forward, but broadens the baseline care that all healers can provide. They returned each other's notebooks and Nettie mentioned seeing Nyx again when she 'happens to be in the neighbourhood'. Nyx smiled at the hint and they shared a parting hug.


Heading back to Moonhaven was somewhat bittersweet. Along the way Wyll sidled next to Nyx with a quizzical smile on his face.

Nyx gave him a raised eyebrow and he chuckled, "I was curious about your dance style."

Karlach quipped within earshot, "You mean her hot dancing."

Nyx snorted and countered, "I thought being hot was your job Karlach."

She guffawed, "Not much of a job. I just wake up like this."

Nyx sobered from a laugh, and asked Wyll, "What did you want to know?"

Wyll's expression became pensive, his hands behind his back as they walked, "What do the men's dances look like?"

"They are different. Women tend to have more expressive movements that... accentuate the legs, hips and arms.", Wyll's eyes shone with amusement at the chaste descriptions, "Whereas the men had movements that sit lower into the ground and knees. Sharp and prominent movements of the arms and legs, more emphasis on the chest and shoulders.", Nyx made a few vague motions to illustrate while they walked.

Wyll watched with interest, slightly frowning and nodded, "Do the men and women dance together?"

Nyx pursed her lips and answered, "Yes, although most of the performers were women. Some routines did include both male and female dancers. I always enjoyed the one depicting a hummingbird and a raven. Each cautious, but curious of the other, and they would discover their similarities and differences throughout the dance."

Wyll's eyebrows bobbed, and he asked her about what other 'fascinating' stories were depicted in these routines. Nyx elaborated on them being centred around nature, animals and things that people can relate to; she included examples that ranged from concepts as primal as survival to nuanced emotions like betrayal and loyalty. This discussion lasted most of the way to Moonhaven.




Shadowheart and Lae'zel had other ideas for everyone’s evening, which was rather peaceful up to that point. Their escalating conflict and noise drew everyone to Moonhaven's plaza where Tav was trying to talk them down. Lae'zel had decided to collect on her blood debt and was demanding the Githyanki relic be handed over to her. Shadowheart refused vehemently and Tav tried her utmost to diffuse the building tension.


"You think this can only be settled with words? No", Lae'zel directed at Tav with a growl and declared onto Shadowheart, "Honour demands I take something from you. The bad blood must be purged. A duel come first light."

"And you'll not only stop harassing me, but I get to thrash you too? I love it.", Shadowheart continued with a surly expression, her long ponytail swaying, "Get some rest Lae'zel, you're going to need it."

Tav's hands were in her hair with frustration, and she gestured wildly, "Surely this is extreme and unnecessary!"

Lae'zel turned on Tav, "Judicial bloodletting is honourable, it settles feuds, roots out the weak and deceitful", Lae'zel glared daggers into Shadowheart's back as she spoke the last line.

Nyx made way when Shadowheart marched up the stairs. Karlach gave a low whistle. Nyx shared a glance with Gale when Lae'zel stomped past as well.

Concern and annoyance marred Tav's expression while she exchanged looks with the others from the bottom of the stairs. "Any other alternatives?", she ventured with cautious hope in her voice, but received shaking heads in return.

Astarion lilted, "I'm rather looking forward to watching them fight to the death over that artefact."

Tav crossed her arms and gave him an incredulous raised eyebrow.

Gale replied dryly, "Was that supposed to be helpful?"

Astarion laughed inspecting his nails, "Oh, I'm not here to help. Only for the violence"

Wyll provided instead, "Perhaps set clear terms within which the duel should take place. Hopefully with a less", he gave Astarion a pointed look, "lethal outcome."

Tav nodded and the rest of them dispersed.

Astarion sighed, "The Lady of Dull extends her favour upon us again."

Nyx gave his spreading grin a flat look then stuck her tongue out at him.

He scoffed grinning, "How uncivilized."

They all retired early, tomorrow was set to be hard travelling, regardless of the impending duel.




During her sleep, Nyx heard unfamiliar noises. Before her brain could even register the sounds of a scuffle, her legs had rushed her to its source, her knife in hand. Nyx found Shadowheart and Lae'zel circling each other around the remains of the campfire. Karlach and Tav both trying to talk them down again, but they were too intent on killing each other this time round. Shadowheart armed with a dagger and Lae'zel clutching a rock. They lunged at one another.


Nyx dropped her own knife and her magic reacted on instinct. She darted to where the two of them would come to blows. Nyx slid on her side, coming between them and with a crouching stance she brought her magic up in a sphere around her, intercepting the blows from both sides. She stood and pushed against the weapons, forcing Shadowheart and Lae'zel to stumble backwards. Shocked expressions greeted her, and she unceremoniously yanked their weapons from their hands. The weapons hovered between, them suspended by her magic, then she dismissively dropped them at her feet.

Both Shadowheart and Lae'zel were extended the courtesy of Nyx's glare. A glare that made them take a much-needed pause; both took a step back after she levelled it at each in turn. This was not the first violent confrontation that Nyx had to intervene in - Tufani wasn't without strife.

"This does not concern you Ishtik! If you stand in my way you will fall by my blade", Lae'zel spat, baring her teeth.

Nyx held her ground and said with dark calm, "Lae'zel I don't care that you have so little regard for me. But show me your teeth again and I'll pull them out one by one."

Tav fumed, anger shaking her voice and pointing between them, “I do hope that the both of you are quite finished. The absurdity of this entire situation is astounding. Look at us! Standing here in the middle of the night having to keep the two of you off one another like a bunch of rabid animals foaming at the mouth. Are you truly so self righteous that you are willing to kill each other in the name of some relic? The last time I recall the Absolutists were the zealots here.”

The two gaped at Tav. Nyx sincerely hoped they got the message for their sakes too, That sounded like a warning.


Lae'zel lowered her head and glowered from underneath her brows at Tav then Nyx, fisting hands at her sides. Lae'zel pointed to Shadowheart with a sharp finger, "This coward should not be allowed to live after trying to stab me in the back while I slept. Honour demands it, blood will make it so."

Nyx was appalled at the accusation and the expression was mirrored on Tav's face. However, palatable disappointment settled soon after when Shadowheart made no sound to protest. Nyx took a moment to study the weapons at her feet; the circumstantial evidence would support Lae'zel's claim. She glanced at Tav, whose aggravation had been replaced by sorrow - so much so that she seemed to have aged almost instantly. Nyx took the opportunity to gathered her thoughts into a few choice words for each side while the silence stretched.

She kept her face neutral and replied evenly to Lae'zel, "You seek honour? Has it not been honourable enough for Shadowheart to have chosen to remain your ally, albeit a reluctant one? And continue to help you from turning into mind flayer regardless of the source of that protection. Surely, the Githyanki can also recognize that even strained cooperation is superior to constant infighting."

Lae'zel huffed, "Tsk'va!"

Nyx turned her gaze onto Shadowheart, "The same could be said for your attempted assassination of an ally of your allies. That route will win you no favours, only mistrust and resentment along with the loss of any loyalty you may have earned so far. This loss you so cling to does not imply that there will be no price paid to achieve it or that no consequences will arise from it."

Shadowheart's eyes widened, taken aback.

Tav took a steadying breath and said softly from her side, "Working against each other will be a surer route to our downfall than the parasites could ever be. We have been able to come this far despite our differences, let's not add to our burdens and weight our journey down any more than is necessary. We are stronger together. We need to know that we can rely on one another. I believe that we can resolve this without bloodshed. Duly reconsider your actions."

Realization seemed to dawn on Shadowheart and a determined frown creased her forehead, "They’re right Lae'zel. We needn't be enemies, there are plenty of those to go around already."

"Chk! What would you have? That we be friends", Lae'zel chewed on the last word.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves”, a smile crept into Shadowheart’s voice, “But imagine what we might achieve if we channelled some of that hostility towards our real foes instead of each other. They wouldn't stand a chance."

Nyx gave Lae'zel an expectant look. Lae'zel groaned in frustration but relented, "Then you shall have the privilege of my continued cooperation, but I don't recommend you seek conflict with me again. It may not end in your favour." Lae'zel briskly returned to her tent.

Nyx sighed internally, releasing tension in her shoulders. That was about as much of a cease fire as they could hope for. Shadowheart watched Lae'zel go with crossed arms, and she followed suit to her own tent.


Nyx rubbed her eyes and blew out a breath. Tav strolled over, "Nicely done", Nyx inclined her head to Tav's now wide approving grin, "I will hand over any further conflict resolution to you."

"Ha!", Nyx barked. "Oh no," she said raising her hands and shook her head. She continued with amusement, "That was an exception. If you make it the rule, I'm running away."

Tav grinned at her, "We can't have that now", and she confessed with a sigh, "Thanks for that truly. I feel like I'm at my wits end sometimes."

Nyx regarded Tav. The responsibility of leadership was clearly weighing on her in this moment. Nyx offered with genuine empathy, "Feel free to lean on me should you have the need."

Tav gave Nyx a knowing look, "I might just take you up on that."

Nyx returned with a chuckle, "That twinkle in your eye has me nervous about what exactly I've signed myself up for."



From a character/personality perspective: I'm exploring the concept of 'Everyone can do everything, but not equally well' - thus, I do try to give each character a chance to show the depth and breadth of their various skills or natural inclinations given the context of the scene, and what it looks like in their 'style'.

*Also after doing some map-based research did I only realize that the Grove area is situated on the Chionthar river and not the ocean... but I'm going to leave it as is for the story since the scene of Nyx by the ocean is symbolically important because of the cleansing association with salt.

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