Chapter 7: Blazing a Trail (part 2)

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Ending the chapter off with Astarion's POV


Tav laid it out for them. They had two choices. One, was to stick to the original goal and checkout the swamps first. Both Wyll and Lae'zel made a face at that. Or, two, was to continue tracking Karlach whose trail led in the opposite direction - away from the swamps. There was some back and forth between the different parties regarding how much time it could take versus conflicting priorities.

Obviously, Wyll wanted to keep tracking Karlach, reiterating its importance and urgency. Lae'zel wanted to investigate that same area for leads on the creche, disregarding the swamp completely. Gale and Astarion suggested that looking for clues to Halsin was rather more important. Shadowheart and Nyx didn't have strong opinions either way, except for Shadowheart mentioning her disapproval at the whole 'creche idea'. Nyx presumed it was simply out of principle rather than practicality. Tav bit her lip and squinted up at the midday sun.

Tav suggested, "Let's round up Karlach quickly and then swing by the swamp before nightfall. I don't want to camp in a swamp if that could be avoided.", and there were nods all round. Some more enthusiastic than others. Nyx does not covet Tav's position at all; trying to balance such a diverse group of people and their differing objectives, personal or otherwise, was going to prove challenging. Nyx was planning on remaining an impartial observer, she wasn't sure whether she'll stay, so she's not particularly invested at the moment.


They meandered through the ramshackle village following Wyll and Lae'zel while the two tracked ahead. The desolate buildings gave way to a small outcrop with a barn to the side. A path lead past the barn towards another bridge. Wyll and Lae'zel set out on the path towards the bridge. Along the way they stumbled upon three burnt corpses.

Nyx studied them and mentioned, "Burnt hot and fast." Wyll raised his eyebrows and made a sound of agreement, impressed at her observation of the bodies.

Tav queried, "How can you tell?"

"Bodies contort in extreme heat.", Nyx imitated shrinking into herself, pulling her limbs in, bending her knees and elbows. Fisting her hands, similar to that of a boxer's pose. She released the pose and saw Tav recognize it on the bodies.

Wyll curled his lip with disdain, "Hellfire. She killed them. They didn't stand a chance."

"But who are th-", Tav wasn't able to finish the sentence, when one of the bodies popped and moved.


They all jumped, drawing weapons, staring at the corpse. Another vision befell them when their tadpoles squirmed. Nyx was looking up at a tiefling, skin as red as a cambion's. She heard a voice, likely the owner of the vision, ask the tiefling about the Nautiloid. The tiefling mentioned coming from direction of the wreckage, to which another question followed about seeing any survivors. The tiefling tensed up and the owner of the vision asked whether she was one of the said survivors. The vision becomes heat and flames after that, and the party was released.

Nyx rubbed her arms absently; how many times am I going to have to relive being almost burnt alive today?

Lae'zel moved in next to Nyx and violently kicked the corpse in the head.

"By the abyss!", Nyx stepped back her hands coming up reflexively with surprise. Both at Lae'zel mutilating the corpse, and by a mind flayer tadpole bursting from its eye socket in rapid succession.

Lae'zel proceeded to stomp the offensive worm into the ground, "Hta'zith!"

They all blinked at Lae'zel. Nyx lowered her hands recovering.


Nyx deadpanned, "Well, that's one way to kick the living shit out of someone.", and Lae'zel eyed her not understanding the context. Several voices snickering behind her.

Tav shifted, "So, people are looking for us. Ones with tadpoles too." Tav scrunched her nose and looked down at the tadpole remains. "It survived the fire? But. How?", Tav asked no one in particular, frowning at its goo.

Lae'zel huffed, "What does it matter? It is dead now", she declared.

Astarion crooned from behind, "Our valiant saviour!"

Nyx snickered at that and was rewarded with the evil eye from Lae'zel. Nyx straightened and regarded Lae'zel nonchalantly, she's not being stared down again. Lae'zel glared past Nyx at Tav then stomped off towards the bridge after Wyll. Nyx turned to find Tav trying to hide her smile with her hand over her mouth.




The bridge was in a sorry state of disrepair. It had a massive tear that ran through the entirety of its width. They'll have to make a jump to get across and there was no other way around, over or under. The jump to the other side went pretty much as well as the stream crossing earlier that day - some managed more gracefully than others.

Gale asked with knitted eyebrows, "Enjoying yourself?", as he brushed himself off after his successful jump, but not so successful landing.

"Quite." Nyx grinned at his unimpressed expression.

"At least don't look so smug about it. We can't all just glide so effortlessly across with our magic.", he quipped.

"Noted. I'll try my best next time.", she shot back.

Gale rolled his eyes with a grin of his own, mumbling something about looking up a spell himself to help with future 'acrobatic activities'. Wyll and Lae'zel were already waiting at the fork in the road further ahead. Nyx and Gale watched the others crossed. Astarion managed without difficulty, Shadowheart followed. Tav was the last to cross and on landing one of the pebbles loosened, she slipped and with an elegant twirl, managed to fall away from the hole. Tav laughed while Gale congratulated her on a most 'graceful ladylike fall' and helped her up.

In comparison to your most ungraceful ladylike fall, Nyx caught Gale narrowing his eyes at her as she chocked back another snicker.

"I did try.", Nyx pleaded with feigned dismay. Tav laughed again and thanked Gale, who beamed at her in return. Nyx caught the eye of both Astarion and Shadowheart, each with a frown directed at the three of them.

Ugh, lighten up a bit. There are worse things, Nyx thought as they all joined Wyll and Lae'zel at the fork in the road.


Nyx's gaze followed Wyll and Lae'zel's when she reached the fork. She blew out a breath, they were looking at the road leading to the right. It was littered with carnage.

Hmm, worse things indeed, maybe that's what they were frowning about. Several bodies were scattered around two broken carts. The contents of the carts were spilled across the road, soaked in the blood of the dead.

Gale asked, "Oof. More goblins?"

Wyll gestured down the road, "We'll find out. Karlach's trail leads straight through it."

As they neared the corpses, it was clear that several of them had been partially eaten.

Tav queried, peering at the man nearest to her, "Animals?"

Nyx nodded at her then regarded the gore of another body. She set her jaw while gripping her bow tighter.

Tav asked, "What is it Nyx?", and the others turned their heads to her.

Nyx pointed with her boot at the body in front of her, "These are hyena bite marks.", she pointed with her finger at another body, "And Gnolls." She assumed that not everyone in the group understood the implications and summarized, "Messy eaters and even messier killers. Ambush predators."

She could see a few of them looking around after the 'ambush predators' part. Nyx added quickly before anyone got ideas, "Don't touch the corpses or the carts."

"Why not?", Shadowheart asked curious while inspecting unidentifiable food and viscera in a pool of blood.

"They collect trophies of their prey.", Nyx continued pointing at various missing limbs on several different bodies. She elaborated. "If we touch them, we mark ourselves as their prey too. And they will come for us after they finish eating what is left of the corpses.", Nyx concluded without emotion.

"Savage.", Gale observed frowning at a headless victim.

Shadowheart queried, "How do you know so much about them?", tilting her head.

"I've travelled the wilds with rangers and other hunters for many years. Travelled alone for more than that. Learned and experienced much in order to survive. Especially when it comes to identifying 'savage' predators.", Nyx glanced at Astarion, who seemed uneasy with her attention at that particular moment. No one else noticed the exchange.

Tav remarked, "We need to stay alert then.", and no one argued.

Nyx added, "Especially, if we plan to come back this way. Yes, we should."

Wyll suggested, "Then let's not linger any longer."

They continued up the road in tense silence, since the encounter had put everyone on edge.




The road led to another three-tailed fork. Straight ahead was another dishevelled building. The main structure was made of brick with some add-on rooms constructed from wood. To the left was a scalable embarkment, with a smaller path running along in front of it. The path dead ended into an outcrop surrounded by a cliff face at the back of the building. The road to the right was obstructed by a sharp decline, but seemed to bend towards a river. Nyx could hear water flowing from that direction. There were scorch marks on the ground, all around where they stood at the fork, along with more blood.

Someone took a beating here and fled, several tracks headed towards the building to the front, and another single set of footprints to the right.

Wyll corroborated her observations, "More fighting. Karlach's responsible for the blackened earth, but who was she fighting with this time? There are no bodies."

Tav asked in Nyx's direction, "The Gnolls?", and Wyll turned to her as well.

Nyx glanced down at the ground and then scanned the area. She could feel everyone's eyes on her again as they waited for her reply. "No, I don't see Gnoll activity here. The altercation was likely with other people."

Tav let out a relieved breath.

Indeed, Nyx also prefers people over Gnolls any day, Not that there aren't people just as savage as Gnolls, but rather that the average person is not by nature as savage as the average Gnoll. Identifying comparative risks are key to survival.


Tav suggested checking the building first, clear footprints led there and perhaps they could ask whoever was inside about what happened. Wyll agreed and they continued to the building. The building's abandonment matched both inside and outside. There were signs of people where dust had been disturbed and wounds treated with discarded healing implements. Other than that, the building remained vacant. There were indications that it was a tollhouse before it fell into ruin. Wyll, Lae'zel and Tav were rather disappointed by the turn of events. They went outside again and stood on the veranda. There was nothing but mountain air and the chirping of birds.

Nyx took the opportunity to take in the moment and admire the scene. The beautiful view however did not please everyone and Wyll backtracked the group to the three-pronged fork in the road. By now mother nature had disturbed what remained of the scene as wind had blown sand onto the tracks, obscuring almost all. Nyx watched as Wyll and Lae'zel became increasingly frustrated at not picking up the trail again and having to decide between the embarkment path or the river path as next point of search. The day was dragging on and time was running out. The likelihood of them making it back to 'swing by' the swamp seemed slim.


Nyx rolled her eyes when Lae'zel aggressively huffed with annoyance, whereas Wyll looked the part.

Astarion moaned, "So, we've been dragged out here for no good reason then. We should've just gone to the swamp instead of wasting our time on some wild goose chase."

Wyll rounded on him, "This is not a mere wild goose chase. We are in pursuit of a dangerous murderer and justice must prevail!"

Astarion exclaimed not backing down, "And while you were looking for justice, we are no closer to finding a cure to these wretched things in our heads!" He spat, "Or have you forgotten about the part where we start to sprout tentacles!", and gestured with his hands in a motion that suggested things bursting from his face.

Lae'zel directed at Astarion, "Cool your blood!"

"Oh, that's rich coming from you, darling!", Astarion scoffed at her with a snarl.

Things are escalating quickly, Nyx thought. More reasons to travel alone.


Tav boomed, "Enough!" Nyx raised her eyebrows; she was quite sure Tav used her magic to back that one up. Everyone took note.

Tav said more calmly releasing the tension in her shoulders, "Bickering about has-beens will not get us anywhere." An uncomfortable silence stretched as no-one seemed to have anything else to say except bicker.

They were at a stalemate, the trail potentially turned cold. Nyx rolled her eyes again; she was going to break her 'partial observer' role to help them out of it. She scanned the scorched ground, trying to pick up that trail she saw earlier heading towards the river.

"Here.", she mostly said to herself making a divot in the soil with her end of her longbow, she turned to the others, Wyll was already looking at her.

"The single footprint trail from earlier. It is a bit faint, but not gone."

Wyll strolled up to her and frowned at the ground. His eyebrows returned to their normal positions once he could finally make it out. "From earlier you said. Why didn't you say something before?", he looked at her askance.

"Not my quarry.", Nyx said as though that explained everything. Wyll didn't seem to understand.

Nyx realized the cultural difference and provided, "Most hunters don't want interference in their chase, unless they ask for assistance specifically."

"Oh.", Wyll said taken aback by her seemingly 'respecting his exclusive claim to the hunt'. "In this instance, your help is most appreciated. If you see something again, please let me know.", he said sincerely.




They eventually found Karlach not too far away in another outcrop surrounded by a river. She was crouched at the river's bank, flames rolling off her in undulating waves. The group approached with caution. It seemed as though Karlach was trying to hold back her flames, even after she saw them draw closer.

Why would she do that and not just blast us to hell and gone? Literally, Nyx decided to keep a safe distance, but still within helping range and earshot. Others in the group seemed to have the same idea while Wyll, Lae'zel and Tav neared the flaming tiefling.

Karlach held out her hands warning them back.

Curiouser and curiouser.

Nyx watched from her safe distance while Wyll announced that he'd come to return her to some 'Zariel', to which Karlach didn't seem particularly pleased about. Shouting that she'll not be dragged back to the hells to fight for this 'Zariel' anymore. Nyx exchanged glances with the others, seeing her confusion mirrored in their expressions. Wyll accused Karlach of being a monster and murdering the people in the village, which she denied and claimed self-defence. Before the situation could escalate any further, their tadpoles wriggled in their skulls.

Again! This is far too invasive for my liking, Nyx held onto her head while they got dragged into the hells once more. She was looking out of Karlach's eyes now and for all practical purposes she was Karlach in this moment. She could feel herself burn this time, but not from any flaming inferno. She was the actual fire! Flames rolling of her and sweat running like rivulets down her body from the sheer heat of it all. The source of the fire sweltering in her chest.

By the abyss! How does Karlach even stand this?

She was running, cleaving through devil, demon and imp alike in this nonsensical never-ending Blood War. Frantically running towards a Nautiloid ship! She flung herself at one of its tentacles in a desperate attempt to escape the hells with Wyll on her tail. She didn't bank on being tadpoled later on, and crashing landing here. Only to be dogged by more of Zariel's goons soon after.


Nyx shook her head when the vision dissipated. She'll have to figure out how to address this 'free reign' the tadpole has on her thoughts. Her mind belongs to her. It is not some parasite playground. She felt her parasite move as if in recognition of her plan.

Yes, she sent to it, You'd best be afraid.

It genuinely quivered at her threat. Nyx returned her attention to the conversation between Karlach, Wyll and Tav.

Tav was talking Wyll out of trying to 'send' Karlach back to the hells. Wyll sounded terribly conflicted with the whole situation, his sense of justice warring with his sense of duty. He eventually relented and agreed with Tav that Karlach was no monster, but a victim of both Zariel and the Blood War. Stress dissolved from the group collectively.

In true Tav fashion, she invited Karlach to join their merry band of 'tadpolers'? 'Tadpolees'?

'Would-be mind flayers' offered by Gale.

Nyx suggested 'soon-to-be-squids', as Clive put it. The conversation went slightly off the rails, but Tav brought it back by explaining to Karlach that they've a mutual goal in getting rid of the parasites in their heads. Karlach agreed, but on one condition.




 Karlach announced pointing behind them, "That you'd help me with these fuckers."

Nyx turned to see people approaching from a distance towards them from across the outcrop.

"Ugh, what now?", Astarion huffed next to her with an animated motion of his body.

Karlach curled her lip, "So called 'Paladins of Tyr'. But they're just more of Zariel's lackeys trying to take me back. Thought they'd turned tail after the beating I gave them."

Ah, the blood and scorched earth at the intersection.


Nyx narrowed her eyes and looked around. The outcrop was barren, any trees present were growing tightly against the cliff or the river. Not much to make use of in a fight.

Poor strategic position. Great.

Nyx blew out a breath. She started to move to the 'best' position she could take if there were to be a fight. The others did the same, taking up relative positions while Tav questioned Karlach about the approaching group. Tav wanted to see if she could persuade them to leave without a fight. To which Karlach guffawed, but wished her luck with anyway.

Nyx took up a position closest to the river, with its waters at her back and the best view of the incoming group in order to plug them with arrows. She casually leaned on her longbow and waited.


She watched as the incoming group split. Four held back while three others kept approaching.

And they're making full use of their advantage. Abyss take them.

Astarion cleared his throat next to her and she glanced at him. He had the same look that he wore in the village.

Oh no. Not this again, she thought. She shook her head as he started with the same signal.

Most. Kills. Win.

"Come now, darling. It's just a bit of fun.", he lilted at her.

"I've been told I'm allergic to fun.", she quipped.

He made a tsk sound, "Hmm, apparently so."

She didn't respond to that.

He pointedly looked her up and down, "It wouldn't hurt for you to just lighten up a bit, my dear."

"Ha!", Nyx barked.

"Like you're the ray of sunshine. I ought to smack you with my bow for that.", she pretended to motion towards him with the end of her bow.

"Oh?", Astarion leered at her instead of dodging her mock blow aimed at his feet.

"Please do.", he purred with a wicked smile, "I thought you were allergic to fun."

Abyss take me, that was not what she meant, and he knew it. Fortunately, the others were out of earshot of this particular conversation.


The paladins had arrived, graciously sparing her the need to think of a retort to Astarion's innuendo. She refused to make eye contact with Astarion, focusing on Tav's conversation with the paladins.


--- --- ---


Astarion eyed Nyx once more. She was blatantly ignoring him. He did so hate to be ignored like that, especially considering all he has to offer her - and everyone else for that matter.

Beauty, charms and fun. What more could they ask for?

She spends far too much time in her head and he's merely trying to help her out. He could practically hear her gears grind while she stood next to him.

What is there to think so much on anyway?

We fight, I stab, I win, fight over. It is as simple as that.


Tav's conversation with the paladins wasn't going well. They tried to convince her that Karlach was a fugitive and that she should be handed over. Tav asked some specific questions regarding their need to bring Karlach in. This combined with Karlach calling out their bullshit answer, led to the paladins' charade ending.

Astarion watched with amusement as Nyx moved her hand to her head, pretending to scratch behind her head, but discretely drew an arrow instead. Hiding it flush against her arm as she brought it to the front. Her sleight of hand wasn't bad considering that she seemed to be more of a ranger than a fellow rogue. So naturally, his was better. He does wonder where she picked up thieves' cant hand signals though. She glanced over at him, and he winked at her. He was hoping to see her blush, but she narrowed her eyes at him. There was a slight change in the air around her and Astarion realized she was readying her magic as well.


In all her fiery glory, Karlach declared that she would not be taken by the paladins and that the hell's were her prison not her home, and she was never going back. More flames erupted from Karlach when she lunged at the nearest paladin. Astarion grinned at Nyx as she quickly nocked her arrow while he reached for his own daggers.

"Let's turn them inside out, darling."


Githyanki vocabulary

Hta'zith: Die (imperative)

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