Chapter 31: Let Bridges Burn

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Opening briefly with Tav POV.


This was the second time Tav had burned a bridge beyond recognition in her life. The result was them being officially hunted by Vlaakith as fugitives and declared enemies of the Githyanki empire.

Tymora's favour kept us alive for now at least, but we are persona-non-grata, Tav considered grimly while she turned to the others.

Shadowheart and Astarion were grievously injured, Lae'zel and Karlach were doing their best to help. Tav made herself useful as well. Tav saw it on each of their faces; they were too reeling from what happened here.

Firstly, sparing the life of the Dream Visitor.

Secondly, learning that the undying queen was not as powerful as she claimed to be, let alone being a goddess.

Thirdly, the slaying the Githyanki Inquisitor, Ch'r'ai W'wargaz, and his comrades after they hypocritically declared Lae'zel the traitor.

Fourthly, the one settling heaviest on Lae'zel, the potential betrayal of her queen and with it; everything she had ever know. Tav knows this all too well.

Lastly, Tav had realized that she now had a small taste of the dread that Nyx has been living with knowing there was an active bounty on one's head.


Tav briefly spoke to Lae'zel to gauge her current mindset. However, Lae'zel's unrelenting loyalty took hold again and she declared herself worthy of 'this new test' her queen had put to her. But now was not the time for lengthy appeals to Lae'zel's intuition in the matter.

Instead Tav focused on getting them out without having to go through hordes of hostile Githyanki to achieve it. She was raking her dishevelled mind and looking around for potential exists. Tav was trying her best not to unravel; to delay the panic and fear that clamped around her heart. But she wasn't succeeding at keeping the bubbling flood at bay and her breathing became increasingly erratic.

Suddenly, there was an ear-shattering blast that shook the whole room. They all flung around towards where the dust settled at the rear of the chamber. They were exhausted, blood soaked and running low on supplies. Tav held her breath then readied her magic and mettle for more Githyanki. Unexpectedly, familiar voices reached her ringing ears.

Nyx's pragmatism came first, "By the Abyss Gale! Could you not alert the entire creche to our location!"

Followed by Halsin's dry humour, "Or bring it down on our heads..."

Gale's optimism rang out, "It was a slight miscalculation on my part!"

Ending with Wyll's light-hearted passive jab, "Like we haven't heard that one before..."

Tav's heart swelled to bursting at hearing their banter and she wanted to kiss every one of the four dirt smeared faces that materialized from the backroom.


--- --- ---


They had to literally heal the others on the run. Gale, Wyll, Halsin and Nyx handed over potions and other supplies while Tav hastily brought them up to speed on what happened while they retreated down the corridors from whence Nyx and the others had come.

Shadowheart and Astarion were in bad shape, close quarter combat with elite Githyanki had taken its toll. Halsin was taking care of Shadowheart, who was leaning into him and bleeding from several deep gashes to her abdomen. Nyx was more concerned about Astarion and the blood gushing down from his head. Nyx was accustomed to shooting arrows at moving targets; not trying to heal moving patients - with worry and agitation gripping her stomach she did what she could to staunch the bleeding. However, Astarion looked alarmingly pale, even for him, and his uncharacteristic silence was more than unnerving too.


They entered the large circular hall with the glowing mace encased in its protective barrier. Tav halted their retreat when they were certain that no one was in immediate pursuit. Tav paced impatiently while Gale tended to her wounds with fretting exasperation. Halsin and Nyx settled with their respective patients on the floor. Wyll, Karlach and Lae'zel kept vigilant for pursuers. The knots in Nyx's gut released when she noticed Astarion's eyes becoming more focused while she tended to him. She shot a glance over her shoulder at Shadowheart, whose lolling head was straightening with Halsin's efforts. Gale had managed to sit Tav down so that he could tend to her magic-induced wounds with his poultices and salves.

Good. That's good, Nyx returned her attention to Astarion and a welcome grin touched his face.

She smiled back and greeted softly, "Hey, you had me worried there." She brushed some of his bloody hair from his face. He grimaced and hissed when she placed her hands over his head to assess the wound, but he didn't recoil from her touch.

Noises are good. Even painfilled expressions.

He muttered between groans, "The Githyanki were most unkind, my dear", he informed her.

Her attention remained on his wound, but she quipped, "I'll be sure to return the gesture should I meet any again."

His breathy chuckle was replaced by another grimace, "Sweetness, don't make me laugh right now", and he pinched his eyes shut bracing against the pain.

She steadied his swaying with one hand on his shoulder and silently returned to magically sticking the wound together.


Tav was discussing the way to the Shadow Cursed lands with Halsin while he worked. She was planning on reaching it as soon as everyone was able to travel and hopefully lose any Githyanki trail along the way. They all agreed. Halsin finished with Shadowheart then took over from Nyx. She reluctantly relinquished Astarion into Halsin's more capable healing-adept hands. Nyx snorted when Astarion greeted Halsin, "Oh my, but I am especially popular today."

Halsin chuckled and remarked while crouching next to him, "I'm sure you'll feel differently once the healing starts. Your wounds are going to hurt while they mend."

Astarion tutted disappointed, "Here I was hoping for a feeling of drifting in a warm sunlit spring."

"No such luck today, I'm afraid.", Halsin replied, and Nyx went to help Shadowheart get to her feet.




They staggered onto the temple roof, blinking at the sunlight. Nyx took a breath to point out the way down, but the crystal device started making mechanical sounds and its rings moved. They all froze, staring at the device. Nyx glanced at Gale wide eyed who held his hands up and said, "That wasn't me."

Astarion appeared from the recessed doorway and lilted timidly, "Uh, that would be me."

Nyx saw the glowing mace in his possession and threw her hands up in the air, "Seriously, thieving? At a time like this?"

Astarion held a corrective finger in the air and frowned at her. He wanted to retort, but they ducked when a beam of white-hot light shot over their heads from the doorway and into the crystal device making it glow with lapping flames.

The giant eagle mother and her chick squawked in unison and took off. The rest of them gawked at the spinning, glowing device and Gale suggested, "I think we should follow the birds' example and get moving. I have a suspicion it is about to blow this whole place into another plane."

"If any of my people die because of you-", Lae'zel levelled at Astarion while Nyx hurried on ahead.

Nyx called over her shoulder, "No time, come!"


She led them across the roof towards the ledge below; across the gremishka-infested library's roof. It was the quickest way down. However, it was quite a jump, but with coordination and teamwork, everyone managed to reach the bottom. They scurried off towards the stairs leading to the cable car. They turned back once they were at a safe distance and watched.

The device seemed to have become unstable. The beam of energy continued to be absorbed by the crystal. The sounds of spinning rings whistled across the distance, and the crystals seared blinding white like a beacon from their position on the roof. There was a soundless implosion and the device shrunk in on itself. Followed by a spherical wave of power emanating outwards that split the air releasing all its blaring reverberating force at once. The shockwave levelled the top floors of the temple, travelling at lighting speed towards their vantage point. The impact threw them backwards off their feet.

Nyx sat upright staring at the crumbling architecture, some of the lower levels below the device collapsed, but the temple as a whole stood firm. She released a heavy breath of relief and laid back down again to take a moment, putting her arm over her face. Her heart hammered in her chest.

Even if they meant to apprehend us, I don't want the whole creche to die for no reason. Githyanki or no.


Lae'zel recited with annoyance, "Girtar'rac neh toruun; 'One theft consumes all'. Protocol four-hundred-and-two.", and rose to her feet. She searched for Astarion and pointed a sharp finger at him, "Praise Vlaakith's mercy that Creche Y'llek was not reduced to ruin for your greed. For I would not have been merciful if it were."

Nyx provided from under her arm, "Perhaps it was rather the mercy of Gale's miscalculations."

"Never thought I'd be thankful for that.", Gale replied with astonishment.

"I think not!", Astarion scoffed and complained, "I did everything right! I followed all the monk's stupid little clues.", he continued with mocking contempt, "I secured the 'Dawnmaster's crest'. Place the crest into the required slot and the mace was given to me. I earned it fair and square.", he paused looking around for Gale then accused, "Your tampering set the protections off regardless!"

Gale huffed irately and Tav intervened harshly, "It doesn't matter!"

The bickering was replaced by stunned silence.

Tav took a breath and repeated normally, "It doesn't matter. We all got out, the creche survived and the rubble between us and the Githyanki will likely buy us some more time. Let's make the most of the turning tide."




They hurried along the crags towards the darkening shroud up ahead. A rope bridge over a gorge came into view, the path ahead fading towards a gloomy thoroughfare flanked by twisted, blackened trees. Nyx was wrestling with the unsettling feeling in the core of her being while they walked. She could see the stern faces on the others. She immediately halted when her magic prickled and Halsin called for everyone to stop as well.

On the other side of the bridge a portal shimmered into existence and Githyanki stepped from it. Tav recognized who it was, "It's Kith'rak Voss! Fall back before more come out! We can't risk another battle right now."

Nyx had her bow in her hands by that time, she knocked an incendiary arrow while the others cleared the area. She took aim and spoke its incantation, “Uro”. The arrow’s tip burst into tongues of orange fire. Nyx wrapped the arrow with magic and let it fly.

Did I hear the Githyanki call to 'Wait'? How odd.

It was too late either way. The Githyanki warriors turned tail and fled back over the bridge when they realized what Nyx had done. The rope bridge was consumed by flames and Nyx joined the others. Karlach whooped when Tav made a pleased remark about Nyx's 'quick thinking'.


They had fled the way they came, past the temple and down towards the mountain pass. Tav confirmed with Halsin the underground route to the Shadow Cursed lands via the Underdark. The group made it all the way back to the mountain pass bridge, and the scavenged remains of the manticore corpses.

Shit!, Nyx felt her magic hackles rise again and two portals shimmered into view, one in front of them and one behind, We are trapped. Nyx readied herself along with the others, instinctively creating a protective circle around Tav.

Kith'rak Voss appeared again, but he held his hands up in front of him - A sign of good will?

Their group shared uncertain glanced between one another. Tav and Lae'zel took point addressing him. Kith'rak Voss' opening statement was completely unexpected. Instead of declaring their death at his hands and delivering them to divine retribution, he claimed to be here to help. He laid his sword on the ground and knelt before Tav and Lae'zel. Nyx eyebrows climbed into her hairline, Wow!


Apparently, he had been working against Vlaakith in secret; to bring an end to her and her contrived rule. Lae'zel was barely in control of herself at hearing such 'heresy', however with a raised eyebrow from Tav she begrudgingly allowed him to continue.

He stated that the entity trapped within the Astral Prism had chosen to protect Tav and her group. This entity was also the key to the Githyanki's salvation, and he has a plan to free the Astral Prism’s prisoner.

Lae'zel continued to recite her protocols at Voss, reaffirming her faith and loyalty to the undying queen and her desire to ascend. He retaliated by announcing purification and ascension as a farce. He elaborated that both were created by Vlaakith to control her people and drain their strength to supplement her own in her mad ambitions for godhood. Lae'zel was so deeply disturbed by the confession, she drew her weapon, but Tav held out shielding arm between Lae'zel and Voss. Nevertheless, Tav asked for her judgement in the matter.

Lae'zel held her body taut, knuckles straining against skin while she gripped the hilt, weighing all the information. Tav reminded her of what happened in the Inquisitor's Chamber, and the evidence against Vlaakith's rule became too profound to ignore. The shackles from a lifetime of brainwashing were coming undone, and Lae'zel relented stating as much. She agreed to assist Voss and meeting up with him in Baldur's Gate. He handed a psionic detector to Tav so that when the gith come hunting, it will alert Tav to their presence. Voss mentioned that he would mislead the Githyanki inquisition to search for Tav and her group elsewhere in the meantime. His parting words were to protect the artefact at all costs, and he promptly left through the portal once more.

There were sighs and grumbles of relief amongst them. Tav pushed them onwards back to Moonhaven where they know it's safe to camp. Halsin promptly offered to liaise with the Grove once again to send winged aid in the form of supplies. Tomorrow they'll set out for the Shadow Cursed lands via the Underdark.




Nyx was gazing up at the twinkling black roof above her. They had made it back to Moonhaven and everyone retired early. Nyx tried to sleep, but persistent invasive thoughts wouldn't leave her. Later she wondered off to the natural lookout point she had visited so many times before. She was trying to calm her frayed nerves and ease her pestering doubts. Unfortunately, she wasn't making much progress with either.

Solitude, silence and contemplative thought were some of her oldest friends and she consoled in them often. However, they remained laced with her brutal honesty, and they tended to be relentless at times. Her meditative techniques helped to settle them down when they got too noisy, but when things felt so far out of her control, like recent events, they tended to use her meditative techniques to point out how she wasn't dealing with problems appropriately. In this instance they weren't helping her solve any either. And she was exhausted, but they wouldn't just let her rest.

Some friends you are, she sighed and rubbed her forehead. She wilfully ignored them by distracting herself with the surrounding night's sights and sounds. Then extended her magic whiskers, trying to wrap them around the nearby trees.


She was relieved when she felt his presence. Held her breath for a moment, listening for his footsteps. His silhouette came into view, and he halted looking down at her. She smiled up at him warmly while her vision picked out his features. He tilted his head and crossed his arms, regarding her.

She stated evenly, "You look more like yourself. Good hunting?"

He shifted his weight and lilted, "I feel more myself too, which is why I'm upset with you."

What? Why?, Nyx blinked up at him in confusion then recognized the mischief in his eyes. She narrowed hers in amused suspicion, but searched her memory nonetheless, Ah.

She ventured, "Is this about the mace?"

"Yes", he closed his eyes and stuck his nose in the air. Nyx suppressed a rapid succession of facial expressions including a smile, a snort and rolling eyes.

Hmm, I was a bit hasty with my conclusion though.

"I see", she said evenly and provided sincerely, "I am sorry I accused you of stealing before hearing you out."

He glanced at her with one eye and with a growing smirk lulled, "Thank you, my dear, you are forgiven. I suppose everyone makes mistakes."

She bit her lip and quipped, "Except you I take it."

"But of course," he lazily touched his chest and winked at her. She allowed herself to snort.

She grinned as he settled himself next to her, lying down perpendicular to her direction. She turned on her side and propped her head onto her fist. His head was closest to her, positioned at her midsection. His feet were crossed, his hands laced on his chest and his eyes were closed. She smiled to herself.

He shifted and notified her, "And I am feeling generous enough to let you touch my hair."

She briefly covered her smiling mouth with her hand then chuckled and conceded, "Very gracious indeed."

"I know", he agreed, eyes still closed.

She rolled her eyes and reached out to him. Brushing his hair with her fingers, a lingering smile on her lips.


She enjoyed the simplicity of it. Her eyes following the movement of her fingers through his hair. After a while he asked her, "Nyx, my sweet, I've been meaning to ask you about the drow."

She glanced at the tree line ahead, and her hand paused considering.

I do owe him some answers.

She continued combing his hair and replied, "What would you like to know?"

She gently applied pressure to his scalp with her forefingers moving towards his hairline. Her fingers followed his hairline towards his left temple and around his ear.

He sighed appreciatively and lulled his question, "Who is Streeaka Valsharess'uh?"

She returned her hand to his forehead and repeated the motions to the right side of his head steering clear of his face and keeping to where he was comfortable with her touch. She wasn't sure how much Drowic he knew, but the elven languages shared some common root words - likely how he deduced that it refers to a person. She decided on how much she was willing to share given her frazzled state.

As long as I keep to the facts, everything should be fine.

Nyx took a steadying breath and answered without emotion, "She is the matron of her house and one of the supreme sorceresses to Lolth." He opened his eyes and stared unfocused before him while she continued.

"Similar to high priestesses, she serves Lolth using her magic abilities instead of worship. She prides herself in…", Nyx paused for a moment, and he waited patiently. She finished, "In magical experimentation."

Nyx sighed and added plainly, "You are in the presence of one of those experiments."

He turned his head to her then, unblinking, searching her face. She didn't look at him, trying to sort her thoughts, chewing the inside of her cheek.

Astarion ventured, "Hence, the asset part."

Nyx grimaced, "Yes", then looked him in the eyes.

He regarded her inquisitively and probed cautiously, "How do you know all of this?"

Nyx smirked and tapped the side of her head, "We are connected in a way."

He frowned and she elaborated, "She can speak to me when my mental defences are down. She did so constantly when my magic started to mature as a child. Tried to", Nyx was threading into dangerous territory now, "break my mind."

Nyx could feel the black tendrils stir. She blinked, shaking her head slightly then closed her eyes to focus on her breathing. He remained silent until she opened her eyes to gauge his reaction. He was merely watching her, but there was no judgement. She wasn't sure what he was thinking; he seemed curious almost and putting a few things together for himself.

He asked her a completely unexpected question, "Do you know where she is?"

Nyx didn't answer immediately, caught off guard as to why that question would be on the forefront of his mind given the long list of other possibilities.

She answered honestly, "No", and narrowed her eyes considering, "Not for a lack of trying though. Clive and myself have not been able to gather anything else on her, other than what she told me."

"Not Menzoberranzan?"

She shrugged, "The Underdark is vast, who knows where she could be. It is anyone's guess at this point."

She is also protected, more so than the average drow matron or sorceress.

She asked him instead, "Why?"

He flashed her a grin, "Isn't it obvious, my dear? I was planning on paying her a visit considering you're going to 'stick a hot poker into Cazador's eye'", her own grin was spreading while he explained, "I thought I could return the favour in person."

Nyx burst out laughing and he grinned at her sideways.


She enjoyed that far more than she should have. She smiled at him and remarked, "I will have to settle for helping you with Cazador."

His grin became predatory, "You have some more ideas then? Do share, sweetness."

She pursed her lips and began, "Scalping has joined the list.", dark delight past behind his eyes and she continued, "Come to think of it. There is a book in the Baldur's Gate library detailing highly disturbing, but ingenious drowic torture techniques."

He almost squirmed with enthusiasm then pouted suddenly, "Wait. Why have I not seen this book before? I've practically read every one in there. Well, all the interesting ones at least."

Nyx gave him a coy smile, "Oh, that is because I found that book and lent it to the library. They've sealed it away because of its contents, however as its benefactor, I'm allowed access to it whenever I please."

Nyx was astounded that his expression could become even more predatory, and he pointed to her, "And you are going to share this with me, yes?", now pointing to himself.

She chuckled and leaned over to him, "But of course", and gave him a peck on the forehead. A small appreciative sound escaped the back of his throat. She pulled away and remarked at his almost sheepish expression.


He blinked at her.


Her mind finally caught up with her nose and she recounted his scent, "Sweet alcohol, bitter orange and rosemary."

An amused sly smile crept onto his face, and she recited, "'Rosemary for remembrance'", then used a Tufani term, "Erenerhym."

He gave her a quizzical eyebrow and she mirrored it back, since it reminded her of something else, "You said you followed clues to the mace?"

He tilted his head then boasted about how he found a journal belonging to a monk that detailed how to access Lathander's holy relic. She nodded and placed a finger to her lips, lifting it between sentences, "And where was this journal?"

"In a locked chest", he was grinning again.

"And where was this chest?"

"Behind a locked door."

"Hmm-mmm. And they keys to these were?"

He scoffed pretending to be affronted at her line of questioning, "My lockpicks, darling. What else?"

"Ah", she concluded and grinned back at him with a knowing smirk that he did indeed repossess the mace, albeit indirectly.

"Cheeky little detective."



Latin incantation

Uro: to burn, consume, inflame


So, if you think about it. There is a huge amount of story (especially backstory and character development) left out of the game. So much so that it can get overwhelming to decide what to write about. Now this is not a dig at the game, otherwise I won't be so inspired by it all to write a longform fanfiction about it. And there is only so much time and budget for any given project.
However, it does leave a lot to be filled in, which in this case is good. Because, now I get to explore some of that - especially in terms of difficult and uneasy topics. Which is when I also realize why you don't see these topics handled often in mainstream writing/media either... it gets dark and uncomfortable - and its hard to write, and the writing's ability to create understanding can go off the deep end quite quickly. Like sand through your fingers...

Anyway, I was very very tempted with the line: "One does not simply walk into Menzoberranzan"

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