Chapter 18: Night Time Prowling

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Early chapter Astarion POV.


Nyx was walking and musing.

About? Well, everything.

Mulling, churning, and turning the events of the past few days over in her head. Trying to piece together all of the information, seeing how they relate to one another. Where they overlap, connect and string together to form patterns. Stitching together the patterns into larger pieces, ribbons of information like a tapestry.

She had several of the ribbons and a portion of the tapestry, but some of was it missing, vague, uninformed. She needs several key pieces of information and then it may lift the fog that obscured so much of the picture. Perhaps tomorrow they'll find out more about the different players and why they are playing this game. Then maybe she can start to make more sense of all her questions and understand the true purpose behind it all.

Whether I stay or leave...

There were so many questions. Nyx ought to put a few of them to Clive next time for him to chew on as well.

Why is Raphael so interested in their tadpoles? What would he want with mind flayer tadpoles anyway? They won't be of any value to him, surely - special tadpoles or no.

Why are these people following this 'Absolute' so willingly, so zealously? What does the 'Absolute' offer that the other divine denizens don't? Is it only brute psionic control?

Why is the 'Absolute' using mind flayer tadpoles?

How does the artifact protect them from the 'Absolute'?

Why is the artifact protecting them from the 'Absolute'? Is it just an automatic response to the 'Absolute'? If so, who created it and why?


She was so caught up in her thoughts, by the time she realized how far she had wondered off from Moonhaven, she found herself at the edge of the forest. Barely within the confines of the forest she looked upon a changing landscape before her of cliffs and overhangs. The sun was turning orange.

She put the swimming puzzle pieces away and turned around only to freeze in place once more. She was staring into large eyes; reflecting green mirrors between the darkening trees.

Abyss take me, the animal gave a low growling squawk.

An owlbear, dammit Nyx!

Nyx's eyes darted around for a way out, the cliffs where practically at her back, so the only way out was forward. She looked left and then right, spotting another pair of reflective green eyes closer to the ground to the right of the first set.

Mother and cub! By the abyss! How did I not hear them?

Before she could decide what to do, the mother scraped her claws through the soil and lunged at Nyx. The mother was a huge animal, and one lunge could easily clear the length of a house.

Nyx had already primed her legs with her magic. She dove to the left of the mother, away from the cub. She managed to avoid being completely pinned by the mother, but the owlbear's claws gouged across her back and her arm, sending Nyx into a flailing roll.

She reoriented as best as she could and rolled into a stumbling run. The mother owlbear swerved hot on Nyx's heels. Nyx was a fast runner, especially when applying her magic. The problem was that speed alone in a forest was useless, between the trees, rocks and other plants, the terrain has too many obstacles. Obstacles that slow down owlbear prey significantly. But the owlbear themselves? Not so much, since they just plough through or over any obstructions. Fortunately, Nyx's arm was only bleeding and still functional. The owlbear crashed through the collection of fallen trees Nyx had sprinted over sending pieces of bark raining onto Nyx while she dodged more swinging claws. Nyx focused her magic on both her legs and arms, focusing on finding a gap between swings to dart through.

The Tufani rangers and hunters developed a technique for running in the woods. It could be used to chase down prey, but Nyx didn't apply it in this way at all. The technique was equally valid when used to flee in the midst of being hunted yourself. Thus, while Nyx ran, she vaulted, slid, dove and, rolled - over, past, through and, under the terrain and its obstacles.

Never look back. It steals precious seconds. Keep your eyes on the next hurdle, Nyx recited their words in her head as she focused on her movements and the connection of her limbs with the objects that needed to be traversed. She was gaining distance between her and the sounds of the mother owlbear behind her. She matched her breathing to her movements, and kept running, even after she could no longer hear the mother's pursuit anymore.


--- --- ---


Astarion was finishing his hunt. Licking a few stray smears of blood from his fingers. He turned his head slightly when he heard the distant roaring screech of an owlbear. He paid it little heed; he had picked up on the mother and her cub's scent earlier and made sure to give them a wide berth.

Seems the mother is having a good night as well, he smirked.

He stood for a moment and listened to the other forest sounds. Then he heard more crashing in the direction of the owlbears. He was downwind from them and could smell the mother's fury.

What in the nine hells?

He turned around fully, the mother was chasing something, he could hear the sounds of her heavy footfalls bounding off the trees. He tilted his head and tracked the noises of pursuit with one ear, looking at the ground. Concentrating he heard another set of footfalls; bipedal.

Who is the mother chas-, his attention snapped when his nostrils flared. Blood. His body was moving of its own accord before he even fully recognized it as Nyx's.


He ran in the same direction as Nyx, following a diagonal interception path. Astarion could hear the mother bear halt her chase, yet Nyx kept running. And fast, She must be using her magic, he concluded as he continued to sprint after her following her trail.

Astarion had to give it to her, Her instincts regarding survival are commendable.

Nyx was slowing down, and he adjusted his pace to match. She was well out of the mother owlbear's range, both in terms of the physical distance and her scent trail. He jogged for a little longer, tracking her on a more meandering route towards a nearby stream.


He halted when she came into view. She was standing at the edge of the water in her leather bandeau under armour. Her leather tunic, lay blood soaked and ripped on top of a rock nearby. Her shoulders and arms were bare, it was the most exposed skin Astarion had ever seen on her.

There were three jagged claw marks running horizontally across her left shoulder, starting at her left shoulder blade, travelling towards her left arm. A single line continued along her left arm and stopped halfway down her upper arm. The wounds didn't seem deep or lethal, but the dark glistening rivulets of blood charting a map down her moonlit silver skin was something to behold. Astarion's hunger grew, regardless of just having fed. He desperately wanted to be reminded of the taste of her blood. A sudden overwhelming yearning for it.


--- --- ---


What a mess!, Nyx scolded herself for being so distracted, I know better than to go wondering into the beak of an owlbear. With a cub no less!

The wounds were manageable, but due to all her exertions during the escape, her tunic and bandeau were a bloody nuisance. She couldn't see properly behind her back and her hair had come partially undone. Her sad braided bun dangling from her head with some of its strands bloodied and soiled.

She huffed, annoyed at herself, the blood, her inability to properly see how to heal the wounds, and her hair was getting in the way. She reached for her hunting knife in the small of her back and with a grimace she collected her hair with her left hand. In one swift movement she unceremoniously cut her braided bun off, discarding the hair to the ground below.

Much better, she sighed, shook her head, and rolled her shoulders.

"Do you need some assistance, darling?"


Nyx's heart lurched into her throat, and she spun around, "Abyss take you, Astarion! Could you not sneak up on me when I've just been attacked by an owlbear!"

She glared at him smirking from the trees. Turned back to her healing, clicking her tongue. She reached her right hand over her left shoulder. Running her fingers along the claw marks to heal them. There was so much blood; it ran down her left arm and dripped on the ground from her fingers.

Then she heard him step up right behind her and she froze, Shit!

She was so focused on healing herself, she completely forgot how the blood could be affecting him. His wry chuckle came next to her left ear, "Relax, my dear. I'm not going to bite. I'm here to help."


Before she could ask what exactly he meant by that, he placed one hand on her waist. She stopped moving again and held her breath, What is he doing!?

Her heart hammered and she heard him take in a deep breath next to her ear. She turned her head slowly to him. His face was above her shoulder, his eyes closed and he breathed her in again.

He took another step closer and placed his other hand on the unbloodied part of her shoulder. He brought his lips to her skin, alarmed she started to raise her magic hackles.

His eyes fluttered open and he regarded her out of the corner of his eye with a lopsided grin.

He purred low, "Come now, there is no need for that, darling. I'm only helping you get cleaned up."

He paused, still grinning, and lulled at her, "Unless, you want me to stop?"

She remembered how he held her after she almost fell into the temple's depths. How good it felt to have someone hold her so close after so many years.

How handsome he was in that moment. Like he is now. The smoke in her started to smoulder at his prolonged touch and closeness.

"No, don't stop", her lips whispered by themselves. Before she could think better of it, he closed his mouth over the blood on her skin, between her neck and her shoulder. She held her breath.


He ran his tongue along the length of her neckline towards her shoulder. He wrapped his mouth around her shoulder at the gathered blood there. Initially, Nyx was sure she was imagining the whole situation - Surely this is not happening. Surely, I did not agree to this decidedly stupid thing.

Heat rose in her body and her breath hitched as he gripped her tighter around her waist. He continued trailing his tongue down her shoulder blade.

It feels, wonderful, a small shiver released the tension in her shoulders, and he smiled against her skin.

"Hello, beautiful.", he breathed. And for the first time in decades, Astarion started to stoke a fire in her that she had forsaken so long ago.

He gripped her wrist with his left hand and raised her arm to his mouth so he could continue his tracking of the rivulets of blood along her arm. His tongue brushed over the bloodied skin of her upper arm and his lips caressed the drops at her elbow. Her heat rising as his mouth went.

He let go of her waist and stepped to her left; his right hand holding her upper arm.

She watched him with a smouldering hooded gaze while he lowered her arm tracking the blood towards her hand. His eyes were closed, and he had that same slight frown on his face like the first night she had offered him her blood. He held the back of her hand in his slender fingers and slowly lapped at the blood in her palm.

Then he opened his dark eyes. He was fully consumed by the blood spell and continued to lick her fingers. He turned her outstretched arm around and towards him. Brought her fingers to his lips and nipped at the drops on the end of three of her fingers, finishing with her index finger.

He motioned to lower his hands from hers, but before he could pull his lips away - she caught him with her curled index finger, hooking it over his bottom teeth. He froze and his eyes widened for a brief moment followed by that wicked grin spreading on his lips.


Her eyes were focused on that mouth of his, and how luscious his lips felt on her skin. How she won't mind having more of it, In all kinds of other ways. She glanced up at him. He had a knowing look in his eyes, and he bit down lightly on her finger. Creating pressure on her finger, but not drawing any blood. She blinked; the haze of lust dropping like a curtain.

What am I doing!?

She suddenly registered that she had her finger in the mouth of a vampire spawn and released him, retrieving her arm. She rested her hands against her chest.

She cleared her throat and glanced at the ground. She was unsure of what to say.

What could she say?

Thank you for licking me clean?, she scoffed at herself mentally and could feel the heat of a blush creep into her cheeks. The mortifying blush spread onto the tips of her ears while she replayed the whole encounter in her head.

She turned her face away from him and he tutted, "You do realize that I can smell that delicious blush of yours, darling."

That made everything even worse; now her face and ears felt like they were on fire, not to mention the rest of her body.

"Jerk", she said under her breath, and he chuckled again.


She was trying her utmost to think of something else, other than how intimate that actually was.

By the abyss, I'm blushing like some sort of teenager!

She ran a hand over her face and glanced at her bloody tunic, then to the discarded hair on the ground. Her body started to cool down and she wash her face to help the process along. Wetting her hair with some water and combing out whatever bits were still lodged there with her fingers. She checked her left arm. However, Astarion was rather... Ahem, thorough...

But her back felt sticky where her bandeau met her skin.

I'll have to get back to camp to do a proper wash and repair, she observed.

She stood and turned to find Astarion was still watching her with that smug expression of his.

Fortunately, she had cooled herself down enough both in body and mind that she could behave like herself again instead of a bashful teenager.

He shifted his weight onto one leg, tilted his head and regarded her, "If you don't mind, my dear. I do have other matters to attend to.", he lilted, and he turned.

He paused and lulled over his shoulder, "I do hope we make this a regular arrangement", and disappeared into the shadows.


She was frowning after him and blew out her breath.

Regular arrangement?, she didn't want to humour her imagination and reminded herself that he is a vampire spawn who was literally out looking for blood.

Don't read too much into it. And, don't indulge in it again, she reprimanded herself, Getting any more... involved with him - or whatever that was - is an unbelievably bad idea. In so many ways. So many.

Her thoughts returned to that lovely mouth of his, Stop it!, she wanted to smack herself.

She instead concentrated on burying her discarded hair, folding up her tunic and returning to camp. She thanked small mercies for not having to hunt tonight. She'll likely stay in camp for the rest of tonight, lest the owlbear mother decided to find her in the woods again and finish her off by having her for dinner.




Nyx was met with a glaring Shadowheart outside her tent. Nyx wasn't sure why she was receiving the evil eye from Shadowheart.

That right is usually reserved for Lae'zel.

Nyx eyed her sideways leaning back, “Err, can I help you?”

“Why is your hair like that?”, she demanded.

Nyx raised her eyebrows, “I got attacked and it was in the way. So, I cut it…” Nyx paused when her explanation seemed to unexpectedly strengthen Shadowheart's glower.

Did she not hear that I was attacked?

Nyx finished her statement as a question in a small voice, “...with my hunting knife?”

Obviously", only Shadowheart could make a single word sound like an insult, "I want to know why you're wearing it like that.”, she pointed at her own hair.

Nyx frowned and Shadowheart continued before she could answer, “It doesn't suit your face at all."

Nyx blinked and Shadowheart waved towards the campfire, "Go make yourself comfortable at the fire, I’ll fix it.”

Nyx blinked again, That was not what I was expecting at all. Nyx pressed her lips together and watched Shadowheart stomp off to her tent.


Nyx found Karlach at the campfire keeping Gale company. Nyx did as she was told and took a seat on the log.

“Woah. New look, eh?", Karlach grinned at her, "They say a change is as good as a holiday.”

Nyx nodded with a serious expression and Gale quipped, “ So, why do you look like you're sitting in the principal’s office?”

“That's because I am.”, Nyx said dryly, and they looked confused. Before they could ask, a determined Shadowheart appeared with a pair of scissors and a comb in hand. Her face set in a frown while she walked over to Nyx. The other two's eyes widened, and they watched in silence as Shadowheart instructed Nyx to keep still while she 'fixed the atrocity that is her hair.'

Nyx sat perfectly still, almost holding her breath while Shadowheart continued her work. At some point she was staring into Shadowheart's face. Nyx noticed the translucent green of her eyes, the lightest peppering of freckles across her nose and the faded scar travelling to her cheek.

I wonder how she got that.

"So", Karlach started from her seat, "You going for the Twin Fringe look?", and guffawed. Gale joined in with a snicker.

Nyx snorted at the remark, receiving a glare as well after Shadowheart turned her head back from Karlach.

Nyx ignored the glare, "I prefer not to have my hair in my face or eyes. It gets in the way during hunting and battles."

"Always the pragmatist.", Shadowheart observed.

Nyx wasn't sure whether it was a compliment or an insult, so she just shrugged her shoulders.

"Anything else?", Shadowheart asked with a tilted head, appraising Nyx's hair.

"No, that's it. Do what you like.", Nyx replied genuinely.

Shadowheart had the faint smirk, but her eyes shone with delight.


Karlach and Gale looked on with interest as Shadowheart finished 'her vision'. Shadowheart steeped back to admire her work while Nyx ran a hand through her hair. Shadowheart had cut open her ears, shortening her hair at the sides of hear head and at the back of her skull, leaving it longer hair at the top of her head.

Nyx inclined her head to Shadowheart, "Very practical", she smirked and thanked her.

"Practical and stylish.", Shadowheart corrected and informed them that it was called a 'pixie cut'.

Karlach guffawed again, "Now you're, Nyxie the Pixie."

Nyx gave her a flat look while the others snickered. Nyx replied with a lopsided smile, "You honestly think you're the first to come up with that one?"

"Aw. I'm still going to use it though.", Karlach warned with mischief in her eyes.

Nyx snorted.

Shadowheart gestured with her comb, "What exactly attacked you, to spur you on to do that to your hair?"

The other two's eyebrows climbed into their hairlines. They blurted various questions along the lines of 'When?' and 'Why didn't you say anything?'.

Nyx glanced at them, "I was distracted and an owlbear mother took offense at me minding my business where she and her cub wanted to walk."

They stared at her, mouths agape.


Gale breathed, "By Ahghairon's lost nose and you killed them by yourself?!"

"What?! No!", Nyx exclaimed throwing her hands in the air, shocked at the suggestion that she'd kill an owlbear mother and her cub, "I don't maim or kill animals for doing what's in their nature. I was the one who shouldn't have been distracted.", she put her hand on her chest and continued, "I removed myself from the situation by running like an angry demon-possessed owlbear mother was after me. She clawed me along the way and there was a lot of blood. My hair was in the way afterwards while I was trying to heal myself.", she finished by gesturing how she cut her hair off.

They were relieved at her confession of sparing the owlbears.

Honestly, what do you think of me?, Nyx furrowed her brow.

Karlach blew out a breath, "I'm glad you, and the owlbears, remained in one piece."

Nyx made a face, "You and me both."


"It was a wretched amount of noise. I am surprised you lot didn't hear it in, all the way to camp.", Astarion lulled behind Nyx.

The others glanced at him, and Gale regarded him askance, "And you didn't see it fit to help while out on your 'nightly stroll'?"

Astarion moved to stand next to Nyx's log, and she looked up at him. He shrugged, "She had escaped the mother's clutches by the time I could intervene."

He looked down at her and tilted his head, "I like the new look, my dear", he said while blatantly staring at her neck instead of looking at her hair. Nyx crossed her arms and gave him a raised eyebrow setting her mouth in a line.

He smiled slyly and brushed his hair with his hand, "Not as good as mine though".

Nyx and Shadowheart rolled their eyes in unison.

Gale smiled into the cooking pot, "True. Your crown is the gloriest of them all."

Karlach quipped, "You mean mop."

"Excuse me?", Astarion lulled next to Nyx and said with a pointed finger onto Karlach, "In comparison to your, horse's mane?"

Karlach guffawed and he drifted past her towards his tent.

Nyx chuckled and said dryly, "Heaven's forbid what the monsters would think if we entered battle looking like unkept slobs."

That garnered her some snorts and laugher from the others.  Nyx listened to the others banter and chat about their lives 'before the parasites' until dinner was served.




Tav had given them a brief update on Operation Camp Gob while they gathered at the campfire:

Shadowheart, Gale and herself have managed to 'procure' several letters indicating some larger military operation at 'Moonrise towers'. Through their continued communication with the druid scouts they have confirmed Halsin's location deep inside the temple. He was being kept (or trapped) in a cage in his bear form along with some worgs. Tav also mentioned Zhentarim hanging about the temple, and she didn't like their involvement in whatever was going on.

With the more recent 'repossessed' blueprints Tav was confident she knows the exact location of Halsin and how to get there. Additionally, the temple seemed to be built on top of a natural entrance to the Underdark, which is likely the route the 'prisoner escort' took earlier that day. However, this route will not be scouted by the druids and doesn't provide other strategic advantages.

Lae'zel, Karlach and Wyll have determined that the camp was mostly goblins, one maybe two ogres, a handful of drow. Most importantly, there were three main leaders. Tav confirmed speaking to them herself as well. They call themselves 'True Souls', as they have similar tadpoles to the ones all those in present company also possess. The 'True Souls' include a goblin priestess, a hobgoblin warrior, and their boss; another drow known as Minthara.

Goblin war drums were noted and Tav had already asked the druid helpers to look into dismantling these.

Tav mentioned she saved the best for last. It turns out, Karlach has recruited the two spiders kept in a pit at the centre of the temple. The spiders agreed to 'incapacitate' anyone who'd took an unfortunate tumble into their pit, on condition that they be set free afterwards.

Everyone was either impressed or shocked at the new arachnid allegiance. Wyll applauded and the rest joined in. Karlach was grinning like a maniac all the while.




Tav was frowning while eating. Gale remarked how her face would freeze in that position by the time she finished eating. She gave a good laugh and said she was trying to work something out. The rest perked up their ears.

"I was thinking of some crowd control strategies", she started then finished chewing before she continued, "Like spiking their booze barrels, but I don't know what to use. I don't want something like a poison; it would alert the others too quickly. Any ideas?"

Gale suggested,  "Sleep potions?"

Tav frowned again and shook her head, "Not enough stock for the number of goblins, and not enough provisions to make the number we'd need."

Nyx was squinting at the fire, searching her mental library, and cross-referencing with what she knew she had in her personal stock supplies. She prided herself at being prepared for almost anything.

Tav elaborated, "I want something that will make them seem like they 'passed out' from drink, but sooner, but not too soon to arouse suspicion. Then it kills them a little later. Like a, slow acting sleepy poison."

There were chuckles and snorts at Tav's 'mass assassination plan'. They continued eating and thinking on it.

Gale spoke again, "The best I have is a paralytic potion, but I don't think I have enough ingredients for an en-mass one. Poisons aren't exactly my specialty. It's not like I needed to poison my fellow wizards to get ahead, my genius took care of that."

There were chuckles at his 'humble' statement. Tav gave Shadowheart a questioning look to which she shook her head in the negative explaining that she was good at healing not poisoning. She remarked that the latter was left to the head poisoner of her cloister.

Nyx had figured out a recipe in her head by that time and announced, "I may have something."


Tav grinned while she listened to Nyx explain her idea.

"Theoretically.", Nyx started and then said onto Gale, "Gale, even if you're not an expert in poisons I'd like you to check my calculations.", and she received raised eyebrows in return.

She continued, "I'd need small amounts of Belladona and Henbane, mixed with the appropriate carrier, selective amplifiers and depressants. Alcohol should take care of the carrier and depressant part."

She received more raised eyebrows and wide eyes as she elaborated further, "Henbane should mimic the effects of drunkenness and usher them into a sleep like state. Belladona's lethal effects can be delayed by a few hours. If I get it right, it should knock them out and kill them slowly over the course of a few hours without them even knowing it."

There was a long silence and a few gaping mouths. Tav's grin spread even wider, "No one none the wiser, all the while we get away with mass murder", and her eyes sparkled with unsettling glee.

Karlach glanced at her uneaten food, up at Tav and then back at Nyx, "Remind me, never to get on either of your bad sides.", she stated pointing with her spoon between them.

Gale followed with, "That is disturbingly brilliant."

Shadowheart mused with a smirk, "My cloister's head poisoner would be very interested in that recipe."

Nyx laughed and quoted, "'It is the dose that makes the poison.'", both Shadowheart and Gale nodded at that.


Nyx confirmed that she'll be able to create enough of the mixture, either as a potion or powder, to 'usher' the entire camp into a lasting sleep. However, it must be consumed orally to take effect. Thus, spiking of the 'booze barrel' remains the best way to distribute it quickly and widely. Tav and the others discussed a few other ideas after dinner then Nyx excused herself to work on her 'calculations'. Before she left, she said onto Gale that he should expect her calculations for review, early in the morrow. Subsequently, she'll brew the 'lethal sleep potions' in time for the party come nightfall. After she completed her research in her tent, she put together a recipe and retired for the evening.



FYI: Nyx was doing 'forest parkour' to get away from the owlbear. I did some research around the parkour/traceur vs. freerunning (and its debate, albeit deflated lately). I didn't want to get bogged down in semantics so I decided to loosely describe the technique instead.

Per usual disclaimer: Henbane and Belladona are real poisons - so don't be doing things with them. It would be regretful.

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