Chapter 19: No Party like a Goblin Party

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Tav POV mid chapter


It was the culminating morning to Operation Camp Gob. Nyx awoke to noises flitting up from the goblin camp. 

Seems like the goblins are not wasting any time getting the party started, Nyx yawned in her gloomy tent. 

She got herself up and continued with her usual morning ritual, but lengthening her meditation time and reinforcing all her mental and magical defences. Afterwards she sought out Gale and handed him her recipe to double check her assumptions. She waited while he frowned at the recipe with his hand on his chin and a finger on his lips. He nodded while his eyes made their way down the paper. He took a breath to speak. 

"A few suggestions", he said with a raised finger and he looked at her with a smirk. 

"Suggest away", she replied. 

He recommended minor adjustments to the amplifiers and the addition of another herbal depressant, "Just a pinch.", he gestured with his index finger and thumb, "It would prolong both the symptoms of drunkenness and the decline into deadly sleep." 

Nyx took the paper back and nodded while he detailed the amounts, pointing along the recipe.  

She let out a perturbed breath, "Wow", she glanced at his beaming face and back at the paper, "What have we done?" 

"Created a masterpiece!", he announced chippering, "Come let's setup over here!" 

He hurried to make a space to start with 'the masterpiece' near the campfire. Nyx was amused at his enthusiasm for the deadly concoction, but in his case, it was the academic journey of it that excited him the most.  

Nyx stared at the recipe a bit longer with reservation then announced, "I'll start working on the antidote too."




Preparations were moving swiftly. Tav organized the druids to confirm that the war drums have been disabled, Halsin's status remained the same, that the spiders were eager for goblin blood, and that the druids were willing to assist with spiking the party-goers' drinks at Tav's behest. 

Nyx had setup her field alchemical kit for the poison brewing. It wasn't to Gale's 'high standards', which Nyx rolled her eyes at, but they dare not use their healing potion equipment.  

Keeps everyone alive that way. 

Nyx prepared the poison, while Gale focused on the antidote (and he could use his own 'fancy' alchemical kit).  

Karlach took the opportunity to recruit Wyll to assist her in looking for the infernal iron that Dammon mentioned. Shadowheart joined in and they followed Wyll's nose into Moonhaven proper. They returned shortly after to procure Astarion's lock picking 'services' to an abandoned black smith and the four of them set out again. 

Lae'zel thought it apt to gnaw at both Nyx and Gale's patience by sharpening every conceivable blade in camp on her grinding wheel. 

By the Abyss. How many blades does she have? Or is she sharpening spoons by now?, Nyx set her mouth in a line and received a understanding smirk from Gale. Nyx mumbled to Gale that she would like to rattle Lae'zel's helmeted head on that wheel then perhaps she'll appreciate what it's doing to Nyx's. That elicited a conspiratorial conversation with Gale on how to potentially dismantle the offending contraption without being caught. They snickered while they worked.


Nyx and Gale agreed to create two version of both the poison and the antidote. A distilled liquid version as well as a powdered version. The powdered ones would fit easily into small vessels for the druids to carry in their animal shapes. Larger distilled ones were to be distributed amongst the rest of the group, especially the antidote. They made sure to make far more antidote than necessary. 

Lae'zel had blessed them with sweet silence. Gale amused Nyx with tales from his years at the Blackstaff Academy seeing as the alchemical kit had made him nostalgic. 

"It was a truly inspired idea. The only problem was the execution. Let's just say I wasn't as thorough with my calculations as I should have been.", he started to pre-emptively chuckle at whatever the result of his shenanigans were. 

Nyx quipped with a smile, "What could possibly go wrong with turning a wall invisible in your room for a more panoramic view of the city?" 

"That was my thoughts exactly!", he gestured with an open hand then scratched the side of his head, "But I, uh, overestimated how much magic it would require." 

"Oh, no. Did you turn your whole room invisible?" 

"Even worse! The entire floor's walls disappeared and each of the occupants inside their rooms were made visible for all the world to see.", he made a swooping motion with his hand and enunciated with despair, "Unfortunately, this included the communal bathrooms." 

Nyx covered her mouth with her hand and snickered at the mental image in her head. She remarked with a chuckle, "Rather revealing?" 

"Faaarrr too much, believe me!", he made shaking jazz hands in the air, "The dorm supervisor was utterly appalled at the sight. For more reasons other than my spell revealing what was in the bathrooms that's for sure.", he chuckled and gave her a knowing look and suggestively waggled his eyebrows. 

Nyx burst out laughing, it doesn't take too much imagine what a bunch of adolescent wizards and sorceresses where up to in their respective rooms when Gale decided to 'reveal all' at that time, on a rainy night, over a weekend no less. 

She grinned at him and mentioned, "Your stories would make for great reading." 

Gale snapped his head to her with raised eyebrows then a scheming furrow creased his brow, "Another inspired idea! I can see it now: Gale of Waterdeep's Magical Adventures.", he gestured with an outstretched hand to the air above him as he envisioned the title. 

She imitated his gesture, "You mean; Magical Misadventures of Gale the Misfit", she quipped with laughter in her eyes. 

"Hey! That's just. Mean!", he said with feigned exasperated offense, clutching his chest with one hand over his heart. 

Nyx chuckled, and listened smiling as he 'tried out' some other titles for 'his book.'




Nyx decided to follow Lae'zel's example and sharpen her own knives - though with far less disturbance to the peace. Her knives weren't meant for a grinding wheel, but rather the subtle art of whetting. First, she sharpened them using an oil stone, gliding the knives across to create their initial edge. Then comes the water stones of increasing grit for a finer edge. She finishes the ritual off by using a paste and hones the blades between her fingertips into a glistening polish, sharp enough to split a strand of hair. 

"An inefficient means to sharpen a blade." 

Nyx's heart almost lurched out of her mouth. Fortunately she managed to keep the rest of herself still and seated, lest she cut herself. She was so engrossed in the process she didn't hear Lae'zel come to stand behind her to watch.  

She turned to regard Lae'zel over her shoulder, "It's not about efficiency. It's a ritual about learning how to achieve the sharpest edge, for the blade, the mind and the soul." 

"Chk! We have superior methods to sharpen each of those without the", she paused looking down at all of Nyx's equipment, "decadence." 

Nyx sighed internally, she was not going to try to explain the thousand year cultural practice of monastic blade sharpening to a Githyanki who barely sees the point in letting most people who cross her path continue to breathe. 

Nyx returned her focus to her blades and provided evenly instead, "It'll do for the upcoming battle." 

"That remains to be seen.", Lae'zel replied curtly and she receded with clanking footsteps. 

She shook her head, It has been for the past couple of battles, if I remember correctly.


Sometime later she heard the other's return from their infernal metal hunt. She turned to them while wiping her blades down. By the wide triumphant grin on Karlach's face, it seemed to have been successful. Karlach waved the piece of metal above her head for Nyx to see, "Yeah! We got it! Wyll's like a hellion bloodhound. No wonder he was such a pain in my ass!" 

Nyx laughed and called back, "Good to know he's on our side now!", that garnered whoops from both Karlach and Wyll with a smiling Shadowheart trailing behind.


Tav joined the rest of them at the campfire. Everyone was accounted for except one. Tav looked around, "Where has Astarion gone off to now?" 

Karlach shrugged, "He said he wanted to 'check something out' after picking the black-smithy lock and disappeared." 

Tav hmmed and continued in a serious tone, "We have reports from the druids that the goblins and drow are intent to take the Grove in two days’ time." 

They shared looks of surprise and concern with each other and Wyll spoke up, "Then we have even more incentive to ensure that we are successful tonight." There were nods and sounds of agreement all round. 

Tav set her jaw with determination, "We'll set out just after midday and discuss the best strategy enroute."




They have gathered at the opposite exit of Moonhaven, closest to the goblin camp. Nyx smirked with amusement as Karlach danced in place while they waited. Nyx was nervous too and a percussive tune with clear rhythm started to play in Nyx's mind then she joined Karlach with a few moves of her own. Karlach guffawed and wore a shit eating grin as they each did a loose dance to whatever unheard music they had in their heads. 

Wyll walked over with a grin as wide as Karlach's while watching the show, "If we survive this, we should ask Tav to play some music for our own dance party.", he chuckled when they finished. He gave them a good-natured applause, they bowed and laughed. He addressed Karlach and Nyx in turn, "Your movements are interesting, but no offense Karlach, they seem mostly made up", and she shrugged at the comment unaffected, "but Nyx on the other hand, I don't recognize the style of dance." 

Nyx smiled at him, "I wouldn't call it a 'style' per se, more like a fusion of traditional dances. My nomadic caravan had many entertainers, including dancers from various cultures. I'm probably a bit rusty. It had been many years since I left the caravan." 

Wyll raised his eyebrows, "Oh, so eclectic then", and Nyx nodded at the assessment. 

Tav and the others joined in short succession.


Tav looked around again - a certain pale elf was still missing. Just as she took a breath to ask where he was, the appropriate silhouette came strolling towards the group.

Tav quipped as he approached, "Fashionably late I see." 

He smirked and lilted, "I would have it no other way, my dear." 

Tav rolled her eyes and shook her head with a smile, "I hope your ready cause we're setting out now", she explained and he gave her a disinterested wave to proceed. She gave him a raised eyebrow and elaborated on the strategy towards the goblin camp: 

Firstly, they were to dispose of the sentries at the gate, since these were isolated from the rest of the camp; 

Next; the party in the courtyard is to be 'helped along' using the deadly sleep poison. The druids have reported spiking all the 'sealed' barrels with the powdered poison; however, some barrels were already moved and under close guard in the courtyard. Her crew should see to it that those don't remain untainted. 

After which; they'll move to the temple, the druids have found an alternate entrance for Nyx and Astarion to use to gain direct access to the main hall top floor's support beams. A druid in rat form will guide Nyx and Astarion to the entrance as soon as the courtyard was secure. 

Then, rest of the group will follow through the temple entrance towards the main hall. Each should look for opportunities to 'discreetly incapacitate' as many opponents as they can along the way and 'hide the evidence' while they move to the primary target - the worg pens at the back of the temple to release Halsin. Once Halsin was free, they'll systematically clear out any remaining threats. 


Nyx and Gale proceeded to hand out additional vials of the lethal sleep potion and twice as much antidote. Nyx mentioned that they can use it as they see fit, and the antidote will assist in case of 'accidental dosage to the wrong target'. Gale helpfully clarified that the accidental target could include themselves if something were to go terribly awry. There were chuckles and eye rolls. 

The camp gate came into view. Tav suggested that they pass the gate, and then take out the sentries from inside the camp itself. The group shared stern and exited looks while they made the descent toward the gate.




The confrontation at the gate went remarkably well - although the goblins would disagree. Their group strolled right on past the guards through the entrance way created by the two towering pillar rock formations on either side. An archway was created between the two via a connecting plank bridge on which a goblin sentry stood. It was a natural bottleneck, which they had secured to their advantage by passing the gate and turning back on the goblins from within.  

The plan was for Nyx, Karlach and Lae'zel to jump onto the plank bridge from the level below, since either their magic or stature allowed them to do so with ease; whereas the others would backtrack through the entrance, clearing the goblins from behind. 

Nyx, Karlach and Lae'zel took their places and with shared curt nods initiated the assault. Nyx vaulted onto the leftmost part of the bridge, Lae'zel jumped up to the middle right into the face of the goblin sentry and Karlach onto the rightmost side. One effortless sweep of Lae'zel's great sword relieved the goblin sentry of its head. Nyx rounded the formation on her side, locking her target at the opposite end atop another flat rampart. Her arrow already nocked and primed with magic, found its mark as soon as a worg let out its battle howl when Karlach tore into one of its unsuspecting pack members. Lae'zel jumped from the bridge to join the fray below while the rest of their group attacked the stunned goblins and worgs alike. Swords, magic and arrows; clattered, flashed and whooshed through the air, but their foe was outnumbered and outwitted. The battle had ended as soon as it begun. Afterwards, they dragged the bodies out of sight and covered any blood with soil. They did a quick survey of the surrounding area and any goblins that had not already succumbed to the spiked alcohol were silently dispatched. They moved on to the temple courtyard.


Tav paused at the bridge leading over the gorge and into the courtyard. She turned to the rest of them and said with a resolute expression, "The druids have mostly withdrawn from the camp and temple. Thus, we don't know what exactly is going on in there right now. Let's establish how many are left standing and what threat they pose. Then we take it from there." There were nods of agreement and they joined the 'official goblin party'.




Nyx stood inside the entrance while the rest of the group dispersed. Karlach sidled next to her, and they scanned the courtyard. There was a group of goblins in the middle of the courtyard surrounding a large table and fire pit. These seemed to be the 'main party goers'. Nyx spotted several non-participants with alert expressions patrolling the perimeter or standing guard on the courtyard towers. Something in the air changed and Nyx was feeling rather warm all of a sudden.  

Why is it so hot here?, she turned her head to her left. 

Heat poured from Karlach, her body was held tense, her shoulders and jaw taut. 

Oh no, Nyx followed Karlach's gaze towards a goblin woman standing in the entrance of the adjacent courtyard to their left. Next to the goblin was a cage with an owlbear cub. The cub looked terrified and was visibly quivering while the goblins joked, laughed, and poked at it with sharp sticks between the cage bars. Nyx curled her lip in disgust, Animals do not belong in cages and should certainly not be tormented by goblins

She quickly stepped in front of Karlach and looked up at her with concern. Karlach didn't even notice Nyx, her eyes and anger locked on the unfolding scene. She was starting to glow visibly, and the heat intensified. 

Nyx planted her feet and said in a firm tone, "Karlach, hey, look at me." 

Karlach didn't hear her. Nyx waved her hand in front of her face and repeated, "Karlach, we can get the cub out safely without prematurely giving ourselves away." 

Karlach's eyes slowly lowered to Nyx’s, and she glared at her with a set jaw. Nyx took a deep breath and proposed evenly, "Let's follow Tav's example. I'll talk to the goblins, and you can talk to the cub. Then we come up with a plan that'll get it out safely. I don't think violence would do anyone any good, right here, right now." 

Karlach's frown eased a little and her glare started to dissipate, but she held onto too much tension, like a coil ready to snap. Nyx's strategy to calm her down seems to be working, "But first you need to take a few deep breaths with me, alright?" 

Karlach nodded once, jaw still set and faint flames dancing on her skin. Nyx was practically sweating. Karlach was strikingly intimidating when in this state; such a stark contrast to her happy-go-lucky personality otherwise. 

Nyx instructed Karlach to keep looking at her and breathe, "Concentrate on the spot right here," she gestured to the point just below her own diaphragm, "Breathe in through your nose and feel it pull downwards." Karlach followed suit and Nyx continued, "Good, now slowly blow out the breath through your mouth", and they both did so. Nyx asked her to continue breathing with her a few more times until Nyx could see the tension release in Karlach's body and her flames died down. 

Nyx stopped, and she waited for Karlach to take a few more breaths by herself. Karlach's expression became neutral and then it snapped into her signature grin, "Thanks soldier! I was about the wipe the place down with their blood." 

Nyx made a serious face, "Yes, I could see that", and added lightly, "You ready to talk to the cub?" 

Karlach's jaw moved when she glanced back at the goblins around the cage. Nyx looked over her shoulder then decided to try something, fully turning to face them.


"Hey! You three, come here!", Nyx called authoritatively to the goblins and crossed her arms with an expectant look on her face. The three goblins jumped, their sticks fell to the floor, and they snapped their heads to her. She narrowed her eyes at them and said in a deprecating tone, "I'm waiting." 

They looked at her then to Karlach and shared nervous glances with each other. They scuttled over to Nyx. Nyx gestured to Karlach to go talk to the cub unperturbed by the goblins. Karlach levelled a sweltering glower at the three as they passed each other, much to Nyx's amusement, it added to the whole effect. 

Nyx continued to question them about their 'dereliction of duty'. They did not understand 'her big words' and she pretended not to care that did not understand asking them to explain what exactly they thought they were doing instead. They fumbled over their words as they tried to explain and apologize profusely at the same time, clearly not having the slightest idea for the reason of their reprimand. Nyx went along with being unimpressed by whatever they came up with until Karlach made her way back. She dismissed the goblins with a disgusted wave of her hand, not even looking at them. Karlach's glare made sure that they simply left instead of giving her lip about it. Nyx winked at Karlach and received a shit-eating grin in return. She turned to her and asked what she learned. 

Karlach elaborated that the owlbear cub's mother was killed by the goblins and they had been using him in 'chicken races'. Nyx frowned at that and looked back at the adjacent courtyard, which was indeed setup into some sort of makeshift racetrack. She curled her lip again and wondered whether it was the same mother-and-cub pair she had a run-in with the previous night, An awful fate for the mother

Karlach informed her that she had melted the lock on the cub's cage to a point were it'll easily break. She told him to escape as soon as he saw an opportunity when their group had properly 'crashed the party'. Karlach 'also followed Tav's example' by inviting the cub to their camp. Karlach's eyes sparkled with fresh determination and her face split into a manic smile.  

Nyx's could feel her own smile trying to match Karlach's, Good. That's good. Not sure about having an owlbear cub at camp. But it’s not like it has anywhere else to go... So, sure. Why not? 

"What are you two scheming over here?", it was Astarion coming up from behind.


"I want in, darlings.", he said onto them both.  

Nyx gave him an amused look and said evenly, "I'm sure you don't", and he tilted his head at her, giving her a sideways look and sly grin. 

"Oh, and why is that?", he asked curiously. Nyx hooked a thumb over at the owlbear cub's cage. 

He frowned at the cub, then looked between Karlach and Nyx.  

Karlach provided, "We're breaking the cub out." 

Nyx snorted as Astarion made a face of utter disappointment and sighed dramatically, "Ugh. Bleeding hearts, the both of you", and he waved a lazy hand towards them. 

Karlach shot back with her manic grin still in place, "At least we have one." 

Oof, Nyx thought, and a snicker escaped her when she appreciated the unintentional dual figurative and literal irony of Karlach's insult. 

Astarion gave both of them an unimpressed raised eyebrow and lulled uninterested, "Whatever gets your blood going, my dear."


--- --- ---


Tav stood near the temple door, eyeing the troll that guarded it. She pursed her lips trying to think on how to neutralize it. She turned towards the courtyard and saw several of the partygoers 'succumbing to the poison'; they were draped over chairs, propped up against crates or barrels with their eyes unfocused and heads lolling. Tav smirked at the result of Nyx and Gale's collaborative efforts. 

She had a cup of the spiked alcohol in her hand. She had given another cup to one of the guards after persuading him that one drink would not make him unable to perform his duty. She had little luck of persuading any other guards or sentries to take the other. The ogre included. She sighed and frowned, running a few strategies through her mind. She looked around for Shadowheart and Nyx. Both of them had a head for strategy and she found it valuable to bounce ideas off them.


Shadowheart could be surprisingly underhanded and devious, in just the way Tav needed, whereas Nyx could be surprisingly unconventional yet logical and practical. She didn't discount Astarion, but he could be, well a bit too outright enthusiastically murderous, in his tactics. 

Lae'zel and Karlach were great in a fight, but too headstrong and direct for things that required a deft touch, whereas Wyll's tactics were more suited to the individual than a team. Then there was Gale. Her heart warmed a bit more at the thought of him. He could be, well a bit too gentlemanly for the carnage of battle, but that is the part of him that she found the most endearing. 

She crossed her arms and smiled while her eyes fell on each of her crew members.  

My crew, she smiled at the phrase, It’s been a while since I've ran a crew and an operation like this. I didn't realize how much I missed it and how much fun it could be. Necessary bloodshed aside.  

Her eyes settled on Gale. He caught her gaze and gave her a lopsided smile. He strolled over to her as if summoned.


"Something on your mind?", he asked with his hands behind his back, lopsided smile in place, "Oh, I know that look." 

She narrowed her eyes at him, "Mm-hmm, and what look is that?", she asked smoothly matching his lopsided smile. 

He looked around. He leaned in towards her sideways and said in a conspiratorial tone, "The one where you've already decided to justifiably annihilate everyone in the room." 

She laughed freely and gently pushed against his shoulder with the fingers of her free hand. He beamed at her, eyes sparkling with delight.  

She crossed her arms again and remarked, "I think we're already halfway there." 

He nodded grimly as he took in the scattered drunk-soon-to-be-dead goblins.  

She sobered and continued more seriously, "It's the other half that's the problem.", she gestured discreetly with the fingers around the cup towards the guards on the ground and sentries on the towers. He followed the motion with knitted brows. There were more than a dozen guards left, excluding the ogre. 

He looked at her, mischief in his expression, "Gather the troops?", he asked with a smile. 

She nodded once and set her jaw in determination, "Quite so."


Tav rounded up her crew and they strolled towards the bridge for some more privacy. Others too, followed her example by holding cups, although theirs were empty, but it maintained pretences either way. She disposed of her cup's contents and set it down.  

They discussed various strategies and settled on one where each of them was to take out a guard by whatever means necessary, but in a coordinated attack. Thanks to their telepathic connection via the parasites, they could be supernaturally coordinated in their initial strike. They agreed which target each of them planned to take out first and swapped out resources amongst each other where necessary.


--- --- ---


Nyx removed her knife and its sheath from the small of her back and offered it to Shadowheart, who mentioned she'd like to have a blade to stealthily dispatch her initial target. Nyx had more than enough blades to spare. A brief expression of awe flashed over Shadowheart's features at the offer and she motioned to take the bundle.  

Nyx didn't release it just yet and said onto Shadowheart with a smirk, "All I ask, is that it makes its way back to me. I'm rather fond of it." 

Shadowheart gave her a nod and smirk in return, "Thanks. Consider it done.", and Nyx relinquished it into her care. She watched while Shadowheart equipped the knife, adjusted it in the small of her back and tested it out. She gave Nyx an approving incline of the head afterwards, her long braid swaying at the motion. 

Shadowheart quipped, "Very practical", and Nyx grinned in response. 

Nyx looked around to find Wyll watching the exchange with amusement, he too was looking for a blade smaller than his rapier. He gave Astarion an askance raised eyebrow and received a curled lip in return. 

Astarion lulled with a slow shake of his head, "Oh no, don't expect me to share." 

Nyx rolled her eyes with a smile on her lips.  

Lae'zel offered one of hers to Wyll with a 'Chk!' directed at Astarion. Nyx and Shadowheart shared an amused glance with one another. 

They dispersed to their chosen positions.


Nyx swivelled on her heel and looked up at the courtyard entrance ramparts. Either side of the entrance had a robed female statue. The one on the right was severed at the torso providing the necessary 'stepping stone' for Nyx to make it up the wall and onto the rampart above. She hopped onto the bridge wall to get a better view of the angle. Some of the others saw her and stopped to watch. 

She tilted her head and narrowed her eyes at the space between the wall and the statue, deliberating with herself how to traverse the wall using the statue and jump onto the ramparts with a helpful burst of magic. 

She shook out her limbs. Took aim and dashed at the wall doing a running climb up the wall then with alternated her jumps she zigzagged between the wall and the statue upwards. She made it onto the statue's severed head and swung around smoothly on her toes. She vaulted the rest of the way with her magic, unobstructed by flags, spears and whatever other things were protruding from the walls. She landed softly at the top of the ramparts and looked at the onlookers below giving them a wave and a surefire smirk. 

Some returned the smile and wave, others clapped, and a few rolled their eyes. She heard someone mumble 'show off' while they made their way through the temple entrance once more.


She turned to find a tree had taken root in a broken portion of the ramparts' floor before her. She hid behind it and took a cautionary look around. To her right was the adjacent smaller courtyard that had a handful of guards. In front of her were the remainder of the ramparts that were still intact and accessible to the goblins. To her left was the main courtyard and its partygoers, beyond that were more inaccessible towers and ramparts. She had the whole front ramparts to her disposal, with the aid of her magic, to use during the attack with vantage points of every area of the main and leftmost adjacent courtyard. 

She studied her targets, one was in front of her on the other side of the tree. The goblin was leaning on his staff inside of a tower in the middle of the courtyard. A Booyagh, looking bored and annoyed. She could take him out with an arrow, avoiding the need to traverse the missing ramparts that separated them. Next, she could take out the sharp-eye on the opposite mid-tower demarcating the left side courtyard. She took up her position and waited for 'the signal'. 

What is Gale planning on using for a distraction? He never said..., she wondered while she waited. She spotted a few of the others taking up their relative positions from her vantage point.


She stood patiently with bow in hand and a nocked arrow. She could hear the goblin 'merchant' discussing recent happenings in the camp with one of the guards near the entrance below. Apparently, there had been many 'inexplicable' disappearances of goblins. Nyx tilted her head and listened how several goblins have vanished without a trace. All that remained of them was some of their equipment. No struggle, no blood, simply vanished. Nyx frowned and remembered the drag marks she saw in the temple and the strange presence that brushed against her magic. 

Before she could muse on it some more, she felt her muted tadpole wiggle. She frowned, since she didn't 'hear or see' anything like before when it squirmed. Must be the seal I placed over it, she concluded. Either way, she got the message. It was the signal to stand ready for the distraction, followed by the assault.




Nyx should have known what Gale's distraction would have been. The moment he initiated the magic spell, and she heard the sudden reverberating chorus of 'meowing' - she already had a grin akin to Karlach's. She rounded her tree and saw a swarming mass of cats in the courtyard below. It looked like an apocalyptic cat plague. Illusory cats were running, jumping, meowing, hanging off furniture and other objects. They were hissing, scratching, and swatting at each other, and at the goblins. It was an absolute cacophony of noise and hilarious teeming mayhem. 

Nyx took out her first target by moving well clear of the tree to line up the shot so that the goblin doesn't topple off the tower and into the courtyard below. Then she quickly dove to her left and into the shadows of the crumbling pillars and lined up her second target. 

Afterwards, she watched the scene below. Some of the still-standing 'drunk' goblins and guards ran after the cat illusions, trying to catch them or cut them down, either laughing hysterically or swearing viscously as they went. 

This gives a whole new meaning to 'herding of cats', Nyx snickered and sought out another target that she could eliminate without giving them away wearing a goofy smile herself all the while.


Nyx vaulted across the entrance to the ramparts on the opposite side. She ran down the ramparts at the front of the temple that hugged the left adjacent courtyard. She took out another goblin guard at the opposite ramparts gawking down at the scene below. The remaining targets were either in or around the main courtyard and their sudden demise would attract attention. Nyx heard the ogre bellow out a laugh then disconcerting crashing noises ensued. Nyx could feel the blows vibrate the ground. She moved and witnessed the ogre crushing the cat illusions, several being snuffed out in the process. The ogre proceeded with its mass cat illusion culling, bellowing drool after them.


Nyx felt her tadpole twitched again, but the message was lost. She sucked in a concerned breath and froze; she perked her ears and diligently scanned the area to get clues on what the message could have been. She spotted Astarion below sneaking up on the goblin woman next to the owlbear cub's cage. Nyx assumed that the directive was to move into the courtyard proper. Astarion was positioned to take out two of the three goblins there, so Nyx nocked an arrow and levelled it at the last one just beyond his reach. Astarion pounced with his twin daggers, each digging into a neck of a goblin. Nyx let her arrow fly. Astarion released the daggers and moved his arms around the front each goblin's face to grasp the daggers again and with one swift motion slit their throats. He briefly glanced at the third goblin then at her as she flited down beside him.  

He said onto her, "Ah, Nyx. Good of you to join me. How's your tally so far?", he asked casually as though they were having a chat over tea. 

She gave him a flat look and he flashed her a grin.


Before she could answer the ogre bellowed again, but with much less delight this round. It started bludgeoning crates and barrels; enraged at the illusory cats who managed to escape its rampage. The cats started to fade when Gale's spell ran its course. Nyx spotted several other companions taking out any remaining guards and not-yet incapacitated drunks. The garbled cat noises died down and the cats disappeared. The only living creatures remaining were their group, and the ogre. Now standing in the middle of the courtyard, rage rolling off it in waves.  

Astarion tsked next to her, "Now what? Fighting ogres are no fun.", he lulled shifting his weight to one leg and inspecting his nails. 

Nyx snorted and quipped, "Too much dirty work for you?" 

"Ah, my dear, you know me too well", he lilted sarcastically and she shook her head with a smile. 

"Why don't you join me and we just shoot it in the eye again?", she suggested and he tilted his head at her. 

"Hmm, no.", and tilted his head to the other side, "That isn't fun anymore either.", he lulled and waved his hand dismissively. 

She sighed and nocked an arrow anyway. 

"What are you doing?", he asked her annoyed, "You'll attract its attention to us and I quite like this shadow." 

She gave him a side-eye and said, "The problem isn’t going to go away by ignoring it." 

"Au contraire, my dear.", he shifted his weight and continued, "Lately, I've found that if I ignore problems long enough, someone else makes them go away.", he made a motion with his hand indicating something disappearing in a puff. 

By the abyss! He can be so insufferable sometimes, Nyx made an exasperated sigh.


Before they could continue the discussion, Nyx watched wide-eyed while Tav sprinted across the courtyard and stood some distance away from the ogre. It had stopped raging and was looking around with confusion at where all the cats went, scratching its head. Tav whistled at him, and he looked up but didn't turn to her. She threw her hands in the air and shouted, "Oi, dumbbell! Over here!", and she waved her hands at its back. 

Tav readied a small green vial in her one hand while the ogre turned its bulk around to look at her with a grunt. Nyx drew her bow and aimed it at the ogre when she caught on to what Tav was doing. Great minds

The moment Tav had a clear view of its face she chucked the vial at it. Green liquid splashed over its face and ran down the sides. It hollered in pain while the acid burned its eyes and flesh. Tav had managed to blind one eye. 

Karlach, Wyll and Lae'zel charged the half-blind ogre while it stumbled to reach for one of the alcohol barrels. It subsequently drenched its face with the liquid gushing out of the upturned barrel. Nyx was surprised it had enough smarts for that and she moved out of the shadows for a better view. She side stepped next to Tav, who was now equipped with her two hand crossbows. Together they harassed the ogre from behind while Karlach, Wyll and Lae'zel ducked at its clumsy weapon blows up close. Shadowheart bringing up the rear to provide aid when necessary. Gale and Astarion joined the ranged assault and the ogre soon perished along with the rest of its guard companions.




Tav was mightily pleased with the results. Not only had they eliminated all the targets, but no one was injured in the process. She grinned toothily from ear to ear. The outcome was great for morale too as they joked and bantered while hiding the guard bodies as best they could. 

Nyx regarded the ogre with crossed arms. She proceeded to drape it with red fabric to make it look like it had overindulged itself as well and it used the outdoor décor as bedding. The ogre already smelled the part. Karlach guffawed at her handiwork. Nyx proudly showed off her display and laughed at herself as well.


Nyx and Karlach watched as the others finished up and returned to the courtyard. Karlach informed her with a shit-eating grin that the owlbear cub had made its escape during the commotion. Nyx returned the grin and Karlach whooped. 

There was an incessant amount of squeaking, and they looked down to find a large black rat with intelligent eyes sitting between them. Nyx glanced at Karlach with a raised eyebrow and Karlach assumed the role of interpreter. 

"It's the druid that found the other entrance. She says you can meet her over there", Karlach then pointed at the leftmost corner of the temple's exterior top floor. 

"Ah", Nyx said and looked back at the druid rat, "Thank you. We'll be there shortly." 

She chittered a greeting and scurried away.


Nyx collected Astarion and reported to Tav that they have been summoned to their next destination. Tav laughed while Astarion curled his lip at 'taking orders from a rodent' and Nyx rolled her eyes. Tav gave him a warning quip about 'the rodent being a respectable scout' and he sighed dramatically, replying with 'Yes, mother. I'll play nice.' 

Nyx snorted and Tav shook her head. 

Tav quickly confirmed with everyone what the plan was for the 'next phase'. Shadowheart returned Nyx's knife in mint condition with an approving smile. Then they all dispersed towards their next goal.




Nyx and Astarion found the large black rat at their destination, waiting in front of a deep fissure in the wall. It chittered at them, and they looked at one another. Astarion looked down his nose at the rat and informed her with distaste, "I'm sorry, I don't speak rodent." 

Nyx glared at him, and he ignored her. She provided instead, "Neither of us can speak to animals, but I assume we are to follow you through there", and she pointed at the opening. It nodded vigorously instead of 'speaking' and disappeared into the crack in the wall. 

Astarion sighed, glanced at Nyx then he slipped in after the rat. 

Nyx followed. 

Phew, this is a tight fit, and she shimmied after them into the darkness.



'A sudden reverberating chorus of meowing' inspired by the collective awakening of damned furbies hooked up to an infernal organ - you're welcome (just watch out for the volume on your headphones). The loop and freeze switch would also work for that scene's sound effects. If you want to know how I ended up being recommended that video, see Wintergatan - Marble Machine

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