Chapter 5: Mistaken Identities

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We start and end the chapter from Tav's point of view. Another note, I'll be making adjustments to the environments as they suit the story.


Tav awoken to the glorious smell of cooking wafting in through her tent. Morning rays barely filtering through the flap. She got up and dressed, stomach spurring her on. She was greeted by a bleary-eyed Shadowheart next door, yawning in front of her own tent. They shared quick pleasantries and agreed that if whomever was preparing the food was unwilling to share there would be trouble.


Tav, as usual, seemed to be the first to get a head start to the day. To her surprise she found their half-elf patient manning the cooking pot. The woman looked almost unrecognizable, she was clean and already geared up.

She probably helped herself to the communal supplies, Tav thought while she strolled over to her with a wave. "Good morning, you look well. And cooking no less.", Tav eased into the conversation, and she received a brilliant smile in return.

"Yeah, had enough of sleeping and decided to pay forward the kindness shown to me. Thank you, by the way.", the woman explained over the cooking pot gesturing with its ladle while she spoke.

Tav held up her hands as to not claim too much credit, "Shadowheart did all of the heavy lifting when it came to the healing part."


Shadowheart remarked as she sidled next to Tav, "I would prefer if it doesn't become a habit.", and inspected the cooking pot contents with great interest.

The woman laughed freely, "I'll try my best to remain intact. Thank you Shadowheart. I am grateful you lot found me and got me back on my feet. All limbs still accounted for."

Shadowheart appraised the woman for a moment, "Well you can start by repaying my kindness with whatever it is you got in the pot over here."

The woman graciously inclined her head, "Caught some hyrax unawares. They're a bit tough to chew, but I'm famished enough to eat almost anything at this point. There should be enough to go around. I hope you don't mind, I helped myself to some of your potatoes."

Tav isn't going to complain about tough meat or the 'borrowing' of potatoes. She suddenly realized that she doesn't even know their ex-patient-now-cook's name and yet they're already having such an easy conversation with her.

A rare thing amongst this crowd.

Introductions were in order and she stated, "Tav", and pointed at herself.

"Nyx", the woman inclined her head. Nyx turned to collect bowls and filled them with the stew.

Shadowheart nodded as she received the first bowl and took up a seat on the nearby log. Tav and Nyx joined her shortly after. They're all too concerned with the food to talk.


"That smells wonderful", came another man's voice from across the camp after a while. The owner appearing from behind the rocky outcrop behind the campfire.

Tav looked up from her bowl, "Gale, good morning! This is Nyx, all healed up and in competition for your role as lead cook.", she both greeted and smoothed out the introductions.

"Ah, by the smell of it; I have my work cut out for me.", he took a fanning breath over the pot and helped himself to the food.

Nyx played along, "I can go back to just hunting. I do not wish to incite the wrath of the head cook."

"Oh.", Gale said as he took his own seat on another log across from them. He pointed at Nyx with his spoon and said onto Tav, "She's a keeper."


--- --- ---


Nyx decided to take a backseat from the conversation and simply listened to them talk and banter. Another joined their ranks next to Gale. Wyll, the so called 'Blade of Frontiers' as Tav introduced him.

"Well met.", he said with an incline of his head. He raised his bowl to her with another incline in way of thanks. She returned the gesture.

And that makes for six. Six tents, six people, Nyx observed.

Tav seemed to be the de facto leader, both in the way she holds herself and by way of the conversation. The conversation inevitably turned to the topic of mind flayers.


Gale addressed Nyx, "I take it you are aware of our tadpole predicament? Tav mentioned that the two of you also had and 'mind-melding' experience."

Tav gave him a glare. Nyx nodded and glanced down into her empty bowl frowning. "Mind-melding?", she mostly asked herself.

Tav took a breath and elaborated, "That moment when I just found you, and we saw each other's thoughts."

"Oh, that. It was just more of the same ship control stuff that I saw before.", Nyx scrunched her face at the memory. Suddenly alarmed at the ‘each other's thoughts’ part. Nyx schooled her face and asked, "Err, what did you see?". Tav seemed to have noticed her reaction.

Dammit Nyx.

Although most people would be alarmed when others have a glimpse into their thoughts.

Yes they would, so just relax.

"Not much, lots of darkness and strange sounds that I couldn't make out." Tav reciprocated. Nyx couldn't tell how truthful that statement was; Tav was a bard after all. Nyx wouldn't really know how much she might have gleaned about her, but she hoped it’s not enough to make any sense of it. Thus, it’s probably best to steer the conversation back to mind flayers in general.

Nyx blinked, "I see. I also have had the, uh, displeasure of its squirming in my head a few times", she wriggled her fingers for good effect. "I take it you were all on the ship?", Nyx followed up, looking around finding nods of agreement.

The group informed Nyx about what they've learned so far, as well as their collective wish to rid themselves of the mind flayers parasites. They were exploring several avenues, which included searching for a missing High Druid and potentially looking into a Githyanki creche.

Interesting solutions to an undoubtedly interesting problem, Nyx conceded.

Seems they've already covered a lot of ground and welcomed several to the cause along the way. Tav is a capable recruiter to have gathered up such a colourful collection of people under her banner already.


The conversation waned naturally, and people started to stand up and wandered back to their tents to gear up. Just as Tav stepped away from the clearing, Nyx saw her turn her head towards the path along the trees.

"Oh, Astarion. Good morning.", Tav said brightly and hooked a thumb over to where Nyx remained seated on the log, "Nyx is up and about. She made some stew for everyone. Help yourself. It's really good."

Nyx could only see Tav from her vantage point, Nyx's back was facing the clump of trees where she sat. A voice flited up from further down the path.

"I am not interested in eating her food.", came the scoffing intonation.

Tav glanced over at Nyx, who shrugged and Astarion continued, "Neither am I talking to her nor her idiot backpack!"

Tav and the remaining people in the clearing; Shadowheart also standing, Gale and Wyll still seated - were utterly confused.


Oh no, Nyx was already motioning to run her hand over her face.

You don't start an insulting match with Clive. He'll always end it. Badly.

"Why is that?", came Clive's voice from Nyx's back before she could finish the thought. "Did the princess have a cry?", he asked with contempt.

A mere warm up, she could feel Clive shift slightly; Nyx covered her eyes with her hand, And here it comes.

The flood gates opened, and Clive started to describe Astarion in ways that will put any bard's vicious mockery to shame.

Nyx did not have the capacity for another session like this in such short succession. Her right hand holding her empty bowl rested on her right leg. Her left arm was propped up on the other knee by the elbow and her hand was poised palm down like she's talking someone down.

Clive kept running at the mouth. Looking down at the ground between her and Gale; Nyx calmly and evenly started to repeat Clive's name, bobbing her free hand with each repeat. After repeating his name for the seventh time.

"What!?", he barked annoyed.

"Clive.", she addressed him proper still maintaining an even tone, "Repeat after me."

He sighed heavily but joined in nonetheless, "'If I cannot be civil, then I should rather not say anything.'"

"Good", Nyx finished it off. Incoherent grumbling followed behind Nyx, along the lines of 'not being sorry' or 'not apologizing to anyone'.


Nyx looked up to find a variety of confused (and some appalled) faces amongst the gathered. She mirrored Clive's earlier sigh. Gesturing with a sweeping motion of her free hand.

"Everyone," she gestured towards her back, "this is Clive." She swivelled around on the log so that everyone could see Clive strapped across her shoulder blades, "Clive, this is everyone."

Clive shifted again, likely doing a quick look around. "Just as expected.", he observed, "They sounded like a bunch of clowns, and they look'em too."

"Clive.", Nyx repeated a firm warning this time.

"What, woman!? Stop bustin' my balls! Yer ruinin' my fun!", Clive complained heaving himself up a bit as he did so.

"Well, that would be impossible.", Nyx replied plainly, "You don't have any balls to bust", she finished sarcastically.



There was silence, and as it stretched, Nyx pressed her lips together. A slow clap started, and someone was laughing. Nyx swivelled back just in time to see Wyll working himself up to a roaring laugh. "Good show!", he cried.

More laughter spread across the clearing from the others and Nyx glanced over to check on Astarion, who was ducking into his tent not too far from the path. She glanced back to Tav who shrugged and wiped tears from her eyes.

She sighed with half relief and half concern, This is why I can't take you anywhere, Clive.

Astarion would be the one in need of a bath or a prestidigitation scroll after being on the receiving end of Clive's verbal diarrhea.

Nyx stood up to check on the pot as the crowd dispersed. Some food remained, probably cold now. Nyx made a move around the pot towards Tav. "Apologies about the scene, " she started and Tav raised a hand to stop her.

"No damage done, I'm sure Astarion will get over it. Eventually. 'Scenes' are the norm in this camp.", Tav chuckled and set off to her tent.

Fair enough, Nyx thought.

Nyx preferred to keep the peace - made things easier in social settings, which Clive will inadvertently upend again at some point. One of many reasons why she preferred to travel alone more often. Nyx gathered up some of the other cooking supplies and bowls; intent on keeping her hands busy. She headed for the log located on the right side of Wyll's tent that led to the ruins. It made a good perch for a wash up.

Upon returning Nyx walked past Astarion as he appeared from his tent. They locked eyes and Nyx froze.

I will find you again, I always do, the memory whispered in her head.


Red eyes.


He raised an eyebrow and put a hand on his hip, "Here to apologize, my dear?"

Nyx saw his elongated canines when he moved his lips.

Shit shit shit.

Her magic started to raise its hackles and she could feel Clive take notice. He knew she was preparing for something. Nyx stood stock still trying to decide whether to flee or fight - she didn't notice another figure stomping up to her until she had someone's finger in her face.


"Make no mistake!", the gruff voice declared. Nyx snapped her eyes to see a Githyanki woman's face far too close to her own. "If I do so much as have an inclining that you're becoming ghaik. I'll slice you from neck to navel.", she motioned with flat hand to make sure there was no misunderstanding that she intended to gut Nyx. Again. The woman's long sharp nails literally making the point.

Nyx's mind was too preoccupied with red eyes and fangs for her to formulate words. She gave a curt nod instead. The Githyanki seemed satisfied and stomped past her. Seconds ticked over as Nyx remained rooted in place.

"Oh, don't mind her", came Gale's voice from behind, "She's just a bit, intense."

Astarion's pitched laughter followed, "That's an understatement."

Nyx slowly turned in Gale's general direction and absently shoved the clean bowls and implements into his hands. "Excuse me.", she said and turned heel avoiding any further eye contact with Astarion. “I think I forgot something.", she hurried back to the log.

Gale said something, but Nyx was only focused on getting out of there as quickly as possible.




Nyx took a sharp left just before the log and carried on marching along the stream. Her breathing was irregular, her heart pounding. She was having a panic attack. Her eyes started to water as her throat slowly squeezed itself shut.

Yip, definitely a panic attack.

Shit shit shit.

Clive's voice cut through her racing mind, "Nyx! Slow down, talk to me. What happened?"

"Is he following me?!", Nyx asked, her voice shaking.

"Who? No one is following yer. Stop and breathe. What did yer see?"

Nyx stopped at the same position by the lake she had occupied the previous night.

She doubled over, palms on her knees. Taking deep breaths and forcing herself to calm down.

"Who yer talkin' about? Yer tore off and the world blurred. That Githyanki didn't get to ye? Threats usually just roll of ye.", Clive queried rapidly.

"No, it’s Astarion.", she managed.


Clive scoffed, "Pffft, the princess?"

She breathed, "He's one of her agents."

"What!", Clive bellowed. He paused and stated flatly, "I don't believe it. There is no way."

She panted between breaths, "Pale skin, white hair. Red eyes and... fangs."

He grumbled in disbelief, "Aye, that may be. But did ye sense her on him at all?"

Nyx straightened and frowned.


"No", she said meekly after a moment, "No, I didn't."

"There now. See?"

Her mind began to clear, and her breathing steadied.

She asked him concerned, "Perhaps she found a way to mask her influence?"

He shifted, "That'll have to be some magic.", he considered it a little more, "No, it'll drain her too much. Too long a spell to maintain. Too far a distance. She's powerful, aye, but not like that."

Nyx blew out a breath, "Alright. What then?"

Clive grunted as he thought about it. Nyx stared at the lake with her arms crossed while she waited for Clive to come to a conclusion. Her own mind was too fixated on 'her agent', to run through other alternatives.


"Vamp.", he decided at last.

She blinked, her arms falling to her sides. "A vampire?", she's not convinced and she asked over her shoulder. "In broad daylight?"

"Hmm, equally unlikely. But that's all I have fer ye. Unless he's a runaway like ye good self.", he shifted as though he'd shrugged.

"Hah! As if she'll make that mistake twice.", Nyx mumbled to herself in hushed tones.

"What yer goin' to do?"

Before she could answer, someone called her name.


--- --- ---


Tav pinched the bridge of her nose after hearing Lae'zel threaten murderous intent onto Nyx again in so many days.

The lot of them are worse than children!

When she opened her eyes, she saw Nyx retreating to the ruins only to veer off to the left and disappear with the stream. Tav started in that direction passing Lae'zel on the way.

She queried with open arms, "Truly?", but Lae'zel either didn't hear or didn't care.

Matters little now.


By the time Tav reached the stream, Nyx was nowhere to be seen. She flung her hands up in the air. Then returned the way she came.

Astarion lulled as he watched Tav make her way back, "Skittish little faun."

"Don't you start.", Tav levelled a finger at him, intent on walking by.

He scoffed. "I haven't done anything.", he pouted and continued, "And yet I've been nothing short of accosted this morning.", he complained as she walked by. "And no one seems to care!", he called after her.

She ignored him.

Gale decided it best to clean up the rest of the cookware and gave Tav a wide berth. He knew far too well that one doesn't interrupt a woman undertaking her duty, whatever that may be at present.


Tav crossed the camp clearing and took the official path leading to the lake. She spotted Nyx around the corner seemingly having a conversation with herself.

Wait. It's likely a conversation with, Clive, it was going to be an adjustment to think of a bag in such a way. Tav called out to Nyx, waved, and continued towards her.

Nyx was a bit taller than Tav was. Nyx had an interesting contrasting look about her with light silver skin, dark plum hair. Her dark brown eyes watched as Tav approached.

"You alright? I can talk to Lae'zel if you'd like.", Tav offered smiling as she crossed the distance between them.

Nyx tilted her head with a quizzical expression. Tav remembered she may not had mentioned Lae'zel's name before.

"Oh", Nyx said and waved a dismissive hand at her. "Nah, no need. I just needed to clear my head, that's all."

Tav was sure that it was more than that, but she'll let it be if Nyx wasn't interested in sharing. Tav cleared her throat and straightened, "In that case, I would like to formally welcome you to the camp. Albeit belatedly. I would prefer if you'd join us. We need all the help we can get with these parasites and it's better if we stick together."

Nyx studied Tav for a few moments. She could almost see Nyx's gears grind.

Is it there truly so much for her to consider?, Tav wondered.

Nyx answered both verbal and non-verbal questions, "Let me think about it. I'll join you for today and you'll have your answer tonight."

Unexpected, nonetheless Tav extended her hand and Nyx took it.

"Welcome aboard.", Tav beamed as they shook hands.

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