Chapter 20: Don't Poke the Bear

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Nyx and Astarion PoVs.

Trigger warnings!

Death of children - trying to steer clear of gory details again.


Nyx and Astarion PoVs.

Trigger warnings!

Death of children - trying to steer clear of gory details again.


"Ow", she said as a rock dug into her thigh, I'm going to have so many bruises after this.

They were snaking their way sideways down a narrow tunnel the fissure had created. The passage constricted in places and the rockface hugged flush against their bodies. It was uncomfortable to say the least. Nyx would not describe herself as being, err, a voluptuous woman, but the occasional squeeze past sharp and jutting rocks in the walls highlighted to her all the curves she did indeed possess.

Astarion grunted in front of her again and lulled annoyed, "I blame you for this."

She huffed as she passed the point he had grunted at; delicately manoeuvring past a rock with its pointy bit aimed at her eyes while another scraped a line across her hips.

Afterwards she replied, "Why am I being saddled with that burden?"

He tsked and scoffed not looking back, "From what I remember, it was you who suggested that the druids enlighten us to any entrances we could fit through."

Fair enough.

She replied sarcastically in a deep voice, "My apologies, milord.", he scoffed again, and she added, "At least it’s a good stretch before the battle."

She could hear the disapproval in his voice, "Unlike you, my dear, I don't need to do any stretching."

She snorted and the druid squeaked up front. The druid was enjoying the conversation.

"No one asked for your opinion!", Astarion snapped, and the rat chittered back in the same light tone.

Clearly, she is unfazed by Astarion's comments. Come to think of it, if my main animal shape was a rat, I suppose I'd learn rather quickly to be unfazed by other's judgements of it too, Nyx mused with a smile.

There was more delicate manoeuvring accompanied by groans and grunts from the both of them and the passage widened significantly as they progressed. They still had to move sideways, but it was much easier going until they mercifully reached the end of the tunnel that opened into one of the temple hallways.


Nyx sighed in relief when she stepped from the passageway and onto a platform, "Ooh, I think my bruises have bruises.", she said while she bent over and rubbed the spot on her thigh.

Astarion peered around and lulled with his nose in the air, "Serves you right, darling."

She shot a flat look to his back then wondered creasing her brow, Do vampires even get bruises? You'd need flowing blood for that don't you? Hmm...

She brushed herself off, taking in their new surroundings.

They were in a dark corridor with yet another dark chasm beside it on the left. A wall to the right. The rest of the corridor was blocked due to a rockfall behind Nyx. The other direction led to a room ahead and likely connected to the rest of the temple. They were guided by the druid through a handful of meandering rooms and emerged in the goblin occupied area of the temple once more. Nyx glanced around to orientate herself using landmarks with the mental map of the temple in her head.

They were at the leftmost point of the temple just past the main hall. From their elevated position, she could see an obscured room across a chasm with a handful of goblins. The adjacent room had an empty makeshift cage suspended from the support beams surrounded by three more goblins. Nyx heard Tav's voice below.


Directly to their right, Nyx watched while Tav exchanged pleasantries with the goblin priestess and convinced her to 'share' another cup of spiked alcohol with Tav. Nyx and Astarion exchanged knowing glances and witnessed the priestess swaying on her feet. Tav guided her to her chair. Not long after, the priestess was snoring. Nyx frowned and inched her way along the support beams to where Tav would see her.

"Psst!", Nyx waved at her, and she looked up in surprise.

Tav recovered and spoke in a low tone, "Good to see you up there. The priestess can't see you right now I'm afraid. She is taking a nap; had too much liquid sleep assistance.", and Tav winked.

Ah, so that's how she passed out so quickly, Nyx snickered.

Tav informed them that'll they'll make their 'way over' at a leisurely pace and Nyx nodded in affirmation. Tav left the priestess to her never-ending nap and secured the door behind her. Nyx made her way back to Astarion and the druid.

The druid let out a few short squeaks and scampered off the way they came. Nyx greeted with raised eyebrows, "Oh. Thanks, and goodbye then."

Astarion's gaze lingered after their guide and he lilted, "I wonder whether she tastes like rat or druid."

By the abyss!


Nyx turned to him with a frown and said evenly, "Astarion, she's a person not a... snack.", and she clicked her tongue.

His ruby eyes met hers and a wicked grin spread on his face, "Oh, I see, darling. You'd rather want me to think about your blood, don't you?", he raised an inviting eyebrow at her.

Abyss take me!

She placed her one hand on her hip and rubbed her other over her face.

See Nyx? This is what you get for indulging him, she reprimanded herself once more.

The memories of last night drifted to the top of her mind, including his luscious lips and trailing tongue on her skin, and the tips of her ears burned.

Stupid, stupid.

She sighed at herself when she realized that she enjoyed the experience more than she'd like to admit, even less so to him, but not for the blood part of it.

She could hear the smugness in his voice at her discomfort as he lilted, "Looking for another nibble?"

That suggestion is unsettling, sweeping away last night's memory from her thoughts and her ears cooled. Nyx gave his smug expression a warning look while she lowered her hand, managing a firm, "No", in the process.

He sighed dramatically and grinned at her again, "Suit yourself, darling", he turned heel and casually walked down another one of the support beams to the platform on the other side of the priestess' room.

Abyss take him.


--- --- ---


You can't blame a vampire for trying, he smiled to himself.

Last night was revealing. For one, his plan was going along swimmingly, Even if she doesn't want to part so easily with her blood. The scent of which lingered in his nose from her blush.

Secondly, the depth of flavour in her blood. He was able to appreciate its true fullness - he was too ravenous to notice before. Beyond the initial reminder of the forest, was a layered smoky body, then something reminiscent of rain, and a spice he could not quite place yet. In comparison to the Shadow Druid gnome that tasted of malt and that unpleasant aftertaste of wet dog. Ugh, he made a face. Though, it was a marked improvement over animals in general. He felt like a whole new world of sensory bloody delights has opened up to him and he wanted to experience it all, eagerly.

Nyx's was a lovely vintage to discover, and he breathed the last of the lingering scent in.

He mused, Perhaps... Perhaps I could persuade her to share in ways that did not necessarily involve biting, he glanced at her when she sidled next to him. Her eyes narrowing at the view in front of them. His gaze followed hers.


They had a better vantage of the two 'prisoner holding' rooms from this position. The room at the left was almost void of light. It contained five goblins. Three goblins sat on a ledge at the back of the room, discussing things among themselves while two others loitered about looking bored. The room to the right was occupied by three more alert goblins busy maintaining their weapons.

Both Nyx and Astarion readied their bows at the same time. He smiled at her slyly and said, "So, my dear. I have an important question for you."

She narrowed her eyes and declared with amused suspicion, "I feel like I shouldn't say this. I might come to regret it, but 'Ask away'."

He lilted his challenge at her with a tilted head, "How many targets can you shoot at once?"

She shifted her weight and looked at him pointedly. He watched while she reached into her backpack and withdrew, a device?

His interest piqued. She attached the device to her bow; it was a modified bow rest with slots for three arrows. She collected three arrows and placed each into position through a slot. She grasped each arrow nock at the bow string distributing them evenly between four fingers. She took aim turning her bow horizontally. He could see her adjust the arrows by sliding the slots using her magic. She lowered her bow and declared with a smile, "Ready when you are."

He grinned at her and removed two arrows from his own quiver, but unlike her, he didn't need additional equipment to shoot the remaining two goblins.

He lulled in response, "You take point, my dear, I'll listen for the release. Let's see if you can shoot down three opponents at once", and he winked at her.

She rolled her eyes and drew her bow again. He heard both when she held her breath to take aim and when she released it, and he let his arrows fly in tandem.


The whir of the arrows was muffled by the multiple and distant voices bounding off the cavern walls. Each arrow met its intended target with their final resting place in an eye, ear, or head. Astarion heard the soft plods when each of the goblins fell dead. He grinned at Nyx who gave him a raised eyebrow with crossed arms and a smug smirk of her own. He inclined his head to her in acknowledgement of skill and she returned the gesture.

She looked back and took a breath to speak, "All good and well, but how do we dispose of the bodies?", she asked with a frown.

He chuckled and lulled, "Easy."


--- --- ---


It was Nyx's turn to watch with interest while Astarion recited an incantation, "Veniam Iuva Me", and made the appropriate gesture to complete the somatic component of the spell. Nyx could see the spell take effect, but the result was... lacking?

She blinked, Did I miss something?, and then frowned as Astarion lazily gestured towards the room with the dead goblins.

She peered through the dark and grinned when she saw the faint blue glow of a now-visible mage hand dragging one of the goblins into the chasm. It swiftly cleared the rest of their evidence trail. Afterwards Astarion dismissed the hand and smirked with satisfaction at Nyx.

She conceded with a nod, "Impressive and resourceful."

Astarion preened his hair from his face and lilted, "I know, my dear, and it is good of you to say so. Do feel free to continue", and he waved at her lazily.

Nyx snorted with a smile, Vanity must be a demanding mistress, and readied her bow for the next round instead.

They proceeded to dispose of the goblins in the adjacent room in an equivalent manner, but with more arrows in each to ensure that they died on the first shot.


They made their way towards the worg pens, most of the goblins were too exposed to take out on the way. Nyx was leading the way while they snuck past the spider pits two floors below. She took a cautionary look over the edge leaning on her hand.

Something sharp cut into her finger and she jerked her hand away. She shook out her hand and stuck the accosted finger in her mouth tasting blood.

Astarion whispered a purr past her ear, "Stop bleeding, its distracting."

She levelled a glare over her shoulder at his wicked grin and replied, "I am well aware", motioning to swat in his direction with her free hand.

He effortlessly dodged her feigned attempt and chuckled wryly as he crept past her.

Worse than a biting midge, she scoffed mentally.


Further down the scaffolding Astarion took a left turn to inspect the rooms below then returned with a shaking head. Another room too exposed.

They continued through a hole in the wall towards a lit cavern just before the worg pens. The sun had shifted and only a thin arch of light hit the opposite wall of the chamber. There were two goblins lollygagging on the beam bridge below and they could hear more voices from the chamber with the entrance to the worg pens.

Nyx and Astarion deliberated the risk of assassination and decided odds were in their favour. They maneuverer into concealed positions on the scaffolding and their silent shots purposefully toppled each goblin off the bridge and into the chasm below. They backtracked to the main hall, checking on any more opportunities, but none presented themselves. They returned to Tav and the rest in the main hall.




After giving their report, Tav informed them about next steps. Tav and Lae'zel were going to 'inspect' the worg pens with Nyx and Astarion trailing along after. The rest of the group were going to hold back in the main hall and wait at the worg pen entrance later to prevent any interference. Should all go well, any fights that break out should be contained to that area, allowing them to deal with the rest of the goblins and other drow on the way out. Preferably at their leisure.

Nyx raised her eyebrows at the last line and snorted. Tav grinned at her.


Lae'zel played the (obvious) role of bodyguard to the 'inspector' while they made their way to the worg pens. Nyx and Astarion pretending to bring up the rear guard, albeit more nonchalantly. Tav spoke briefly to the goblins guarding the door to the worg pens and they made their way inside.

The worg pens was a large square holding room with two cells on either side of the rear wall. Nyx sauntered to the open area between the two stairs that led down to the cells. Astarion leaned against the wall closer to the cells down the stairs and watched the other two inspect the cells.

The cell on the left had several sleeping worgs. The worg handler was to Nyx immediate left seated at a table next to a large burning brazier. The cell to the right had two adult goblin onlookers and two children annoying the bear inside with sticks, Halsin I presume.

Another goblin stood in front of Nyx on the level below. Nyx looked back at Halsin's cage and crinkled her nose, This is no place for children. Goblins or not.

Tav demanded to know why a bear was being kept in the cells. The goblins were eager to explain to the 'inspector' that the prisoner was a druid trapped in bear shape awaiting interrogation by the Night warden, Minthara. Tav 'inspected' the bear and its surrounding cells while the goblin children hid from Lae'zel's glower.

Halsin must have caught wind of what was going on and he raised his hulk from the ground. The children gasped and backed away. The closest goblin snarled and moved to flog the bear with his weapon. Halsin flinched and whined weakly while cowering from the goblin, who stepped closer to the cage bars. Nyx readied herself when she recognized the bear's body language snap from subordination to attack. Halsin lashed out with a giant paw through the bars of his cell and scooped the goblin head into the opening between the bars where a gnashing jaw waited.

Halsin mauled the goblin through the bars while the other goblins cried out in fear and surprise. Astarion darted to the goblin in front of Nyx and Lae'zel decapitated the other onlooker adult. Tav struggled with the lever to release Halsin from his cage, and the goblin children fled screaming.

Tav called out to Nyx, "Don't let them escape or they'll warn the others!"

Cold horror flashed through Nyx when she realized what she was about to do.

Graces forgive me.

She followed the children's path up the stairs and drew her throwing knives, sending them to the goblin children when they ran towards the doors. The knives cut them down at the door, their little bodies collapsing to the floor, blood trailing from their heads.

Nyx looked upon them, deeply disquieted by the scene. Suddenly, she heard a child whimper in her mind and her tadpole squirmed. Caught off guard, it brutally dragged her consciousness into one of her own memories and her vision went black.




She was sobbing violently, her emotions shaking her body as she clung to the body of a child. Her magic tearing into the ground, and at the other dead bodies scattered around her. She did not care for the others. Only for the ten-year old whose lifeless and bloodied body she held in her arms. The assailants had used Nyala as bait to lure Nyx into a trap. They meant to capture Nyx for their mistress. Nyx bargained with them, stating that she'll go with them willingly should they release Nyala. She pleaded with them. Her eyes locked with Nyala's terrified face. She begged them to the brink of tears. It didn't matter.

Malefic gloating marked their expressions while they slit Nyala's throat in front of her. The red of Nyala's life flowed, staining everything. She fell to her knees, frantically pressing against the wound. I don't know how to make it stop! Please make it stop! 

They laughed and sneered, "The child's purpose is fulfilled. A privilege. To die in honour of her name."

The light faded from Nyala's eyes. Nyx couldn't breathe; the depravity of the situation was suffocating. They kept taking people from her. She lost control. Over herself, her emotions, and her magic. Anguish, rage and loss intermingled into a deadly cocktail that overwhelmed her training, the seals, and her magical protections. Her magic cascaded and she bodily ripped the murders into pieces with it. Rend them limb from limb.

How many?, she sobbed into Nyala's wet clothing.

How many more people would have to die because of me?




Pain bloomed in Nyx collar bone and her mind seared back to the worg pens. Nyx was bent over clutching at a throwing axe in her chest. She opened her eyes, barely a moment had passed since she got dragged into the memory. She was facing the children on the floor, blood starting to pool around them. The tadpole squirmed once more, and Nyala's small broken form touched her mind again. Grief flooded her from the depths of the receding memory. She felt a part of her mind crack under the repeated onslaught of psionic laced emotions. The mental defences around her magic faltered. Her grief poured into her magic.

No, no. Not now. Not here. I can't deal with it properly!, Nyx gritted her teeth while she mentally scrambled to stop the outpour.

It was too late. Magic gushed from the crack in the dam wall.

Graces have mercy, she felt the chocking rush of power.

She ripped her mind away from her preoccupation with stopping the overwhelming surge. She'll need to divert it instead.

Nyx could hear the others fighting with the worgs behind her as well as someone calling her name. She should be helping them, but she can't help them in her current state.

Not grief. I can't use grief.

Nyx exhaled a breath and with it gathered her will around her emotions. She plunged into her magic, hoisted her grief, and rammed it into anger. Bellowing white hot fury at the transgressors of the memory and seething disdain at the manipulative entity in her head. Nyx straightened then heldfast her cascading magic, tightening her will's grip and leashing the beast.


She turned when another axe headed towards her, flung from worg handler. Nyx made a dismissive wave of her hand at the axe veered off course and into the wall to her left. She unceremoniously yanked the remaining axe from her chest, healing the gaping dripping wound while she tossed the axe to the ground. Dark power permeated the air around her. The goblin's face turned from rage to astonishment, its mouth agape.

Nyx reached with an outstretched right hand to the burning brazier and lifted it from the floor with her magic. The goblin barely had time to register what was happening when she impaled it against the wall with the upturned brazier, its fire and coals spilling onto the floor and over the pinned goblin. The force cratered the wall in a deafening blow and the goblin screamed its last breath as the flames consumed it. Nyx shifted her attention to the worgs attacking her companions.

She reached out to the other unlit braziers on the same level, one to each side of her. Her magic dismantled their metal limbs. Metal beams and sheets floated while she aimed it at the remaining worgs. Bringing her hands down, she skewered each and every one of the animals. The metal cleaved through the worgs then sunk into the ground below, only stopping halfway into the floor. Yelps and howls rang out briefly and the worg bodies stilled. Blood trailing black against the gleaming metal. The taste of iron and burning meat filling the room. The threat was eliminated.


Nyx had a vague awareness of the others staring at her. She was fighting against her brimming magic. She chocked.

It wasn't enough. She didn't use up enough of her magic, it was pooling inside of her again. Pressing against the very vessel of her being. The pressure was building within her mind, her skull and behind her eyes. She groaned while she strained to contain it, bent over, and holding onto the head, staring unfocussed through her fingers at the floor before her.

Her magic seeped from her body into her surroundings. She moved and quickly enclosed herself in a sphere to limit its effects. Translucent snaring tendrils danced from her body and streaked through the air, disintegrating anything they touched. The pillar next to her, parts of the staircase in front of her, chipping away at the roof above her. Pieces of mortar and cement broke off and twirled around her within her sphere. She turned away from the stairs and heard someone call to her again.

"I need. A moment", she managed between clenched teeth, her eyes closed, and her hands fisted at her sides. In a hunched posture she started with her ritual to regain control, first taking measured breaths like she showed Karlach earlier that day, but with more purpose and resolution. The pressure receded.


She managed to slow the outpour. She had secured herself time to use the remainder of her magic and channel it to repair the damage to her mental defences. Keeping her eyes closed and focusing on her breathing she reached into her backpack and withdrew her quarterstaff. She placed it on the ground in front of her. She grasped it with both hands feeling the runes etched into the wood. She lowered her head and leaned into the staff. In order to channel her Ki to the extent she required; she needed to partially dissociate, the staff acting as her physical and spiritual anchor to the real world.

She turned her attention inwards and retreated deep within her mental kingdom. She sought out her spiritual sanctuary, a place closest to the seat of her soul, a place only she can visit. There she found the open well to her life force. It sparkled with silver light through the darkness, swirling in patterns and glistening beams beneath the waters. She dipped her hands into it and pulled the glowing threads of magic from it. She left her sanctuary and returned to the damaged portion of her mind. She recited the words to a prayer Sakani had taught her. Nyx could feel her lips move and her breath whisper the words in the physical world as well.

She released her glowing threads into the magic pouring from the crack. Shining silver streaked through the flow, and into the crack. She weaved a magical stitch over the crack, drawing the ruptures pieces together with each prayer line and motion of her hands. The outpour stopped when the crack sealed, then she reinforced it with more magic.

Nyx shifted her consciousness back to her staff, the touch of the wood grain under her fingers and the pull of the runes. The prayer she recites was linked to the runes carved into the staff and it was her guide back to reality. She breathed out a long slow breath and gradually opened her eyes, focusing on the glowing silver runes in front of her. The glow faded from the runes on the staff while Nyx's Ki dissipated, and she became more aware of her surroundings.

She straightened and blinked away the afterglow from her eyes. She was standing atop the second staircase to the right of the chamber staring at the wall. She ran her hand down her staff and used it to steady her balance while she turned to find her companions.




They stared at her, mixed expressions of shock, concern, and trepidation. Nyx closed her eyes and sighed, The cascade has spooked them, and rightly so.

She took in the extent of the destruction her brief cascade caused to her immediate surroundings. The area looked to have been stuck by all of nature's fury at once, barely contained within the size of her sphere.

She looked back at their uncertain expressions and declared evenly, "I've got it back under control", then she added with a weak smile, "Like I said: 'it gets scary'."

"Chk! Your lack of self-control is more acute than you led us to believe Istik", Lae'zel levelled a blistering accusation at Nyx.

Nyx regarded her without emotion and said plainly, "You don't know what you speak of."

Lae'zel's head jerked back as though Nyx had struck her. Lae'zel took another breath to retort, but Tav intervened and said curtly between them, "We can discuss this later."

Tav finished with determination, "I trust Nyx", and looked at Lae'zel, Astarion and Halsin in turn, implying they do the same. Halsin was no longer in bear form and regarded Nyx with guarded unease.

Nyx appreciated the simple, yet impactful last statement from Tav and inclined her head towards Tav. They continued towards the exit and Nyx moved to join them, but kept her distance for everyone's comfort.

Lae'zel passed her on the way to the door, glaring, baring her teeth and audibly growling at Nyx as she walked by. Nyx wondered sarcastically who the actual bear in the room was. Lae'zel proceeded to shove the goblin children's bodies out of the way with her boot and continued through the door and up the stairs. Tav too went by, not looking at Nyx, but frowning to herself while following Lae'zel. Next was Halsin.

He locked eyes with Nyx and stopped walking staring at her with intense disapproval, a deep frown creasing his forehead. Halsin was a towering wood elf, and even from this distance, she had to look up to hold his gaze. Nyx stood her ground and gauged his expression. His mouth moved as if he wanted to say something, but instead he only shook his head and continued after the others. Nyx sighed to herself after Halsin disappeared from sight.

I wonder how much Halsin's archdruid magic allows him to sense about the source of my power, she walked towards the goblin children to retrieve her knives.

Astarion sidled in next to Nyx. He had witnessed the standoff between her and Halsin. Astarion glanced down at the bodies and then regarded Nyx with a tilted head. A slow sly smile touched his lips.

She shifted her weight to lean into her staff and gave him a raised eyebrow, What is he up to again?

"My dear," he lilted, "Would you care to join me for a spot of murder?", and something dark danced behind in his eyes.

Nyx glanced down to the children. She looked at him and said evenly, "Let's hunt."

Astarion's face split into a wicked grin and his posture became more predatory.

He lulled, "A delightful turn of phrase, darling."

They continued towards the temple above.


Githyanki vocabulary
istik: Stranger, refers to non-githyanki

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