Chapter 16: Operation Camp Gob (part 1)

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Starting the chapter with Astarion's POV.

Dragon Age Inquisition Easter Egg


He watched her for the second time this morning.

The first time was after he had heard someone thrashing during the night straight through his trance. He was alarmed to the fact that persons had intruded upon camp and someone was being attacked. He left his tent to inspect the noise. He didn't expect to see, Nyx of all people, standing outside of her tent doubled over, panting as though she had been running the whole night long.

He tilted his head and listened for what could have gotten her in such a state, but there wasn't anything out of the ordinary. He frowned and slowly walked towards her unsure of what to do then he stopped as she started to straighten. He saw her cheeks were flushed and wet with tears. Only then did he recognize the tension in her body and how she held herself. The wind changed and he could smell the fear on her.

She was afraid? Of what?

He listened and looked around again. There is truly nothing here.

I haven't seen her like this, since, he remembered their encounter that very next day, Since that first morning when she looked at me like she had seen a ghost.


He was under the impression she had identified him as a vampire right then and there, which was why she promptly fled afterwards. He was certain she'd out him immediately after that, but then nothing happened. Granted she was very suspicious of him for the rest of the day as though she knew exactly what he was, and yet no matter how hard he tried to figure out what her plan was, she remained as opaque to him then like she was now.


Yet here she stood in front of him, completely unaware that he was witness to one of her rare vulnerable moments. I wonder if the veil might lift on some of her secrets.

He watched as she started to walk towards the plaza, he could hear her gradually gaining control of her breathing as she went. The techniques she spoke of.

He kept his distance seeing since she mentioned she might be dangerous to be around during times like these. His curiosity and desire to glimpse a few of her secrets led him to keep an eye on her from a safe distance.

To his disappointment, he didn't gain much from it. She mostly calmed herself down, standing in the dark plaza all alone. Astarion sensed the dog approach. Scratch likely heard them moving around and came over to Astarion first. Astarion decided he wasn't going to touch the mutt until someone else had washed him. He regarded Scratch with crossed arms and a raised eyebrow.

The dog left him and went stand next to Nyx, who uncharacteristically didn't seem to notice him. Both to Astarion's amusement and dismay, she almost jumped out of her skin when the mutt huffed at her side. Astarion was annoyed, since he had never managed to get such a reaction from her and yet this overtly noisy, smelly mutt managed to scare her like that.

She spoke to the dog and petted him, Ugh, disgusting, he made a face. His revulsion was short lived when she promptly told the dog that it needed a bath. Astarion watched as she left with the animal to get 'cleaned up'. He didn't follow. He was many things; a murdered, stalker, lover, but not a pervert especially of that kind. Besides he had standards, and he gained nothing by watching any longer. He returned to his tent.


He was watching her again, this time in the morning light. He doesn't know why; she wasn't doing anything remotely interesting. She was seated on the ground, meditating in the glade that she liked to visit.

Yet here he was, standing in the shadows leaning against a tree, wondering what to do about the fact that she had far too many of his secrets and he had none of hers. I know of her magic now, but it’s hardly leverage when everyone else knows of it as well.

He also doesn't understand why he told her about Cazador. He had never told another soul about the abuse he had endured under the same man who was his rescuer, torturer, and possessor. She listened, didn't pry like she said she would and let him tell her what he wanted to. She was clearly disturbed by it, but she did not give him the standard expected empty platitudes. Instead told him that his actions were less monstrous than that of the Shadow Druids? In fact, wanted to 'stick a hot poker into Cazador's eye', he chuckled under his breath again.

She still treated him, normal? After all that. He doubted the others would, he was no Wyll. A knight in shining armour, cursed by a devil for doing the right thing. Astarion was a monster, and yet she does not treat him as such.


He shook his head, If only she knew. Knew all the things I've done. Could she truly be that naïve? To continue to treat me like a person? Or was it something else?

It was the last question that bothered him the most. He needed leverage over her and more standing within the group. He had his own ways to establish that. He smiled, It would be, easy.

Although, his original target does seem to enjoy his attention. It doesn't seem that she was receptive to his efforts in the way he wants, as Tav looks to be enamoured with Gale. He scowled at the thought that Tav could be more interested in the, walking encyclopaedia than in him. She clearly doesn't have any taste, he stuck his nose in the air.

However, Tav does seem to hold Nyx in high regard, and if he could find out why the devil really wants her power, then he'll have all the leverage he needs along with her feelings for him. Maybe he can pluck a few of those problematic memories from her as well. It could be dangerous because of her magic, but I like a bit of danger... and it'll be fun.

Then, he'll be able to use that leverage for his own purposes, to not only secure his position in the group and get rid of the parasite in his head, but most importantly, to keep Cazador at bay.

He smirked, I do love it when an opportunity presents itself. Especially, when she was already such a sweet thing. She's easy enough on the eyes. She just needs some encouragement on the, fun side of things, and she has been playing along so far.


--- --- ---


Nyx doubled her efforts that morning during meditation. Clearing out the cobwebs the previous night had created and applied additional layers of preventative magic. Even to places and things already sealed - such as the black pit and a certain highly disruptive visitor. Said visitor proved to be making good on its threats to use her memories against her, and she’ll need to counter it as much as possible. For her sake and for the sake of those around her.

When she was done, she rose from her meditation and brushed debris from her pants. She didn't startle when she heard his voice this time; she half expected him to make an appearance again.

"Why, good morning", he lilted and added with a smooth lull, "beautiful."

She looked at him leaning against a tree and narrowed her eyes. He had a smile that didn't quite touch his eyes, What is he up to now?

"Is that your way of getting me to tell you that you're beautiful again?", she asked him with amusement in her voice.

"Oh, but you already did", he lulled and smiled slyly regarding her from the corner of his eye.

She snorted and grinned, Smartass.

She bent down to gather up her quarter staff. She was planning on using it for an active meditation, but the mental clean out took longer than expected and she could already hear the camp bustling in preparation for today. Time to go back.

She straightened and Astarion gave her a raised eyebrow.

"Honestly, darling. A stick?", he lulled clearly unimpressed by the weapon.

She looked at her staff, and she ran her hand along its length. To those not trained in the art of The Way of The Sun Soul it looks like a plain old quarter staff.

This is my personal staff to help me channel Ki.

It was the only way she knew how to channel her life energy, Sanika said she'd never be able to use it in battle. However, as part of her need to control her magic, it would be sufficient. This staff (and by extension her mentors, both Keetjah and Sanika) have saved her life more times than she could count.

It is more than just a stick to her, so much more, but that story was a bit too personal and sentimental for her to share with him. She's not sure if he'd appreciate its importance to her.


Instead, she returned his sly smile, "It's not just any old stick.", and said nothing more.

She could see his annoyance at her not elaborating, "Well, what is it then?", he tilted his head at her.

Should I tell him or am I going to be a smartass too? Hmm... He won't be impressed with its true purpose either way, he'd consider it dull, so...

She grinned, "Rather powerful in the right hands", imitating his lull back at him.

He can make with that whatever he wants.

He gave her another raised eyebrow and a wicked grin. Not waiting for a response, she started to motion towards the camp, using her staff as a walking stick. She had a silly grin on her face all the way back, and she doesn't know why.




Tav had been in correspondence with the druids throughout the early evening last night and again first thing this morning. Tav recruited Shadowheart to assist with the intelligence gathering and organization. Tav briefed them, per usual, during breakfast.

She informed them that the druids have done a preliminary scout of the camp site yesterday. For now, they are placing their scouting efforts on hold; until the 'prisoner escort' had cleared the area. There were some parts of the temple they had not yet scouted. The reports mentioned talk that the prisoner was to be escorted out of the temple via a passageway under the temple. The druids do not know the location of said passageway but have made it a priority for the next round of scouting.

Tav paused to intercept the last message for the morning, being dropped off by a sizable blue-black raven. She thanked the bird, who cawed in response when it flew off. She smiled gleefully while she read the message.

"We have confirmation that Halsin is alive."

Karlach's whoop was joined by several sighs of relief and comments from the others to the same effect.

"You are quiet the spymaster", Gale's eyes shone with intrigue while he watched Tav add the information to her pile of espionage.

Tav gave him a knowing grin and she winked at everyone else. The rest of the group shared glances among themselves accompanied by grins as well. Tav did mention having done 'other things' before 'taking up the lyre'. She was privy to her secrets just as much as anyone else here.


Shadowheart asked, "Do we know where Halsin is being kept yet?"

Tav finished chewing her food, "On the list of things to confirm. The note mentioned that they're keeping him alive for information on the grove and he is to be 'interrogated' after the party."

Nyx frowned at this 'interrogation' part, "Clearly not by the goblins. It's not their style."

There were a few snorts and laughs at the turn of phrase.

Nyx continued waving her hand in the general direction of Camp Gob, "This whole setup is starting to feel like more than just a bunch of zealots following a new god. It's too organized, too many resources. Too military, too precise." Nyx scrunched her face in thought.

Tav pointed her spoon at Nyx, "My thoughts exactly, and who is responsible. Who is the one really behind this. Which is why I want to infiltrate the camp so we can gather information not only on how to disable it, but also to get a better idea of the 'bigger picture' on what's going on here."

Gale added, "And how it all adds up to our tadpoles."

There were grunts and nods of agreement.

And why is Raphael so interested as well? There is no reason for our group of misfits to be so important to Raphael that he had to put on the performance he did yesterday. I want to know what cards he has too.

They dispersed after eating to get themselves ready and they waited for the druids' signal that the 'prisoner escort' had left the temple proper before setting out.




Nyx was waiting with Karlach in Moonhaven's plaza after they received the ‘all clear’ for Operation Camp Gob. Nyx was watching with amusement while Karlach bounded on her toes, and they haven't even had one battle yet.

Wyll moved next to Karlach. He seemed uncomfortable, fidgeting with the hem of his tunic. Nyx looked at him with concern, but he didn't make eye contact with at either of them.

“Karlach.”, he started not really looking at her.

“What's up?”, she responded furrowing her brow at him too.

He didn't seem to have the words, opening and closing his mouth several times. Nyx and Karlach shrugged at each other. Karlach gave him a questioning look. “Out with it, Soldier. You're starting to make me nervous.”, she encouraged.

Nyx put in, "And she's already nervous", Karlach grinned in response. He turned to them and glanced at Karlach.

“I wanted to ask you about horns.”, he managed.

Karlach seemed very interested and said in a suggestive tone, “Oh, which kind are we talking about?”, wearing her shit-eating grin and waggled her eyebrows at him.

Nyx chocked on a snort. Wyll was taken aback.

“Gods no!”, he countered exasperated and pointed to his head , “I’m talking about actual horns. Like the ones on our heads.”

Karlach deflated, “Oh. Boring, but okay. Whaddaya wanna know?”, she kept grinning at his obvious discomfort on the topic.

“Do yours…”, he paused, chewing his lip.

“Do mine…”, she repeated with raised eyebrows leaning towards him.

Nyx saw Astarion approach from behind Karlach and Wyll, “By the hells! Spit it out already!”, came his voice.

“Itch”, he sputtered in response to Astarion’s sudden arrival.

Itch?” Karlach repeated with an even bigger shit-eating grin, she threw her head back and gave a mighty guffaw.

Wyll looked like he wanted the earth to swallow him up. Astarion looked like he was enjoying this more than anyone else, and Nyx was trying her best not to react, given Wyll’s clear embarrassment at the subject.


“Getting to experience all the joys of having a pair of these bad boys, eh?” Karlach smacked him hard on the shoulder, eliciting grunts from him and he gave her a weak smile in return. She continued, “Yeah, they itch like a bitch in heat,” Karlach chuckled and Wyll's grimace at the comparison. She added in a serious tone with a pointed finger, “But the worst are the mites.”

Mites!”, Wyll looked stricken.

“Yeah, even nastier are the borer maggots.”, Karlach nodded gravely and gave him a wide-eyed look, “Go all the way into your skull in bad cases.”, she gestured to her head.

Wyll was appalled, Nyx was sure he is a few shades lighter as well. Astarion was enjoying the show far too much. Nyx decided to help Wyll out of Karlach’s teasing.


“Come now Karlach. You’re going to give the man nightmares when he wanted help. Surely, there is something you do to prevent all of it?”

Karlach glanced at Nyx with a grin, “Alright, I had my fun.", and said onto Wyll, "It's simple really, you just get yourself some beeswax and slap it on.”, she gestured with her one hand in a scooping motion towards her ‘good’ horn.

Wyll wasn't convinced, “That's, all?”, he asked incredulous.

“Pretty much. You can add some extra stuff to it. We all have our own blends of oils and scents that we add to it. Some to help with our particular needs, and others because it just, smells nice.”, Karlach explained with a shrug and upturned hand. He nodded.

Karlach pointed at him again, “But don't go borrowing or sharing someone else's. That's when the mites start and then everyone gets mites.”, Karlach curled her lip and rolled her shoulders in disgust.

Wyll nodded again, “Good to know. Thank you, Karlach.”, he said with a genuine smile, and she grinned back at him.

Karlach, Wyll and Astarion watched with interest as Nyx rifled through her backpack.


Astarion quipped, “Don't tell me you have scented horn wax in you backpack as well, my dear.”

Nyx shot him a flat look and then smirked, “Of course not, but I do have the next best thing.”

Nyx produced another small round jar, handed it to Wyll and said, “Pure beeswax with a dash of grapeseed oil for easier application. I use it as a base for my herbal remedies and salves. Keep it, I have more than enough to spare.”

Wyll took the jar with raised eyebrows. Then inclined his head and gestured with the jar, “Thank you.”

Karlach gestured with her chin to Nyx's backpack, “What else do you have in there?”

Nyx said coyly, “Hm? A lady never tells.”, and winked at Karlach.

Karlach guffawed again.




Tav gathered them up and they set off. At the camp entrance, Tav introduced herself to the guard at the gate as the 'Inspector'. It was a hilarious conversation for which everyone was trying their hardest not to laugh and preserve a serious composure. It seems that the goblins do not appreciate the idea of an 'Inspector', who goes around looking at things. Even worse, potentially touching said things - especially not their things. One goblin even exclaimed partly in confirmation that the 'Inspector' wanted to "Looky and touchy?!" with an utterly appalled expression. Tav replied in a serious tone that this was to determine whether 'the things' were suitable for 'the big boss' and 'his plans'.

The fact that they didn't know anything about the 'big boss' or 'him and the Absolute's plans', seemed to work in their favour of selling it to the goblins - since the goblins didn't know about any of it either. They begrudgingly agreed to let the 'Inspector' and 'her assistants' into the camp to conduct their 'inspecting', all in the name of the 'Absolute'.


The forecamp was located on higher elevation separate to the temple itself. The goblin's shipments and party provisions were scattered about in various boxes and crates. Tav suggested that some of them discreetly 'inspect' and 'confiscate contraband' while the others kept watch as she doesn't want to overplay her 'Inspector' role. Subsequently, Tav and Gale proceeded to distract goblins in the vicinity and lured them further away with chit-chat to disguise their information gathering.

The shipments consisted of crude and basic weaponry, nothing of great value or use. The party celebratory cargo was mainly cheap booze, much to the disappointment of the rest of the group. Nyx didn't care for it either way, alcohol 'meshed' poorly with her magic in any case. She refrained from drinking the stuff entirely. They pocketed any meager pickings and made their way to the temple. The ruin was nestled into the surrounding mountain across a bridge over a gorge with a river below and a waterfall to the left. They had barely set foot onto the bridge when they were forcefully assaulted by a psionic vision.


The pressure in her mind was brutal and it registered as extreme pain in her body. Nyx joined the others on the ground when she fell to her knees. All of them were withering with pain and grunting with effort to resist. Nyx held onto her head and through clenched teeth, she managed to remain on her knees while the others were pushed down further onto all fours, some almost onto the flat on their stomachs. Nyx breathed through the pain and reached for her more advanced techniques to shield against the mental attack, wrapping more magic layers around her squirming tadpole.

She heard a distant voice demand their obedience. It identified itself as this 'Absolute', a beckoning power of command and it echoed authority via several layered voices inside her head. Nyx felt like she wanted to retch while straining against the entity, but she stubbornly continued to fight it - her nose started to bleed. The entity showed her vague visions of 'her chosen' and how they should 'assist them in their search for a prism'. It promised them the same privileges as her chosen should they be successful.

Shadowheart struggled next to Nyx and through squinting eyes Nyx saw her produce a many-sided polyhedron, it pulsed with power. Nyx could already feel the power from the artefact chipping away at the mental grip of the Absolute. Shadowheart wrestled herself to her feet and released the artefact into to the air. It hovered in the air, glowing and its swirling magic reaching out to each of them, breaking the chains of pain and dominance. The voice faded with a final statement of its growing power, and forces to bring reckoning to something. Nyx couldn’t discern whose or what's reckoning as the entity dropped from her mind. Nyx sat on her legs, threw her head back and breathed with relief.


Nyx watched through bleary eyes while the others slowly recovered as well.

She looked up at Shadowheart and breathed, "By the abyss. I don't know what you did, but I am grateful that's over. Thank you."

Shadowheart looked down at Nyx, a brief smile touched her face and then she said, "You’re bleeding."

"Oh, yes", Nyx touched her lip, her fingers were warmed by the blood. She covered her nose with her hands, healed the torn vessel and wiped away the blood. Nyx glanced back at Shadowheart who seemed to want to ask her something, but Tav's voice rang out to check on all of them.

Everyone was shaken but unharmed. Shadowheart made her way to Tav who was still on the ground.

Astarion was diagonally in front of Nyx, and he suddenly turned his head towards her. His eyes snapping to hers and then to the drops of blood on the ground before her. She looked down and grimaced at it, she searched for some loose soil to cover it up and spare him the unnecessary discomfort it seemed to bring. She gave him a weak empathetic smile, and he turned his gaze away.

I wonder whether he needs blood to recover from psionic attacks as well, she mused.


Tav started to question Shadowheart about the artefact that drifted after her and then settled itself back into her hands. Lae'zel immediately recognized it as being a gith relic. Shadowheart confessed that it was indeed of Githyanki origin and that she did not know how it saved them from the Absolute's control. Lae'zel accused Shadowheart of killing her people in order to steal it, which Shadowheart did not even deny. Tav had to intervene in Lae'zel's swift declaration of avenging the fallen, standing between a glowering Shadowheart and rankled Lae'zel once again.

Nyx puffed out her cheeks, And they were getting along so well.

Tav asked how Shadowheart came about stealing the artefact, to which Shadowheart explained that it was part of her secret mission as one of Shar's disciples.

The Mistress of the Night? Lady of Loss? Wow, Nyx thought.

Nyx raised her eyebrows while Shadowheart elaborated that her mission was so important that Shadowheart's memories had been wiped to keep the mission a secret and to ensure the artefacts' deliverance to Baldur's Gate. Tav asked her what the artefact was, and she admitted to not knowing, but that she'll complete her mission regardless. Especially after so many of her group had given their lives to obtain it. She was adamant that she'll give her life to seeing it through and that she cannot divulge anymore. Nyx presumed it was because she couldn't remember, rather than not sharing information. Tav thanked her nonetheless, and agreed that the artefact should remain secret seeing as the cultists where interested in it too. Looking at Lae'zel, Tav also suggested that Shadowheart keep it seeing as it suppressed the Absolute's ability to control them.

Lae'zel begrudgingly agreed, graciously extending the life debt claim.

Nyx wasn't sure which part of the interaction was most impressive. Afterwards, everyone had made it to their feet and, with some tense glances at each other and their surroundings, they continued across the bridge.




The temple had a large courtyard surrounded by towering architecture, much like Moonhaven. Large wooden doors demarcated the temple proper, complete with an ogre gate keeper.

Tav was taking stock of the place and deciding on how to divvy up tasks to 'her crew'. Nyx surveyed the area while they waited. She spotted several high vantage points that she could take advantage of, some with easy access - others only she would be able to access with some minor magical assistance.

Wyll caught her eye, "Already spying potential markswoman positions?" he asked in a low conspiratorial tone as he leaned towards her. She gave him her best impression of Karlach's grin and he nodded sagely.


Tav gathered them up in a quiet corner of the courtyard away from praying eyes and eavesdroppers. She suggested that Gale, Shadowheart and herself were to gather information by speaking to any receptive parties outside and inside the temple. She was also interested in any 'intelligence' they may find regarding updated maps, log, plans and any other material that could shed light on what was going on here.

Next, she suggested that Lae'zel, Wyll and Karlach mosey about and see if they can identify any strategic advantages for battle or 'other exploits'. Tav had to explain what she meant by 'mosey about' to Lae'zel, for which she was rewarded with a glare - to everyone's suppressed amusement.

Finally, she assigned Nyx and Astarion to 'sneaky stuff' to which Nyx made an amused snort. They were to scout entrance routes, vantage points, dark 'lethal' corners and 'whatever they'd consider sneaky things'.

Astarion lilted with a smirk clasping his hands together, "Oh goody, we have permission to sneak around and have some fun while we’re at it?"

Tav pinched the bridge of her nose between her fingers and turned to Nyx, "Keep an eye on him", she pointed at Astarion.

Astarion glanced Nyx then lulled, "Who doesn't?"

Nyx snorted and smirked while Tav rolled her eyes at the comment.

Tav amended her statement, "Stay the course and keep him from having too much funWe might regret it later."

Astarion tsked at that and Nyx grinned at Tav then stated, "Last time I recall; I was allergic to fun."

Astarion sighed dramatically and waved a lazy hand between them, "Are you both here just to ruin my fun?"

Nyx chuckled and quipped, "What like divine intervention? Sent by the Lady of Dull?"

Astarion's pitched laugh escaped him and he lulled, "My dear, you might regret having said that later."

Tav grinned at them and turned to the others shaking her head.

All were in agreement with their assignments and Tav confirmed that they'll reconvene back at Moonhaven before sundown. With a shooing of her hands, Tav dismissed them to their objectives.

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