Chapter 22

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Once reaching the tranquillity of their suite, Sergei shooing them off to bed collapsed into the only chair in the room.  He knew the work of the next day would be both draining and dangerous.   Reaching for the medicine, he took a deep draught and prepared himself for his own bed. 

Eldrick and Sebastian, finding themselves left alone in their shared room considered things other than sleep, but once they crawled under the luxurious covers were quickly out. 

Sebastian woke with an alluring scent entering his nostrils.  He distinctly recalled having smelled this once or twice before.  Looking over at his bed partner he was shocked to see a gorgeous blond woman sleeping deeply beside him.  She smelled similar to Eldrick, just very feminine.  He didn’t wish to awaken her for fear that whatever was happening would cause irreparable harm to one of them.  Though he felt desire, he was not going to act on it at the moment.

Gently he reached out with his mind to brush the surface thoughts of his bed partner, careful not to violate her personal thoughts.

Eldrick, deep asleep, was having the dream of not being in the right body again.  Only this time he was a young woman, dressed in soft satin, long blond hair flowing down her back.  Her breasts were tender and full.  Running through a golden wheat field towards something, though she could not make out what it was.  It felt both desirable and yet vaguely scary.  The edge of the field was obscured by a mist, yet she could hear singing in the distance calling to her.  As she was nearly to the edge of the mist the dream changed.  Standing there in front of her was a luminescent beauty, light glittered from her translucent wings as though emanating from the faint lines throughout.   Her expression was one of sadness. 

“What are you doing? This is not who you are meant to be.  You must search inside yourself to discover who and what you truly are and embrace it.  Do not allow others to dictate your life, be strong and accept.” 

With that, she faded into the background and disappeared. 

Sebastian watched as a mist enveloped Eldrick.  Once the mist dissipated Eldrick was once again in his male form.  Rolling onto his side he drifted back to sleep.

The morning dawned chill and grey, as though even the world could feel the danger about to encompass it.  Sergei awoke with a start, groggily sitting up he felt like he had just run a marathon instead of getting a night’s sleep. He hoped his young companions fared better during the night.  Climbing out of the bed, he dressed and left his room to order breakfast.  Hopefully, food would fix the fugue he was in.  Ringing the bell, he went to check on Eldrick and Sebastian.  Opening the door, he saw Sebastian cradling a sobbing Eldrick in his arms, rocking back and forth.

"He had a bad dream and is currently trying to work through the repercussions of it.  Give us a few moments and we will be out shortly."

With a nod, Sergei backed out and closed the door.  With the door firmly shut Sebastian turned his attention back to Eldrick.  Gently rocking him to try to calm him down.  

“Why do I feel this way?  It just doesn’t seem natural.  I shouldn’t feel like I’m a woman trapped in the wrong body.  Nothing seems right,” cried Eldrick.  The racking sobs causing his whole body convulse.  His sapphire eyes moist and shiny.  His broken sobs echoed through the room. With his heart tearing itself apart, Sebastian clung tighter to Eldrick. 

"Eldrick there is nothing that will make me stop caring for you.  Male or female makes no difference to me.  We are bonded body and soul.  I will do everything I can to protect you. Come on now pull yourself together we need to go help Sergei with those dark artifacts." 

I’ll try.  I just don’t know.  I can't seem to focus.  The lady in my dream said I was throwing her gift away.  What gift?  I don’t remember ever meeting anyone like that.  It seemed so real.  I should talk to Sergei about dreams.  He would know what it means,”  Eldrick said, wiping his eyes and attempting to put a smile on his face. 

Gathering their clothes, they quickly dressed and left the room.  Sergei was seated in his chair with a plate of food balanced on his lap.  Indicating to the sideboard where two more plates sat awaiting the youths.  Sebastian could tell that eating was therapeutic for Eldrick. 

“Sergei, sir, I would like to discuss my dreams of last night and see if you can help interpret them. 

“By all means my boy, I may not have the answers you are looking for, but I will try.  We have a task ahead of us today and I would prefer to deal with that before tackling dream interpretation, as it takes a great deal of concentration.  I understand that this is important to you and will do the best I can for you.” 

After breakfast, they headed to the council room to gather the items for destruction.  With the guards' help, they quickly finished loading the wagon and were soon on the road to the appointed field. It was left fallow this season as to allow it to recover from the last three years of use.  While the guards were setting up a perimeter around the field and on the road, Sergei directed Sebastian to create the protective circle while Eldrick set up the arcane runes to contain the magical energies.  Sergei was mustering his resources for the task at hand.  Once everything was to Sergei’s satisfaction, he requested that his two companions sit at his feet slightly touching each other and himself and enter a trance.  Motioning to the guards to start bringing the items to the circle. 

“Mind you don’t smudge the runes or circle when placing items inside.  This is going to take quite some time as we can only deal with them one at a time.” 

Nodding the guards began the tedious job of moving the items carefully into the circle.  With a deep breath, Sergei settled himself to work. 

The first few were easily dealt with.  Midmorning saw the attack.  Fifty cowled figures approached from different directions having encircled the field working inwards to the center and its occupants.  Blood, ominously dripping off the tips of the blades they carried.  The guards sensing something was amiss turned to confront the assailants.  With quick hand motions, both guards froze mid-turn.  The incredulous looks worn on their faces revealing the fact that they were taken by surprise. 

Sebastian and Eldrick sensing the disturbance in the magical energies of the area looked at each other and with a nod cast defensive spells surrounding the work area and those in the immediate vicinity utilizing both aggressively defensive spells and shielding techniques.  Working as one due to the simple expediency of being linked in trance, siphoning off only a little power from the link with Sergei, so as not to disrupt what he was doing.  Luckily the two guardsmen were within the protective spells boundary, when the protections went up the spells affecting them fell. 

The protective shielding began being hammered by spell after spell from the advancing horde of mages.  Sebastian could sense Eldrick's energies flagging.  How long could he maintain his focus under such an unrelenting assault?  Just as he thought Eldrick couldn’t last any longer he felt a rush of fresh energy as the assault diminished.  Sergei finishing the destruction of the relic focused the released energy towards the attackers while sending energy through the link to his young companions, who rallied with the influx of power.  

The numbers had dwindled from fifty to thirty-five or so.  While the majority continued their attempt to whittle down the defences and get at the defendersthree, noticing the unguarded wagon still half full of dark relics broke off the attack to gather the items which they were sent for.  Sebastian aware of what was happening cursed the fact that he was still linked to the others.  Knowing if he left them to protect the wagon and Maybell it would leave Eldrick and Sergei vulnerable.  Then he noticed the life essence of an approaching dragon just off to the north.  

"Hey, would you be willing to give us a hand?  We are sorely outnumbered and on a mission for King Daividh."  

"A mission for the good king you say?  Well, I just happen to be on my way to see him.  Where are you?  I do not see another dragon just a bunch of humans," was the reply. 

"I am shape changed into a human so that I can assist my two travelling companions, the druid Sergei and his apprentice." 

"Sergei?  I haven’t seen that old codger in many years.  Just to verify what you say, where does he call home?"

"He makes his home on a farmstead up in the mountains, on the north side."

"What do you need done?" 

"The wagon and its cargo cannot be taken.  The King needs those items destroyed, but we need the wagon intact.  Not to mention Sergei is rather fond of Maybell.  I would do it myself but that would require breaking the link and abandoning the others."

"Right, I am on it.  Those would be mages know nothing," he said. 

With a powerful sweep of wings, the newcomer turning his leisurely flight to a high-speed charge.  Transforming the charge to a dive he plummeted out of the northern sky, with a fierce shriek like a crimson messenger of death.  Hearing the roar of a dragon the assailants all turned, looking in shock.  Realizing this was no ordinary dragon heading their way with anger and vengeance burning in his emerald green eyes but was an old battle-hardened wyrm of renown.   This was Sigmund the peacemaker.  Seeing this venerable wyrm charging down on them caused them to panic.  Spells went everywhere except where they were intended.  The backlash of magical energies flying around dropped several where they were.  The three heading towards the wagon turned and ran towards the hedgerow on the edge of the field in the apparent hope of escape.  Sigmund flew directly at the three, coming in low he grabbed each of them as he flew past, by the collar of their jerkins. One in each front claw and the final in his hind claws.  Seeing this the rogue wizards scattered. 

Sergei watching in awe released the link allowing Sebastian to revert to his natural form.  Once in his draconic form, Sebastian took off after the closest stragglers, knocking them to the ground with such force as to leave them gasping for air.  Eldrick ran to the cart and grabbed up the rope, which had tied down the tarp over the items, and began trussing up those which had been bowled over by Sebastian. 

Sigmund returned with his three captives.  All three bound against escape were unceremoniously dumped in the wagon bed. 

Sigmund remained by the wagon while Sergei assessed the welfare of his young companions Eldrick was suffering from mental strain relating to the attack.  His magical energies were flagging enough he could not continue to assist in the destruction of the artifacts which was the primary concern of the day.  Sebastian prowled around the field worriedly.   

"Sebastian, are you injured?

"Not physically, just my pride.  Bui, Eldrick is done."

“Ok, we are done for today.  Neither of you young men are in any state to continue.  I would say it has been a productive morning overall.  We successfully disposed of about half the items and survived an army of mages.  Capturing about ten to take back to the King for interrogation.  Sigmund my old friend, how good to see you again.  What brings you here?” 

Upon hearing his name Sigmund raised his massive head and turned to look at the group of companions. His crimson scales glistening with golden highlights in the sun. 

Why old man, I was on my way to see you at the farmstead when one of your companions contacted me for help.  I am searching for my wayward nephew.  He decided he wanted to see the world and flew off just before the winter storms hit. 

“Well of course you are welcome to come back with us to the castle.  I am sure Daividh would be happy to see you.  Victor has turned traitor.  All these dark artifacts were found in his room.  Of course, I would really enjoy catching up with you.  What has it been, thirty years? 

“Give or take a couple.  Victor had just accepted the position in the castle.  That was when I helped strengthen your life sense. 

Gathering everything up, and collecting the remaining guards, they began the trip back to the castle.  The prisoners tied into a chain gang following behind the wagon.  Of the thirty guardsmen sent out only seven were returning, three of which were laying in the back of the wagon due to the injuries they sustained.   Maybell plodding along at her usual sedate pace, the scent of a dragon nearby having no effect. 

“I think I shall fly ahead and prepare for your arrival.  Amarna is going to need to see to those on the wagon bed as soon as you arrive.  Besides, if I am the one to inform the king it may give him time to cool his heels before your return,” Sigmund interjected. Before Sergei could respond Sigmund leapt into the air from his powerful hind legs and was soon lost to sight. 

The guards watching the captives did not treat them kindly.  After the massacre of their comrades, they wanted vengeance, however, they also knew the king would demand justice as well as answers.  So, when one would fall the guards would let them drag for a bit before hauling them up to their feet and giving them a shove to propel them forward again.  The other captives were not permitted to aid those who had fallen.

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