Chapter 49

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Sergei paced the room.  After the discovery of two assassins in the halls outside his quarters he couldn't help but wonder if someone was targeting himself or his young apprentice.  Amarna had stopped by to give him the news.  Try though he might, he couldn't get any details out of her since all she knew was there was an attempt in the halls and Eldrick had raised the alarm.  He had relaxed slightly hearing that Eldrick was safe.  It didn't answer the other questions.  Why here?  Why now?  Who is responsible?  Well as to that he could think of one possibility, Victor.  The assassination attempt on the king had been orchestrated by Victor and foiled by Sebastian, Eldrick and himself.  He knew he would worry until he had the whole story, which meant waiting for Eldrick to return.

Hearing the door opening he spun, ready to attack with magic if necessary.  The familiar voice of Sigmund relaxed him.  Though who he could be talking to, was a concern.  The person accompanying Sigmund was not his apprentice.  The gown, the hair this was definitely not Eldrick.

"Sergei, I would like to introduce Ellie.  I told her she could crash here tonight as Eldrick is staying at the house of healing for the night."  The smirk on his face clued Sergei to the fact, this was a ruse.  "Ellie, that room over there is Eldricks please make yourself comfortable.  We shall wake you for breakfast.  Have a good night."  "Sergei, we need to keep up this ruse tonight and in the morning."  The mental voice carried a warning.

"Of course, please enjoy our hospitality, Ellie.  Are you hungry or thirsty?"

Eldrick shook his head in the negative.  Bowing his head in a shy manner, crossed the room, opened the door and waved goodnight, closing the door behind himself.

"I hope you are ready for some very disturbing news.  There are assassins stalking the halls.  They seem to be targeting the healers."  Sigmund poured two drinks and handed one to Sergei.  "This is the fourth assassination attempt in about a month.  I fear a conspiracy to cause a war."   Taking a sip he sat on the edge of the settee.

"I think I will go see Daividh in the morning.  I am sure he has already heard but he may not have all the facts yet.  Hell, I don't have all the facts."  Slamming his drink back, he rose to go refill it.  "My apprentice isn't here for me to train, there are assassins roaming the castle, my friends are spread out where I cannot protect them, shit I doubt I can protect myself."  With his glass full he placed it on the table, picked up the bottle and brought it back to his chair with him.  "Don't say a word."

"Okay, I won't SAY a word."  The mental voice laughed.  "Here is the thing.  Someone tried attacking a group of Thormalkian healers during their training session.  You know how they train.  Their weapons are fully functional.  True they cannot work with the blades while here but they cap their spears so they look like staves.  This group had some khopesh-shaped and weighted cudgels to work with as well.  He paused, bringing his hand to his chin, thumb and forefinger stroking the side of his face.  I believe they have an agreement with the guards and stable hands to throw hard wooden balls at them.  They keep the balls in the air while trying to hit each other with them.  If your hit, you lay down until there is only one left standing.  Well, tonight someone tried to knife the 'winner' with a thrown poisoned dagger.  Well, you can guess the result."  He leaned back, resting his shoulders on the top of the chaise.

"I have an idea.  I know not a word was spoken the entire time either.  Thormalkians can be frightening."  He reached for the bottle, picking it up then putting it back down.  "What do you know about the dead assassins in the halls?"

"Not much.  They killed each other is all I know."

"Killed each other?  As in rival groups or two different targets?"

"No.  As in their target seemed to evade at the precise moment of the strike.  There were no wounds on them other than the stab wounds from their knives.  From Amarna, I learned they were dead the moment the blades entered as they were poisoned as well."  He stood, stretched, "I am off to bed I spent the day in magical shield work.  I am exhausted.  I suggest you seek yours as well."  He left the room with that parting shot.

Sergei rose and resumed his pacing.  He saw this coming but didn't understand just how soon.  All he could hope for was to survive long enough to make the conclave.  After that Eldrick would have to stand or fall on his own.  A journey of one year was more than Sergei could handle.  Praying to Alie to keep Eldrick safe in the days ahead.  He spent hours walking the floor until his body decided it was time to shut down.

He woke to the sound of knocking at the door.  Pushing himself off the settee where he had fallen asleep, he answered the door.  There was a page there with the usual trolley of platters.  Entering and placing them on the side table, then leaving.  Sergei thought this was odd.  The pages were always willing to chatter at him.  But then he had just woken up, with his head feeling like there was someone beating on it from the inside.  He figured his expression was not conducive to encourage talking.  Grabbing a tray he lifted the lid.  What he discovered made his skin crawl.  Laying across the food was a single finger.  Dropping the tray, he stepped back, his heart in his throat.  Tears began forming, and with hitching sobs, he let out a cry of pure anguish, as he dropped to his knees.

* * *

Hearing the crash and wail, Sigmund jumped out of bed.  He rushed to the main room expecting to find Sergei in battle or injured.  What he didn't expect was to see Sergei on the floor, tears rolling down his face.  Sitting beside the old man was a severed finger with a ring.  Sigmund recognized that ring.  It was the ring he had given his wife on their wedding day which had been passed down to Sergei to give Linnea, then Sergei had given it to his son by marriage.  That ring belonged to his daughter Evelyn.  Sigmund crashed to the floor alongside Sergei.  Together they wept.  There was only one reason for this display.  It was a taunt and a message.  The message was that anyone they cared for was a target, and it would only be a matter of time.

Sigmund rose to check the other trays, they seemed fine.  With his appetite gone, he knocked on Eldrick's door.  "Ellie, it's time to get up.  You mentioned last night you had an appointment with the seamstress this morning.  You really don't want to keep Francine waiting now, do you?"  Trying to keep his voice level without cracking.  I will bring your breakfast in there if you are decent."  He waited until he heard an affirmative through the door.  Entering he saw Eldrick sitting at the vanity trying to adjust the hairpins.  Placing the tray on the bedside table, he picked up the pins and with long-practiced skill placed them in Eldrick's hair.  Without saying a word he left.

Sergei was trying to get to his feet.  Sigmund seeing this came over to help.  First moving the tray out of the way, Sigmund reached down and picked Sergei up.  "Come on old man, let's put you into bed."  Tears slowly sliding down his cheeks.  "Once I have seen Eldrick to the seamstress, I am getting Amarna or Amaryliss.  Then, I am going to the King.  His house is a disaster if his subjects can be destroyed in such a manner."  Anger slowly rose in the tone of his voice.

Sergei, placing his hand on Sigmund's arm slowly shook his head.  "My friend, there is nothing the King can do about this and anger will not solve anything."  A wan smile rising.  "If I recall my history accurately and I am sure I do.  It was you who quelled the war between Craglim Reach, Gaullium and Herigmark.  What was it you said?"

"War hurts everyone involved or something like that."

"Anger doesn't hurt the one you are angry with, it hurts the one who is angry.  Let it go."  Sergei closed his eyes with those words.  As a soft snore escaped his lips, Sigmund left the room.

Closing the door behind himself he turned to look at Eldrick.  "Once you have finished eating I will escort you to Francine and then I need to go speak with the King."  Flames dancing behind his brightly glowing eyes,.  "We need to see how we can protect this city, its inhabitants and the House of Healing.  Your words last night held more wisdom than even you know."  His voice softening as he spoke.  "I am afraid Sergei is not going to be much help in your training for a while, so, I will be picking it up for a couple of days."  The tenderness in his voice giving away his concern for the old man.  "I can teach you things he cannot and from what I have seen you are going to need it.  Remember his earlier lessons.  Defense as attack and attack as a defence."  He bit his lips as though trying to think of something specific.  "We are going to need to talk about the attack yesterday, you and I.  Sergei doesn't need to know all the details but I would like to know them."

"Yessir.  There is much I would like to know about the council of wyrms as well.   The books from the library didn't have anything on it, though I have overheard you use the term."  Eldrick mopped up the juices with the last of his bread.  "I am about finished," he said, popping the bread in his mouth, chewing and swallowing.  "Shall we go?"

As they were leaving Sigmund brushed the door with a little of his life energy.  Closing the door securely behind them.  Turning to Eldrick he offered his arm.  Eldrick took it demurely.  Sigmund, glancing down and noticing Eldrick's boots thought to himself that they really needed to do something about the choice of footwear.

"Ellie, do you have a second pair of boots in the room?"

"Uh, yeah I do, why?"

"Well, it has occurred to me that a lady shouldn't be wearing boots while walking around the castle.  I would be honoured if you let me arrange an appropriate set of footwear."  He gave a saucy wink.  "I do believe I know the perfect craftsman for the job."

"I would appreciate that Sigmund, thank you but I am worried about where I would keep them while travelling not to mention this was all that was available in my size yesterday.  I will be returning to my own clothes this evening."  His voice cracked at the thought.

"I highly doubt that young lady.  I have it on good authority you will be staying in the house of healing for a while."  His tone taking an authoritative nature.  "There is not going to be any room in the apartments for a few days, that is if I know Sergei.  Well, here you are, safe and sound with the seamstress Francine."  He reached out and knocked.

With the opening of the door, Sigmund ushered Eldrick in.  "Lady Francine, a word if you may?"  He held the door for her as she exited the room.  "I have something to tell you and I do not wish to alarm you." Switching from verbal to mental voice.  "I wanted to warn you, there are assassins running through the castle.  Eldrick will be staying at the house of healing for a while so when you are finished with the gowns please have them delivered there.  For Ellie.  As you noticed he came in a gown today, it isn't his and it was a loan from one of the student healers."  He leaned casually against the wall beside her.  "He was attacked yesterday.  Sergei and I have something we need to attend to of import and so will not be around for a few days.  And thanks, for understanding."  He leaned in and kissed her, turning to leave he called out, "later lover."

As he walked down the hall he thought to himself if only that were the case.  I haven't had a lover for far too long.  Maybe once this problem is sorted out I may come back and relax for a while.  Damned Order.  Why am I still following my oaths?  The dragon who gave them is officially dead.  I maintain my oaths because I am a dragon and I gave my word.

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