Chapter 34

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Sebastian found it difficult to get comfortable, every time he shifted, he jarred his wing.  The painkillers were having little effect.  They were causing him to be fog-headed to the point where he couldn’t think clearly.  When he did sleep, he kept having the same dream over and over again, that of the young healer falling down the stairs to her death.  He couldn’t come to grips that it wasn’t his fault, and so, kept blaming himself and becoming more dispirited. 

There was a knock on the door of his room, lifting his head he called “Enter.”  Sergei walked into the room with a look of pain distorting his face.  “Sergei, what brings you here?  I thought you would be talking with Sigmund or training Eldrick.” 

“Well young Sebastian, Sigmund has taken Amarna to talk with her old mentor, and Eldrick is starting to doubt himself."  Sergei stood there wringing his hands.  "I fear his former nature may be resurfacing.  That is the only thing I can think of.  I hope that the outcome of the trials may bury the issue until the time is right.”  Absently running his hand through his unruly hair.  “I have commissioned a few gowns tailored for him, in hopes that when he sees himself in them, he thinks it is too odd.  I fear the outcome and I don’t know how to deal,” pausing to scratch his beard in thought.  “I was hoping you may have some insights as the two of you are closer than he and I will ever be.” 

“What sort of insight are you looking for?” 

“Well, I am unsure as to what you have witnessed.  I mean you are a dragon, and well, there are things you would pick up that would be missed by one such as myself.” 

“Sergei, there have been a couple of times where I could've sworn, I saw a female dragon where I knew Eldrick to be.  I have also noticed on occasion the unmistakable scent of draconic pheromones in the air.  I am afraid there is more to Eldrick than either of us knows.”  Heaving a sigh, he tried to shift positions forgetting the damage to his wing.  “I am not sure how much help I will be in the coming months as I may be here until my wing joint has completely healed.  I am afraid to say this, but, I had a visit from Alie.  She said I would have to abandon Eldrick to his fate.  And, that I would know when that is.”  His whole body shuddered at the thought.  The motion caused a reflexive grunt of pain as he jarred his wing joint.  He gave Sergei a plaintive look hoping for a reprieve from this outcome. 

“He has the amulet of wisdom.  I know of no way he could have gotten it.  This bodes both ill and good.”  Sergei buried his face in his hands as he collapsed into a nearby chair.  “If you had a visit from Alie, you didn’t receive anything did you?”  Hope alighting in his eyes at the thought.  “There may be hope if you have her shears.” 

“I did not.  Besides the shears are for cutting fate's threads.  If they are gifted, only the one who received them can cut away the threads that bind them.”  Closing his eyes he gave a shake of his head.  “I fear that if anyone were to receive those shears it would be Eldrick.  If that is the case what can we do?  They only cut magical threads.” 

Sergei let out an anguished sigh.  “I was afraid you would say that.  If he gets his hands on them, he could unravel the spells placed on him, thrusting himself into mortal danger.”  Tears began rolling down Sergei’s cheeks.  “I don't wish to see any harm come to him.  If Veldar discovers the truth about Eldrick, all is lost.”  The tremor in his voice reminded Sebastian that the truth would doom not only his beloved but Sergei as well. 

“I told you before, I wouldn’t let any harm come to him if I could help it.  I fear when the time comes to keep that promise, I won't be there because of Alie's words.” 

With a nod of his head, Sergei rose from the chair.  “The hour is late and I need to find my bed.  I hope things turn out well.” 

With that, he headed for the door.  Turning back as he placed his hand on the doorknob, “I fear there is a war brewing and it may mean the end of the Order if things don't change.  The dragons are being hunted for their life essence.  As far as I can tell Veldar is the one behind it.”  Turning once again he left. 

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