Chapter 11

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Later that evening when Eldrick had gone to bed, Sebastian approached Sergei with his request for additional tomes to study.  He also promised to remain in his room during Eldrick’s lessons so as not to be a distraction.  Returning the borrowed tomes, he assisted Sergei in returning them to the hidden library.  He patiently waited for the new volumes.  Sergei delivered more books than the last time.

"I figured if I offered access to other magics, you would be more inclined to study than sit in during Eldrick’s lessons.  Your interest in learning means you are unlikely to take the weekend off.  After watching the two of you earlier I doubt there will be an issue.  I feel you two were destined to be together."  Sergei looked at Sebastian questioningly. 

Sebastian took the new books back to his room to study.  Perusing the titles, he noticed they were more advanced than the previous grouping, which meant more advanced spells and skill sets. 

Sebastian prepared to spend the night in study.  Opening the first tome excitedly, he relaxed into his learning trance.   The differences between draconic and fae magic, where fae magic can affect draconic systems. 

He became so engrossed in the study that he lost track of time.  The following tomes included fae magic spells cast by draconic energies.  Sebastian found this intriguing.  Learning spells from a different style of magic was enthralling, he set out to master these new spells.

His thoughts kept coming back to the weekend.  He could hardly wait to spend time with the one he had fallen for.  His only concern was his advances would be rebuffed.  A situation that could destroy the friendship they'd cultivated.  This was where his mind wandered from time to time.  How to approach the situation with delicacy and grace?

The rest of the week went smoothly, Eldrick was capable of concentrating without any lapses.  Sebastian was barely seen; he only left his room for meals and to help with the chores. 

Sebastian devoured the knowledge in the books.  Learning about fae magic was such a bonus.  Practicing the spells he could, he progressed through the tomes quickly, memorizing everything in each book whether it was a spell, glyph, or anecdote.  Every piece of information in those tomes held value for him, not one shred was going to be lost. 

Eldrick finally mastered the ability to diminish his energy signature to the delight of Sergei.  He also learned how to maintain the level without conscious control.  The best part of the week was when he mastered the learning trance without the massive flare of energy, Sebastian breathed a sigh of relief that day.

"Now that you have mastered these two skills," Sergei paused.  "You can return to the tomes you find so fascinating, for the rest of the day."  \

After a few hours, Sergei called an end to the day.

"Does that mean I have the next two days off Sir?  Other than my chores that is."  Eldrick's voice held a hint of disappointment and joy.

"Yes, Eldrick you do.  I do believe that is what we agreed upon."

Hearing this, Sebastian joined the others in the main room.  

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