Chapter 50

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Eldrick prepared himself for the fitting while Sigmund was talking with Francine.  Glancing over at the gowns, his breath caught in his throat.  They were gorgeous with the lace trim and frills.  Each gown was designed as though it were meant for a different purpose.  Even the plainest of the three was of better quality than the one he had been wearing when he arrived.  The lady for whom these gowns were being crafted was a very lucky gal.

Taking his place on the fitting dais he waited with his back to the door.  Letting his senses expand out of caution, remembering the incident in the hallway the day before.  He could sense Sigmund leaving, and Francine returning.  Turning his head to glance over his shoulder, he saw the smile playing on her lips.

"Okay, let's do this, shall we?"  Starting with the least complicated gown, she draped it on his frame quickly.  "Please turn around, I need to see the flow of the skirts and the hem."  Her eyes narrowing as she watched.  "Stop.  Please stand still while I mark the adjustments for the hem.  Everything else is fine on this one."

Once the hem markings were complete, she proceeded to the next gown.  The process was repeated and the gown was removed.  The third gown was going to be more complicated.   Francine had completely redone the bodice on this gown.  She examined the bodice with a critical eye.  Noticing a couple of small areas where the stitching was not as nice as she would like and close to pulling free.  She marked them.  Marking where the bodice needed to be taken in or let out.  Her motions were quick and deft.  Repeating the process for the hem. 

"Ok, this is the last fitting I need.  Or it should be.  If I think I am going to need another fitting I will send for you."  She waved him off to get dressed.  "Oh, and I know where to find you.  Sigmund wanted to talk to me about that.  His reason for escorting you here today."  This time when she waved him off there was no more banter.

Eldrick dressed quickly.  As he was leaving he heard Francine snapping at someone in the back room.  Tempting though it was, he stifled the urge to go find out what was going on.  Closing the door he turned to see a group of three guards standing there waiting for him.

"Lady Ellie?"

Eldrick not sure how to take this started to object.  Remembering the role from the night before, because of the gown, pitched his voice higher, "Yes?"

"I am glad we have reached you before you departed for the house of healing."  He snapped smartly to attention and bowed formally.  "We have been ordered to escort you on the way to the house of healing.  It is actually a formality for anyone entering the training there to be escorted on their first official entrance."  He rolled his eyes at the pomp and circumstance.  "Honestly I have no idea why it's that way."

Thinking carefully, Eldrick tried to recall if he had seen any of the ladies give a proper curtsy.  He knew that was the correct response to the formality of the guard.  Carefully grasping the edges of the skirt, he raised his arms to the side, while crossing his right leg behind his left and backwards with a slight bend in the knee and a bow of the head.  Peeking at the rank insignia before speaking.

"Seargent, I do believe the purpose of the escort is because not all who attend the training in the house of healing are from within Herigmark.  Not to mention those who are may not be comfortable in such a grand building.  Please lead on, I have a schedule to keep."

Eldrick following the guards through the castle noticed a young man in foreign livery limping down the hallway.

"Pardon me, young man, I think you should follow us and have your feet attended to.  I would hate to see you ruin your feet because you didn't take care of them."

"I have important papers to deliver, then I have to head home before morning."

"You can barely walk.  How are you to get home?  Do you have a horse?"  Eldrick could sense the cuts on the bottom of his feet.  Walking much longer on them and he would lose them to infection before he got too far down the road.

"My lady..."

"It's Ellie, please," he cut him off.

"Very well, Ellie, I am walking home which is why I need to leave early.  I can only travel so long before I am forced to stop due to the pain."

"I think it best if you follow Lady Ellie's advice.  We are escorting her to the House of Healing," the Sargeant interjected.  "I am sorry but I didn't catch your name."

"It's Everrett, thanks for asking.  I cannot afford to tarry, my Queen is expecting me back before the ten-day is out."

"Everrett, thank you but I am afraid you won't make it there in time unless you get your feet taken care of.  I can sense there is an infection building in the cuts," Eldrick looked at Everrett with sincere concern.  "The House of Healing can provide a missive confirming this."  At least he hoped it could.  If not he would provide one himself to ensure that Everrett wouldn't get in trouble for his tardiness.

"Very well I will head there as soon as I deliver my missive."

"Sargeant can you spare a guard to deliver the missive for Everrett.  I fear much more walking and he will not make it to the House of Healing."

"Yes m'lady," turning to one of his fellow guardsmen, "Eoin, deliver the missive for Master Everrett."

"Yes Sargeant."  Walking up to Everrett, "Where am I to deliver this?  His Majesty?"

"Uhh, no.  It is going to Lady Francine du Plaint," Everrett looked embarrassed.

"Okay, I will see it gets there posthaste."  Eoin took the missive and left double time.

"I am sure if there is a response he will bring it to the House of Healing for you.  Shall we continue Sargeant?"

"Yes m'lady."

As they begin walking, Eldrick sidles over to Everrett.  "You have more injuries than just your feet."  Eldrick sensed Everrett stiffen.  "Relax, it's okay.  No one here will judge you.  I am afraid if all your injuries aren't dealt with you could be in severe trouble.  We can talk in private later."

Seeing the House of Healing across the courtyard he felt eager to get there.  Knowing that decorum and Everrett's injuries stipulated he maintain the casual pace of the guards were all that held him in check.  The Seargent bowed to Eldrick.

"It was an honour to escort you here, m'lady.  I hope to see you around the castle."  Taking Eldrick's hand in his own, he brought it up to his lips and gently kissed the back of his hand.  This action caused Eldrick to blush.

"Thank you good sir but I don't think there will be much chance of that, unless, you become injured.  I need to devote myself to my studies."  Quickly pulling his hand free he turned ushering Everrett through the door.  Closing the door firmly behind himself, he leaned against it.  "Oh that was so wrong, yet it felt so good at the same time."

"What felt good?"  Jane asked coming down the stairs.

Eldrick could feel heat returning to his face.  Looking at the ground in an attempt to hide his embarrassment.  "Ah, nothing," he blurted out before he could stop himself.  Sensing his face brightening even more.  "I was just escorted here by the castle guards, I think the Seargent was flirting with me."  Guilt over the reaction to the guard's attention because he didn't want to hurt Sebastian quickly cooled his face.  A tear started to form in the corner of his eye.  "I am not a good person," his voice came out harsh to his own ears.  "How can I be tempted like that.  A fit body, gorgeous eyes and a brilliant smile.  What was I thinking?"

"Hold on, that is a perfectly normal reaction."  Jane, by his side, draped an arm over his shoulder.  "Come on, we need to get out of here before you cause a scene," her voice redolent with compassion.  "We need to get you settled anyway."  She began to draw him away from the front entryway. 

"Wait, this is Everrett.  He has some severe damage to his feet.  Could you get someone to get him settled and looked after first?"

"We can get him settled then get you settled."  Jane turned to face Everrett, "There is a room just over here where you can stay.  Please remove your..." looking down she noticed the condition of his footwear, "er boots?"

Everrett nodding, collapsed.  Jane and Eldrick exchanging looks over his prone body, nodded to each other before reaching down and lifting him up.  Getting him into bed wasn't hard.  Tackling his boots was easier said than done.  He had worn the soles off of them and had bits and pieces of boot embedded into his feet.

"Okay we can't do this on our own, I am going to get Claire and Henry," Jane said.  Eldrick nodded absently, his attention focused on Everrett.  He sensed a slight energy change a moment before he noticed the red stain on Everrett's trews.  Grabbing a blanket, Eldrick threw it over Everrett covering everything but his head and his feet.

"Oh by the Eldritch what happened to his feet?" Claire exclaimed from the doorway.  Eldrick turned to see Claire and Henry standing in the doorway with horrified expressions.

Jane gave Henry a shove into the room.  "Are you healers or lunkheads?  He needs our help but Ellie and I are not skilled yet in telling what is supposed to be there and what isn't."

"We're healers...  Wait, what is a lunkhead?" Claire blurted.

"A useless part of the lunk fish.  No good for fertilizer or bait," Jane replied walking past Claire.

Henry stumbled into the room, catching his balance at the foot of the bed with his nose mere inches from Everrett's feet.  "Ugh, what did he do to his feet?  They look like ground meat.  Claire we are going to need some poultices and more witch hazel than we have in the store room."  Henry stood up straight pinching his nose.

"Right I will go get what we need."  Claire responded, turning to leave.

"I will come help," Eldrick volunteered.  "Jane help Henry as you can please."

Claire and Eldrick left the room, quickly making their way to the apothecary.  Eldrick closed the door firmly behind them.  Claire turned to look at Eldrick as the door clicked shut.

"Why did you close the door?  We need to get this stuff back quickly."

"Claire, I wanted to talk in private with you," Eldrick gathering herbs, a large bowl, and some beeswax, began crafting a salve for the poultice.  "Everrett is not exactly what he appears.  I figured you should know.  He is bleeding, but it isn't life-threatening and I don't know where to find the rags the ladies use.  Also, his chest is full of bruises, I would think from trying to hide something I wish I had."  He shrugged his hands still in motion crafting the salve.  "I didn't want to say anything in front of Henry for fear that it might embarrass Everrett."

"Okay, we are going to need to make a (potion) for him as well.  One he can use to dampen the cramps and bleeding."  Claire began searching the shelves for the ingredients.  "Thanks for trusting me in this.  I am not sure what I would have done had I noticed it without warning.  I don't even know how Henry will handle it."

Working in silence for a few moments, Eldrick was thinking about all the things he didn't know.  He examined the salve, it was creamy without being lumpy and the wax was melted to the perfect consistency.

"I have the salve ready.  I will take this, the witch hazel, and bandages back to Henry."

"Here, take this too," Claire handed Eldrick a clay jug with three X's.  "He is going to need it for sterilization purposes."

Taking the jug and adding it to the cart, he opens the door and leaves.   

"There is a room set aside for you.  Sigmund sent word that you would be staying here for a while."  Slowly she led him towards the stairs.  "Amarna thought you would like a room near the library, though that does place you in the girl's wing."  She glanced over to see his reaction to this news.  "I would love to learn how you can read so quickly and remember it all."  She took a deep breath.  "Amarna railed at us all morning about how we should focus more on our studies while there are few here who need our help.  Truth be told, she locked herself in the library after that."  Chuckling lightly she smiled at Eldrick.  "Well, not exactly locked in but she has not come out since she went in about two hours ago."  She guided him past the library door, where muffled curses could be heard.  "She has been doing that the whole time.  I don't understand what has gotten into her but I hope it isn't catching."  They were approaching an open door just down the hall from the library.  "This will be your room."  She gestured as she spoke.  Now we need to get you settled.  Looking at him she noticed he hadn't brought any clothes with him.  "Where is your stuff?  It isn't still in your old rooms is it?"

Feeling a little sheepish, he bit his lips and nodded.  "I wasn't told I would be staying here until after I left the rooms for my appointment with Francine."  He felt like kicking himself now.  Why hadn't he gone back to get his belongings?  Then he remembered he was met outside the seamstress' by the guards and escorted here.  "Once the fittings were done, my escort was there and I couldn't very well ask to stop by my old rooms to get things.  I am supposed to be acting like a newcomer here and it would look suspicious."

"Hey, don't worry.  I have an idea."  She pursed her lips and gave a sharp whistle, Yohan and Lugh stuck their heads out of the library while Caitlin peered around the corner of the door frame.  She made a quick hand gesture and they gathered around her.  "Ellie needs to get stuff from her old rooms and we are going to help," she kept her voice low.  "If anyone asks Eldrick asked us to gather his belongings and bring them back here."  She turned to face Eldrick.  "You're coming too.  We don't want to be grabbing the wrong things, and there may be stuff you don't want anyone to see."

Eldrick let out a sigh.  Relief written plainly across his face.  "Thanks, I appreciate it.  There are also a number of books I will be needing."  His eyes lit up at the mention of the books.  "I highly doubt my Master would let me get away with not studying them."

Jane and the others nodded.  "Lugh can you please, let Lady Amarna know of our errand?"  Her eyes pleading.  "You run faster than the rest of us and should be able to get away before she hits the ceiling."  She gave him a wink.  "I would love to see that though.  Just so long as I am not the target.  She actually scares me and that is saying something."  She chuckled to emphasize her words.  "Right, we need a plan."  She began making hand motions and the others each nodded in turn, then left.  "Okay, that's taken care of.  Now to smuggle you back out of here.  None of us know where you were staying in the castle."

Eldrick looking around the room he took in the bureau of drawers and the wardrobe.  Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a vanity tucked neatly into the corner.  A slight smile curving his lips, which turned into a frown with the realization that he had nothing to go there and likely wouldn't.  Remarkably the room was large, large enough he could practice staff work in here if he chose to.  Though why he would, he didn't know.  Looking back to Jane he nodded, "Okay let's go before Lugh starts that ruckus you were concerned about."

Laughing together as they ran down the hallway.  Caitlin joined them at the top of the stairs, a basket in hand.  Yosef, bolting out of the office holding the four staves met them at the door.  The chirrup of a titwhistle from the top of the stairs made Eldrick start to turn.  Cait on one side and Jane on the other kept him from turning and forced him to continue moving out the door.  Lugh closing the door behind him on his way out.  From behind them, they could hear Amarna raving.

"You get back here to your studies, or by Servalin's balls I will throw you out of here."

Laughing harder Caitlin spluttered, "Lugh what in the name of Amar did you say to her?  We had better make this fast."

"Oh, nothing much, just that we were taking the rest of the day off to train in stealth techniques."  His grin splitting his face.  "I guess when we get back we had better dive into those books and learn as much as we can.  I know for a fact she is going to drag us over the coals when it comes to our studies for the next little while."

"Lugh just because you like to mess around doesn't mean you should.  This could seriously cause us problems.  I am already struggling with anatomy.  If I mess up once more I could be thrown out."  Yosef scowled at Lugh.  "And I know Cait, can't make a poultice to save her life at the moment.  She knows how but she freezes in a crisis.  She may be the better warrior but if we are going to form a new Cadre, we need to have these skills down as solid as our weapon work."

"Lugh you need to focus on herbology.  You can't tell one plant from another.  Sure we all have areas where we struggle but others don't.  We have lots of work to do before we are ready to leave.  I know there are going to be others back home with better skills than us because they aren't splitting their concentration which just means we have to work that much harder."  Caitlin's pout was so cute that it was hard not to smile.

Jane left Eldrick's side as they were entering the hallway.  Noticing that Caitlin had done the same he glanced over his shoulder just in time to see Jane kiss CaitlinTurning back to face forward he smiled.  Thinking there are others like himself interested in the same types of partnerships, like to like.  Struck by the thought he didn't feel like a guy caused his smile to disappear.  He didn't really feel as though he was a guy.  But looking at his outfit brought the smile back.  I am in the clothing I prefer to wear, he thought to himself.   He knew this wouldn't last forever, he was going to need to return to his regular clothes eventually.

"Turn left up ahead," he called to Lugh and Yosef.  "The rooms aren't far now."  He glanced about nervously.  Seeing the usual traffic in the hall made him relax.  "Fourth door on the left."

Lugh raised his hand in acknowledgement.  Reaching the door they went to knock when Eldrick opened it and walked in.  The rooms were empty.  Eldrick not sensing any life energy entered each room to check.  Sigmund's room was completely empty.  Sergei's room had a few items, including his medicine.  After making sure the suite was empty he led them into his room.  Directing them to gather his clothes he noticed the gown on his bed and the forgotten note from Beth.  Quickly he walked over and picked them up before others could notice.  Folding the dress back up he placed it in his pack, alongside the other two gowns and the shears.  Placing his pack at the bottom of the basket they placed the rest of his clothes on top.  Thinking about it he decided to gather up Sebastian's clothes as well.

"Sebastian is in the house of healing.  I think he may like his clothes when he is better."

"Sebastian the blue dragon?"  Lugh queried.

"Yeah, that's him.  You know him?"

"Yeah, I was the one to deal with his wounds last time, when he saved Amarna."  Lugh looked relieved to know there were others who knew the dragon and that he wasn't going to be a threat to anyone.  "He was taken out of my care by Amaryliss a couple of days ago.  She has expertise in that area so it is all good.  I just wish I could have stayed on to help.  I want to learn more."  Lugh had a crestfallen expression.

"Well, that's everything.  We should run back before we are gone too long and find our gear tossed out."  Jane's voice trembled.  "I fear with the mood she was in this morning she may just follow through on her threat.  I have never seen her as angry before."  She began flashing hand signals.  "Cait, give your staff to..." she trailed off when she saw he was holding his own staff in his left hand.  "Never mind she has her own.  You know how to use that?"

"Just the basics at the moment.  Sergei was going to see about getting me some proper training with the staff from the castle guards but things have happened so quickly there hasn't been time."  Eldrick's embarrassment was written across his face.  "I would really like to learn though I doubt I can compare to any of you."

"P-tah, skill with staff or spear is something that just takes practice.  I mean if you can get training and practice I believe you would be scary."  Yosef glanced at Cait raising an eyebrow.  "After we catch up on our skills and study for Lady Amarna I am sure we could help you."

Eldrick's face lit up.  He was worried he wouldn't get the chance to learn.  Even though he knew his time would be limited he planned on working as much as he was able.  Glad now that his room was large enough for staff work so others wouldn't see him struggling to master it.

They wove their way through the halls and through the bustle of the courtyard to get back quickly.  Running through the door they came face to face with a very perturbed Amarna.

"My office now!"

All five dropping their eyes to the floor, followed her into the office.  Before anyone could speak she held up her hand.  Looking them over her intense gaze softened when she spotted the basket in Caitlin's hands.  She motioned for the door to be closed, which Lugh did with the butt of his staff.

In a soft tone, she spoke, "I understand your reasons and approve however because of the scene you caused I have to do this."  Her voice picked up a sharp angry tone belied by her eyes.  "Tell me why I shouldn't toss the lot of you out on your ears?  I specifically told you there was studying to be done and that I wouldn't abide any slackers here."  She took a calming breath.  "Well, what do you have to say for yourselves tearing out of here in the middle of the workday?  I am waiting for an answer."

"I am sorry Amarna,"  Eldrick began contritely.  "I realized I hadn't brought anything with me when I came today and that since I was to be staying here I needed something else to wear other than the one outfit which was waiting in my room."  He looked down abashedly.  "I asked them for help since I am unsure how safe it is to be wandering the halls alone right now.  Especially after the attacks yesterday."

"Very well, thank you Eldrick for your candour."  Turning to face Lugh, "You could have told me the truth instead of making up some excuse.  The four of you are going to be doing double duty for the next week.  I want to see a marked improvement.  If there isn't any significant difference I will have no choice but to send you home.  This means for one week there will be no training that is not focused on healing.  Do I make myself clear?"

"Perfectly," four voices said in perfect unison.

"Fine now get back to your studies.  Eldrick a moment if you will please."  She waited until the other four had left and closed the door behind them.  "I was asked to make sure you got training but not as Eldrick.  Sigmund was rather insistent on this point.  While you are here you are to be addressed as Ellie and dress accordingly.  I have no idea what his reasons are, but he assures me there is a very valid reason."

"Lady Amarna, Caitlin and Lugh said they would help me learn staff since Sergei didn't get the chance to discuss the issue with the guards.  Since I am to be training as 'Ellie'  I can't ask the guards to train me."  He swallowed, realizing he was asking her to rescind her judgement about the training aspects pertaining to the healer's craft for his friends.

"I can rotate them so that they can train you in staff but only one a day, with two days off for rest."  She nodded her understanding, "Since Sigmund did say that your other training was not to be stinted and this was something Sergei had planned but not been able to see to, I will make the arrangements.  But this comes with a condition.  Your method of learning and recall, I expect you to teach it as well.  Being able to train a pupil or in this case, an apprentice is a skill you are going to need.  I suggest we start with Lugh.  He has a habit of being distracted while studying the proper uses and identifying characteristics of medicinal herbs.  Your choice is either tutor him until he understands the plants properly or teach him the recall trance."

"I will do what I can.  I am not sure how I do what I do.  It almost feels second nature."  He lowered his head.  "Well, I'll try to explain it, thank you Lady Amarna.  Oh, we also brought Sebastian's clothes.  I know he won't need them until his wing is healed and he is once again allowed to shape-change."

"Thank you for thinking of him as well.  But I have no idea how long he will be stuck in his dragon form.  You may wish to talk to Amaryliss about that.  Now go get settled in."

Eldrick recognized a dismissal when it was given.  Leaving the room feeling a little better for his friends and a lot confused.  Why would Sigmund leave such specific instructions?  For that matter where had Sergei and Sigmund gone?  He pondered these questions, looking for answers.  He didn't have enough information to find the answers to his questions.  He mused all the way to his room.

Entering his room he saw the basket sitting on the foot of his bed.  He began unpacking his clothes and putting them away.  Now he was glad Beth had given him the gowns, though he still didn't understand that either.  The ladies here had no problem with him in the clothing of theirs or being housed in the wing designated for the female healers.  Having put everything away, he sat on the foot of the bed.  Taking out the note from Beth he read it again.  There was only one way to get an answer to this puzzle, he was going to need to meet with her.  He didn't have any clue how that could happen since he couldn't leave the house of healing for the foreseeable future.  Knowing that he had to continue playing the part of Ellie for the time being he would have to find some way to get a message to her.  Getting Beth to come here would be the trickier part.  He sat pondering how he could achieve this since the house of healing was self-sufficient.  Remembering he would have to take his turn in the kitchen gave him a thought.  They received produce and meat deliveries from the castle from time to time.  That would mean either servants or pages.  They could deliver the message, but it may mean the entire castle knew of it before the intended recipient.  Tucking the note into a drawer under his trews.

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