Chapter 37

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Sigmund looked at Sergei, a huge yawn escaping his lips.  “I have never covered so much distance in a single day.  It is draining, even with magic sustaining you there is a price to pay at the end.”  Casting a glance to Eldrick’s room, “How is the youngling?  I know there is something you are trying to hide I can sense it.”  His eyes boring into Sergei. 

“It seems almost as if the spells are tightening on Eldrick.  I fear if they become too tight, he will always suffer from magical backlash.”  Lowering his head in his hands the tears once again began flowing.  Raising his tear-streaked face to Sigmund, “I have wronged him, in a way I cannot fix.  He accepted the spell willingly at the time but I don’t think he truly understood any better than I did what the outcome would be.”  Sobbing through the words made his throat constrict.  “I have commissioned a number of gowns in hopes it may prove beneficial.  I have no idea, whether or not it will create additional complications.  He is currently questioning his own sanity and self.  I cannot tell him of the spell because to do so would destroy the magic.” 

Sigmund slowly nodded.  “I take it that anyone telling him of this would have the same effect?” 

“I am afraid so.  Sebastian knows of the spell and has promised to keep quiet unless asked directly.  I do believe the time is fast approaching where that is going to be an inevitability.”  Sighing loudly and drawing a deep calming breath Sergei tried to compose himself.  “He has the amulet of wisdom, and Sebastian had a visit from Alie the other night.  This means even the Eldritch are paying attention to what is happening.  The Eldritch getting involved in the affairs of mortals scares me.  It means the world is on the crux of disaster.  I cannot for the life of me think of where the troubles will come from.  I am surrounded by people from every race here except the Eldritch.  When was the last time all the races had representatives in one place.” 

“According to history, it was at the founding of the Order.  Servalin was quite the influence in Corrigenda.”  Sigmund adjusted his position on the settee.  “I fear with what I am hearing, we will need another Servalin soon.  But this time one more in touch with all the differing peoples.  I can shift to any of the races but I do not understand them.”  Another yawn interrupting him.  “Ok, I think this day has been long enough I need sleep.  And you, old man, should seek your own rest.  We will figure this out in the morning, or at least make an attempt.”  Arising from the chair he headed to the spare room where he had been sleeping as of late. 

Sergei tried to rise only to have his left knee buckle.  Crashing back into the chair he reached for the cream and began to apply it to both knees.  Afterwards, he picked up the bottle of medicine and took a swig.  After waiting about five minutes for the salve to take effect he rose, heading to find his own bed. 

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