Chapter 29

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Sergei knew exactly which tomes to look for, and since he recalled they were in Victor's collection, he headed straight to the vizier’s old rooms.  Upon entering, the signs of total disregard for the value of the objects held within were enough to cause him to flinch.  Books, clothes, and papers were strewn everywhere.  Many had been trampled by careless feet.  Pages from esoteric texts torn from their bindings were mixed with copious notes on magic spells and research.  Muddy footprints annihilated some pages and what writings there were on them. 

With dismay Sergei set about in his search for the tomes he required, hoping for their survival.  He began the slow and arduous task of putting the room right.  This was going to be the only way he could locate the texts and discover whether or not they were serviceable in his research.  Working long into the night brought the discovery that the tomes he was looking for were not in evidence.  Someone must have removed them. 

Considering the situation and the time of day he decided to return to his own rooms for the night.  His bones ached and the throbbing in his head would not be ignored.  On his way back to his suite, he stopped a page and asked to have some willow bark tea brought to him.  Once back in the confining safety, he picked up his jug of medicine, taking a deep swallow.  Hoping for the hasty relief he craved, though knowing it would take time to be effective.  Cursing his aged body yet still agile mind which would cause him to forget he was not forty anymore. 

With a knock at the door, the pageboy entered with the tea.  “Would you like me to add anything to it, sir?” Indicating the steaming cup he had just poured. 

“No, no thank you I will take it as it is.”  Reaching out his hand for the cup.  Taking the cup, he took a sip, knowing it would be bitter but efficacious.  He relaxed in his seat thanking and dismissing the page. 

As sleep stole over him, he thought he heard sobs coming from Eldrick’s room.  The desire to check on his apprentice was circumvented by slumber.  As his eyes closed, he vowed he would discover the source of Eldrick’s turmoil.

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