Chapter 42

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Sergei rose from his chair. "What's happened now?" he muttered. Gathering his coat he left to find out. Entering the hall he was assailed by the sound of gossip. 

"--healer died--" 

"--heard the house of healing exploded--" 

"--amassing are we under attack?--"  

Ignoring the gossip since he doubted there was any truth to most of it, he continued on his way.  When he encountered a guard he asked what was going on.  The response sent a shiver down his spine.  A magical blast in the house of healing had sealed one of the rooms trapping the occupants inside, a group of guards had been dispatched with a battering ram to free them.  Thanking the guard he continued on his way to the house of healing.  Not knowing how his presence would be taken, he held back, watching for a while.  In all his years he never truly felt right entering the establishment, except to assist in some manner.  This was Amarna's realm and he had no business there.  As he wasn't a healer or learning to become one, whenever he entered he felt like an interloper.  There was not much he could do in this situation except be underfoot. 

He stood there watching as the guards left with a battering ram.  A number of others left to run errands of their own.  A couple of minutes later, a squad of guards returned carrying shovels and other implements.  Deciding he had waited long enough he followed the guards into the building.  Glad he had remained behind them when he heard Amarna's tone.  Slowly so as not to draw attention to himself he edged further into the foyer.  Seeing Sigmund standing stock still in shock caused him to chuckle. 

"About time you showed up."  Amarna stood at the entrance to her office giving him a baleful look.  "I do believe this is your fault.  Come in here and explain a few things to me."  She cast her gaze around.  "I do believe there are things that need to be tended to.  Now git to it before I decide to throw the lot o' you out on your ears."  Holding her door open for the two she had summoned to her office, tapping her foot. 

Sigmund and Sergei exchanging looks, quickly followed Amarna into her office.  Slamming the door behind her, she turned to scowl intently at the two of them.  Walking around her desk she sat with the regal presence of a queen ascending her throne. 

"What type of trouble have you dropped in my lap, Sergei?"  She cast a glance at Sigmund.  "Don't think I have forgotten about you either, Sigmund.  There is more going on here than I know, and I am quite sure the two of you know what it is."  Folding her hands on top of her desk she leaned forward.  "I want answers.  I believe I am entitled to that much since I have just witnessed the impossible twice today.  One of my best rooms now looks like a hurricane tore through it."  She sat in silence waiting. 

Both started speaking at the same time. 



Cutting themselves off as their faces turned crimson.  Sergei took a deep breath as if to steady his nerves, while Sigmund swallowed convulsively.  Looking at each other in silent entreaty.  Sergei nodding began speaking once again. 

"Eldrick is not what he seems.  He is my apprentice, yes, but he, isss not truly a he.  He was a foundling in the village where my daughter lives, wandering the fields just outside the forest.  I was looking for a new apprentice.  My daughter brought the child to my attention since there was something about her.  As you know I take finding an apprentice seriously.  The problem is Veldar's proclamation.  'There are to be no women in the order.  Anyone caught teaching a girl child the mysteries of the order would be sentenced to death, along with the child'."  He paused, wiping his brow.  "I couldn't let such a brilliant mind rot.  I asked her if she would be willing to take a chance to become a druid.  Servalin held no such opinion as to the lack of worth in anyone.  She agreed knowing there would be a chance of discovery.  I told her I knew of a spell which would help, but she would live as a male until the time was right to revert to her natural form."  Licking his parched lips to regain composure.  "She agreed, though, neither of us knew what might happen.  I fear her subconscious is trying to re-establish her true identity."  A pained look crossed his face.  "The spell began failing a few months ago, and, I strengthened the magic to keep it in place." 

Sigmund's jaw fell.  "Are you saying you cast the spell multiple times on the same person to maintain your secret?"  His eyes darting toward the door.  "Does Sebastian know?"  Starting to rise he was stopped short. 

"Sit your ass back down!  Well, Sergei, answer his questions.  This could be the cause of Sebastian's irregular energy fluctuations and his latest outburst." 

With a gulp, "The answer to both questions is yes.  I made him promise not to tell Eldrick.  He agreed but added a caveat that if asked directly he would not hide the fact.  What he doesn't know, is Eldrick willing accepted the spell." 

"How old was she at the time?"  Amarna's face was beginning to turn a brilliant scarlet.  Sergei looked about, trying to find an escape route.  "Well, I am waiting.  HOW OLD WAS SHE?" 

"Six I believe.  It was twelve years ago."  Sergei sank lower into the chair.  "There is a drawback to the spell.  If it's broken it rebounds on the caster.  I hope she can last in her current form until she is ready to challenge Veldar.  If she is successful she can change the order for the better.  What I do not understand is how she has so many different energies flowing through her."  Pulling himself upright, he donned the mask of a master druid.  "She carries all four magical signatures.  It shouldn't be possible." 

"I can understand one or two signatures maybe three but all four?"  With incredulity in his voice, Sigmund sat up straighter.  "The only way that could be possible was if her parents were crossbred dragons.  I have never heard of a dragon mating with any of the Eldritch." 

"Be that as it may.  It doesn't solve our immediate problem."  Amarna turned her attention to Sigmund.  "Now what were you about to say?"  Her fingers drumming on the desk. 

"Sebastian is my nephew.  It seems that he and Eldrick have soulbound.  Because of this Eldrick's turmoil is causing his."  Sigmund shrugged.  "I am not too sure just how he is being affected but suffice it to say things are going to get interesting.  Not just for them but everyone around them.  There is an old dragon saying, 'May you live in interesting times.'  I cannot think of any more interesting a time in my life than right now."  Cocking his head while giving it a scratch.  "I came looking for Sebastian to warn him of the threat to our people.  It seems someone is raiding dragon nests.  We do not know who or why, but the Council of Wyrms is angry."  Shamefacedly he looked at the floor.  "I fear there is talk of war, and I know not how many are in favour, but if war is called I will refuse.  I have already prevented one war.  War only serves to destroy all those who partake.  I will have nothing to do with war." 

Amarna raised an eyebrow at hearing this news.  "Are you telling me there is a war brewing between dragons and humans?  I highly doubt the fae would have anything to do with raiding dragon nests, and the Eldritch are beyond such pettiness." 

"I fear I may know who the culprit is, though, why he would raid a dragon nest is beyond me.  There is a spell that can be used to reverse the effects of ageing.  Veldar discovered it and has been using it which is why he has ruled the Conclave for nearly three hundred years.  I got my hands on a copy of the spell, well potion recipe actually.  I find it appalling.  The main ingredient is dragon blood taken from a young dragon in sacrifice."  Sergei's voice seemed to stick in his throat as his body shook uncontrollably. 

"This is news that Daividh needs to hear.  This kingdom is a safe haven for dragons.  I am sure the Council of Wyrms knows this.  Which means they may try to launch attacks from within our borders.  We are going to need to defend ourselves if this is the case.  Whomever the dragons declare war upon will assume we are taking sides and attack us as well."  Amarna folded.  "I need to consider everything you have told me.  Now get out.  I hope we can accomplish what is necessary soon so you can be on your way.  I know the Feast of Servalin is fast approaching and you need to be in the Grove before then."  She raised her hand waving them away. 

* * *

With their departure, she lowered her head to the desk.  Tears streaming down her face.  She sat like that until Amaryliss found her several hours later. 

"What has set you into such a state?"  Settling her hand on Amarna's shoulder.  "I have never seen you lose your composure so completely."  Concern flowing with each syllable.  "I have done what I can with young Sebastian, it seems there is more coming from outside him.  I don't have any means to deal with it." 

"Mentor of mine, it seems there is much more going on than we are aware of.  The Council of Wyrms is talking war.  This frightens me.  A good majority of the council were involved in the unending war which Servalin brought to a close.  It seems the very order which is supposed to maintain peace is causing it to fracture."  Sitting up and wiping away the tears, Amarna peered at her old friend through bloodshot eyes.  "I have much more work to do than I originally believed.  I must ensure we have enough supplies for a lot more wounded.  I need to call on the weavers back home in Daerville.  They may be backwoods folk, but they make the best linen and in vast quantities." 

"You never told me where you were from when you came to me for training all those years ago."  The look of melancholia quickly suppressed did not go unnoticed by Amarna.   "Petal, I need your wings." 

A tiny head popped out of Amaryliss' hair.  The little cherubic face of a sprite, with wide eyes and neverending smile, glanced down to meet Amaryliss gaze.  "Petal help?" 

"I know there are many of your kind in the area as is their wont this time of year.  With all the plants in bloom, I am sure you can pass a message along for me.  Though I am unsure who the sprites trust in the human settlement of Daerville to give it to.  But it needs to be someone important who will be listened to and not a child." 

"Petal, like children.  All sprites like children.  Maybe there be a hedgewitch or herbmother to tell.  Message?"  As he spoke Petal flew off to hover in front of Amaryliss.  His wings fluttering fast enough to be nothing more than a blur. 

“The message is 'The house of healing in Herigberg needs linen for bandages.  War may be coming." 

Petal gave a high-pitched shriek.  "WAR!!  No, no war, war kills flowers.  Petal not pass message." 

"Petal we don't want war, but it may be coming nonetheless.  We need to prepare or there won't be anyone left to plant new flowers.  Please pass the message so we can prepare."  Amaryliss held out a small cube of beet sugar. 

Petal smelling the sugar darted in and took it from Amaryliss' hand.  "Petal pass message."  With those words, he shot out of the room. 

"There, the message should reach Daerville before sunrise.  Sprites are notorious gossips."  Amaryliss flopped into one of the chairs and started dozing.

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