Chapter 3

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Eldrick awoke to the sound of the door closing.  Startled he jumped out of bed, threw on clothes, and rushed from his room. 

“Why didn’t you wake me before Sebastian left?” demanded Eldrick. 

“You needed your sleep to focus on your studies.  These lessons are going to be unforgiving.  One mistake can be devastatingly destructive.  By that, I mean a farm-sized crater,” replied Sergei.  “Now let’s eat so we can begin, after your chores” 

“Yes sir. “ 

After a hearty breakfast of eggs, porridge and toast, Eldrick headed to the outbuildings, to collect the eggs and milk Jemima. 

Returning to the farmhouse, he noticed the transformation of the main room into a workspace.  The floor was covered with arcane symbols around a circle in the center.  Sergei beckoned him over. 

“Mind the chalk.  I don’t wish to redraw anything.  It's hard on my joints and takes too much effort.  You are my last apprentice.” 

“You’re not that old sir!” remarked Eldrick.  

“No? My boy, I am nearly 80.  It is amazing what the druidic arts can do, but they cannot stop or reverse the ageing process," he paused.  "As you know, I have only chosen three other apprentices.  I only choose the smartest each time.  If no one meets my basic criteria I don’t choose one.  Now attend to the lessons at hand.” 

Eldrick spent the day learning gestures and incantations until he was struggling.  They took only a few moments to grab a quick midday meal.  Eldrick wondered when this would end as Sergei flopped down into his chair.  His foot scuffed one of the sigils. 

“That’s enough lad.  These old bones are done for the day,” grumbled Sergei. “I wonder how Sebastian is doing.  It would be nice to have fresh meat.” 

“How long do you think he will be gone for?” 

“My boy, that I do not know, he only left this morning.  We should give him a few days.  The game has been ranging farther down mountain than usual.   I believe the avalanche buried most of the food when it crashed down.  Now, it’s time to eat.  Tomorrow is going to be as bad as today.  We may need to butcher one of the young pigs tomorrow or our stores may not last,” intoned Sergei.  His voice cracked intermittently with exhaustion. 

Eldrick headed off to the kitchen to fetch his master some food.  Finding a couple of wizened apples, he sliced a small wedge of cheese and cut a few pieces of bread.  Turning to bring the food to his master, he remembered to grab the jug of medicine from the rickety shelf.  Hurrying back into the main room with the food, he found Sergei asleep.  He was snoring loudly, spittle dripped down his scraggly salt and pepper beard.  Eldrick placed the food tray on the table next to the chair where Sergei could find it when he awoke.  Heading back into the kitchen Eldrick scanned the larder for something he could eat.  Deciding on bread and cheese he deftly sliced a couple of thin slices of cheese and two thin hunks of bread.  Stoking the fire, he placed a well-used battered old cast iron frying pan on the stovetop to heat while he buttered the bread and placed the cheese slices on one.  Once the pan started smoking, he placed the bread into the pan butter side down with the cheese on top then dropped the other piece on top.  After a few moments, he flipped the whole thing over.  The cheese started oozing out the sides while the bread reached a golden mahogany brown. 

Ravenously eating the grilled sandwich, Eldrick began tidying up the kitchen.  Once the kitchen was clean, he went to feed the livestock and milk Jemima again.  This time Jemima was decidedly unimpressed with having to wait. 

“I know Jemima, you would prefer if we stayed on routine.  Getting a little sensitive there are we?  Well, let’s see what I can do.” Eldrick tried to mollify her. 

Completing the tasks, Eldrick decided he would ask Sergei if it would be possible to stop earlier in the day. This way he could get his chores done and still get a good night’s sleep. 

The following morning when Eldrick awoke Sergei was still sleeping.  The tray was in the washbasin.  Grabbing a quick breakfast of porridge and eggs Eldrick set about his chores.  Looking in the stalls, he realized they would need mucking out soon.  He refilled the mangers.  Checking the grain stores showed a surplus due to the warmth of the barn and outbuildings from the insulating layer of snow from the avalanche.  Gathering up a bucket of oats, Eldrick headed to collect the eggs and feed the chickens.  

Taking his spoils back into the house Eldrick set about preparing breakfast for Sergei.  Once completed he brought it out into the main room and set it down on Sergei’s table.  Picking up the chalk he started redrawing the smudged sigil.

Eldrick knew Sergei was awake when he heard a crash, followed by loud cursing

Eldrick!” he bellowed.  

Eldrick rushed into the room to find Sergei sprawled on the floor cradling his right arm.  He was struggling to rise with his left leg at an odd angle and limp.  Sprinting across the room to his master’s side Eldrick reached down. 

“Here, let me help you up.”  Easing him up off the floor, Eldrick got him situated on the bed.  “What happened?”

“I woke to searing pain in my right shoulder.  Then to top it, off I fell out of bed," he winced.  "I believe my hip is dislocated.  You are going to have to put it back in for me."  Looking Eldrick in the eyes, "We covered this in earlier lessons.  Do you remember what to do?” 

“I do sir.  This won't be pleasant."  Eldrick glanced around the room, "I need to gather a few things.” 

Leaving Sergei, Eldrick went off in search of the supplies he needed.  He grabbed a wooden spoon, ice from the icebox, a couple of rags to wrap the ice in and a length of rope.  Returning to Sergei’s room, he handed the wooden spoon to his master and placed one bundle of ice on his shoulder and the other by his hip.  Wrapping the rope around Sergei's thigh, Eldrick braced himself.

“Let me know when you’re ready.  I am not sure I am strong enough to accomplish this.” 

Sergei grunted his acknowledgement, the wooden spoon in his mouth and nodded.  Gritting his teeth Eldrick reefed on the rope, leaning back while using the bed for leverage.  After a few moments, a loud POP resounded through the room.  Sergei grunted in pain.  Releasing the tension on the rope, Eldrick peered over at his mentor, he had passed out from the pain.  The hip was back in place, but the swelling needed tending.  Taking up the ice-filled rag, Eldrick placed it on the worst swelling.  Replacing the ice rag on Sergei's shoulder, Edrick returned the wooden spoon to the kitchen.  Grabbing Sergei’s breakfast from the main room, Eldrick shifted it to the bedside table so Sergei could eat when he woke.  Considering the morning's events, he figured the training session was a washout.  He completed his morning chores.  Left with no direction, he decided to review the previous day’s lessons.  He discovered he could do the gestures and incantations without errors.  Even though he could do them flawlessly, he still practiced the routine. 

When Eldrick checked in on Sergei at midday, the food was gone, and the ice had left puddles on the bed.  Gathering the wet rags, Eldrick returned to the kitchen and switched them out for dry ones.  After adding fresh ice, he replaced them on Sergei. 

“It’s not fair, it’s just not fair."  Eldrick paused in the doorway.  "Why a girl?  What can I do? What should I do?  Is there any way to change reality?  Should I even consider trying?” Sergei mumbled in his sleep. 

Confused by his master’s fevered comments, Eldrick tried to put it out of his mind.  Unfortunately, it kept nagging at him.  Unable to focus on his magical studies, Eldrick tried reviewing his herbology and first aid training.  After hours of struggling to concentrate, he decided to take care of the evening chores and then go to bed. 

His sleep was fitfully restless, and waking up was a slow, agonizing process.  All his muscles had decided to rebel simultaneously.  His feet were cramping into claw-like imitations. He couldn’t straighten them without excruciating pain arcing across the soles of his feet.  His hips felt like they were twisting outwards to become wider.  The cramps across his midsection felt like someone was driving thousands of red-hot needles into his flesh.  The mere thought of moving was enough to send pain to torment his body.

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