Chapter 61

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Eldrick, gathering Petal from the stool, headed for the door.  Caitlin followed with a backward glance to Amarna.  They left the door open to encourage air circulation.  Caitlin gasped in horror.

"Ellie we forgot the used pail."

Eldrick slapped himself in the forehead.  "How could we forget that?"  Turning back he retraced his steps to collect the pail of puss.  Hurrying he caught up to Caitlin.  "Thanks.  We came up here for this reason in the first place.  Let's deal with this quickly.  I am sure Amaryliss has an unpleasant day planned for the lot of us," chuckling he held out an arm.  "Shall we?"

Caitlin giggled taking his arm, "Oh, but of course."

Arm in arm they headed down the stairs giggling.  The others were gathering in the foyer just outside of Sebastian's room.  Amaryliss was getting them settled into a circle.  Their heads turned in surprise at hearing the giggling.  Eldrick waved to them as they passed to empty the pail and rinse it.  Coming back with both pails Eldrick headed towards the kitchen while Caitlin joined the circle.  Placing the pails near the sink he too returned to the foyer.

"Good, now that we are all here, Ellie would you mind giving us a full update on Amarna?"  Amaryliss tone let him know Caitlin had mentioned that Amarna was better but not the full extent.

"It seems as though Amarna's core is re-establishing itself and fighting back against the infection.  She has impressed her will upon the shield I had anchored when we were tending to her the other day.  Ok, how many of you have mastered the shielding technique for yourselves?"  He waited a couple of moments for a show of hands.  "Unless I miss my guess, Amaryliss has today planned for helping Sebastian in a similar way.  I noticed the pre-prepped food in the dining hall."

"You have surmised correctly.  I did indeed have that in mind for today.  But first I was wondering if you could explain how you sense what you do in others?"

"I am not sure I can explain it really.  Amaryliss you joined me in a trance as I delved into Sebastian before.  Can you explain it?"

"Hmph, all I could do was follow where you went.  I couldn't really understand what it was you were doing."

"I feared as much.  Caitlin couldn't follow me either when I checked on Amarna.  To be honest she couldn't even sense that I was doing anything."  Eldrick's face fell in defeat.  "I wish I could explain it but I fear it may be part of the training I am not allowed to spread.  I would need to discuss it with my master before trying again."  He looked at the faces of his fellow healer students.  Seeing the despair in them that he could do nothing to alleviate.  "Though I cannot teach it nor explain it.  I can use it to help those that I can.  Is everyone ready?"  He seated himself in the middle of the circle facing the doorway to Sebastian's room.

As each made their acknowledgement of readiness, he began the trance reaching out and carefully pulling the others into the circle.  A light tapping of his shoulder reminded him to add Petal as well.  With everyone in the circle, he let his senses flow outward to Sebastian.  There seemed to be little change though it appeared that the infection had moved in closer to Sebastian's core and was threatening to snuff it out.  Calming himself before emotion could overtake him and cause the trance to break, he could feel shields popping up around him as those in the circle prepared for the work ahead.  He sensed differences in the shields and could feel that he had to smooth them out or there would be a critical failure that would disrupt the working he had planned.  With careful modifications, he guided the shields and their creators into a more cohesive unit. 

Drawing on the pool of energy he had, careful not to draw more from any one person, he sent the energy out to Sebastian.  First, strengthening his core then slowly building a shield.  He cautiously expanded the construct, pushing it outward to expel the infection.  He almost lost the trance when he felt a new presence in the circle. 

An energy pattern he knew intimately.  There was a second shock when yet another joined as well.  Suddenly, hundreds of energy patterns were entering the circle.  He could feel the heat building in the room.  No, not the room, the building.  Anchoring the shield, he let his senses roam the building looking for the heat source. 

The biggest surprise he received was that he was the source of the heat.  From what he could sense no one else had noticed it.  He thought he saw a fire in Amarna burning away the infection, and one in Sebastian doing the same.  Was there a link between the infections?  Or between Amarna and Sebastian?  He could sense both their cores expanding, pushing the shields out.  He didn't know how this could be possible.  Wait there was yet another link, but it was too far away to trace.  Centering himself, he allowed the power to flow through him with gentle guidance and smoothing.  He tried to hold on to the feeling of what was happening, there was no way to quantify it.  He could feel himself beginning to flag.  Carefully he released the circle to prevent shock to those involved.  As he let the last one slip away he lost consciousness.

He woke to Amaryliss kneeling over him.  Caitlin had a platter of food ready to hand to him.  Others were gathered behind Caitlin.  Everyone wore expressions of worry and fear.  Seeing that he was alright, a collective sigh of relief escaped their lips.  They all began chatting at once.  Caitlin turned to stare at them and Amaryliss raised one hand, closing it into a fist when it reached full extension.  A sudden silence enveloped the room.

"You, youngling, gave us quite the scare," she lifted each eyelid in turn and looked directly into the eye.  Holding her hand up with one finger extended, "Follow my finger with just your eyes."  She passed it in front of his face from center to left then right and back to center.  "You will be okay.  I think you are going to have quite the headache soon though."  She turned to Caitlin and took the tray of food.  "Here sit up and eat something.  It will help but not completely.  I felt more power this time than the last time what happened?"

Eldrick sat up, took the tray, and started eating.  He raised a hand to forestall questions while he ate.  As he was eating, his mind was busy working out how to explain what had happened.  He wasn't sure he could explain this any more than he could explain how it was he could sense life energy in others.  About halfway through the food, he set it down beside him.

"There was more power, I can't explain how.  Sebastian joined in once I had the shield set and was just beginning to press outward.  Then I think Amarna joined through Sebastian.  Then there were others I, I," he slumped in defeat.  "I don't know how or why.  Did anyone else feel the heat?"

"What heat?  Nothing changed for us that I know of?"  Amaryliss looked over at those gathered.  "Did any of you notice anything?"

"Uh, it got a little warm for me," Caitlin spoke softly, fearing to contrdict Amaryliss.  "I was like sitting next to a roaring fire on s cold winter night."  Some of the others were nodding in agreement with Caitlin.  A few were shaking their heads indicating they sensed nothing.

"Amaryliss, though you didn't notice anything, I think there are some who are more attuned to magic.  If this is the case, maybe  they should learn more of magical healing."

"Petal felt heat."

"Petal, what was that?  You never showed any desire to learn about healing."

"You never asked Petal.  Petal has been watching.  Petal wants to learn.  Easier for Petal to help other sprites than ask you."

"Ok Petal, I will teach you what I can.  As for those of you who did feel the heat Ellie was speaking about there are a number of manuscripts in the library which may serve to teach you of the magical healing arts.  Mind you they deal more in healing nature than people though the premise is valid."  She turned to look at Eldrick.  "You already know some this I would gather?"

"I do, it was part of my training with Sergei.  He never said it was forbidden knowledge."  Eldrick slowly rising to his feet, brushed himself off.  "That is, it isn't strictly druid training."

"All right you lot, we have things to do.  Caitlin, please lead those who felt the increase in heat to the library.  Eldrick, can I get you to check on our patients in your special way?" she watched his nod of affirmation.  "The rest of you there is cleaning that needs to be done I have a very bad feeling.  Petal, you and I are going to begin your training.  Oh and sorry Ellie," she corrected herself, "once you are done with checking the patients could you please assist Caitlin in the library?"  She looked around the gathered students.  "Eileen, Claire a moment of your time please."

As everyone scattered to their given tasks, Eileen and Claire followed Amaryliss into Amarna's office where the door was firmly shut.  Eldrick gathered up his platter and returned it to the dining hall.  Returning to the foyer, he had a decision to make.  Lover or teacher?  Who to check first.  With a sigh, duty overrode his heart.  He went upstairs to Amarna's room.  He didn't need to enter to check on her, so he extended his senses.  He sensed more than one life in the room.  Then he heard the crash.

Centering himself he drew on his magic. Throwing the door open, expecting the worst, what he saw brought a smile to his lips.

"Amarna, you shouldn't be up.  Oh, your bleeding." The blood drained from his face as he saw the body laid out on the floor.  "Why?  Another assassin?"  Eldrick could still sense his life force beating strong.  "I am going to take out the trash.  I will be back."  Reaching down he grabbed the assassin by the collar and dragged him out of the room.  He looked in the library to see who was in there as he passed.

"Lugh, Yosef could I get you to take this to the guards please?" emphasizing this as he lifted the body.  "I need to get some bandages.  Amarna dealt with him but she needs medical attention.  And before you can ask, yes, she is awake."

As they took the body, he headed to the storeroom for bandages and a cleansing agent to clean the wound.  Finding a bottle of witch hazel he grabbed it.  With his supplies in hand, he returned to Amarna's room.  He set everything on the desk in the room.  Picking up the witch hazel and a bandage he approached Amarna.  She was sitting on the edge of her bed.  Her face a mask of pain and white as a sheet.  Touching her arm he noticed it was cold and clammy.  With a long exhalation, he ripped open her top to reveal the injury.  What he saw was not a simple wound but a blackening of the skin.

"Caitlin, get Amaryliss.  I am going to need a Yarrow and Calendula paste," turning to Amarna he looked into her eyes.  "This is going to hurt and I wish it otherwise.  There was some kind of poison on that blade."  Seeing her nod, he placed the bandage at the bottom of the wound and poured the witch hazel directly into the wound.

Amarna's eyelids starting to flutter, snapped open.  The pleading look those eyes held was what  Eldrick feared to see.  The look of someone who knew there time was up but was being held to the here and now by the will of someone else.  Amaryliss charged into the room with Eileen and Claire in tow.  Eldrick motioned towards the bandages.  Eileen, understanding grabbed a fresh one.  Handing it to Eldrick she took the soiled one from him.  Once again, he poured the witch hazel over the wound, holding Amarna's eyes.  Amaryliss and Claire standing in silence off to the side watched as Eldrick did what he could to save Amarna.

Caitlin came running in.  Panting she handed the paste to Eldrick.  "Heh, heh, here I got the paste.  This is the last of it.  We are out of yarrow."

"What?  No yarrow??  Follow Petal.  Petal knows where to find yarrow."  He popped out of Amaryliss hair and flew out the open window.

Caitlin stood there in shock.  There was no way she was going to follow the sprite out the window.  Petal flew back in the window.

"Oops, Petal forget, you no fly.  Petal take you the long way."  Flying past Caitlin and out the door.  Shrugging to the room she ran after Petal.

Eldrick glanced at the wound.  It was as clean as he was going to be able to get it.  The black was not spreading as fast but he could see it slowly darkening the veins.  Pouring the witch hazel over his hands to make sure they were clean.  Carefully he scooped a handful of the precious paste out of the jar.  Spreading it over and into the wound.  Snapping his eyes back to Amarna's he caught them as they were beginning to close.  As they opened to their fullest, he held her gaze.  without moving his eyes he finished slathering the paste on the wound.  Motioning to Eileen, he rose and shifted positions, never releasing the lock on Amarna's eyes.  Eileen, taking over the position Eldrick had held, placed the bandages over the wound and tying them in place looked over her shoulder at Amaryliss.

"Ok Ellie, you can release her."

Eldrick closed his burning eyes.  The look of relief on his face.  "I couldn't let her slip away.  There was something on the blade.  I hope we got enough to save her."

"That is my responsibility now."  Eileen rose, holding out her hand to Eldrick.  "You acted quickly, now only time will tell.  Amaryliss has just let us, Claire and I, know that we need to be exercising the authority which Amarna had given us and not just standing by like school girls.  You are the newest here and yet have been acting more in the capacity of a full healer than we have."  She ducked her head in shame.  Straightening up, she lifted her head.  "It is now time to prove we can handle the responsibility given to us.  Amaryliss has a new task to deal with, and you have more to learn yet.  I am glad to say it is not as much as some of the others."

Claire walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder.  "Your actions have shown us what it means to be leaders and examples for those beneath us.  Your task now is to watch for the infection.  With Amarna, it is now our turn to tend to her.  Oh, there is one more thing you need to finish the training you have started and that is your first priority since we do not know when you will be leaving."  She exchanged a look with Eileen.  "Go check on Sebastian."

Nodding, Eldrick headed to the door.  He hadn't gone three steps before he collapsed in a heap on the floor.

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