The Merchant

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The Merchant

Position: Sixth

Dates: Samhralár 1-24

Number of Stars: Ten

Most Compatibility: Smith, Farmer, Archer, Maiden, and Hunter

Least Compatibility: Warrior, Oracle, Weaver, Crone, and Farmer.

The sign of the Merchant is most associated with the goddess Agnava. The sixth sign in the zodiac, the merchant appears overhead during the midsummer period. There are many who believe the appearance of the Merchant signals a good time to make business investments, begin new business ventures, or to settle debts. 

Charming, tactful, and diplomatic, those born under the sign of the Merchant often come off as people-pleasers but more often than not, they build relationships to advance their own gain. They enjoy socialization and tend to have big circles of friends and acquaintances, able to maintain many close relationships simultaneously. 

Merchants have a sense of equality and fairness, wanting all things to be balanced in the end like the Scales that also appear around this time. They have an ability to smooth over ruffled feathers, persuade others to their point of thinking, and are especially good at mediating conflict in ways that leave all sides satisfied. Merchants have a deep seated intuition that often guides their decision-making process.

Eager to learn and to innovate, the Merchant likes to both start new projects and see them grow to fruition. They tend to be goal-oriented and work hard to ensure they are making and exceeding their benchmarks. While a Merchant will occasionally cut corners to get the result they want, they feel more satisfied when they see the fruits of labor that was the result of hard work. 

While they tend to work hard for what they want in life, Merchants can sometimes become obsessed with wealth or displays of it. They may seem to be showing off what they have gained, and can often rub others the wrong way by bragging about their own accomplishments. The Merchant's desire to bolster their own reputation and show off their success can often rub others the wrong way. Merchants do not fare well during times of conflict, chaos, or disorder. While they can be flexible in finding solutions to problems, they do not do well in situations where their preferred solution is not accepted or doesn't seem to work.

Merchants do well in fields of business, politics, administration, law, and the military. They tend to work best with signs who will support them in their work toward their goals and desire to build wealth, but do not fare will with signs who they perceive as lazy, who do not value the finer things in life, or are eager to encourage conflict. 

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