The Major Constellations

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There are 15 constellations that make up the major star signs used for astrological interpretations. These zodiac signs appear predominantly over the night sky at different times of the years, roughly over a period of 24 nights each every year. The serve as major points of identification in both astrological and astronomical studies, and are often used in navigation both by sea and on land. 

The 15 major signs in order are the Maiden, the Farmer, the Warrior, the Priestess, the Queen, the Merchant, the Archer, the Oracle or the Seer, the Smith, the Scribe, the Weaver, the Hunte, the Thief, and the Crone. Each of the signs are associated with one of the three major goddesses, Mairien, Cyrada, and Agnava. As a result, the power placed over these signs is believed to be imbued with the power of the goddesses themselves.

These signs are often used as a celestial calendar in Eiliarhyn with many professions using the appearance of certain signs to help chart the best time to perform certain duties. Farmers are known to use the appearance of certain signs to determine the best time to plow, plant, and begin harvesting crops. Healers are known to pick certain herbs when certain constellations are most prominent in the sky to heighten their potency. Fishers and sailors also consider constellations to indicate when the seas can be more safely navigated for their professions.

Other constellations are tied up in folk beliefs. It is said that there are some constellations in the sky that make it safer for travelers to take a journey, for merchants to make a business investment, and for the start of new construction. Many consider the constellations overhead when scheduling a marriage ceremony and some mothers will try to have children under signs they feel are more auspicious. How well a relationship may progress is sometimes seen to be determined by what signs two individuals are born under.

While some place more importance on these signs than others, the influence they have across Eiliarhyn culture is undoubted. Becoming focal points of art, music, culture, and folk practices, the 15 major constellations of the night sky have long connected people across the country. No matter where you are in Eiliarhyn, these same signs appear overhead in the sky, bringing those from various cultures, backgrounds, beliefs, and locations together as one.

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