The Days of the Week

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Radrén is associated with the element of air and spirit.


Radrén, meaning "day of the goddess" or "sacred day," is the first day of the week and is the focus of rest and worship among the population. Those born on this day are associated with the element of divinity or magic and are said to be more in touch with the innate magic or divinity of the world around them. Those born on Radrén are also associated with the element of air and the sky. This day of the week is most associated with the goddess Cyrada.

Those born on Radrén are connected with intellect, creativity, freedom, and movement. They are said to do well as travelers and are especially skilled communicators. They adapt well to change and do well with new beginnings and expansions rather than just standing still in life. They also tend to possess a key sense of intuition and foreknowledge. 

Downsides to those born on Radrén is that they are often not grounded in reality and tend to daydream. When angered, they are also known to rage and storm against those they disagree with. They often have to find control and clarity within themselves to diffuse difficult situations. On the other side of the coin, those born on Radrén are also known for their ability to "blow away" the troubles of others and provide soothing when needed. 


Tailerén is associated with the element Fire.


Meaning "fire day," Tailerén is the second day of the week and the first day of work. Those born on this day of the week are associated with the element of fire and flame. Fire is a double-edged sword in that it both creates and destroys, heal and harm.  This day of the week is most associated with the goddess Agnava.

Those born on Tailerén are associated most with energy, assertiveness, and passion. They are known for being active and eager to get things done. They have a strong will and have no problems speaking their mind or defending their positions. They go after what they want in life with a single-minded desire and passion to fulfill their goals. Because of this combination of passion and assertiveness, they are also willing to defend those they care deeply about as necessary. Warmharted and generous, they enjoy doing things for others. They do not do well in environments that do not change and tend to chase excitement.

However, the Tailerén born are also known for their aggression, tension, hoslitily, and rage when provoked. If they let their anger get the best of them, they can create their own downfall rather rapidly. Likewise, if they allow their passion to turn into lust, they can undermine themselves and create negative situations. They are also sometimes seen as vain, jealous, and frustrating. 

Averén is associated with the element of water.


The third day of the week is Averén, the "day of water." Known for its use in healing, cleansing, and purification, water is a giver and sustainer of life. This day of the week is most associated with the goddess Mairien.

Those born on this day are known for being in touch with their emotions and having a sense of great intuition. They are known to be introspective and very thoughtful before making decisions. Sometimes seen as perfectionists, they want to make others happy and can sometimes make others happy at their own detriment. Full of empathy, they are good for others to lean on in times of need. 

Those born on this day can also sometimes be introverted to the point they shun associating with other. They tend to avoid stressful situations and sometimes are more focused on their inner thoughts than what is happening around them. They can also have strong will power and when pushed too far can push back, despite seeming sensitive. They sometimes can keep too much inside which bursts forth like a wave when overwhelmed. 

Maidrén is associated with the element of wood.


The fourth day of the week, Maidrén is the "wood day." Strong but flexible, wood is an element known for being stable and practical. This day is associated with the element of wood but also the earth. This day of the week is most associated with the goddess Cyrada.

Known for their strong feelings of optimism, courage, patience, and benevolence, those born on the wood day are known for their ability to smooth things out with others and keep the balance. These individuals are well rooted and sturdy in themselves. They often seek ways to grow and expand. They can also be known for sensuality and fecundity. Often wise beyond their years and sociable, those born on this day are excellent planners and decision makers. Idealistic and bold, they sometimes require effort to change their minds. 

However, those born on this day are also often victim to feelings of anger and hopelessness. They can also become overcompetitive or focus on achievement only for the sake of achievement, often cutting down others in the way. They can also sometimes be workaholics and sometimes need to be reminded to focus on other things in life. 

Alkarén is associated with the element of metal


The fifth day of the week is Alkarén or "metal day." Those born on this day often have a tough exterior that once broken through belies a caring, benevolent spirit. This day of the week is most associated with the goddess Agnava. 

Those born on this day are known to be meticulous, honest, and responsible. Firm, persistence, strong, and determined, they can often be a force to be reckoned with and are known for their ambition. They often prefer to deal with problems alone. They are also known for their organization and stability, able to hold others up when their own strength fails. They are often calm, humble, and honest so long as they lived a well-balanced life. Altruistic and empathetic, they often care deeply about others despite a harsh exterior. Loyal and protective, they can also be judgmental and harsh. 

However, those born on the metal day can often be inflexible and are known to harden their hearts and minds to those they disagree with. They are often rigid with their interpretations and beliefs. They sometimes suffer for a lack of self-worth and are easily consumed with grief. Others often feel very black and white about those who are metal born, especially as it is often difficult to tap into the softer, gentler side of these individuals. 

Dowynrén is associated with the element of earth


The sixth and final day of the week is Dowynrén, the "earth day" or "ground day." Those born under this sign are often stable and literally down-to-earth with an ability to nurture and sustain others. This day is most associated with the goddess Mairien. 

Those who are earth born often are seen as caring deeply for others and with a desire to nurture and reassure those around them. Known for being fertile and life-giving, they are solid and firm and have an inner strength that is often belied by a loving exterior. Known for their endurance, they are responsible and justice oriented, looking out for others. Good problem solvers and able to help in a crisis, they are known for practicality and reliability. Kind, honest, and empathetic, they sometimes neglect themselves to care for others. 

The earth-born often need reassurance or praise for their action and can sometimes become self-centered. They often are out of their element when there is no problem to fix. They can also sometimes become stressed or drained when they have used all of their empathy and kindness on others. Rather than raging or storming when angry, they are sometimes more likely to indulge in emotions of self-pity, sadness, and depression. 


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