The Queen

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The Queen

Position: Fifth

Dates: Aonmasan 7-30

Number of Stars: Nine

Most Compatibility: Warrior, Maiden, Priestess, Archer and Oracle

Least Compatibility: Farmer, Mother, Scribe, Thief, and Weaver.

The Queen the fifth sign of the zodiac and is most associated with the goddess Cyrada. The priestess appears in the summer as the weather is beginning to warm. 

Those born under the sign of the Queen are often large-than-life personalities who are self-confident and often loud and boisterous. They tend to have a lot of energy they focus towards positive improvement and can be very focused on justice, egalitarianism, and affecting positive change for others and the world around them. 

Queens value teamwork, collaboration, and working toward the "great good," but prefer to be the team leader or the one in charge of the project rather than a worker bee. They tend to have strong belief systems and do not react well to those beliefs being challenged, but can eventually be persuaded with enough information and facts presented to the contrary. 

They are eager to defend those who they care about and often have a sense of righteousness that propels them forward. While they value ideals, they tend to be more active and energetic in fighting for what they believe in rather than focusing on the nitty-gritty of getting things done. Enjoying large gestures and events, they prefer working on stage to being behind the scenes and can sometimes lose interest or focus on a project that does not give them a stage to inhabit. 

Those born under this sign can sometimes be interpreted as proud, self-centered, and self-serving, though they usually see themselves as being direct, honest, and serving in a leadership role. They tend to be more "big picture" thinkers, leaving details to others but can also sometimes seem as controlling and wanting things done to their specifications when things do not go their way. They tend to respond poorly to criticism and challenges. They can also easily loose interest when there is not something to claim their attention. 

Queens do well in leadership roles as well as in fields including law, justice, politics, business, and administration. They tend to do well with other signs who will let them take on the leadership role and be the star of the show and do not do well with signs that make them compete for attention or challenge their authority. 

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