The Farmer

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The Farmer

Position: Second

Dates: Aonlejenez 25 and Aredastyne 18

Number of Stars: Nine

Most Compatibility: Hunter, Archer, Priestess, Weaver, and Merchant

Least Compatibility: Queen, Mother, Scribe, Thief, and Smith.

The sign of the Farmer is most associated with the goddess Cyrada. The second symbol of the zodiac, the farmer appears during the time of spring ploughing and sowing and is a symbol of new growth and fertility. The appearance of the sign of the Farmer also signals to many in agriculture when they should begin the plowing of fields. 

Hard-working and determined, farmers are known for making the best out of tough situations and their ability to create growth where there hasn't been any before. A Farmer can be both gentle and tough as the situation calls for it. They are often very encouraging to others and know how to bring out the best traits in those around them. 

Farmers are often skilled in a wide variety of areas, though not necessarily masters of all these skills. They are willing to take the time and dedication that is needed to develop a new skill and will keep working at a task until it is complete. While the farmer can be a dreamer, they are practical when it comes to attaining their goals and will work methodically to make these goals a reality. Farmers are also responsible and can be trusted to execute whatever task is given to them to the best of their ability.

The Farmer does not shy away from physical activity and exercise, but can also appreciate a good rest - when they remember to get it. They enjoy having deep connections to others, especially family and community, but can be distrustful of outsiders. Farmers can also sometimes be interpreted as being judgmental, even though they see their own opinions as merely blunt and truthful not necessarily negative.

They are also willing to sacrifice where necessary for the good of others. However, Farmers tend to only give respect where they feel respect is deserved and earned. They often expect everyone else to contribute as well and do not think well of those who are not seen to labor for the good of all. They sometimes can get so involved in their work that they forget to take time for themselves. Farmers are often reluctant to try new things and may take some persuading to do so. Once a new idea is proven to be worthwhile, however, they will embrace it with gusto. 

Farmers do well in agriculture, fishing, industry, and legal professions. They are most compatible with signs that require nurturing and reassurance but are not always compatible with signs that enjoy lives of luxury or would rather take short cuts than do hard work. 

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