Summer Camp 2023 Pledge and Homework Article

Summer Camp 2023 Pledge
Summer Camp Pledge Certificate 2023 by World Anvil

I'm pledging to work on Aubadeon for this Summer Camp. I struggled with this decision, but it feels like this world hasn't received enough love lately and this is a great opportunity to fix that.

I've been overwhelmed with work, and for mental peace, I'm only going to pledge to do 8 prompts. Secretly, I hope to complete 32 and earn diamond. Even worse, I hope to do prompts in both Aubadeon and Spaceport. But this is not a realistic goal. We'll see what happens!

In working through the first week's homework, I discovered that this world didn't even have a meta! It does now! I'll want to expand on it and clean it up over the next few weeks.

To remind myself of my sanity goals this month, I'm happily posting the Camp Chill badge and pledge.

Of course, I then went on to buy a "Dimi Mission" for Spaceport, because I couldn't resist the temptation to have Dimitris review my world and give me suggestions on how I can make it better. I started to choose Aubadeon, but then realized that having him review a nearly empty world probably wasn't the best expenditure of my anvil points.

In addition, the amazing Graylion shared their incredible statblock with us for tracking words and articles for Summer Camp. You'll see that below. Click into the "My goal" sections to see what I'm hoping to accomplish for each section. While we always have the option to hide prompts and sections, that big blank statblock is just daring me to go for diamond.

(looks at Camp Chill badge)

(looks at pretty statblock)

Hm. I predict that this Summer Camp will be a typical battle between my desire to go crazy and have fun and do all the things and my desire not to drive myself to exhaustion.

Stay tuned to see how this all plays out!

Update: I made it!

Summer Camp 2023 Platinum Towel 42/42
by Haly, the Moonlight Bard/Canva

Just When We Thought We Were Done...

Along came Dimi and gave us two more prompts, right at the end of the month-long journey that is World Anvil Summer Camp. And because we are


we wrote them. All of them. All 42 of them.

We wrote until our brains were numb. We wrote until the words dribbled out of our bleeding fingertips. We wrote way too late at night, and way too early in the morning. We wrote in the interval of shows. We wrote in the park, and in the hotel, and in the car. Some of us even wrote on the plane, and in the loo, and in the bath.

But in the end, we got it done: a bare minimum of 12,600 new words in our world-building projects. And for that monumental achievement...we deserve this digital doodad.

Claim this badge if you answered all 42 prompts for Summer Camp 2023 using [imgblock:4791498] or [img:4791498].

Nnie's Camp Chill Guidelines

- Remember the prompts are suggestions, not requirements.

- Write what you're passionate about, leave what you aren't.

- Relax when you feel tired.

- Fight off any pesky brain-squitos trying to make you doubt your work.

- Don't abandon your non-summercamp goals! Write that article you're itching to write, even if it doesn't fit any prompts.
(Shared with permission from Annie Stein. Read her thoughts on 'Camp Chill' on her Camp Pledge.)

To use this block on your own camp pages: [block:1050823]

Event Name

Summer Camp 2023




Copper Power
10 out of 8
Silver Frontier
10 out of 8
Gold Relics
10 out of 8
Diamond Communication
10 out of 8

All Articles
40 out of 32

Copper Power

8 Prompts
2 Wild Card Prompts
Theme Description
The first theme (and the copper prompts wave) is all about POWER, in all its different manifestations—physical power, political power, and more!
My Goal
This is the theme that led me to choose to focus on Aubadeon. Power is key to the themes of all 3 books, and it hasn't been well developed in my world building yet. Power takes many forms: political, emotional, and of course magical. I look forward to exploring who holds the power in this world and where that power comes from.

Silver Frontier

8 Prompts
2 Wild Card Prompts
Theme Description
Frontiers are boundaries between things, borders—but the word also has a connection to the edge of the “known world”.
My Goal
Pelage, Soul's Rest, and Solitude are all frontiers in the world of Aubadeon that I look forward to developing. People go to these places to be as far away from the "civilized" areas of Aubadeon as possible, and unique cultures have formed there. Dayspring and Summer, while being highly populated, are also frontiers, especially during the war with the Darkness that invades from the East.

Gold Relics

8 Prompts
2 Wild Card Prompts
Theme Description
Relics are the remnants of past ages, and they’re a great tool to show your world’s history, as well as cultural values, in the present. After all, if something has been preserved throughout history, it means people consider it to be important!
My Goal
Relics take many forms in Aubadeon. There's the abandoned city of Aurora that has barely been explored. In Elainya's room, there's a mysterious vial. And then there's Elainya's court dress that becomes a relic in the later books. Elainya has a knife that Drenil made for her that never gets dull. The castle maintains a healer's garden that Elainya finds when she returns to the castle. I'm sure there will be other items and reminders of the past that will provide fodder for this category.

Diamond Communication

8 Prompts
2 Wild Card Prompts
Theme Description
How do people and organizations from different backgrounds or cultures communicate with each other? How does communication happen over short and long distances? Who in your setting communicates secretly or carefully, and how?
My Goal
I'll want to tie as many of these into the Spaceport as possible. I definitely want to explore the communication devices and some of the challenges of communicating with someone who is on the frontier.


Copper Power

Prompt 1
A powerful organization in your world
Prompt 2
A seat of power
Prompt 3
A resource that provides fuel or power
Prompt 4
An animal associated with, or symbolizing, power
Prompt 5
A culture that has suffered under the rule of a stronger nation
Prompt 6
Military Conflict
A conflict between two unequal powers in your world
Prompt 7
The title and responsibilities of an important person in your world
Prompt 8
Natural Law
A destructive natural or supernatural event
Wild Card Prompt 9
A species known for its mischievious personality
Wild Card Prompt 10
A popular summer tradition that involves art and creativity

Silver Frontier

Prompt 1
An unclaimed, unregulated, or lawless region in your setting
Prompt 2
A settlement at the limits of the "known" or "civilized" world
Prompt 3
A job that takes its practitioners to remote or faraway places
Prompt 4
An animal found in a non-populated area
Prompt 5
A useful plant found in a wild area of your world
Prompt 6
A material or natural resource that comes from a dangerous location
Prompt 7
A character driven by wanderlust or the desire to explore
Prompt 8
A cuisine from a sparse, barren, or remote region in your world
Wild Card Prompt 9
An iconic building or landmark representing a location
Wild Card Prompt 10
A letter sent in secret by a well-known person in your world

Gold Relics

Prompt 1
A tradition or behavior considered old fashioned
Prompt 2
An item of great cultural or religious significance to a people in your world
Prompt 3
An ancient city that is still inhabited today
Prompt 4
A historical figure still venerated today, and why
Prompt 5
A profession that has been rendered obsolete
Prompt 6
A children's tale or song based on a real event
Prompt 7
A species now considered extinct
Prompt 8
A historical culture whose influence is still felt today
Wild Card Prompt 9
A ceremony that represents a transition or transfer
Wild Card Prompt 10
Natural Law
A rare natural phenomenon that most people look forward to

Diamond Communication

Prompt 1
A method used to carry goods over long distances
Prompt 2
A system to send messages between distant places
Prompt 3
A form of silent communication
Prompt 4
An organization for which recruiting or proselytizing is important
Prompt 5
A species with an unusual form of communication
Prompt 6
A character who excels in manipulating others
Prompt 7
An important public announcement that one person addressed to many
Prompt 8
A building or landmark used for, or associated with, communication
Wild Card Prompt 9
A character who prefers to lurk in the shadows
Wild Card Prompt 10
A "negative" condition that has hidden advantages


Articles for Summer Camp 2023

Statblock provided by the amazing Graylion

Summer Camp Sheet
Generic article | Jun 27, 2024

Cover image: by Antonios Ntoumas


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Jun 10, 2023 13:36 by Mochi

I hope you can get lots of fun writing done! <33 good luck!!

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.  
Jun 11, 2023 20:34 by Deleyna Marr

Thanks! I'm hopeful!

Jun 10, 2023 15:16 by TJ Trewin

Copper is an excellent goal to work towards! :D Are you hoping for any particular prompts/themes once they're revealed?

Journals of Yesteryear

Follow me on Bluesky for more pixel art :D
Jun 11, 2023 20:35 by Deleyna Marr

I'm hoping for something that will let me explore the northern area of the continent more, I think. But the world has enough space that needs development... I suspect anything will help!

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