The Chapel at Sun's Font

The Chapel at Sun's Font is the most beautiful chapel dedicated to the Light in the realm. Physically part of the castle structure at the heart of Kingstown, the chapel juts out from the mountain and features walls and ceilings that incorporate thousands of crystals. The structure has been built to enhance the strength and beauty of every ray of light that enters. The mountain protects the building from the overwhelming noonday sun, keeping the space from turning into an oven during the heat of the day.

The Bright Reflect is in charge of the chapel and lives in a small room attached to the building so that he is always available to tend the needs of the chapel and its visitors.

During evenings and on dark days, candles are lit throughout the space to bring the Light. While the Light's presence can be felt anywhere, it is said that its voice can be heard much more clearly in this reverent space. Many visitors report hearing something that sounds like music in the distance when inside the space, although no instruments are used in worship.

Sun's Font is the mountain that the castle has been built into. A spring bubbles up under the chapel and is directed into a small fountain in the entryway to the chapel. The sunlight from the crystals often focuses on this pool. When worshipers enter the space, they are expected to touch the water and ceremonially wash the darkness from their souls, symbolizing their commitment to the Light.

There is only one entrance to the chapel. Those who wish to see it must pass through the guards at the entrance to Kingstown, then pass through the security of the castle. This most sacred space in the land is protected by the castle, but also considered to be the heart of the Kingdom. Thus the King always has easy access to the chapel to seek guidance from the Light. The chapel is at the heart of any ceremony of note from royal marriages to those ceremonies pertaining to the kingship.

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Cover image: by Deleyna via Midjourney


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