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In the world of The Nexus

Visit The Nexus

Completed 20939 Words

After Bridge Healing

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Snores can be heard from the hot springs as Gren sleeps, floating on his back

Maisie smiles gently at Gren, monitoring his condition

Cas follows through the Dimension Door after Daemin quickly, his cape swirling behind him as he makes a beeline for the spa as well. He throws the cape off as he scrambles for a pair of bottoms to change into, and yeets himself into the water no sooner than he is able.

Floating in the water is a large crescent moon shaped stone that fills the room with moon light, it seems to pulse every so often Silver magic that radiates into the water, the water feels calming apron entering as silver wisp of corruption comes off those who enter as there wounds slowly close.

Lotus enters taking a seat and relaxing into the water.

Aurora leans back against the edge of the spa, her head leaning on the edge. Slowly, her wings wrap around the front of her protectively. Her eyes shut and she relaxes. No wounds or damage to be had, but a refresh needed after all the magic she threw out... and for any corruption she may have encountered.

Daemin sighs loudly as the water absorbs the corruption from their pores “So... good job everyone. That was... frightening, but good teamwork”.

Maisie gets some tea from Alqamar and starts handing cups out to all in the pool "What happened out there?"

Aurora lets out a soft grunt in affirmative, "Yes.... everyone did very well." The tiefling opens her eyes to look at Maisie, "A bridge was created, an entrance to The Nexus. Ghasts and creatures kept spilling out of these towers...." the tiefling extends a hand out for the tea when the halfling comes her way.

Cas scoots closer to Daemin, giving them a kiss on the cheek. "We all certainly held down the fort, didn't we...?"

"Ghasts," Maisie mutters "Should have been there. Curse my old bones...."

Alqamar in his Mayhem Demon form enters the room to check to see if anyone needs anything.

Aurora opens her wings and blows on the tea, "You're helping here, thank you for that," she offers her a smile, "After that... this thing came out of the fog. It was massive, a mass of tentacles and eyes. It absorbed spells, I think... we had to collapse the bridge and-- uhh--" the tiefling pauses and stares at the demon who just entered, pointing a finger questioningly, "Who's this?"

Maisie looks over her shoulder "Oh, that's Alqamar. It's all right."

“Food. Very much needed. Pastries?” Daemin asks Cas “And we most certainly did, you were amazing with those Eldritch blasts! You’ve gotten stronger, definitely.”

Maisie nods and goes to raid the pastry case, coming back with a plate piled high with a variety of pastries "Here you are, Daemin..."

"Oh," Aurora watched Maisie leave, then watched the Master of the Spa for a few moments, taking a sip of her tea. "New look, Alqamar?" she offers a polite, and mildly confused, smile.

"Gailardia wanted to give me stronger offensive magic... Witch Bolt was the first thing she taught me." Cas looks at them owlishly. "Pastries?"

Alqamar looks over at Aurora and speaks in a deeper and distorted voice "Ahh my apologies I'm aware this form might be.....Unsettling to so but yes this is hmm for lack of a better word is my natural form."

"Ah! Sorry, staring is rude.... I wasn't expecting it is all. Not unsettled, promise," Aurora shifts in the water to face him properly, she takes another drink of tea, looking thoughtful for a moment, "You're implying this is closer to what you look like, or what you normally what you look like? A demon, Maisie mentioned? I've never seen one that looks like you do." Aurora scratched the side of her nose with her talon, muttering a bit to correct herself "....mind you, the Abyss is still infinite..... guess we haven't seen it all........"

"I do not hail from the Abyss I hail from a place called The Mayhem Pits I am not a demon like those from the abyss im a bit unique."

Aurora blinked, her eyebrows raised in surprise, "Not Abyssal, or Tanari'ri?" The tiefling chewed on her lip as she tried to decide how to phrase her next sentence, "What are The Mayhem Pits?"

Daemin nods “Yes, pastries!”

"They are a pit of energy that exist in my world that was used to help form world and then was left there after world was finished it is home to a total of 8 Creatures of Mayhem myself and my 3 siblings and then others that are formed by its energies, its inaccessible to  those not natives to it."

The tiefling listened intently, tilting her head as he spoke. Realizing the steam was fogging up her glasses, she pulled the up to the top of her head, under her horns. A pit of energy that created a world? It must be very powerful. Considering Alqamar was born of it.... well. "Where is your world, then?" Aurora placed her tea down on the edge, "Hmm.... inaccessible? Is it hostile, then?"

"It's in Faerun in the Basin of the World, and it's not the it's not hostile its that those not of mayhem are created in a world that has reality so when they enter a place to has non the body is for the easiest way to say atomized."

Aurora nods at this, "No reality?" The sorcerer quietly contemplates this for a few moments, her talons tapping the edge of the spa. "So you're created in a place that doesn't have reality? You must find it to be very different out here, then," the tiefling placed her head on her hand, turning to look up at the Master.

"I've gotten used to it. I've been out in the world for a long time." Alqamar answers calmly.

"We find our ways to adapt, don't we?" The sorcerer nodded at this thought, "How long have you been gone from The Pits, then?"

"Bit over 200 years now I believe."

"200 years, huh?" Aurora gets out of the pool and sits on the edge, "How'd you find The Nexus?"

"Was asked to come and help with the Cafe and Spa" Alqamar eyes scan the rock in the spa.

The tiefling draped her tail and legs into the water, leaning on her knees as she looked up at Alqamar, "You were asked?" Her eyes follow his, turning to look at the rock, "Who asked you to come?" The sorceress offered a toothy grin, her teeth notably sharp- and a bit crooked. Go figure, she'd fight off the forces of The Corruption and the first thing she wanted to do was sit in a spa and ask people about themselves, "I apologize-- if I pry to much, you can say so. Don't feel obligated to answer, Alqamar."

Daemin chimes in "Usually its the Realms themselves, otherwise its an inducted Master. They allow us to do our thing and help run the place, while they delight in us fulfilling their purpose."

Alqamar nods his head as Deamin chimes in "Correct in my case it was the Realm its self that asked me to come here."

Casodel tilts their head, watching the conversation curiously. They lean over to whisper to Daemin. “How was it for you? Becoming the Tavern Master?”

Aurora picks up her cup of tea again, gently drinking as she turns her gaze to Alqamar, watching him over the rim, "Um.... the Realm calls you?" The tiefling tilted her head to Alqamar, then Daemin, "You speak of them like... Is the realm a conscious entity, then? Or am I reading too much into it."

Maisie picks up the empty plate and goes to get more pastries, starting it around again.

"You are not, they are indeed conscious." Alqamar nods his head.

Sevin takes a huge breath of fresh air, finally surfacing from the hot water. "This hits the spot after abject fear and panic."

The sorcerer took a moment to absorb that information, nodding her head towards Alqamar, "Interesting... I hadn't considered this before. When you were called, was it like a message, or was it more like... I don't know, a sensation perhaps?" The tiefling took another sip of tea, her head turning to look down at Sevin as he breaches the water, offering a smile. She was glad to see that he was alright. It was hectic, but she was fairly certain she heard him yelling. Maybe. It kind of sounded like laughing..... "It sure does! You did amazing on the ballista! Worked like a charm! You doing okay?"

Gren continues to snore as he floats around.

"It was a little of both there was a message but I also felt it in a way not sure how to explain it." Alqamar smiles as he watches Sevin appear from in the water.

Aurora leans back, looking out into the pool of water, "I suppose that makes sense, coming from a realm. Is it kind of like an exchange, then? Do you offer services, and they repay you somehow? What do Masters get out of this?"

Sevin realizes someone was talking to him, having to wipe away the water from his glasses. "Sorry Aurora, didn't see you there. Thanks! I didn't get hurt at all, you guys definitely had it rougher than me." They go quiet at Aurora's question, looking at Alqamar. That is a good question.

Daemin looks at Alqamar, then back at Aurora “We get to meet all of you. I think we all just love what we do, and love the people that we meet through it. It’s payment enough. Also, we basically have powers that rivals gods, but that’s besides the point.” Daemin gives a toothy grin, and turns to Alqamar “What do you think, beautiful?”

"I have to agree I'm not here for the power I'm here because I enjoy helping people where I can and this was a opportunity to help."

Aurora flashes a smile at Sevin, glad that he was doing fine in the aftermath, "That's okay! I understand," she taps the glasses seated on the top of her head. The tiefling turned back to the current conversation with the Masters, looking over to Daemin, then Alqamar. Perhaps the Realms sought out people who best suited such a position, then?  Like a calling, or a purpose. She reflected on the conversation back in Callias' office with him and Leandros. "It's.... quite the feat. Doing all this for others, but I'm happy you both enjoy it," her gaze lingered between the two for a moment, leaning her elbow onto her knees, her cheek in her hand, "Do you ever find it difficult?"

"Everything has its difficulties but I greatly enjoy doing this so its worth any difficulties that come with it"

Daemin turns to Cas “I.. thought I told you? The former Tavern Master gave me a job interview, then presented me to the Tavern. All seemed to line up, and just like that, I was the new Tavern Master. Simple, quick, and efficient.” They give Cas a warm smile.

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