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In the world of The Nexus

Visit The Nexus

Completed Words

After Thoth Healing

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Ursu, along with Tafari and Illari, make their way into the spa, entering the hum of activity. Giving a brief roll of his shoulders, he looks about and smiles at the general business of the establishment. This was the fruits of their victory, to get to see the general Nexus finally fall back at ease. The tension for so long had been thick enough to cut with a blade, but now it seemed things were ready to return to a level of normalcy, or whatever The Nexus could call as much. He lets out a happy sigh. "For a month or for a day, it'll be nice to relax for a bit." He looks back at the other two.
Meg (S/H): [Del/Jewel/Wren/Ayli] — 06/06/2020
"Nnnnope, sorry man." She holds up her bare wrists to Sevin as she floats along beside Gorlyl.
Juan [Dae/Dubi/Craig/Gor] (H/H) — 06/06/2020
Cray runs a hand over his scalp “No hair, Sevin. It’s unfortunate, really. Always wondered how I would look with hair.” He lets out a laugh of his own “So... um. Yes, wait! How was the ballistae! I still can’t believe I missed you outside doing your ‘thing’.” Cray settles in next to Sevin
Sink (S/T): Cal/7/Enigma/Hepsie — 06/06/2020
Tafari follows into the spa, letting a small smile grace their face as they watch Ursu look around. They have a look as well. It's a sudden feeling. This was the Nexus, the people they had fought to protect and keep safe, and it was a success. After all of the pain, the anger, and the wandering about the world having no idea what her life was for, or what it meant, here it was. She put a hand to her chest, feeling the sudden squeeze in it. "I'm...happy. I'm so happy everyone is safe, and alive. I love this place, huh."
Jeff [Bradash/Val/Tenoch] [H/H] — 06/06/2020
Bradash, holding his axe over one shoulder, makes his way to the spa- shoulders still tensed. He stops and looks around while taking off his boots, hoping to spot- there she is. He stands up, and makes his way over to maybe one of two people that can unwind him after a fight.

"Hey, hun." He makes his way over to Aurora off on the side and sits down next to her, trying his best to come down off the last dregs of battle-rage. He rests his axe across his lap, blade tucked close to his leg so as to not accidentally hurt anyone with it. He leans against the tiefling, not saying much of anything- but letting himself relax as much as his brain would allow.
Shae(s/t):El/Marlow/Rin/Mae — 06/06/2020
Ella sits with her uncle, mouth half filled with pastry, keeping an eye out in case anyone needs aid that the waters can't provide immediately. So many new faces to keep track of! Then seeing the influx of folks entering it dawns on her.
" it over then? Have we won?"
Fish/Galv/Murzol (h/h) — 06/06/2020
"I'm not sure yet....people seem to be still filing in." He let out a small breath, tossing out the last bit of refuse he had picked up before dusting off his hands. "For the most part people seem in good spirits which is good.....People are in good health for the most part, no one dead or beyond our help." Leandros sighed a bit putting a hand on Ella's shoulder, giving it a small and reassuring squeeze. "She'll be in soon enough, likely just helping someone make it back."
Abyss(H/H):Jadyn/Aleister/Hassan — 06/06/2020
Alqamar sits behind the counter getting back to his normal duties now that things are over, as he sits there the walls of the Cafe pulses purple and black and a red leather bound tome manifest on the counter wrapped in a set of Prayer beads, Alqamar looks at it for a moment before picking it up feeling it warm to the touch "You dont need to reward me for doing my job but thank you"
Vensis(Fae):Illari/Al/Barns/Tik — 06/06/2020
Illari steps in with Tafari and Ursu. Giving pause while the scene of happy victorious and tired faces move about the spa. He never thought he'd be able to feel this kind of joy after the Whispering Tyrant. Looking over at Tafari as she speaks, sliding up beside her and lacing his fingers with hers to hug her arm.
"This is what we fight for. The home we love." Giving her arm a squeeze. Taking a deep breath and sighing happily.
"Okay, enough of the sap. Let's relax." Heading for the changing room before finding his way into the springs.
Sink (S/T): Cal/7/Enigma/Hepsie — 06/06/2020
Sevin sputters some more, waving his arms about before settling next to cray quietly. Ballistae. He could focus on that. "Del let me test out the ballistae she built. She let me put bombs on them and shoot them across the whole Nexus. It was the most exciting thing I've ever done." Seeing Illari walk in, Sevin suddenly cheers, waving. "Brother! Your home is safe! No Tyrants!" Turning his attention to Cray, Sevin lowers his voice. "Illari was really worried about losing this place. I'm glad he didn't."
Amy [Aurora/Circe/Vesile] (S/H) — 06/06/2020
Aurora sits back, watching more denizens enter into the spa. For once, she didn't listen into the conversations or peer into their personal time. Now, it was just simply time to relax and recuperate. However, she watched the door, as if expecting someone in particular. Once the half-orc comes into view, she offers a bright smile as he approaches. "Hi, heart." Once he assumed his spot, one of her leathery wings stretched out to wrap around Bradash, settling around his shoulder. One hand moved to the side of his hair, her fingers running through his hair. She turned his head to incline to her, planting a gentle kiss on his forehead before touching her forehead to his, "I had no doubts, but.... I'm glad you're safe."
Shae(s/t):El/Marlow/Rin/Mae — 06/06/2020
Ella reaches up to pat Leandros's hand on her shoulder, her expression brightening as the atmosphere throughout the spa reflects the relieved fatigue of a battle well fought and won. But her eyes still nervously scan for Phoebe with every new patron that enters.

"That does sound like something Phoebe would do. I'm glad everyone seems to be safe."

Ambrosia readies her journal and quill, crossing her legs in her seat as she takes down notes of her surroundings and any snippets of information from the battle she can glean from observing.
Jerald(H/H) Ur/Rol/Psalm/Eimsury — 06/06/2020
"For the home we love and the people we love," Ursu nods to Tafari. "And yes, let's relax." He follows Illari into the changing rooms and then to the springs. He takes a moment as he looks down at the body of water. There is a thought that passes through his mind briefly before he slowly lowers himself into its warmth. Keeping to one side and resting his arms along the rim.
Juan [Dae/Dubi/Craig/Gor] (H/H) — 06/06/2020
Cray nods “I would be worried too about losing this place. It’s... special. A lot of good people here.” Cray blinks “The whole Nexus? Oh gods, I definitely need to see that one day.” Cray coughs “Um... Sevin? Can I ask you something?”
Jeff [Bradash/Val/Tenoch] [H/H] — 06/06/2020
Bradash pulls Aurora close, letting himself relax in the grip of her wing. He turns and returns the kiss. "Of course. I haven't met the thing that can kill me yet." He smiles. "Barely a scratch on me, promise."

Bradash pulls Aurora close, grip on the weapon easing. "Thank you for being okay. I take it your end went well?" He gives her another kiss. "Lemme know if I squeeze too much. I'm winding down, but I don't want to hurt you." He rests his head against Aurora's, the smile momentarily flickering to a frown. "Where's Ma? She okay?"
Sink (S/T): Cal/7/Enigma/Hepsie — 06/06/2020
Tafari moves to the changing room and carefully removes all their damaged armor and clothing, before stepping out and sliding into the warm water. They reach out and rub Ursu's shoulder notably, seeing the moment of hesitation. "You're not alone."
Juan [Dae/Dubi/Craig/Gor] (H/H) — 06/06/2020
Daemin gets up from their sleeping position, manifests their robes, and yells “GOTTA GO, BYE!” And runs out of the Spa
Abyss(H/H):Jadyn/Aleister/Hassan — 06/06/2020
Alqamar stands up from the his spot shifting back into his tefling form with the change of having his wings out and wraps the gold and silver prayer beads around his right hand, looking at the red tome as his eyes pulse with black and purple energy and the book disappears, Alqamar walks out of the Cafe watching Deamin run by shaking his head as he takes off into the air to fly to the Library
Fish/Galv/Murzol (h/h) — 06/06/2020
"In no small part due to you and your mothers efforts, Phoebe will be wanting to see you when she arrives I'm sure. Try not to look too distraught." He smiled a bit as he laughed softly. "I still remember the look Apogee gave me when I returned.....made the whole fight worth it......" His warm smile softens slowly as he looks towards the window before bringing his attention back to Ella. "Be ready for her, I've something to check on it seems." One last reassuring shoulder pat is given before he nods to Ambrosia and heads from the door.
Sink (S/T): Cal/7/Enigma/Hepsie — 06/06/2020
Sevin stops waving, turning his head and looking at Cray for a moment. "Yes, yes. You can ask. Though asking if you can ask makes me worry about what you're going to ask but if I say you can't ask then you might assume why I'm saying you can't ask and then the asking that might not be a bad asking will be seen as the bad answer and you could have asked all long..." Sevin starts to talk himself in circles.
Juan [Dae/Dubi/Craig/Gor] (H/H) — 06/06/2020
Cray coughs again “Can I... put my arm around you?”

ro | pea/vhal/arch | t/t — 06/06/2020
Phoebe appears at the door to the spa alongside Craig, her eyes scanning the room and the kaleidoscope of people within. She seems exhausted and battered, but in relatively good spirits despite her state as she searches for her father, Ella, or really anyone who can help her out of her armor.
Vensis(Fae):Illari/Al/Barns/Tik — 06/06/2020
Smiling as soon as he hears Sevin's voice. He turns toward him with a nod.
"Home is finally safe, little brother. No Tyrants." The briefest glint wells in his eyes before nodding again. 
"I'll catch up you later, Sevin." He follows after the others. Sliding into the water beside Ursu, he laces his fingers into Ursu's.
"Not alone at all. We are strongest together." His gaze passing between Tafari and Ursu before settling heavily against Ursu and closing his eyes.
Amy [Aurora/Circe/Vesile] (S/H) — 06/06/2020
Aurora chuckled at that, bearing her teeth in a wide grin, "If only we were so lucky as you!" the tiefling leaned in, kissing his nose, "Went very well... some corruption did leak in, but we prevented the assault from The Bridge." The sorcerer squeezed him back, "You'll have to hug harder than that." At the mention of Del, Aurora frowned, gazing at the spot where Del was sitting before, "She.... did get hurt. It wasn't good. She's up and running, but she'll need a lot of rest to get back to normal. She went to do some perimeter sweeps," the tiefling sat in silence for a moment, looking up at Bradash through her bangs "Orrrrr seeeee someooooooneeeeeeee"
Juan [Dae/Dubi/Craig/Gor] (H/H) — 06/06/2020
Craig enters the spa “Dammit, I just got here, and now I have to go... give me a second Del.” Craig goes to a spa, dunks his head into the water, and begins splashing himself all over. He brings his head up again “Hope that’s enough until it’s done!” Craig walks out
Shae(s/t):El/Marlow/Rin/Mae — 06/06/2020
"Oh! Of course, Uncle Lee, whatever you need to do. I'll see you later this evening."
She waves to him as he leaves, tail swishing at her ankles as she turns her attention back to the spa patrons. Seeing Phoebe enter with...someone new? Doesn't matter. A smile springs to Ella's face and she stands, rushing over to Phoebe.

"Sune's red hair, thank goodness you're okay! Who's your-?" She cuts off as the man at Phoebe's side goes to splash about and leave, tilting her head to the side. "Ohhhhkay. Uhm. Anyway, I'm so glad you're safe, love." She silently inspects Phoebe, looking for any injuries she could help heal.
Sink (S/T): Cal/7/Enigma/Hepsie — 06/06/2020
Sevin's hand waving falters as Illari walks off, his face slowly turning to Cray, in utter confusion. "But why. Are you feeling a weird battle high that is confusing your brain? Is the elation from victory exciting your blood a bit too much?"
Jeff [Bradash/Val/Tenoch] [H/H] — 06/06/2020
Bradash obliges and squeezes Aurora tighter. "Oh no, collectively we got fucked up. But you know me- you can drop a building on me and I'm fine." He frowns and looks at Aurora, worried. "Well, as long as you're okay, I'm glad. I'm not losing my family this soon after losing them."

Bradash freezes and takes a deep breath after a moment. "My mother? Rest? Trolls and tundra, we'll be chasing her with a blanket and a pillow." He allows himself a hesitant smile, loosening back up. As long as she was still up and moving, he knew she'd be okay.

"Oh yes, perimeter. Certainly not seeing _anyone in particular." He looks in Aurora's eyes, a lopsided grin on his face. "Oh, I'm never letting her live it down."
Juan [Dae/Dubi/Craig/Gor] (H/H) — 06/06/2020
Cray shakes his head “N-no, not in the slightest. Just... I don’t know, I wanted you to be comfortable, that’s it.” Cray begins to pulse steadily “Just... want you close.”
Jerald(H/H) Ur/Rol/Psalm/Eimsury — 06/06/2020
Not alone. Right. Of course not. Especially not now. It was reassuring to hear the words from both of them. Ursu felt Tafari's hand rubbing his shoulders and Illari's fingers lacing with his own as he presses his weight into Ursu. Not alone. That the important thing. They had managed to come out the otherside of so many things together. He lowered himself slightly deeper into the water, finding more of that tension washing away. He should be happy "Strongest together." He echoed. 'Like the floorboards' he thought with a faint grin. He reached out and put his arm around Tafari, his other hand squeezing Illari's as he looks up at the open sky.
Amy [Aurora/Circe/Vesile] (S/H) — 06/06/2020
Aurora raised an eyebrow, "Like mother like son... I know someone else who's bad for not resting either," tilting her head, giving him a skeptical stare before sighing, leaning her head onto his shoulder. They were okay now, and that's what mattered in the moment. One of her eyes opened, a single purple eye turning to stare at him, "I'm still waiting for that taglharp performance, you know."

The mention of the instrument made the tiefling go into a moment of silence, her other wing wrapping around her body, and Bradash's... in a rather strange, winged hug. "Bradash," her tone was thoughtful, quiet, "I... know this isn't a good time... but I wanted to ask for a favour."
Jeff [Bradash/Val/Tenoch] [H/H] — 06/06/2020
Bradash makes a wiggly motion with a hand. "Yeah but at least I get my bedrest when I'm, you know, grieviously injured. With Ma you gotta shame her into it. And gotta shame her into wearing the proper stuff." He looks sidelong down at her. "Besides, if all the pots are gonna be calling the kettles black then maybe a certain tiefling could show a bit of self-awareness, yeah?"

Bradash gives her a playful nudge with his shoulder. "Oh? You know I'd do anything for you, hun." He kisses her on the head again and speaks in Rasallesian, a phrase he likes to tell Aurora: 'Though my heart was born in Rashemen, it rests with you. Ask, and I obey.'
Sink (S/T): Cal/7/Enigma/Hepsie — 06/06/2020
Tafari settles comfortably into Ursu, closing their eyes. The fight had been hard won for them, taking wave after wave of corruption. Seeing the Arena master again. Being reminded of those feelings that they carried when they first made that promise for the Nexus. It was all stuff to be slowly mulled over, but for now, it was time to be in the moment. "Like the floorboards." Tafari mutters in Ursu's native tongue.
ro | pea/vhal/arch | t/t — 06/06/2020
Phoebe gasps, giving a tired smile as Ella approaches her. Watching Craig dart about for a moment before returning her attention to Ella. She reaches out to put her hands on her friend’s shoulders, then hesitates. 

“Elation... Sweet Ella...” Phoebe smiles at her, haggard but loving. “I-I need to cleansed, please, I... we need to get the Corruption off, love...”
Shae(s/t):El/Marlow/Rin/Mae — 06/06/2020
Ella is about to embrace Phoebe but catches herself at the mention of corruption, nodding with determination.
"No time to waste then, get to the water, it should still be purifying." She pauses a moment, too many thoughts in her head at one time, before beginning to lead her to the cleansing waters of the spa where everyone else is.
Sink (S/T): Cal/7/Enigma/Hepsie — 06/06/2020
Sevin blinks at Cray, before chewing on their lip. Whelp, no time like the present to ask invasive questions. "I'm confused. I mean, I'm alright with this. What ever happened with that bird you were pining about?" Sevin shifts, wiggling to position himself under Cray's arm. Just like with Daemin. Just like with Daemin. Are they muttering out loud? Who knows.
ro | pea/vhal/arch | t/t — 06/06/2020
Phoebe smiles at her gratefully, flinging her hand up to uselessly paw at a strap on her pauldron as they walk. “I... I need help with my armor, darling... would you...?”
Amy [Aurora/Circe/Vesile] (S/H) — 06/06/2020
Aurora's ears suddenly burned red, "Self-awareness?? I-- I rest!" the sorcerer averts her gaze, part embarrassment, part confusion. For now she decided to leave that for a discussion for later. The sorcerer lifted her head from his shoulder. She couldn't stop the warm smile after she heard a very familiar phrase. It was music to hear ears, and one she hadn't heard in many moons.

How she wished Waterdeep had such romantic and poetic things to say.

"I'd love some help with my hair. I just know that back at home for you, hair is.... well," the tiefling looked at his hair, her talons idly playing with the brown locks, "I know, it's stupid. My hair's just... not mine right now, and I hate it."
Vensis(Fae):Illari/Al/Barns/Tik — 06/06/2020
Illari couldn't stop the smile that he pressed against Ursu's arm. As they sat together the under lying worry finally washed away with the waters. For the first time in his life, Illari felt true peace settle across his form. It was intoxicating, addictive. This never needed to stop. The smile bloomed into a grin. Repeating the phrase in Vatz.
"Like the floorboards."
Shae(s/t):El/Marlow/Rin/Mae — 06/06/2020
Ella gently swats Phoebe's hand away, beginning to almost too deftly undo her armor as they walk.
"Oh, of course, darling, no need for it here. Are you alright, though?" Her brow furrows with concern.
Abyss(H/H):Jadyn/Aleister/Hassan — 06/06/2020
Hassan gets out of the waters using the towel to cover his back quickly changing and using the pebble to phase out

Lotus exists the waters changing and returning to the Tavern

Drift gets out finally healed and leaves to return to his bike and leave the nexus now that its safe to leave
Shayra {Es/Maisie/Norria} (S/H) — 06/06/2020
Maisie finally surfaces and grabs a towel to dry off as best she can, only now realizing she jumped in without totally getting out of clothes. Squishing a little, she goes to collect her cleaned armor and heads back for the Tavern and her room
Juan [Dae/Dubi/Craig/Gor] (H/H) — 06/06/2020
Craig re enters the Spa, and takes a long dip in the waters
ro | pea/vhal/arch | t/t — 06/06/2020
Phoebe lets out a long breath as Ella starts unstrapping her armor. “I’m tired and hurt, but that is what happens in hard-fought battles... But what matters is that I held the line in the end. The Nexus is safe. You’re safe. “ There’s love in her eyes, despite the exhaustion that hangs around the edges of her gaze. “That’s all that I care about.”
Jeff [Bradash/Val/Tenoch] [H/H] — 06/06/2020
"Sure you rest, babe." Bradash smiles and sets his axe to the side, on the floor just behind him. He reaches over and pulls Aurora into his lap, wrapping his arms around her. "You rest like an Asliari or a Walks-the-Barrows." Bradash rests his head on her shoulder, looking up at her. "Like it or not, we're all kinda cut from the same cloth, hun."

He grins at her again. "Of course I'll help. Anything for you. May not be what you're used to, but I'm an old hand. You want a braid or something else?"
Juan [Dae/Dubi/Craig/Gor] (H/H) — 06/06/2020
Cray’s pulsing increases “Yes... Sybil was the person I was pining over, as you put it, but.... I think she’s gone forever.” He sighs “And this is not an attempt at anything Sevin. It’s... more that I’m saying, I care about you. And you were one of the reasons I did all this... training.”
Sink (S/T): Cal/7/Enigma/Hepsie — 06/06/2020
Sevin laughs. "Good. I wanted to make sure where everything is. Don't need any confusion going around, no siree." Sevin decides to take full advantage of the offer, settling in front of Cray, leaning back against him instead. "Boom. Daemin showed me the wonders of sitting in the spa like this. It's great." Sevin talks fast, seemingly changing the subject.
Shae(s/t):El/Marlow/Rin/Mae — 06/06/2020
Ella goes through the familiar motions of removing the armor, a small smile tugging at the edges of her lips as Phoebe answers. There was no doubt of Phoebe's dedication to the Nexus in Ella's mind and, perhaps without fully realizing it, in this moment she comes to a decision of her own. After removing Phoebe's armor she puts her hands on her hips. 
"Bebes, I am so proud of you. Now get your butt in that water and un-corrupt yourself so I can kiss your beautiful face."
Jerald(H/H) Ur/Rol/Psalm/Eimsury — 06/06/2020
Ursu heard the phrase in his head echoed by the two loves by his side in his own language. There was a moment that his words were caught in his throat. He swallowed hard. "Like the floorboards" He repeats in Vatz as well. He takes a deep breath before he looks at the two of them. "I knew it would be especially beautiful out tonight."
Amy [Aurora/Circe/Vesile] (S/H) — 06/06/2020
"I do not," Aurora looks a bit indignant at that suggestion, though there is the tiniest warble of unsurety in her voice, placing her hands over his, ".....maybe a little, just not as bad. Less cloth, different cut." She turned her head to the side to place a kiss on the side of his head, "Braid could be nice... what do you think would look good? I was thinking of getting it cut a bit shorter, it's... all kinds of ridiculous."

The sorcerer brought a hand to her mouth, stifling a yawn, "Ooh.... where did that come from... OH! We should get you into the water, love. Cleanse any potential corruption."
Sink (S/T): Cal/7/Enigma/Hepsie — 06/06/2020
Tafari chuckles, hearing Illari say the same thing. "The stars never looked so nice. It feels oddly ...sentimental and soft saying that. Hm." Tafari starts to drift slightly, feeling the aches even after all the healing.
Abyss(H/H):Jadyn/Aleister/Hassan — 06/06/2020
Alqamar enters returning to his spot behind the counter
Juan [Dae/Dubi/Craig/Gor] (H/H) — 06/06/2020
Cray pulses again, and gingerly begins to stroke Sevin’s hair “This... Is a new experience for me. What else... has Master Daemin taught you?”
ro | pea/vhal/arch | t/t — 06/06/2020
Phoebe laughs a little as she finishes pulling her chain mail off, nodding with her dogged smile. She shifts a shoulder toward Ella, glancing sidelong at the spa. “I know you don’t need the healing, but... am I going in by myself?”
Sink (S/T): Cal/7/Enigma/Hepsie — 06/06/2020
"What other things? Uh, they promised something about drinks, and doing experiments in their private room, but it never happened....hnnn." Sevin tries hard to stay focused as Cray starts to pet their hair, but the feeling is too nice, their body going limp as they start to drift off.

Vensis(Fae):Illari/Al/Barns/Tik — 06/06/2020
"I was gonna say the same thing." Illari stopped hiding the smile behind Ursu's arm. Unlacing his fingers to pull Ursu's arm over his head and around himself. Finally cuddling into Ursu's chest and wrapping an arm over the other man to be in contact with Tafari. Giving the stars a moment of thoughtful consideration.
"Didn't know they could look so bright." Sighing before closing his eyes again.
Shae(s/t):El/Marlow/Rin/Mae — 06/06/2020
"Hmmm, I suppose I could go for another quick soak." Ella grins and hesitates a moment before deciding to hell with it, reaching for Phoebe's hand and lowers herself into the water gently pulling Phoebe along.
Jeff [Bradash/Val/Tenoch] [H/H] — 06/06/2020
"Oh, I'm so sorry, 'Miss Stays Up All Night Doing Research'. I take it all back 'Lady Will Forget To Sleep Until Dawn'. My apologies." Bradash smiles and pulls Aurora tighter into the hug. He looks at her hair, frowning in thought. "I dunno, I kinda like it long- but also it's not my hair. I'll try and see if I can offer some suggestions, but it's up to you in the end, hun."

He looks at her for a moment. He wasn't sure what Corruption symptoms were- he hadn't really... gotten that talk yet. But still, anything to help Aurora be at ease. And then the smile turns mischievous. "Oh, yeah, absolutely need to get to the water. Mmhmm." Bradash beams at her as he stands up, carrying Aurora bridal style as he gets to his feet before approaching the water and finding one of the deeper parts- still away from everyone else to avoid bothering them with what he was planning.

"Aurora, the light of my sky, you know I love you, right?" He smiles, and without waiting for a response: "I certainly hope you do, anyway." And he drops her into the water. Before following her, of course.
Jerald(H/H) Ur/Rol/Psalm/Eimsury — 06/06/2020
Ursu feels Illari come in closer, cuddling against his chest, and Tafari drifting off to his side. This was one of those nights the exuded a comfortable air and felt effortless to exist in once all the stress finally disappear. The kind of night where you felt the turn of the world and the hum of life all around you, but not as noise or unstoppable sense of momentum, but instead as a signal that sometimes the greatest thing to do was simply exist. He laid his head back once again, taking in the moment. He too began to close his eyes, just listening to the noise around him, the talking, the splash of water.

However, as his eyelids shut, he was greeted with two eyes staring back at him. Though there was no way to tell, he could feel how far away they were and their immense size watching intensely. No words, no chill, just the act of those eyes staring unblinking into Ursu, their gaze a piercing gray. Immediately his eyes opened and the eyes were gone, replaced again with the night sky, the stars still in the vast expanse over head. He remained quiet and still, just staring up.
ro | pea/vhal/arch | t/t — 06/06/2020
Phoebe lets herself down into the water after her, hissing as the corruption siphons out of her and her wounds begin to heal. “By the Lady... What a strange feeling...” Strange, though she does not seem uncomfortable as she pulls Ella to her.
Amy [Aurora/Circe/Vesile] (S/H) — 06/06/2020
"We can talk about it later, Mister Takes On A Million Projects At Once And Takes No Time For Himself," the tiefling sighed, "I suppose we can discuss it later... I'm open to a few options, anyway." The minute Bradash heads towards the water, her eyes narrowing a bit at him. She knew that expression, seen it a hundred times over. "Braaaaaadaaaaaash..... what are yo--" the sorceress' words were cut off when the half-orc dropped her into the spa. The tiefling remained submerged for a moment before coming up, gasping for hair. Her mane of white hair hung over her face like a long, white curtain. Eventually, she used her hands to part it. Expression stern. She stared at Bradash, watching him when he breached the water.

"Bradash.... my moon and stars....." the tiefling's voice was sing-song, a large orb of water suspended over his unsuspecting head, "I love you!!" With the final word spoken, she dropped the water, causing a deluge over his head.
Shae(s/t):El/Marlow/Rin/Mae — 06/06/2020
As soon as Ella sees the last wisp of silver lift she puts a hand on Phoebe's cheek and leans in to kiss her, resting her other hand at her waist.

From across the spa in the cafe, not really taking many notes as the conversations around her aren't so much about the battle as they are more personal, the pair catches Ambrosia's eye as she starts putting her notebook away. Relieved that both of them are safe after the events that unfolded, she leaves them to do their catching up and exits the spa.
Jeff [Bradash/Val/Tenoch] [H/H] — 06/06/2020
Bradash stands still for a moment before brushing his hair out of his eyes, smiling at Aurora. "Ohhhhh, madame." The smile turns wicked. "Are you perhaps challenging me to a splash fight?" He stretches his arm, rotating the shoulder. "I don't know if I ever told you this but I was reigning splash fight champion between my friends. The trick's to have big clumsy hands."

"Buuuuut I might be willing to throw said fight, for a very low cost." He leans in, looking up at Aurora dangerously. "One kiss, to be claimed whenever I feel like it. No complaints or pushing me away because you get embarrassed. Deal?"
ro | pea/vhal/arch | t/t — 06/06/2020
Phoebe draws her close, sighing as she kisses her friend back, folding her arms around her. “Thank the gods you’re safe... I’m sorry you got caught up in all this, love.”
Amy [Aurora/Circe/Vesile] (S/H) — 06/06/2020
Aurora laughed wickedly, "Fool! Bold of you to assume I need you to throw a match so I can win!" The tiefling waded closer to him, her hand hovering just under the water, "....the prize of one kiss is pretty good, though." The sorcerer smiled, casting prestidigitation on the water, making a small fountain spray into his face. After she finished, she stuck her tongue out at him. "Tell you what.... I'll cash in on that prize later. For now, I think what I really.... really want is a cup of hot tea and a nice, long nap," the tiefling took his hand into hers, weaving her fingers between his. Aurora casted a spell, creating a portal to allow the two to slip away quietly, back to the Tavern for some well-earned rest.
Shae(s/t):El/Marlow/Rin/Mae — 06/06/2020
After a moment Ella breaks from the kiss, leaning back just enough to look into Phoebe's eyes. She chuckles softly and boops her on the nose. "Me? You're the one that was in the thick of it all. I know this is the kind of thing you've spent your life training for, really, but...that didn't make me worry any less about you, you know." So many questions were at the tip of her tongue but she leaves them unasked. Tomorrow is another day, tonight is for celebration.

"Hm, we...probably shouldn't stay in our regular clothes all soaking wet like this for very long, though. And you look like you could use some proper rest." She raises an eyebrow and smirks. "Care to grab some pastries and head back to the gardens for the evening?"
ro | pea/vhal/arch | t/t — 06/06/2020
Phoebe’s cheeks flush at the question, but she smiles slightly despite it. “Why, Miss Ella.” She strokes under the tiefling’s chin. “Proper sleep would require a bit more privacy than a cottage with Father and Auntie, I would think.” She kisses her forehead, though, her arms squeezing around her waist a little. “Let’s see what we can come up with, hm...?”
Shae(s/t):El/Marlow/Rin/Mae — 06/06/2020
"Mmmm, I'm sure we could procure a more private room within the tavern, perhaps?" She smirks again seeing Phoebe blush and she kisses her cheek before starting to lead her out of the water, reaching for the paladin's armor to help carry it when they make their leave.

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