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Allies of Thoth

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A blast of air resounds near the machine as Yolon lands, wings flap clearing out trees nearby. Navroth jumps off as silver hues erupt from his scales, Vediskt looks up and tosses him a red Crystal. "Go on...." 

Navroth looks at it disgusted growling as he breaks the crystal. Red energies erupt from the crystal swirling around as Navroth's eyes start to glow both silver and red. The collar around his neck starts glowing black as a voice erupts from it. 

Good....take his power my tool and use it in this fight. FULFILL YOUR GOAL!! Darkblade looks around his ears perking as he sniffs. Growling he starts to shift with impatience. 

A roar bursts overhead as Gorlyl bursts from the Tavern flying over the Forest. Yolon looks up growling and snapping their jaws they launch into the air. Gorlyl changes course to close the gap as the Dragons fly off to start their aerial battle. 

Del uses her bonus action to move half way to the space between Darkblade and the array with Shadow Step. 

Darkblade growls as ice bursts off his chest looking around for Del. 

The wraith screams in pain as the other turns towards Ayala hissing. 

Drifts Musket jams 

As the shot rings out Darkblade is hit and whirls around to where the shot came from. 

Drift unjams his musket 

The wraiths miss both swings on Ayala Navroth growls as Del hits him with three strikes, red and silver energy burst off of him damaging her back. 

Ayala hits the first wraith once, then stumbles and cannot complete her flurry. The singular wraith hisses as they close in on Ayala. 

Darkblade growls as he looks up at Drift in the Tree Darkblade rips into Drift with a short sword as the twin wraiths miss on Ayala 

Navroth seeing the one that humiliated him pulls out a very familiar looking axe for Del and takes three swings at her. 

"Gond--" Del curses vehemently and looks over her shoulder to what the goblin is doing. Seeing him working on the device, she focuses back on Navroth.

 Ayala shall attempt another flurry. Ayala growls in the back of her throat, pissed the wraith hasn't gone down yet. 

Darkblade growls as bullets are pumped into him. Darkblade disappears out of the tree reappearing next to drift taking four swings at Drift. As the non-engaged Wraiths shimmer becoming incorporeal as the twin near Ayala become stronger however they still miss on their attacks. 

As Darkblade swings at Drift shadows pool under him so the blades harmlessly swing in the air. As Del uses her shadows to help Drift Navroth swings upon her as she gasps in pain.

A crater erupts at the edge of the forest as Gorlyl, Arkimir and Knife join the fray. 

Vediskt cackles as he throws switches 

Navroth is stunned until the end of Del's Next turn. Navroth hisses as he grips his axe harder 

Ayala's eyes flash with anger as she stumbles on the second attack, losing the rest of her flurry. A monk is not happy. 

Red and Silver energies burst from Navroth his eyes widen in pain. There's another crack as Del falls unconscious, and there's a black crack that splits across Del's brow and over her eye. Black shadow seeps from the divot. 

Arkmir casts Lightning Bolt 

Darkblade walks over to two wraiths touching them their energies transfer into himself and Navroth. They glow a brighter hue of silver. Someone casts spell disenigrate Vediskt cries out. "SON OF A BITCH...HAVE TO BUILD ANOTHER!!" 

Ayala kicks at the disintegrated Chrome bits in satisfaction. 

Drift takes aim at Navroth 

Gorlyl begins to grin, but sees the unconscious Del at the feet of the Dragonborn 

Knife growls "... Should've known that goblin would be here." and casts Ice Storm.

Drift repairs his pistol 

Gorly lays into Navroth hard Red and Silver energies burst out from Navroth as he cries out into pain. 

Arkmir attacks Vediskt Vediskt screams as he stops working on the Machine. "Oh...Now it is on..." Clapping his hands together twin rifles appear in both hands. Vediskts eyes narrow, Darkblade calls out from the side. "Concentrate on the Machine!" Vediskt spits on the ground. "Nah...this...this shit is going to hurt." 

Evading damage from the ice storm, Ayala growls and calls over her shoulder, "Excuse me I'm right here!" 

Knife yells back "You're a Monk, you'll be fine. Focus on the goblin." 

Darkblade closes in on Gorlyl swinging his swords. Navroth steps over to Del's blinking eyes. "...I am the Boot Heel..." And brings the axe down on her. 

Navroth screams in frustration as the axe falls from his hand. As Del fights back Navroth plunges a silver claw into Del's chest. 

Vediskt spits as the rifles hum loud. 

Del manages to kick out Navroth's knee, but as his claws embed into her chest, she falls unconscious again. 

Concerned for Del, Ayala looks over quickly to see Gorlyl engaged with Navroth. When the rifle shot grazes her, the half orc decides to take Knife's advice, she focuses on Vediskt at the base of the tower. "Alright, we're gonna make some goblin jam," she growls as she moves forward five feet to attack him with a Flurry of Blows. 

Navroth with claws in Del digs deeper. "Squirm you...SQUIRM!!" 

Gorlyl rushes forth and saves Del from Navroth's clutches. As his prey is ripped from him Navroth screams out loud. 

Gorlyl takes five swings, two at each wraith, and one more at Darkblade, as he roars back at Navroth. Adrenaline rushing through his humanoid form, Gorlyl drags Del 20 ft. away from Navroth to safety, and stands over the Master of the Crucible as best he can to protect her Navroth screams out in pain.

A roar sounds overhead as a battered looking dragon flies down grabbing Navroth pulling him out of the battle. 

The gun starts to wind up horribly wrong. A high pitch noise emanates in the area as Vediskt's head explodes. The rifles he is holding on to drop hitting the ground hard. One of them starts to glow and crackle then erupts in a blaze of energy exploding out. As the energies come back in the down the base of the tower is a smoking crater as it falls to the ground. The silver on the ground starts to fade away to the darkness that was the Forest. 

Del takes a sharp inhale and rolls on her stomach and promptly throws up, grinding her teeth in pain.  

Gorlyl shifts back, shaking his head in his humanoid form "Everything... just blows up. What the actual fuck." He looks at Del and Arkmir "Thank you for that, Tiefling." 

There's barely a nod of acknowledgement to the dragon before Ark helps Del up, slinging her arm over his shoulder. "To the spa? You look like offense, like a good ass, but still ass" 

"Thhhhhankss.." She grinds out. The crack on her face seeps shadow. Del stands shakily and nods. "'S he dead?" 

Ayala surveys the battlefield, taking stock of what happened, hears Gorlyl speak to Arkmir. She jogs over, looking at Del with concern, then to Gorlyl and Arkmir. "S'good you two were focused on her. An' I don't know what made the goblin's head explode, but whoever did that has my thanks." 

"The dragonborn? No. Everything else? Apparently...." He motioned towards the wreckage before flicking his tail to open up a dimension door. "Nice flips there.....acrobat, sorry didn't get your name gotta go" The door closes in a small puff behind them as they leave. 

"Dammit." She glares out at the scene. "Thank you for the.. heal. Sorry I hit--" She pauses and lets herself be dragged to the chat, frowning. "Wait wh--" And they go to the spa. 

Knife looks around the area, surveying the damage before wincing. His own damage was nothing to sneeze at. "That damned goblin got me good... Not sure Mending's gonna be enough for this." Finally seeing the rough shape Del is in, he starts to move over there, but stops when she's taken through a dimension door. "... I'll talk to her when she's not looking half dead." 

"The spa, then," Ayala mutters with a nod, more to herself than anyone else, before she turns her lavender gaze on Knife. "Now. You--what was that? I was right there. Twice!" 

Knife sighs, having known this was coming. "Look, I'm sorry, but I was a bit more focused on the goblin. Besides, if anyone was going to be able to avoid spells like that, it'd be you." He takes another unsteady step. "Now, if you don't mind, I think a trip to the spa is in order. Followed by finding someone that isn't Del to patch me up, because she is in no state to do much." 

Ayala growls in the back of her throat, still very annoyed but feeling complimented by his confidence in her ability to dodge. She is conflicted. "...fine. Fine. Fair. Thanks? I'll walk with you." 

"Thanks, but I've got a shortcut." With a wave of his hand, a pale-blue dimension door opens, the spa visible on the other side. "After you." 

"Ah, got it." Ayala, familiar with this spell, gives him a nod of thanks and steps through the door. 

Knife follows shortly behind, and the dimension door closes behind him. 

Gorlyl blinks “To the spa then.” Gorlyl heads in that direction.

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