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In the world of The Nexus

Visit The Nexus

Completed 3447 Words

Avatar of Thoth

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The door to the Cabin swings open as Oberon walks out dressed in full battle garb.  No longer looking pale, but full and in control he walks to the center of the Fighting Grounds.  Behind him is Nashaldo who is carrying what looks to be a folded platform.  When they get to the middle they lay down the platform slowly it forms.  Oberon watches Nashaldo with a hint of pain in his eyes.  Walking up to Nashaldo Oberon puts a hand on their arm and Nashaldo nods.

“This One knows what to do…” Nashaldo’s voice rumbles then bows to Oberon as tears fall from their eyes.

“Thank you for everything you have done for me Master Oberon.”

Oberon shakes his head. “Just Oberon….”

Nashaldo chuckles then steps onto the Platform, all around the Fighting Grounds red runes flare as the Mist above the Platform opens up.  Nashaldo waves as their Third Eye opens up and is fully silver.  A beam of silver shoots out of the eye into the air, a crackling effect overtakes the beam coming from Nashaldo and consumes their body.  Silver pulses out as the beam disappears and instead of Nashaldo there is now a pale skinned, long pale haired, golden eyed scaled elf in the Fighting Grounds.  Thoth holds up his hand examining the scales and claws that are part of his body.

“I see...Little O-bee with his sacrifices…” The hand clenches as Thoth holds it up to the Arena laughing loudly.


Yellow glowing walls burst up around the Fighting Grounds as Oberon raises his hands.  His eyes narrow as he looks at everyone, and he grits his teeth.
“Get in there….Stop him….”

Gates materialize within the Walls, as they open up mist rolls out of the Gates.  Opposite of them stands a shirtless pale skinned elf with Golden Eyes looking around at six machines that start to hum.  Within to the left glowing blue crystals hold back waters that have seeped in from the spa.

One Round=Short Rest, Two Rounds=Long Rest.  Since the spa is another part of the Nexus, spells can not be cast from the Spa into the Arena.

Illari moves in to the Fighting Grounds to the right as Thoth starts chanting looking at the bottom right machine.

Round 1- The Heros of the Nexus move into the Fighting Grounds, Bradash runs screaming enraged towards the first machine.  Not knowing what it is he starts to rip into it.

Alqamar manifest giant owl wings and flys up 20 feet and cast twinned haste on Craig and Phoebe

Shayra runs over to Bradash "No, Bradash! That's good. Kill bad thing in the middle!"

Bless has been cast on Ursu, Tafari, Illari, Bradash, Shayra, and Wren.

As Alqamars spell strikes Thoth a bit of scales flake and fall off.

As Shayra's beam hits into Thoth more of the scales on his body peel and fall off.

Thoth feels the silence drop as he chuckles.  Silver Tendrils flare up from around him whipping around.

A mote of light shines in Shayra's hand as she fiercely stares at him

Phoebe, Illari, Bradash, Ursu, Shayra gain 18 hp from A Bird

Thoth laughs as people move away from him.
"Cowards I see...."

Phase 2

Silver energies erupt off of Thoth as the cleansing devices hum louder.  Screaming he jumps towards the North end of the Fighting Grounds as Motes of Silver start to rise up from the ground.  Lightning arcs out from the Mist above striking each device causing them to explode.  Thoth’s eyes glow Golden as he waves his hands before him.  Tendrils of silver erupt from him stretching out along the ground, from which bursts out wraiths, spiders, and undead all hissing. “Hold them Off!!”

As the blade swings towards Thoth his image shimmers as a Demon takes his place.

Thoth growls as the Demon starts getting pummeled. "Ah....I see..." His eyes glow Gold.

Shayra shoots out another beam of sunlight at Thoth, blinding two of his minions. The mote of sunlight still glows in her hand

Thoth growls as he raises his hand, the ground around Craig erupts in fire.

Skamos coes running into the battlefield. Late as ever, but here now

Thoth growls as four tendrils with mouths pop up and start chanting.

As the tendrils stop chanting Thoths eyes narrow.

As the sunbeam cracks into Thoth more scales peel and burn away.

The demon wren hit with a divine bolt of black energy is suffused with a faint glittering light making it easier to hit for whomever attacks it next.

Energies explode out of Thoth all of his Minions look 100% healthy

Thoth raises up his hand as silver energy gathers above it in a sphere form. The crackling energy starts arcing out as it grows.

As the energy bursts out from Thoth everyone feels a push and sickness pulses within them.  Laughter escapes his lips as the creatures around him burst to silver energy gathering within their hand.

Shayra screams in pure fury, seeing her friends so injured and lets loose another bolt of pure sunlight at Thoth

As the sunbeam crashes into Thoth more scales peel and fall off.

The energy gathers above his hands as his body shimmers moving back holding the energy in front of him it grows then explodes out towards everyone.

Phoebe growls, throwing a hand to the ground to brace herself. Her eyes glow pink, and roots grow from her hand and feet, rooting her into place in the dirt.
Phoebe dashes forward, glaive hanging low and ready by her side. She swings it high and brings it around as she rushes Thoth, driving the haft of her glaive against him and stemming the focused energy.

“Stay back!” Her voice rings clear like a trumpet as she calls back to her comrades, not taking her eyes off of Thoth. “All of you, heal yourselves while you can!”

Thoth grins menacingly as Phoebe holds him back.
“ are the one that destroyed my Pet...He didn’t have enough power to deal with you.”
Tendrils of silver rise up slamming against Phoebe’s Glaive, crackling energies burst as it slowly pushes back to her.

“But I do…” His Golden Eyes glean dangerously.

Suddenly there is a roar in the distance, as Yolon The Storm flies at maddening speeds into the reach of battle with Navroth standing high on his back. Hanging low to the ground, Yolon swoops in behind Thoth and Navroth, at last second, makes a daring jump to over take Thoth.

Thoth raises his hand as tendrils wrap around Navroth’s body, bringing his other hand up he glares at the blood.

“So...the tool strikes back...big mistake…” The hand without blood starts to close, the tendrils wrap tighter around Navroth as the Golden Eyes glare at him.

“Tell your God….I’ll be coming for them…” The hand closes as Navroth’s body explodes, blood and body parts fly across the Fighting Grounds.

Wren flies down, pokes Bradash, tilts her head toward the other side of the Arena.

Shayra drops her mote of light and sprints to the spa waters.

Craig looks at Phoebe "We'll be back soon, stay strong, and channel as much as you can." Craig disappears in a blur of speed to the Spa corner

Bradash whips his head around, snarling, then turns back to Thoth and roars before following Wren.

Ursu quickly makes his way back to the spa into the waters

Tafari reluctantly goes back to the spa, looking triply wrecked.

Alqamar lands in the water

Phoebe continues to push against the energy, her eyes flaring with pink Master magic.

“I have plenty of power to deal with you,” Phoebe spits at Thoth. “To the Hells with you, parasite.”

Illari finds his way to the spa's waters.

Phase 3

" your tools...."
The Gates to the Fighting Grounds burst open.  Oberon steps in as yellow energies burst around him as cane crackles with energy.
"Protect Me...Don't let him get to me!"
Thoth turns back as twelve tendrils burst around him all with mouths all chanting.
More tendrils slam into Phoebe's shield.

As the spell hits more scales peel and fall of of him.

Illari gives Ursu a reassuring smile.

Ursu looks back at Illari with a nod and a smile

Shayra dashes out of the Spa and lights her hand up with Sunlight again, casting a sunbeam at Thoth

The tendrils slam against Phoebe's shield as Thoth moves 20ft towards Oberon.

As the guardians shimmer damaging Thoth more of his scales peel and fall of.  His eyes dangerously gleam Gold.


Ursu's glaive rips into the Tendril as it explodes out into silver mist.  From behind him Oberon cries out.
Oberon points the cane at Thoth, a bursting beam shoots out striking him within Thoth’s chest.  Multiple screams erupt from his mouth as the Mist above drops to the ground and swirls around Thoth.  Erupting from the Mist two figures appear behind Thoth as he continues to scream, one is a Shirtless grinning man the other is a black cloaked woman with ten arms.
“Well….isn’t this a fine mess…”
The bearded man laughs as the beam starts to burn within Thoth’s body, the woman sighs as a pair of arms wraps around the body letting the beam absorb into her.  A sigh escapes her lips as another arm reaches up redirecting the beam straight up.
“Now….is not the time….”
Darkness billows from the cloak as her hands spread wide, Oberon lowers the cane stopping the beam, his mouth dropping open.
The shirtless man looks around and gives a laugh before laying a hand on Thoth’s shoulder.
“Whelp….guess it is time…”
The darkness swirls wrapping around the Three as the ground around them breaks launching them into the sky.  Oberon drops the cane to the ground as he stands staring at them leaving the Nexus.  Turning back to all the others as the walls around the Fighting Ground lower into the ground he gives a slight shrug.  The ground starts to shake and shift everywhere within the Nexus before everyone's eyes the world shimmers going fuzzy before refocusing. Oberon collapses onto the ground, pulling out a pipe he lights watching the twin suns slowly set.

Shayra stares up after the Three as they leave the Nexus. She feels conflicted. She knows the Nexus has been saved, and of course she is happy for that, but she also feels like she did not adequately avenge her husband. She turns and sits next to Oberon

Craig kneels on the ground, shadows dissipating from the katana “We... drove him off... we actually did it.”

Shayra buries her head in her hands and bursts into tears

Illari looks over toward Craig. "You had any doubt?"

Skamos himself blinks and looks around, not believing his eyes "We...won? No one died? Besides Navroth of course"

Skamos then goes over to Shayra and holds her "We did it. We survived"

Wren starts going around and casting what she can to get rid of the remnants of corruption, looking exhausted and annoyed but relieved.

She finally looks up " did he. So did he. Damn it....." She buries her head in her hands again

Ursu takes a deep breath and smiles, feeling relief. After a moment he slams the butt of his glaive into the dirt. "FOR THE REALM!"

Craig turns to Illari “With the beings that the former Arena Master was, there was a chance. But... you’re right. We shouldn’t have had any doubt.” Craig smiles at Ursu’s words, and raises his katana “For the Nexus indeed!”

"It's ok. We saved our home and that is more important. If we ever do see him again, it will be his last time."

Tafari turns back to face Ursu, their hellish guardians disappearing. They take a deep breath and raise their voice for the first time ever in their life. "FOR THE NEXUS."

"Exactly." Giving Craig a nod. Illari raises a sword turning toward the others. 

Phoebe reels back, confused and swaying on her feet as Thoth disappears. She leverages the haft of her glaive on the ground to lean on it as she looks back at everyone. “Thank the Lady... thank Tritherion...” She can’t help but smile at the other fighters celebrating, and raises a fist herself. “For the Nexus!” Her voice is haggard, panting through her words, but she sounds satisfied and proud.

Aw screw it. Skamos raises his sword "FOR THE DAMN NEXUS!"

Bradash frowns. "Gods, I hate wizards." He grumbles before checking on his axe's edge, and cleaning the head off. Everyone shouting cheers causes him to look over and for a brief moment he considers joining in, but with the back of his mind still in combat mode he shakes his head and settles for a quiet: "Yeah. For the Nexus." Followed by a quick tap of the flat of his axe against his chest.

Wren looks annoyed by the clamouring but says nothing.

Ursu smiles wide as he relatches his glaive. He looks into the sky and lets out a loud joy howl as he throws his fist into the air

Shayra hears all the celebrating going on around her, but can't bring herself to say anything. Not yet. Not until she has more control of the rage still inside her

Alqamar smiles watching everyone celebrate before taking his leave to return to the spa

Illari sheaths both his swords with a flourish before jogging passed Tafari slapping her ass as he goes by with a laugh and continues toward Ursu with a grin.

Tafari snorts, almost tripping Illari before deciding to be nice and walk up to both of them sheathing her weapon and shoulder bumping them both. "Back to the spa. We haven't been there in a long time to relax under the stars."

Skamos gives a wave to everyone before making his exit

Craig gets up from his kneeling position and walks over to Shayra “Shay... we got a win today. I know it’s not the outcome you wanted, but those beings are better driven off than killed. There are probably so many ramifications if they were dead.” Craig places a hand on Shayra’s back “He’s now learned to be scared of us, and that’s something that’s worse than death.”

"She cheated," she finally grinds out. "She was not supposed to interfere. That's what I had been told. She cheated."

Ursu looks back at the other two. He looks filled with jubilation, but also a hint of exhaustion in his eyes. "To the spa indeed, the night sky will look extra beautiful tonight, I think."

Oberon puffs on his pipe pointing towards Shayra.  Her skin is going from green back to the normal pale color. "...The lifted..."

The words just flow by her at first....and then her head snaps up and she looks at Oberon, a painful question in her eyes

He shakes his head with a sad look in his eyes. "No...he is to far passed....There is more..."

Oberon stands up looking around at everyone being happy and overjoyed. "But today...we have to celebrate."

She looks down "I can't. I am happy for the Nexus, but...I need time. Alone. I am sorry." Her voice breaks

"I agree." Smiling at both of them, Illari grins, turning on a heel and heading for the spa.

"Understand...." He looks back at the husk that was Thoth's Avatar his yellow eyes blink a bit.

"Losses happen everywhere..." Oberon nods and puffs on his pipe walking towards the Cabin.

Shayra slowly gets up and walks to the entrance of the Arena. Touching the tree there..nothing happens. She tries again. Nothing happens. Bewildered, she heads for the dark part of the forest on foot

Phoebe watches as everyone groups together once more, sighing as she catches her breath. “I better get back. Ella and Father must be worried sick.” She straightens, dismissing her glaive, and begins to put one foot in front of the other, following the others in the direction of the spa.

Bradash grunts. "I'll celebrate when I can see a solid win." He transfers Netherstorm to his off-hand and wrings out his hand from the tight grip he'd held on it until then. He frowns and turns on his heel. "I should go check on Aurora and Ma."

Wren shoots a glare over her shoulder, looking at the husks body and then at Oberon as he goes back into the cabin. She snorts and heads out of the arena, following after Bradash.

Craig calls over to the woman in armor “Hey! Wait!” He runs after Phoebe “Um... great job out there. You... I don’t know you, but you look familiar. You a new master?”

Phoebe turns, her eyebrows raised as she gives the shifter an appraising once-over. “I... almost. I’m the Candidate of Mastery over the Gardens. I am Lady Phoebe Aurthurian.” She nods her head politely, certain that she will pitch over if she tries to bow. “You fought very well also.”

Craig waves off Phoebe “No formalities. I’m not that type of guy. Craig Avalon, former Tavern Master.” Craig smiles “A Candidate? Good shit. You’re really coming into your own then, the gifts were really flowing through you in there.” He extends a hand for a handshake

“Well met, ser.” Phoebe blinks, as she gingerly shakes his hand. “Former Tavern Master? So you were... Daemin’s predecessor, I take it?” She blinks, seeming somewhat caught off-guard by the praise. “I... thank you. I’ve been trying very hard to take in as much as I can, since my powers manifested.”

Craig gives a droll stare “Phoebe. Can I call you just Phoebe? Don’t call me ser, just Craig, please. And I was his predecessor, they’re one of my close friends! And you’re most welcome! It isn’t easy getting used to all that... power. I know I fucked up when I was first getting started.” Craig smiles “But make sure you take all the time you need, and read the manual whenever you get offered it. There’s a lot of good information in there.”

“Must you?” Phoebe purses her lips, then sighs. She’s too tired for this. Craig is a former Master, after all. “I prefer Lady Phoebe, but... only if you must.” She tilts her head. “There’s a manual? I suppose Daemin mentioned a Book...” She glances toward the Gate. “Perhaps we can discuss this further once I am... of my full faculties.”

Craig nods “Yeah, I’m pretty beat myself. Being up there, a regular guy, supporting a Candidate. I definitely need to be... at my full facilities, as you say?” Craig pats Phoebe on the shoulder “Trust me, this place? Amazing. And worth it in the end. It’ll also show you to loosen up.” Craig points over to the Spa “Mind if I accompany you to the Spa, Phoebes, to detox?”

She tenses up, pursing her lips at the nickname. “Phoebe. And... yes. You may.” Together with Craig, she trudges in the direction of the Spa.

Ghyslainashibek flies about the arena, using their celestial ability to remove the dirt and corruption as best they can from the place before going invisible once more and flying off back towards the Library.

Oberon stands at the Cabin door as he looks towards the final two leaving.  He pauses at the door looking up towards the Dark Forest watching blue motes of light dance on the wind up and out.  A cold wind blows through the Arena as Oberon shivers into it, opening the Cabin he looks in at the Darkness of the inside.  Stepping in he pauses letting the door close shut behind him, as the door clicks multiple hands wrap around Oberon binding him.  One clasps tight around his mouth as out of the Darkness a black cloaked woman appears.  Floating above her head is a horn shaped crown as she floats around Oberon.
"....Sooo....You have completed the contract indeed.  We will uphold our end of the bargain."

Oberon's eyes narrow glowing yellow as the hand over the mouth relaxes.
"That was interference...You said that I could deal with him."

A musical laughter filters in the Cabin as a hand raises to the mouth, another hand floats up showings the palm that contains an Eye.  Multiple colors flow around the center of it which is surrounded by a Vortex, teeth flash as it is presented.
"We offer an extra parting gift for you then...If you wish?"

Oberon stares at the eye that floats up and a clear cube appears around it.  Landing on the coffee table it sits there glowing.
"What now....Thoth is gone, why are you still here?"

Once again the laughter chimes, as Lilith starts retracting into the Shadows.
"Oh...the shift has brought you me...."
The hands pull away from Oberon retreating as well into the Shadows.  Lights start to come on in the Cabin while the Eye sits on the coffee table.  After a few moments Oberon walks over to the Kitchen and pours a drink before walking to the couch.  Sipping he stares at the Eye as the sun fades, his eyes don't move from it until he passes out.

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