Chapter 11

1991 0 0

Check In


Lily drums her fingers against polished wood and twirls a flower from her hair before her eyes, swiftly growing stultified by the monotony of these shifts. She had assumed the clinic would provide her an ideal hub copiously abuzz with recruits for her to monitor and interact with but it was becoming apparent she might have better luck with fieldwork. The order and efficiency of the program was almost enough to impress her, this office only drawing in stray injuries or the most dire of patients. She at least found herself with plenty of time to cook up schemes for flushing out her new would-be sibling.

Despite her thrilling appearance more than a week ago, the girl had otherwise remained totally inactive and Lily was always quick to bore. She had been dazzled by Wyrm's recount of the events, stunned and delighted by her formidable display and meteoric progression. Lily could hardly wrangle her zeal to steer the girl's development or shake the pressure to snare her first. What concerned Lily the most was identifying what could have triggered the girl so profoundly to make such a conspicuous appearance? The first puzzle piece had dropped.

While she's mulling over this again, the door of the clinic swings open and she dons a sweet smile. Two recruits scoot inside, one supporting the weight of the other as she limps forward. The patient is easily recognizable. Eshana Chakrabarti is a conspicuous member of the prince's unit—often referred to by their peers as the "royal unit". Another member helps her inside, Karl Anker. Usually, Eshana would be considered quite tall, towering over most other women, but she is still dwarfed by Karl and he easily supports her weight. 



Eshana holds the infatuation of many men and women within the compound already possessing honey skin, dark hair and amber eyes as well as a voluptuous figure. Though, whether this attraction is due to her beauty or her racial magic is never certain. Lothvem's Aura allows her to easily toy with the affection and desire of those around her. This captivation is often the downfall of her opponents, drawing them into range for her elegant but vicious techniques while lulling them into tranquility. Lily had already treated a number of her worst victims, slit into ribbons and nearly bled dry. 

"Oh!" Lily chirps as they near the counter, "Whatever happened?"

"The price of beauty, I'm afraid!" Eshana declares and Lily blinks at Karl for an explanation.



"Rolled her ankle," Karl explains and laughs, "We weren't even fighting, she was just walking around the plaza!" 

"I see," Lily hums, peeking over and spotting Eshana's heels which, while flashy, are excessively high, "Bring her around then!" Lily steps to one of her stations, waiting for Karl to guide Eshana over. Once she's settled, Karl takes a seat in the lobby and Lily stoops down to examine her ankle.

"Mother would be so displeased with me," Eshana emphasizes, causing Lily to pause and meet her eyes, "Being so clumsy."

"Really," Lily hums, inclining her head to the side, "Is she so harsh?"

"She can seem that way," Eshana answers deliberately, maintaining a casual tone despite the intensity of their gazes, "But she's always looking out for the family."

Lily's lips curve into a conspiratorial smile and Eshana is quick mirror it. They can hear Karl cracking his knuckles in the lobby and Lily goes back to examining Eshana's ankle, prodding it gently.

"I must say," Lily breathes, "These shoes are quite beautiful! How did you come by them?"

"I just happened to stumble upon them, really," Eshana explains, choosing her words precisely, "I had been looking for just the right pair for far too long and then, along the way to the capital actually, there they were! I had to be a bit aggressive to nab them but my," she releases a dreamy sigh, "What a find!"

"I can see that," Lily titters, "But you ought to be more careful! It would be such a waste if something were to ruin them. That's the cost of beauty, I suppose."

"Well, some people are just naturally beautiful," Eshana notes, gesturing to Lily, "Here you are, not a wink of makeup or the like, and you're doing quite well!"

"Well, I prefer a natural look," Lily looses a curt sigh, "My sister on the other hand dresses herself up so drastically I can't even recognize her. She joined the procession recently but I still haven't been able to find her!"

"Really?" Eshana questions, taking on a more serious expression, "You've not seen her at all?"

"My partner spotted her earlier this week," Lily answers with a tired sigh, another apple blossoming within her palms, "Made quite the fuss, actually. She got into a conspicuous scuffle and," she eyes the fruit as if it were the person of mention and Eshana blinks at her intense satisfaction, "She's growing up so fast! She's already much more... in touch with herself than I was at her age, a natural talent you might say. But..." she frowns and hands it off to Eshana, "It all happened too quickly for me to approach her and I haven't seen any sign of her since!"

"Did she get into any trouble?" Eshana questions, quick to chomp into the fruit.

"Yes," Lily huffs, "Security were keen on finding her but she managed to slip away. Makes things a bit more difficult..." she gives Eshana a hard look, "But we just need to be patient. Wait for another sighting or the like, keep our eyes open."

"Hmmm," Eshana hums as her ankle mends, "I'll tell you what, I'll keep an eye out for her too! What does she look like?"

"How kind of you!" Lily's answer is bubbly and both girls make their way back to the lobby, "She has white hair and is quite petite." Karl rises from his seat, smiling amiably to both girls and seeming pleased Eshana is on her feet again. He cracks open the door and Lily waves them off, "Feel free to drop by again, even if you're not hurt. It can be so dull in here!"




"Okay," Tia mumbles to herself, staring up at her intended bedroom, "Let's try this again!" 

Tia trots up the stairs, thankful not to run into Andrea or Longwei. She wasn't sure she could tolerate another plastic interaction with him today. Ifani pauses as Tia slips inside, uncertain whether Tia would actually return, but her discomposure is brief and she offers Tia a faint nod and a hint of a smile. Despite this paltry greeting, Tia bubbles with excitement, ecstatic over the recognition. Not wishing to spoil the exchange, Tia shuffles to her half of the room wordlessly. Ifani is again in the midst of her nightly routine but falters as Tia begins to undress.

"What are you doing?" Ifani questions with a hint of annoyance.

"Changing...?" Tia states haltingly, oblivious to the source of her discomfort. Ifani's mouth drops open with a protest but she hesitates, huffing and turning back to her own task a bit stiffer than before. After disrobing Tia flumps into bed with great satisfaction, comforted by the embrace of an actual mattress and the warmth of an actual bedroom. She fades into slumber quickly.



Tia finds herself in the bowels of a withering gulch where a horizontal ladder of half rotten trees crisscrosses, stitching together the two precipitous slopes corralling her. The musty, earthen scent of moist wood and forest fog fills her lungs and is far from unwelcome to Tia. It was an odor she had come to crave, so far from vibrant forests or undulating mountains, and she is quick to explore her surroundings.

Tia mounts these fallen titans, balancing herself atop mushy bark and enjoying the tickle of their frizzy mossy blankets between her toes. She leaps from trunk to trunk with fleeting lunges and breezy footsteps, testing her dexterity and delighting in the mist dusting her hair. She hadn't realized how much she missed this setting. Before Tia can reach the end of this ladder, something thuds onto the forest floor from the mountain above, just past the last trunk. Despite her usual curiosity, Tia is hesitant to examine this something already sensing something dreadful approaching.

Tia's peek is tentative but her blood runs cold as her eyes rest on her own doppelganger spluttering on the edge of death. Her other self's eyes do not register Tia's presence, broken, bloodied and fading. Tia watches the life leave her eyes and as soon as this double dies, a door materializes just beyond her body. Tia is frozen, petrified by the corpse before her, yet the door creaks open on its own. A hollow crack sounds from within, like the snapping of long dried driftwood. There was something revolting about the sound Tia can't place.

This crack sounds again and again, the frequency increasing until these eerie ruptures begin to overlap and Tia's skin crawls with each instance. She finds herself locking up as fingers curl around the doorframe, their skin blackened and withered and their movements abrupt. Two hands grip the frame at first but are quickly followed by two, three, four more until the entire frame is lined by spastic digits. A silhouette waits beyond the door, its neck and torso jerking into unnatural angles and Tia realizes she hears the cracking and snapping of bones.

The figure's head swivels in her direction and Tia flinches, goosebumps washing over her body. His fingers tighten on the frame and the lower hands claw the earth before the door, necrotic arms dragging him forward.



Tia breaks away to flee as fear springs through her body, scrambling over trunks as she buzzes with desperation and terror. As the entity emerges from the door he looses a shrill screech and Tia is forced to crouch and cover her ears, her body trembling and squirming from the utterly repugnant and bone-chilling shriek.

With faltering steps and unsteady legs, Tia continues her flight, a cascade of cracks and pops trailing after her as he scuttles forward until there is an abrupt hush. Tia freezes, unwilling to glance behind and her body resists as she tries to force herself. Before she can muster the nerve, the entity tackles Tia to the forest floor, latching onto her back. Tia flails frantically as it clamps over her limbs, each hand tightening a death grip onto her and pinning her in place with unnatural strength while her own limbs become leaden. Something squirms underneath its leathery skin as it presses her down.

"Get off!!" Tia roars with a broken voice, totally locked into place.

The creature leans behind her head and she hears it cackle, its jaw popping and body crunching as it heaves out air. Another hand grips the back of her neck. Tia experiences that same profound terror from the shadow nightmare, more intense and more real than the waking world. That same resonance hums in her chest and vibrates her soul. Tia grates out a scream as they resonate but with a simple gesture, the entity renders her mute. This time a wrenching, stinging sensation cleaves into Tia, growing frigid and clammy as it settles into her chest. 

"Stop running away," Tia's whole body quivers violently as he whispers into her ear, "Make them afraid."

Tia a gasps awake, shooting up in her alarm. She trembles, running fingers over the skin he had gripped, gasping as she tries to breath deeply and rationalize her experience as a dream. She is further jostled and nearly leaps out of bed hearing the floorboards squeak beside her. Rubbing her eyes, she realizes this is Ifani, out of bed and pacing the room. With a hand over her pounding heart, Tia sucks in a shuttering breath and her eyes dart to the window. The sky is still dark, no hint of dawn lightening the sky.

"What are you doing...!" Tia breathes, finally beginning to calm herself.

Ifani doesn't acknowledge Tia in any way, continuing to pace and even mumbling to herself. Tia slumps back into bed, a groan escaping her lips before she turns back over, unable to sleep between the nightmare and Ifani's pacing. 

Morning arrives and Tia feels less than rested. Ifani is already up, deft fingers flowing as she guides her hair into place. Tia slumps forward as she lifts herself out of bed, loosing a haggard breath before shuffling to her chest. She tosses clothes aside mindlessly as she digs around for her aerial uniform and one of her shirts lands on Ifani's side of the room. Ifani stiffens immediately and begins stimming, tugging at her hair and humming to herself. Tia glances to her, furrowing her brows at Ifani's shift in behavior, but sighs and continues getting herself ready. A moment later, Tia is dressed, grumbling a farewell to Ifani and departing. 

Tia returns just before sunset and finds Ifani in the midst of whetting one of her own blades. Tia offers an amicable smile but this is short lived. The garment she had tossed aside that morning is lain across her bed, horribly singed and practically unwearable. 

"What hap-" Tia pauses, studying the damage before narrowing her eyes onto Ifani in disbelief, "Did you do this?" 

"Keep your shit," Ifani frowns, speaking clearly and deliberately, "On your side."

"You could have just moved it," Tia accuses her in a shrill tone, "You didn't have to burn anything!" Ifani's frown worsens but she remains silent, not acknowledging Tia's statement. Tia's hands shake as she grips the ruined cloth.

"Fine," Tia grumbles, "Whatever!" She storms out, having planned to meet up with Al after changing.

Ifani's shoulders drop and she releases a sigh in Tia's absence, frowning at herself. Later in the evening, Tia bustles through the door, slinging her boots into the corner and collapsing into bed with a huff. Not an hour later Ifani is up and pacing the room again, counting to herself. Tia grumbles and moans, covering her head with her own pillow and struggling to sleep again. The next night, Tia only drops by to change her clothes, sleeping in the cave again.


"I need your help," Ifani states, sliding into her seat across from Albert with an expression of discontent. 

"With...?" Albert question, looking her over. 

"Tia," Ifani states and Albert sighs. 

"You need to be more specific," Albert insists, waiting through Ifani's frown for her to continue. 

"She keeps..." Ifani pauses, "I can't-" she groans, pausing and flapping her hand for a nearly a minute, mulling over her choice of words, "Being roommates isn't working!" Ifani states more clearly, "She's driving me crazy and I... I need help figuring it out," she seems to soften after another sigh, "I want this to work."

"Okay," Albert answers simply, smothering his proud smile, "But... you're going to need to tell me what specifically is 'driving you crazy' first."



"Tia!" Albert calls out to her as she's about to enter the mess hall. She blinks at first but this quickly gives over to a sunny smile.

"Hey!" Tia answers, seemingly charged with enthusiasm despite some awkwardness, "What's, um, what's up?"

"I..." Albert draws out the word, "Wanted to talk to you about Ifani."

"Oh..." Tia peeps, her enthusiasm deflating, "What about her...?"

"Well, she told me you two were having some problems," Albert explains, Tia wincing, "And I'm sure you've noticed she isn't the best at talking about these things." 

"Problems?" Tia tries not to scoff, "I haven't slept through the night in that room once, Albert."

"Yeah..." Albert chuckles, Tia taken aback by his reaction, "That doesn't surprise me. Listen, can you walk with me for a minute?" Tia huffs but relents, walking the plaza with him, "If it's alright with you, I wanted to tell you a bit about Ifani," Tia nods in silent approval, despite her own reluctance, "I'm sure by now you've noticed that Ifani is a bit... different."

"I'm not really sure?" Tia answers with a shrug, earning considerable astonishment, and she gives a self depreciative laugh, "I'm not the best judge of what's normal."

"Hm," Albert hums and then smiles, "Maybe that's why she likes you so much!"

"She likes me," Tia scoffs, "Is that a joke?" 

"Let me try again," Albert continues, brushing off her rebuttal, "Ifani can be prickly, taciturn and harsh but," his face takes on a wistful expression, "That's because she's had to be. Ifani's been treated like there's something wrong with her her entire life!" Tia sucks in a breath and her eyes widen, "Nothing has been easy for her. And... yes, she can be a bit difficult to get close to but please believe me when I say she's the most honest and warm-hearted person you'll ever meet!"

"Albert," Tia answers a bit tentatively, "I would love to get to know Ifani but... she can't stand me!"

"You annoy her," Albert grants her that much, "But this is the first time I've seen her actually try to make things work with someone, besides me, in a long time. So..." he pauses their journey around the plaza, holding Tia's gaze, "If you're willing, I wanted to mediate these... roommate difficulties." 

"She..." Tia is hesitant to let herself hope, "Actually wants that? With me?"

"She probably hasn't even realized it herself," Albert chuckles, "But yeah, she wants to 'get to know' you too," Albert watches Tia's face light up, a gasp frozen in her chest, but before they can walk another step his face grows deathly serious, "But if you hurt her," Alert speaks with grim deliberation, "I will make you regret it." Tia's eyes widen at his unexpected shift at first but then mirrors his serious demeanor.

"I would never," Tia states clearly, "Intentionally hurt a friend." 

Albert's observation of Tia is precise, watching for any sign of deception or disingenuity, until he is totally satisfied and his expression softens. He gives a brief sigh, his lips finally curling into a smile.

"Okay!" Albert indicates, "Follow me then."


Ifani is waiting under Tia's favorite tree, ironically, looking to Albert as they arrive. Relief washes over her as Albert offers her a simple nod. They all settle under the tree, Ifani and Tia seeming unsure of how to begin. 

"I think," Albert starts instead, "The best way to go about this is to decide on some rules and boundaries."

"Boundaries?" Tia questions.

"Things you're uncomfortable with or cannot tolerate," Albert clarifies, "Ifani and I already discussed a few of hers. Is there anything you can think of right away?"

"The pacing," Tia blurts immediately, Ifani's scowl nearly as instant.

"What about the pacing?" Ifani grates.

"You do it in the middle of the night!" Tia complains with astonishment, "It keeps me awake."

"And you never wake me up?" Ifani complains with her own accusatory tone, "You come back late every night and slug everything around like a boar!"

"Because I'm tired," Tia emphasizes her point with an exhausted tone, "Tired because you keep waking me up!"

"Okay!" Albert interjects, silencing the both of them, "Tia, can you can be quieter when you return if Ifani stops keeping you up?" Tia deflates but nods her agreement.

"I need to pace," Ifani insists, digging in her heels, and they all fall silent. Tia contemplates with a grim expression, nearly popping off the ground when she has an idea.

"Can you," Tia questions carefully, "Pace in the hallway?"

"I..." Ifani blinks, surprised by Tia's creativity, "Yes. That's fine."

"Great!" Albert breathes, "What else?"

After another hour, Albert has scribbled down a list both Tia and Ifani could agree on. Ifani primarily wanting Tia to respect her space and silence during her routines while Tia requests better communication of Ifani's boundaries and, above all, no burning Tia or her belongings. Sunset begins reaching over the plaza and their bellies are empty. Albert and Ifani rise, facing the mess hall, but Ifani pauses to turn to Tia.

"Well?" Ifani nearly barks and Tia blinks at her, confused, "Let's eat!" Tia's eyes widen and her mouth hangs open. Albert grins at Ifani, before his eyes land on Tia as well. Tia beams brighter than the setting sun and she scrambles to her feet enthusiastically, the three of them departing together.




Annie's shoulder's raise and drop as she huffs, sliding through the door of her apartment and clicking it shut gratefully. Aside from her apprenticeships and classes, she had spent much of the day tinkering away in her workshop and waiting to see if Euan would visit her again. She had waited until the sky darkened before calling it a day and finds herself far more disappointed than she'd like. She unclips her garish alabaster cloak and hangs it in place by the door quickly followed by her goggles and gloves. She kicks off her boots as well and unties her hair, combing out stubborn tangles with her fingers.

Annie shuffles forward into the dark room and runs her shin into the corner of some table almost immediately. Grumbling criticism for her own stupidity, Annie snaps her fingers and a bundle of flame comes to life. She cradles it in her palm while she searches out a home for it.

"'At's a neat trick," Euan sounds, causing Annie to jump and the fire in her hand to flare.

Annie gestures with a waving motion and the flame splits into four smaller embers, spreading out around the room and lingering in place. Euan is making himself comfortable in her armchair with his feet propped on the coffee table.

"Oh shit...!" Annie squeaks and gasps with start followed by a harsh sigh, "Were you there the whole time??"

"Aye," Euan smirks, "Yer pretty clumsy!"

"Not all of us can see in the dark," Annie pouts but quickly finds herself smiling again, "I wasn't sure you'd show up!"

"An' I wasn't sure I had th' right place," Euan answers, his eyes glazing over the room, "All o' this yers?"

Annie's apartment has an open layout, no single room fully cut off from the rest. Besides the living room there is a study, workshop, alchemy station and even kitchen and just next to her kitchen is a balcony with a number of plants set out to sun. The state of the apartment could be described as eclectic at best or a disarranged jumble at worst. Even in her off time, Annie finds herself studying and experimenting on blending ancient forms or different schools of magic not quite as endorsed by her peers or instructors.

Stacks of obtuse or even occult books are strewn about, leaving gaps on her many bookshelves, and tools or crafts for implementing their contents lay nearby. Annie has her own system for sorting and navigating her belongings which few could follow but is also generally messy by nature. All manner of clothing, papers, trinkets or general clutter are scattered throughout her rooms. The apartment itself is lavishly furnished and it's clear these rooms were designed for comfort above all else contrasting the practical rooms of ordinary recruits. Annie's eyes drift past Euan to the creature curled up on her bed and she leers at it, seeming displeased.

"Well you're clearly no guardian!" Annie raises her voice to wake it.

Its head pops up, eyes closed, and it gives a long yawn while stretching. The creature is swift, bounding down and through the apartment before dashing up Annie's body, wrapping itself over and clasping to her shoulder.

"We have a guest and you didn't even notice!" Annie chides her and scratches at her head, the creature leaning into the motion and seeming extremely satisfied, "You're so spoiled."

"Is 'at a... baby dragon?" Euan questions, eying the beast as Annie settles onto the sofa.



The creature is an amalgamation of draconic and canine features, not much bigger than a puppy. It's scales are ultramarine while its fur is black, patches of its body covered by one or the other. Most of its body is draconic including its horns, neck, hands, wings and tail while its face, ears and torso are lupine. These features blend together surprisingly well but, as it was clearly still quite young, it's also rather cute.

"Sort of," Annie chuckles, "We're not really sure what she is. Found her myself before becoming a mage, back when I lived in the Chain," the creature eyes Euan while Annie is talking, "She follows me wherever I travel. They think she'll become my familiar when she gets older but-" The creature leaps suddenly and lands on Euan's chest. Euan stiffens, freezing up while the creature leers into his eyes and sniffs him.

"Bubbles!" Annie scolds, shuffling to her feet to grab her.

Before Annie can reach them, Bubbles licks Euan's face in one long motion before circling and settling on his lap. Annie and Euan gape at her in astonishment until Annie chirps with laughter. 

"I guess she likes you!" Annie states and settles back into her seat, some laughter still lingering in her voice.

"Did ye call her 'Bubbles'?" Euan questions with his own amusement. This earns him a swift and heated blush from Annie.

"I-I was really young when I named her!" Annie's face burns even hotter as Euan cackles. 

"Weel," Euan continues, scratching Bubbles behind her ear, "Why don't we get started?"

"Yes, please," Annie breathes, grateful for the diversion, "Did you bring the the items?" Euan reaches down next to the chair, pulling up a sack and jostling it. 

"How's this work exactly?" Euan questions as Annie rummages through the items.

"For this kind of enchantment," Annie begins, plucking out a pair of earrings, "I take a sample from you and work it into the item with my own energy... for the most part," Annie shrugs, knowing this is an immense simplification, "By weaving your connection to Azowyr into the object, anyone can then activate it by channeling their own energy into the item. This is a pretty simple enchantment so it won't use up much energy."

"If its 'at simple," Euan questions and cocks his head to the side, "Why are they so expensive?"

"Ahhah," Annie tries not to laugh, "Well... there are only so many mages capable of enchantment and not all of us can handle the more complex varieties," Euan's brows raise as she explains, "And this craft isn't exactly quick and easy. There's a lot of... detail."

"Do these take a long time to make?" Euan questions with concern in his tone and Bubbles nuzzles into his hand as he pauses.

"Well," Annie considers this for herself, "Samples don't hold for very long and it'll take at least a day or so to finish each item outside of my other duties," Annie explains, frowning at the mention of her schedule, "So... realistically I'll need you to come back several times to collect a sample for each one." Annie's face tightens, worried this may be too demanding or invasive. To her surprise, Euan is far from displeased.



"Yer asking me t' sneak in here every night?" Euan's voice deepens suggestively, an ardent grin igniting his face as he holds her eyes, "If 'at's what ye want we don't have to stop with taking samples," his lips drop into a sly smirk and he props his head up with his hand, "I could give ye th' whole thing!"

"Ah...!" Annie gasps, flushing instantly. She springs to her feet, spinning around and masking her burning face with her hands but Euan can still see the scarlet hue on her ears. "W-we should get started!" she squeaks in a wavering voice and scuffles to her workshop, half tripping along the way. Bubbles grumbles her disappointment as Euan shrugs and follows after Annie, trailing behind him.

"Which ones do you want finished first?" Annie is mostly recomposed as she gestures for Euan to take a seat on her stool. 

"Th' gloves," Euan answers and frowns, "Poor lads been blown up enough times."

"Blown up?" Annie echoes, eyebrows raised as she glances to him.

Euan raises his hand, letting his orange patterns glow, and she nods her understanding. Annie digs out the gloves and lays the rest aside. She examines them, simple cloth gloves with some leather reinforcement and holes over the finger pads, and settles on the most efficient method for this set. She rummages through a drawer, plucking out a spool of black thread.

"Whit's that?" Euan questions, Bubbles lingering near his feet and watching them.

"Thread spun from the wool of a particular breed of sheep," Annie answers, holding it up for him to see, "Native to the heathlands of the Tenebrous Chain. Perfect for retaining dark magic." Bubbles leaps and clings to Euan yet again. She seems quite pleased with herself, able to perch more comfortably on Euan's broader shoulder. "Excuse you," Annie complains, "We're working!" 

"She like this wi' everyone?" Euan question, regarding Bubbles' delighted eyes.

"No, not at all," Annie marvels, "Usually she's fussy and churlish," Annie leers into Bubbles' eyes, her own gaining a faint gleam, "Ahhhh, okay," she breathes light laughter into her words, Euan raising an eyebrow, "She says you 'smell like home'."

"'She says'?" Euan squints and Annie draws in a breath.

"Uhhh," Annie hesitates and her voice goes up a pitch, "Just a bit of beastmastery." 

"Yer an enchantress..." Euan questions carefully, "And a beastmaster?"

"I," Annie draws out the word, "Am a woman of many skills. For now let's focus on enchantment?" Euan observes her, tightened by discomfort and anxiety, and decides to let it go.

"Alright," Euan rolls the word out, scratching Bubbles' chin as Annie uncoils in relief, "I need t' do anything?"

"Just activate your form," Annie instructs, "And keep still." 

Euan does as she asks, remaining motionless as Annie leans in close to appraise his eyes. Annie can feel her own heart hammering away, being so close to Euan and feeling his breath on her face, and gulps to refocus her attention. She can see the hints of a smile tug at Euan's lips as he resists the urge to tease her. Annie lifts her hand, grazing the markings around his eyes before seeming sure of what she's doing. She presses the fingertips of her right hand around his eyes and concentrates.

Euan can feel the energy humming in Annie's fingers pulling at his own and drawing it out as if he were utilizing his abilities. As this tugging sensation continues, Annie's fingers begin to darken, taking on the charcoal tint of the markings she touches. They spread and curl across her skin reaching up to her wrist and remain there as she pulls away from him. Still concentrating, Annie places the spool in her palm, closing her fingers around it and placing her left hand overtop. The charcoal markings begin to recede from her hand, dragging across her skin until disappearing completely. When she opens her hands the spool possesses a soft black glow. 

"And there's the sample!" Annie proclaims, presenting it between her finger and thumb.

"So how's that," Euan questions, pointing to the spool, "Help ma unit-mate see in th' dark?"

"First," Annie explains readily, "I'm going to stitch this thread into the gloves. With the right patterns, and a bit of my own energy, the right effect will be instilled into the fabric. Normally I might throw in a glyph but..." she huffs as if disappointed, "Its probably better I keep this enchantment simple. I don't know your unit-mate's tolerance or strategy."

"Well I only got th' first bit," Euan chortles, "Yer just gunnae sow th' magic thread into th' gloves?'

"Yeah," Annie titters cheerily, "That's the short of it."

"Mind if I hang around then?" Euan asks, recapturing her attention, "Ye got a comfortable place an'," he pauses to smirk at her, "I like seeing yer face."

"Oh, uh..." Annie feels her breath catch and face heat, trying not to freeze up again, "Th-that's fine," she answers and manages a smile, her eyes drifting to her beast companion, "I think that'd make Bubbles' night!"




Duff perches atop the bell tower, monitoring the compound in the form of a great horned owl. This had become a habit of his in the nearly two weeks they've remained in this location and security no longer give him a second glance, typically hunting down his dinner every night in this way. Just as the sun has set Duff spots such prey, swooping in on a large rat as it turns into an alleyway.

As Duff closes his talons around the creature, he feels it begin to expand. He releases it swiftly and backs away, taking a defensive stance near the end of the alley. The creature grows before his eyes, taking on a familiar form and Duff ruffles at the sight of him. To ordinary beings, only his reflective eyes are visible in the alleyway.



'It that you, old man?' Wyrm projects into Duff's mind, lowering his head. Duff remains silent as he deliberates the best course of action and Wyrm yips and and yelps with seeming laughter. Duff hated that sound. 'Of course it's you,' Wyrm insists, 'Any ordinary beast would have fled by now!'

Duff's posture relaxes and his body melts into the shadows enveloping them. He slides beneath and past Wyrm, reforming further into the alley in his lupine form. Duff looms over him, his markedly larger body eclipsing Wyrm's true form—a considerably more lithe species. Duff leers at him, brewing and dragging out his silence until Wyrm shifts in discomfort.

'Why are you skulking here, worm,' Duff drones.

'Your humor is as dry as ever,' Wyrm derides, already displeased, 'Why else? Fulfilling our purpose!'

'You might be eager to slink to their designs,' Duff spits his words as if they were unpalatable, 'To be a mindless pet. I follow my own will.'

'And yet...' Wyrm sings, his tone gleeful, 'You have a new partner! And,' he pauses again with his yipping laughter, 'She's already forged at least two links and remains unmarred even after such a display. You've really outdone-"

As Wyrm smugly babbles on, Duff generates a foul aura and Wyrm's hackles raise as it reaches him. He begins to growl but his body quivers, cowering as a potent mix of fear, shame, despair and anxiety weigh on him. When Duff rises to his feet Wyrm flinches.

'Tell that rancid, devious sham,' Duff snarls, striding toward Wyrm with unhurried steps, 'To back off,Duff pauses just next to him, intensifying his aura just enough that Wyrm cannot conceal his shivering, 'Or I will expose every one of you myself and extirpate that travesty she calls family.' Without another word between them, Duff shifts back into an owl and flits to his perch making no effort to flee or conceal himself.



Niro watches the light snuff out in the room above, patiently waiting for the two girls to depart. With a careful glance down the street, Niro rushes inside and up the stairs without being spotted, grateful to find their door unlocked. Once inside he practically melts and the tension rolls off his shoulders, never having been suited for stealth. At least not in urban settings. 

He retrieves the letter from his pocket and places it on Tia's bed, a bit crinkled and worse for the wear after its journey but still intact. As he approaches the door again he hears movement in the hallway. Niro makes a quick dash for the window, sliding it open and stepping onto the frame before the door swings open. 

"Shit!" Niro husks, manifesting avian wings and leaping out the window. Tia, having forgotten a change of clothes on their way to the bathhouse, doesn't hesitate.

"Oh fuck no!" Tia growls, dashing to the window and leaping out after him, manifesting her wings as she clears the frame. Ifani remains in the doorway, flabbergasted and speechless. 

Niro hops and glides from roof to roof with Tia hot on his heels, considerably lighter and more agile. He drops down into an alley, switching up his pattern and fleeing on foot.

Niro's wings fade and his body shifts again, his legs morphing into those of a brown hare. He sprints significantly faster, Tia requiring keen focus to keep up with his movements. She tracks him clearly from above and is undeterred, the falcon half of her eyes far surpassing any human eyesight. Niro darts from alley to alley and reverses back abruptly multiple times to throw her but Tia keeps on him, deftly banking and weaving overhead.

Tia tries to get a better look at him, taking note of his bulky physique and almond complexion, but still can't get a clear view of his face. Something about him is incredibly familiar but a fog encroaches on her mind as her thoughts linger on this familiarity. Tia is forced to push the thought away. Niro makes a final dash for the plaza and Tia initiates a burst of speed to cut him off, quickly wearing down her stamina. Her feet skid against the ground as she lands and she spreads both wings out to block his path. Niro throws up his hands to obscure his face but, for one brief instant, she sees him.


..."Wow," he laughs, "Not how I thought I'd see you again!"'

"Again?" Tia questions him, trying to appraise his face but can only make out his silhouette. He is abnormally tall and bulky.

"Ah," he sighs, "I guess you don't remember." He peeks behind and Tia squints at his face in the light.

"It's you!" Tia gasps, her mystery rescuer standing before her...


Tia falters as the memory comes to her and she feels dizzy, bringing a hand to her forehead and drooping. Niro takes his opportunity, sliding under her wing and disappearing into the plaza. When she steadies herself and turns, she swears she sees him disappear into a tree. Tia pants and staggers her way back to Ifani, too woozy to fly. She finds Ifani pacing when she arrives.

"What was that??" Ifan bursts at first but then blanks at Tia's pallid condition, rushing forward to help her inside.

"I dunno," Tia huffs, out of breath more from this persistent headache and dizzying fog than from her flight, "I almost got him but..."

"Sit down first," Ifani insists and helps her to her bed, more concerned with Tia's condition than their intruder, "You look sick!"

As Tia crashes onto her bed, she feels and hears the letter crinkle. She slides it out from underneath her leg, unfolding and flattening it out so she can read the envelope. Tia's grip on the letter shakes as she eyes the letters of her name and a severe, splenetic glower constricts her face. Ifani herself is surprised to see such an intense and uncharacteristic reaction from Tia yet as Tia's mind shifts away from their intruder, she regains color.

Tia can feel tears swelling in her eyes and bolts up, flinging open her chest and tossing the letter inside before slamming it shut again. She knew her mother's handwriting well enough to recognize it, even with just three letters. It was Mina after all who taught her how to read Accian. Tia sucks in deep breaths to steady herself but still struggles to quash this cascade of conflicting emotions.

"Come on," Ifani sounds from the door, "You really look like you need that bath now." Tia's eyes dart between Ifani and her chest, her mouth hanging open.

"Ifani, I-" Tia blurts, her voice wavering.

"Stop," Ifani cuts her off but her tone carries a tender warmth, "You don't have to talk about it right now if you don't want to," she shrugs, "Or at all." 

"Thank you," Tia speaks a bit weakly after a pause, following Ifani out and marveling at the warmth in her own chest ignited by Ifani's gesture.




Plucky, mild notes ring as gently as the breeze brushing through the plaza, a welcome sound to Tia and Ifani after a long day of practice. Albert's tune is slow but soothing and both girls appreciate it silently, lounging beneath Tia's favored tree and staring aimlessly as they listen. The notes aren't particularly loud, produced from a simple lap harp which was among a number of smaller instruments Albert keeps in his oversized satchel. Despite the pleasant afternoon, Tia's mind still lingers on their intruder and his effect on her. She sighs, making up her mind.

"Albert," Tia questions and he hums in response while keeping his eyes on the chords, "Do you know anything about... memory loss?"

"You need to be more specific," Albert answers, Ifani simultaneously imitating him and his tone.

All eyes jump to Ifani, grinning at him and seeming pleased with herself. Albert pauses his melody and tries to leer at her but finds himself unable to stifle his smile. He continues plucking away at his instrument while Tia continues.

"It was really small at first," Tia explains, her face scrunching as she continues, "I felt like I was forgetting something important and my head felt fuzzy if I tried too hard to remember, so I let it go. But it got worse when I saw him."

"Him... who...?" Albert asks, tilting his head.

"That creep you chased down?" Ifani questions, garnering surprise from Albert as he glances between them. Tia nods, pressing her lips together. 

"When I saw his face, I remembered... talking to him I think?" Tia shrugs, uncertain what it is she saw, "But it made me feel really terrible and I think there's a lot more I can't remember." Albert sets his instrument aside and Tia watches the ivory markings of his form frame his face, Albert running what he knows through his mind. The marks fade when he's finished. 

"It sounds like you've had a memory, or memories, bound," Albert explains.

"Bound?" Tia echoes, still quite unfamiliar with magic terminology.

"Someone with a Binding manifestation," Albert specifies, "A kind of mental magic, bound these memories deep within your mind, cutting off your access to them."

"Someone can do that...?" Tia gasps in disbelief. 

"It's a nasty trick," Ifani cuts in with a scowl, "Most mental magic is," her eyes move back to Albert, catching his pout and snorting, "Yours is different! You don't mess with other people's heads."

"Then how do I..." Tia glances to Albert with a confounded and disconcerted expression, "How do I get them back?"

"Well," Albert sighs, "Usually you need the caster to release the effect or at least someone with the same ability. But," he gives her a serious look, "You don't know what what kind of binding it is."

"What kind?" Tia questions, a growing feeling of alarm knotting her stomach.

"Which aspect," Albert clarifies, "Certain emotions and memories are tied to different mental aspects. I have a binding manifestation but it works differently than most others—I can only bind my own memories. You need a caster of the same aspect as the one who bound you to release it."

"How many mental aspects are there?" Tia asks in a higher tone, quickly seeing her options drying up.

"Thirteen," Albert answers hesitantly.

"Oh..." Tia squeaks, her gaze dropping as she considers this seemingly insurmountable task, "Well, can I force myself to remember?"

"I wouldn't suggest it," Albert answers with a grimace, "I don't know what kind of damage that might cause."

"Albert's right," Ifani adds, "You looked half-dead just from seeing his face!" 

Tia deflates, closing her eyes and her shoulders drooping. Ifani and Albert glance to each other at this reaction. Albert can see Ifani's determination already, her eyes resting on Tia again touched by concern. Albert dons the gentlest of smiles, loosing a huff before speaking again. 

"Give me a bit of time to look into it," Albert states with confidence, Tia's wide eyes eyes flitting to him, "There's likely another way to work around it."

"What?" Tia gasps, rushing to deny him, "Y-you don't have to do that! Answering my questions is already enough."

"What are you talking about?" Ifani scowls at her, "Some bastard cut off your memories and you just want to drop it?"

"I mean, no," Tia answers, tripping over her words and furrowing her brows, "I just- I mean you two have helped me enough already!" she twists her hands together in her lap, feeling ingratiated, "It's-It's my problem, you have no reason to-"

"Tia," Albert interrupts gently, Tia meeting his eyes, "We want to help. That's what friends do." Tia's eyes well up instantly and as she looks to Ifani too, she finds the same concern and certainty.

"Okay," Tia responds with almost a gasp and gives them both a grateful smile, practically leaking exuberance, "Thank you!"

"So..." Albert looks to Ifani, "What's this about Tia chasing someone down?"

"Some asshole broke into our room," Ifani complains readily.

"What?" Albert gapes. Tia listens only faintly, wondering what she could do to thank them. Just sitting here with them so casually felt like more than she could ask for.

"And then Tia shoots out the window after him like a total badass!" Tia laughs at her description, "Swooping after him across the compound," she gestures with her hands and then looks to Tia, "If you're half that agile in a fight, our unit might just work out!"

"Well, she really does have the ideal build," Albert slides right into his explanation, "For merlin features! These falcons specialize in hunting other birds," Tia still finds herself trying to figure out a way to thank them as he rambles, "Skilled in tail-chasing and even harassing larger raptors! Her father was too large for those kinds of tactics, taking more after-"

"Oh!" Tia exclaims suddenly, Albert falling silent as they both look to her, "My dad, that's right!" 

"You're dad...?" Albert questions, both teens at a loss.

"Y-you're both helping me out so much," Tia tries to explain, "So as a thank you... um. We all have tomorrow off before we leave the valley and I've heard everyone talking about visiting their families. I-I don't know what your plans are but..."

"But...?" Albert echoes. 

"But," Tia continues with a measure of uncertainty, "If you want, you're both more than welcome to drop by the manor?" Tia offers looking between them, "Ifani can meet my dad before we leave, if she still wants to," Albert's brows shoot up and Tia wonders if she's overextended herself, "Unless that's too weird?"

Ifani springs up and paces rapidly, flapping both hands before her face, and Tia sucks in a breath, looking to Albert with an apology readied. Yet Albert is grinning. After a few more paces, Ifani turns back to them and her excited expression surpasses even Tia's exuberance a few minutes earlier.


Bad Manors


"There she is!" Allen exclaims as Tia enters the hall, "Come here."

Tia nearly tackles her father, both clasping each other into a fervent hug. Evelyn moves in for her own embrace but startles as Duff leaps out of her cloak, sauntering to and stretching out before the fireplace.

"I'm not sure I'll ever get used to that," Evelyn puffs while Tia and Allen snicker, "I hope he's a little more subtle in the compound!"

"I don't see him much, actually," Tia answers, eying her mysterious partner, "He kinda does his own thing."

"That's probably for the best," Evelyn states with relief. Allen gestures into the pause and they all move further in, "So, how have you been adjusting, dear?"

"I had a rough start," Tia admits, her eyes widening, "Most of my unit-mates didn't get along and I fought with my roommate a lot."

"That's sounds about average," Allen chuckles, remembering his own experiences.

"Really?" Tia questions, both nodding to her with a bit of amusement, "Hm. Well, I at least won my first sparring session, even if the other two did most of the work!"

"Just two?" Allen questions, failing to soften his surprise.

"Oh," Tia winces, "Our unit isn't filled out yet. There's just six of us so far."

"That's absurd!" Evelyn exclaims but Tia shrugs, "You're a-"

"Let her finish," Allen insists, Evelyn puffing up but swallowing her protest, "How are you getting along with them now?"

"Well," Tia notes and a mischievous grin slides into place, "I actually made a new secret friend," Allen produces a light chuckle at his daughters odd habits, "But I also worked it out with my roommate and now we're actually friends!" Relief and pride wash over Allen's face.

"What is this about a secret friend?" Evelyn questions in a high tone, Allen and Tia snickering in response.

"Oh!" Tia gasps, "Uhhh, actually... I invited them to drop by today. I-I don't know if they actually will or not but," Tia looks to her father, "Ifani and Albert have been helping me out a lot and she's a big fan of yours. Is that... alright?"

"Of course!" Allen's enthusiastic answer is immediate, ignoring the miffed expression on his mother's face, "Any of your friends are welcome!"

"And I have no say in this?" Evelyn huffs, Tia blinking at her reaction, "We only have this one day with you, dear. Surely your friends would rather spend time with their own families as well!"

Allen watches Tia's face drop at his mother's thoughtless suggestion and he scowls at her. Evelyn doesn't seem to understand what she said to upset everyone but before anything else can be said, the doorman steps forward.

"A Lady Brandt and Mr. Monet are at the door," he announces and Tia lights up instantly, peeking back to her father and beaming.

"Bring them in!" Allen instructs readily, Tia springing up and nearly bouncing to the entrance of the hall.

Allen is just behind her, eager to meet them himself, while Evelyn hangs further back. As they're guided into the hall Albert finds himself glancing about at his surroundings, not particularly familiar with or accustomed to such a large estate, while Ifani is already stiff with her focus firmly on Allen despite not meeting his gaze. Allen places a hand on Tia's shoulder, both of them smiling at each other briefly.

"You guys made it!" Tia chimes, trying to cut the tension, "Um, Dad, this is Albert and Ifani." 

"Ifani..." Allen hums until recognition lights his expression, "Ah! You had quite the performance during assessments. Very impressive for your age!"

Ifani inflates with a sudden breath, her hands waggling before her face as she hums. Albert's eyes dash to Allen as she does, his body growing rigid as he seems to brace himself for the worst. Allen blinks, brows raised, and his eyes slide between Tia and Ifani with concern. Tia answers Allen's unspoken inquiry with a simple thumbs up and Allen shrugs, following his daughter's lead and maintaining the casual exchange. Albert can't help but blink, his mouth dropping open. It is only Evelyn, brooding in the background, who seems put off by how Ifani expresses her excitement.

"I hate to admit," Allen continues, Albert jumping as Allen regards him, "I'm not familiar with this young man!"

"That's because he isn't nobility," Evelyn cleaves into the conversation with a sharp tone, finally stepping forward, and Albert finds himself shrinking in front of her, "He's Tia's tutor of all people!"

"Mother!" Allen hisses, promptly aligning a scowl on her.

"So what?" Tia challenges her as well, matching her father's expression.

"You're a house heir!" Evelyn insists in exasperation, "You can do far better than-"

"Grandma!" Tia thunders before she can continue, "These are my friends and they're already 'far better' than any of the other heirs!" both Ifani and Albert exchange stunned reactions, "You're being rude!" Allen is overcome with pride as he regards Tia while Evelyn has grown indignant.

"Fine," Evelyn huffs, "If that's how it is, I won't waste you or your friends' time with my company!" She presses her lips together as she storms out.

"I'm sorry about that," Tia quickly apologizes, a bit of shame touching her face as she turns to Albert and Ifani.

"You'll have to excuse the old bat," Allen gives an exaggerated sigh, "She's been holed up in this cave for decades, must've forgotten her manors!"

"Was..." Albert is hesitant at first, "Was that a joke...?"

"I told you his jokes are terrible!" Tia stifles a chortle despite her grin.

"Tia!" Allen cries, holding a hand to his chest as if she wounded him, "You've always loved my jokes!" 

"I love them," Tia retorts, "Because they're terrible." 

"Ohhhh!!" Ifani gasps, "'Manors'!" As Ifani breaks into cackling laughter, Tia and Albert are unable to resist snickering with her and Allen grins, the tension melting away.

"Well, no reason to keep standing around," Allen gestures to the hall, "Go on and make yourselves comfortable!" They all settle in around the fireplace. Tia sits cross legged in front of the fire, Duff quickly settling onto her lap. Allen continues once they're all comfortable, "So, Tia mentioned you're all on the same unit. What are the other's like?"

"Well," Albert answers, "There's Orin, Longwei and Bolor. Orin can be..." he pauses to narrow his eyes, "Difficult but Longwei and Bolor are both very capable."

"Longwei's mount is really incredible!" Tia's admiration intertwines with her breath as it slides out.

"I think Wulong is his familiar, actually," Albert corrects her, "I've seen them talking to each other."

"What's a familiar??" Tia bursts, already curious. A smile lingers on Allen's face watching them interact.



"Powerful beasts like Wulong," Albert explains readily, "Can forge a spiritual bond with a human. They tether their souls together, allowing the pair to share many things with each other such as their abilities, thoughts, energy and even their lifespans!" Tia finds her eyes drifting to Duff, wondering if this is what she shares with him. He had been so distant lately.

"It's a powerful bond but it comes with a hefty drawback," Allen interjects, growing somber as less than pleasant memories come to him, "Once bonded, if one dies so does the other."

"Oh..." Albert peeps, "That's right you... Oh no!" they all look to Albert as his voice drops, "L-longwei is... he's a member o-of..." his voice has no power to it, uncomfortable to be the one to break this news. He clears his throat and takes on a solemn bearing, "His full name is Zhou Longwei."

"Zhou...!" Allen hisses, his casual demeanor icing over.

Allen's chest heaves with heavy breaths and his face coils, pinching tight with the sting of devastating memories. He rises and turns his back on the children, clenching a fist over his chest as outrage and rancor overwhelm him. Red runs up his neck as he questions who would have the impudence, the raw audacity, to place a Zhou into his daughter's unit.

"What does that mean?" Tia whispers to Albert, his reaction painted with blatant shock.

"It's the clan your father battled at the end of his career," Ifani answers for him and Tia chokes.

Her eyes dart to her father as she begins making connections, primarily to Longwei's shift in behavior. Tia knows she's seeing only a fraction of her father's pain at the mere mention of this clan and she questions what her presence might trigger in Longwei.

"I..." Tia stutters, her eyes sliding back to Albert and Ifani, "Does that mean he hates me? Do we have to hate each other?" Ifani and Albert shrug, uncertain themselves. Allen is stricken by Tia's innocence and by her reluctance to carry on their familial grudge, cleaving through his fuming resentment as she continues, "I really admire him though...!" Allen steadies himself, running his fingers through his hair as he forces himself into composure, smothering his own feelings on the matter.

"No, snowdrop," Allen conjures a gentle tone as he turns back to them, "You don't have to hate him," a sigh slides out as he settles back into his armchair, "Neither you or he were even born yet, it isn't your conflict to carry," he pauses to offer a look of distaste, "Though I can't say I'm happy with whoever had the gall to stage this!"

"Well, I can tell ye that!" Euan sounds from above. All eyes dart to the balcony, Euan leaning over the railing and smirking at the lot of them.

"Euan?" Allen snaps, clearly unhappy with his sudden intrusion, "How did you-" he pauses, glancing instead to Tia, "Did you invite him as well?"

"Not specifically," Tia shrugs before looking back to Euan, "What did you mean?"

"Zetian," Euan states, swinging down and joining them, "I heard her chatting up yer unit-mate th' other night."

"Zetian?" Tia questions, inflecting harshly.

"Somthin' about 'fulfilling her purpose'," Euan answers, not sure of the meaning himself, "Putting th' past behind them an' talking about th' kingdom. She didn't look too-"

"He," Albert interjects firmly.

"Whit?" Euan pops an brow at him.

"Longwei is male," Albert insists with a hard gaze.

"Really?" Euan questions, his voice dropping, but as Tia's confirmation is just as firm he gives a shrug, "He didn't look too happy about it. Real nasty lass, Zetian."

"That doesn't tell me why you're in my home," Allen rumbles with a sour look, "Uninvited."

"Am no different than these two," Euan answers, glancing to Albert and Ifani briefly before talking to Tia, "We're friends aren't we?"

"You piss me off sometimes," Tia bites at first, followed by a snort, "But yeah, we're friends." 

"See?" Euan grins at Allen, who still exhibits his distaste, "Sides, ma uncle sent me anyway. Says 'be ready tomorrow', whitever 'at means," Euan's eyes slide over the group, "Ye mind if I stick around? It's dead as Azryth's breath at ma uncle's place!" Despite some grumbling from Allen, Tia grins and gestures for him to get comfortable. 

"Ifani," Albert prods her, still stiff and quiet, "You had questions, remember?"

"Questions?" Allen overhears his mumbling and Ifani tugs at her braids, "Ask whatever you want," he insists, "I promise I don't bite... anymore!"

Over the next few hours, Ifani and Albert barrage Allen with questions about his techniques and career. Allen happily regales them with tales of his time in the program, starting out as a soldier and into his career as a general—a natural storyteller. Tia kicks back, also happy to hear more about her father's life and occasionally gets needled by Euan with a joke or two, to Allen's displeasure. However, a smile lingers on Allen's lips throughout the evening alongside the thrill lighting his eyes as he witnesses Tia's earnest and quirky circle of friends.

Tia's loneliness had always haunted Allen, occupying another string of worries within his mind, but this evening brings as much relief as it does pride knowing Tia won't be moving forward alone or surrounded by disingenuous nobles. In just two weeks his daughter had already grown well beyond the constrictions of her life in Nippon, Mina's prediction at the beginning of their journey ringing true. As red rays of sunset begin streaking through the stained glass doors Allen's face grows more somber, knowing their time was running out.

"I have one last surprise for you," Allen looks to his daughter, "Before all of you head out. Wait here for just a minute." Allen disappears upstairs, leaving the teens to talk amongst themselves.

"You're dad isn't what I was expecting," Ifani states plainly.

"Is that a bad thing?" Tia questions. Ifani's smile is mild as she shakes her head, growing into the motion.

"It's a relief," Ifani admits, "I thought being strong meant I had to be serious and firm but your dad is... casual, funny and tolerant. I shouldn't have thought you were weak for being that way."

"I mean..." Tia grumbles, "I am weak though."

"Haud yer weesht!" Euan snaps at her and she draws her head back, "Yer no' weak. A bit behind, aye, but no' weak."

"For once we agree!" Allen sounds from above, making his way down the stairs with quick steps, carrying a bag and something on his belt. He hands Tia the bag first and she spills out some of the contents, gasping. 

"One of my contacts in Nippon," Allen explains as she eyes the items, "Retreated to your mother's home in the mountains after the coup and gathered a few of our things, sending them after us," tears linger on the brim of Tia's eyes, many keepsakes and trinkets of her childhood she had believed were lost are stuffed neatly inside, "Including," Allen continues, pulling a sword from his belt, "This."

Allen displays the katana to his daughter, the polished sheath dark and ornate. Tia plucks it up with gentle hands, unsheathing it with a sense of awe. It was a quality blade, one Tia had seen displayed in Mina's home many times. Mina had told her it was enchanted but she wasn't sure what kind. It had apparently been in the family for centuries.

"Your mother would've wanted you to have it," Allen's voice carries heavy sentimentality as Tia hoists the blade.

"You're not ready to use that," Ifani's statement is blunt, catching them both off guard and severing the mood.

"Ifani...!" Albert gasps but she shoots him a scowl. 

"Let me finish!" Ifani retorts before regarding the blade again, "You're not ready to use it yet," she clarifies, "Right now you'd break it but... a katana might actually suit you, once you get better."

"You're familiar with the katana?" Allen questions, surprised she even recognizes the weapon. Ifani gives one short nod.

"There are a number of scrolls about them in the royal library," Albert explains, "Syl-"

"Get out of my way, hag!" a familiar voice barks from the entryway of the manor. 

"Oh shit...!" Tia breathes.

"Tia!" Allen scolds but Tia's eyes are glued to the other side of the hall, bracing herself.

"That's some way to greet your own mother!" Evelyn admonishes her.

"I said move," she sneers, forcing her way past Evelyn and into the hall. 

Felicity stomps inside with Evelyn quick to follow, scouring the room until her eyes land on Allen, still sitting casually with the children. Allen locks up as his eyes meet hers and all those within the hall glance between them.



"Nothing to say to me?" Felicity questions, crossing her arms at him and looking uncharacteristically vulnerable. A crippling wave of pain washes over Allen and he squeezes his eyes shut. He clears his voice before speaking but keeps his eyes averted.

"You've grown so much!" Allen breathes and forces a smile, "How have you been?"

"How have I been??" Felicty glowers at him, trying to meet his eyes but he keeps directing them elsewhere.

"Who th' fuck is 'at?" Euan whispers to Tia.

"My aunt," Tia answers to all three of them.

"Suddenly you're pretending to care?" Felicity speaks harshly and Allen winces, "I can see nothing's changed. You still can't even look at me!" her eyes graze over the children before landing back on Allen, "This was a waste of time." Felicity pivots and departs as suddenly as she had arrived.

"What was that!" Tia questions her father and Allen deflates into his chair. Wordless, he simply shakes his head. 

"Weel, 'at's enough drama fur me!" Euan proclaims, rising to his feet, "Good seeing ye again, moggy senior!" Rather than using the door, Euan melts into a shadow with a wave. Ifani, Albert and Tia all eye each other before shuffling up themselves.

"Yes," Evelyn is equally deflated and bitter over Felicity's brief visit, "It's getting late, you ought to return," Allen follows them to the manor steps after a dejected sigh. Albert and Ifani wait by the gate for Tia to say her goodbyes. 

"Before you go," Allen looks to Evelyn before speaking, "You should know there are people trying to find you."

"Trying to... find me?" Tia questions with furrowed brows. Evelyn presses her lips together, not having wanted to alert Tia. 

"We don't know why yet," Allen is grim, "But the king is looking for a 'white-haired, dark shape shifter'," Tia's astonishment is instant and he places his hands on her shoulders, "Your grandmother and I are working on this end to learn more, to redirect them, but you still need to be extremely careful."

"Dark... shape shifter...?" Tia questions, remembering her resonance within the shadow plane as the fog lingers on the edge of her mind.

'Tia don't...!' Duff urges her.

"Hush!" Tia demands.

Tia brings her hands together, as if cupping something, and with shaking fingers she concentrates on what she had felt in the plane. She feels a power gathering and a shadow darkens between her palms. A gasp grazes past her lips and she drops her hands away, feeling a pang of pain in her head. Evelyn grows pale but Allen steadies her swaying until the headache passes. His eyes slide back to her friends, chatting by the gate.

"I want you to know how proud I am of you," Allen shifts the subject and Tia blinks, "You're growing so quickly and not just your skills or strength. You've made wonderful friends!" Tia tears up and musters a smile, "You hang on to those two."

"But not Euan?" Tia teases, extracting a chuckle from her father. His smile fades before he continues. He hugs her again.

"And please," he whispers so Evelyn can't hear, "Read your mother's letter." Tia's breath catches and she can feel herself growing resentful. She pushes the feeling down, knowing this was her last moment with her father for some time, squeezing him desperately instead.

"I'm sorry we didn't get to spend more time together," Tia knits her brows at her grandmother with endearing eyes and Evelyn's irritation crumbles at Tia's near pout.

"Oh, come here!" Evelyn gestures and Tia's face lights back up, hugging her grandmother with almost equal fervor, "Please be careful, Tia," Evelyn entreats her into the embrace, "You are so precious. To me, to your father. We would be lost without you!" Evelyn holds her at shoulder length, tears dusting all of their eyes.

"Oh! I had an idea," Tia peeps, making sure she is turned toward the mansion as she peeks into her cloak, "Duff, I know you can travel through the shadow plane," she gives him a hard look and he huffs, "Would it be feasible for you to deliver letters directly between us? So we can share information about this... search for me." 

'Oh, am I allowed to speak now?' Duff snarks, earning him a half-pout half-scowl. Evelyn and Allen blink at each other, waiting to hear his answer. Tia can sense his false anger give way to bubbling mirth, his laugh echoing in her mind. 'Yes, it's feasible,' Duff finally answers, 'That's surprisingly well thought out, coming from you.'

"Well?" Evelyn prods into the silence, watching her make faces into her cloak.

"He said yes," Tia answers, still leering at Duff, "Amid being rude."

"What are you doing??" Ifani shouts from the gate and Tia jumps. Tia gives another smile to Allen and Evelyn, squeezing them both into a brisk half hug before turning and running down the steps. She pauses at the bottom to wave.

"I'll send you a letter every week!" Tia shouts before sprinting after her friends.

If you have the time I greatly appreciate all feedback/critique of my work!

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