Chapter 13

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They Did Nothing


Tia slips her way up the waterfall, enjoying the feel of cascading water slipping past her own, and pauses before the cave entrance. She lingers there trying to work out the best approach to making her way through the gap without falling. Tia knows solidifying too soon would lead to a terrible, possibly even lethal fall if she fails to find proper footing but she couldn't grip the rock without doing so. Tia climbs atop the mesa instead, descending into the cave using her claws, the waterfall at her back. She is relieved to find the cave still empty as she does so.

Tia wanders inside, finding the cave much prettier than she had expected. There are an abundance of crystals jutting into the cavern with an array of hues. Many of these hum and glow as Tia passes by. She finds Al's nook in the back, pillows and padded blankets piled over jutting gem ridges, creating a practical mattress and even a couch along the wall lined with gleaming blue and green stone.



The ceiling above consists of one mass crystal which reaches up past the mesa top, jutting into the sky. This creates a purple skylight, flashes of lightning refracting over the walls while each rumble resonates in the stones inside with a dull hum. Tia settles in, wondering how Al managed to get all of this through the waterfall.

About an hour later, Tia notices a change by the entrance. Water splits from the fall and pulls towards the lip of the cave, in the shape of a foot at first, followed by two arms emerging next. These liquid limbs reach into the cave entrance, solidifying into fleshy fingers first and pull forward a transparent torso and head. Only the limbs are flesh while the rest of him remains liquid until he breaks from the waterfall completely. Al steps into the cave almost effortlessly, possessing a brisk step, his hands simply steadying him between the walls as the rest of his body crosses into the cavern smoothly. He solidifies himself fully and walks naturally into the cave, smiling when he sees her but pausing at her astonishment.

"Are you... okay?" Aldric questions her with knitted brows and checks behind him. 

"How did you like," Tia gestures with her hands, trying to imitate him coming through the waterfall, "Only part of yourself...?" 

"Well how did you get in here?" Aldric laughs, relaxing and finally joining her inside. They sit together along his make-shift couch, Aldric leaning his back against a crystal frame.

"Not nearly as elegantly," Tia's laugh is self-depreciative, "That was pretty smooth!"

"It's not so difficult," Aldric brushes off the compliment, a smile settling back on his face after, "I'm glad you found the right place!"

"Yeahhh," Tia breathes, "You weren't kidding about there being a lot of caves!" she pauses to give a short laugh, "It feels like I haven't seen you in while, probably the weirdest part of this right?"

"I got so used to talking to you every day!" Aldric admits with some embarrassment, "Made that march drag on even longer."

"Oof," Tia winces, "You were marching huh?" 

"Yes," Aldric groans, followed by a harsh sigh, "I'm infantry so, it was pretty rough. Especially with that damn ring choking me up."

"You had to wear it the whole way?" Tia questions, not hiding her astonishment.

"Every second," Aldric complains, giving a curt laugh, "Though the company was by far the worst part. Stuck me right next to-" he has to pause, his expression tightening, "Someone I am very sick of being smothered by. What about you, how was your journey?"

"Uhhh," Tia breathes, "I didn't have to walk, so, definitely better."

"Really," Aldric questions, "You're not infantry? What division did you get stuck with?"

"Um," Tia is hesitant, pressing her lips together, "I probably shouldn't answer..."

"Gives you away?" Aldric questions and she gives an uncertain nod, "That's fine then. It's good to know you didn't have as shit a time. I think everyone is looking forward to the party after all of that, whichever division."

"Party?" Tia peeps and Aldric whips his head to her.

"You hadn't heard about it?" Aldric questions, forgetting again Tia's unfamiliarity with Accian norms as she shakes her head, "Recruits like to get together a week after the march to celebrate, outside the compound."

"Like..." Tia squints, "The parties in the capital or...?"

"No, no," Aldric answers with a hearty laugh, his shoulders shaking, "Definitely not that kind of party. There's tons of music and dancing, uh," he tries to describe it for her, "Everybody gets to let loose and have fun!"

"Oh," Tia blinks, trying to imagine it, "I've definitely never been to anything like that... Maybe I should ask my friends about it." 

"Things still working out well with them?" Aldric questions, finding himself smiling.

"Yes!" Tia answers with her own bright smile, "It feels so unreal, most of the time," she breathes, "Every little thing is new and exciting... but it also still scares me a little sometimes."

"Scares you?" Aldric questions, his voice softening.

"I mean," Tia wears a wistful expression as she considers, "I don't know how long its going to last! Letting myself believe they're not going to just..." Tia looks as if the breath has been sucked out of her at the prospect, "Lose interest and drop me at any moment is... terrifying."

"What..." Aldric speaks carefully, studying her face with furrowed brows, "Makes you think they would do that?" 

Tia drags her fingers through her hair, pulling it over her shoulder as tears spring into her eyes. She tries to wipe them away swiftly before they can fall, eying her pearly tresses and flashing an apologetic smile as she speaks in a fragile voice, "Because it's happened bef-" her throat contracts as her tears overflow, her expression pinching, and she has to clear her throat, "It's happened before." Tia's voice is a shrill whisper as dreadful moments replay in her mind and she paws as her teary eyes avidly, as if to erase them. Aldric feels his heart crack open at the sight of her, at the desolate sorrow enshrouding Tia as these memories return and lash away at her. "I-I'm sorry...!" Tia husks, trying to smother her sorrow in embarrassment.

"Tsuki," Aldric speaks gently, grasping her hands in his as he peers into her eyes. His magic is a lonesome stream trickling gently within a hollow cavity deep underground, wintry but fresh and pure. Tia feels herself shiver before meeting his gaze, "I'm so sorry. I can't even fathom... why anyone would do that...!" 

"They um..." Tia takes a deep breath, squeezing Aldric's hand tightly as her face quivers, "It started when they invited me to eat with them. I'd never had that happen before," Aldric blinks as he tries to imagine such a thing, "For almost two weeks I'd follow them around. We'd talk, play and eat together and I was so happy to be a part of anything and everything," Tia pauses with one bitter, self depreciative laugh, "I thought I'd finally done it, finally become normal. That I wouldn't be alone anymore," Tia dons a resentful scowl, "But it was just a joke to them!"

"What happened...?" Aldric's own voice is gentle as if not to wound her. He watches as she takes one sharp breath which then freezes in her chest, her eyes searching the cave aimlessly as if she could see the moment reflected on the crystals. 

"You wouldn't think such a stupid moment could be so painful," Tia half whispers, "They didn't even... say anything to me or do anything to me. You wouldn't think you could hurt someone by doing nothing but..."

Tia chokes up and her scathing  eyes land on Aldric's hands as her throat constricts, softening her expression. She feels the warmth enveloping her fingers and the steady pressure as Al's hands shelter her own. Tia finds herself wishing she had had this in the moment she describes. How different that might have been, had they known each other then?

"When I tried to join them again," Tia's voice is hollow, "They wouldn't make room for me. I looked into their eyes and they looked at me," her voice goes up a tone, "As if I'd offended them by even asking, as if I was stupid to ever think I was welcome! And I just knew," tears begin streaming again and her tone becomes high and unstable, "I knew what it meant immediately because... I had been lying to myself the entire time! I was so desperate that I pretended not to notice it was always just a joke, that all of it meant nothing to them. That I meant nothing to them!"

"Tsuki...!" Aldric breathes, squeezing her hands tightly as her face twitches and wrinkles with sorrow, "I..." he struggles to find any words for her that aren't shallow or empty.

Tia takes one hand back to cover her quivering face and she gasps for breath. Aldric raises a hand and nearly places it on her shoulder, drawing it back in hesitation before it reaches her. Yet as he feels her squeezing his hand like a lifeline and as he hears her sob, resolution washes over his face. Aldric pulls Tia to him abruptly, wrapping his arms around her as if to shelter her from her sorrow. Tia stiffens at first, a gasp sounding in his ear, but he feels her body heave with another sob before she clasps him as well, pressing her forehead to his shoulder. 

"I-I," Tia sobs and her words are gasps, "Was so-so st-stupid!"

"No," Aldric's voice is firm and steady, "You wanted friends and they took advantage of you. They were cruel," Tia feels his arms tighten and his words soften, "And you were just lonely."

Aldric holds onto Tia as she sobs and sniffles, as she wets his shoulder and presses her fingers against him. Aldric rubs her back and marvels at her vulnerability, a vulnerability he had never experienced so candidly. Aldric had always felt a hollowness in his life, an emptiness he could never fill or identify which sat between him and all others around him. Yet as Tia weeps and trembles in his arms Aldric feels a spark of that missing link—he feels human. 

"Listen, Tsuki," Aldric sounds as Tia begins to quiet down, "I can't pretend to know how your new friends feel about you or how that will all pan out," he let's Tia pull away and she wipes at her snotty face, "But I can at least promise you this, I will always be there for you! I won't abandon you."

"You..." Tia gasps and searches his eyes, "You're serious?"



"Yes," Aldric answers, offering her a simple but genuine smile, "Whatever happens, let's look out for each other?"

"Yes!" Tia blurts, unable to restrain her enthusiasm, "Absolutely, I promise too!"

Aldric chuckles and wipes a watery hand over her face. Tia squeezes her eyes shut until Aldric pulls his hand away. She watches as he walks over to the waterfall and runs his hand under it. Tia feels her face, wet but now clean of snot and tears. 

"It sounds like you had a really shit time in your old home," Aldric notes a touch grimly as he wanders back over.

"Ha!" Tia gives a sharp laugh, "That isn't even the worst of it...!" Aldric's brows shoot up and Tia's eyes drop as he sits back down, "But I think I'll save that for another time," she fiddles with her hair again as her eyes drift back to the waterfall, "You really gotta show me how to get in here without slipping halfway down the cliff!"


Azowyr's Favor


Euan follows an aide through the school and up into the third floor. A frown sits on his face as he travels through these halls. He knew after yesterday, meeting up with Annie, to expect this "appointment" but he can't help the distaste which culminates as mages eye him. Their eyes rake Euan over with acidic expressions and he wonders how Annie doesn't flip her lid every day, surrounded by these haughty, pretentious snobs. The aide leads him into a large central room set aside for experimentation. Annie and Lumi wait with the blue cloaked mage from before, Instructor Wen, and Euan watches life leap onto her face as he approaches.

"Good afternoon!" Annie chimes, still far more formal than Euan was accustomed to, "Thank you for taking the time to help me today, Mr. MacFheargus."

"Mr. MacFheargus?" Euan fails to stifle his snicker and Annie's own pout nearly slips past her performance.

"Please, Mr. MacFheargus," Instructor Wen strains, "If today's experiment is to be successful, I must ask you to try and respect our practices!"

"Alright," Euan gives him a shrug, "Yer th' ones tripping over 'at mouthful," his eyes slide back to Annie, "Whit's th' plan?"

"Today's venture will be fairly simple," Annie answers, folding her hands before her and Lumi mirrors her posture, "Just a simple ritual to establish regular travel within the plane so that I can begin studying Azowyr's portals. Time willing," Annie continues and a small smile tugs on her lips, "I might begin studying your manifestation afterwards and take a few samples."

"All 'is for just a quick pop in an' out?" Euan questions, his eyes seeming to probe Annie for the girl he'd become familiar with over the last few weeks. 

"Lady Anne's schedule is very tight," Lumi's words slide out like the edge of a razor, "So let's not waste her time today, hm?"

"Cannae be tighter than yer arse," Euan bites back and Annie has to hide her snicker with a hand, turning her head away. Lumi's face reddens and her eyes dart to Annie, narrowing before returning to Euan.

"This is precisely," Lumi hisses, "Why we can't leave our mistress in your company unsupervised, with such a crass influence!" Euan pops a brow as Annie releases a tired sigh and he watches Lumi flinch. 

"You are the one wasting time, Lumi," Annie chastises her and Lumi's mouth snaps shut, "Instructor Wen, if you don't mind?"

With a polite nod to Annie, Instructor Wen gestures. Shadows billow from his fingertips, stretching and darkening into a door like shape. The man holds his hand in place but steps to the side so they can pass. Annie takes hold of a box at her feet and approaches the shadow, her eyes remaining on Euan. Euan matches her smile, outstretching a hand to her, but this expression drops as Lumi follows. They both regard each other with narrowed eyes. 

"As I said," Lumi holds his eyes with her glacial orbs, "We can't leave you alone with our mistress!" Euan tears his gaze away from her to confirm this with Annie and then the instructor. 

"Remember to respect our practices," Instructor Wen repeats and nods to Lumi, widening her self indulgent smile.

Euan rolls his eyes, reluctantly offering his other hand. He feels Annie's fingers squeeze his palm, lightening his frown. The three of them step into the shadow together. The silky curtain slides over their skin and swallows up all natural light. Annie releases both her box and Euan's hand to pull her goggles into place, activating them before seeking out his grip again. Yet it is Lumi who tugs on him the hardest, her blind eyes going wide as she wobbles within the sheer emptiness. 

"Luxis it's dark...!" Lumi breathes.

"Aye, it's th' shadow plane," Euan sniggers, "Ye fucken roaster!"

Lumi's face twists in anger as Annie's own amusement sounds beside him, letting herself laugh freely out of sight from the Instructor. Lumi rips her hand away from Euan, unaware of how silly she appears as her body rotates away. Euan's eyes slide back to Annie, grinning at the sound of her laughter. She snickers at Lumi's sour face, her eyes searching the darkness with embarrassment, and raises a finger to her mouth when looking back to Euan. He leans close to her face as he whispers.

"I could give ye a smourich right here," Euan whispers, "And she'd never know!" Annie hides a giggle behind her hand and Lumi squints at them, only hearing the sound of his voice thanks to the hushing effect of the plane. 

"Never look down on a mage," Lumi states with a sharp tone and the two blink at her, "We're nothing if not resourceful!" Annie watches as Lumi raises a hand, poised to snap, and her eyes go wide.

"Lumi no!!" Annie warns her—too late. Lumi snaps her fingers and a considerable ember sparks to life in her palm. It illuminates her smug face.

"Damn it!" Euan curses, kicking against the shadows and tackling Annie away from the foolish girl.

Annie barely manages to grasp the handle of her box in time as the two of them rocket away. A scowl plants itself on Lumi's face but she hardly has the chance to consider pursuing them. The shadows within the plane begin to vibrate and shadows whisk about Lumi. A boom sounds, very quietly at first before whomping into her ears all at once. 


"Who dares...!" Azowyr's voice blasts into Lumi, face to face with the instantly terrified girl.

The flame flickers in Lumi's quivering hands, freezing up as Azowyr grows to monumental proportions before her. Euan clasps Annie to him as the burgeoning storm tosses them. Her face burns as it presses to his chest and his scent makes her head spin as she inhales, despite their circumstances. While the thrashing shadows feel like silken sheets ripping across Euan's skin, Annie feels nothing at all, her heart pounding instead from their sudden embrace.

"Arrogant mageling," Azowyr roars, swiping a colossal hand at the ember and snuffing it out while passing over Lumi without touching her.

Azowyr pulls with both hands, the shadow they arrived through dragging forward and swallowing Lumi up. She finds herself back in the physical world, trembling on the floor. Azowyr turns to Euan and Annie and the storm centers on them now, his fury far from quelled. 

"I have tolerated your antics, boy, for my own entertainment," umbral waves lash at them, imitating Azowyr's harsh tone, and Euan does his utmost to shield Annie, "Yet you and your guests have no respect for my realm!"

"C'mon now, Wyrie," Euan laughs as Azowyr leers over them, astounding Annie, "Ye dinnae hev t' be so melodramatic!"

A seeming tsunami crashes over Euan as Azowyr's eyes narrow at him, dragging across his body and nearly ripping him away from Annie as he reels from the impact. Annie allows his grip on her to loosen until he holds just her hands. He tries to pull her back to him but she shakes her head. Euan's brows knit together and she squeezes his fingers gently, unfazed by the undulating stygian waters which toss him.

"Trust me...!" Annie breathes to him and holds his gaze.

With a grimace, Euan releases Annie and she turns to Azowyr. Euan clutches onto shadows in the periphery, watching their exchange. The tempest spins about Annie but without her enchantments activated, the shadows pass over her harmlessly.

"Lord Azowyr!" Annie shouts and the entity shifts his attention solely to her, "It was my colleague who insulted you, in her foolishness. Please allow me to repay the transgression!"

"And why would I-" Azowyr booms but pauses as he takes a closer look, his colossal head twisting around Annie as he regards her, "Ahhh... I see I have a special guest!"

Azowyr's storm subsides and he shrinks himself down to a near human size. Euan rebalances himself, watching Annie's shoulders stiffen. She braces herself before speaking.

"Lord Azowyr," Annie speaks solemnly and precisely, bowing her head to him before she continues, "Karith-nautgok othfil Sylhem-aryldaz-othwyr, by the aid of your blessed I have come to seek your favor."

"Oh?" Azowyr hums, hovering about erratically, "And what favor do you seek?"

"That I might traverse your domain with your blessing," Annie states clearly, continuing her official tone, "And study its properties as a guest."

"Why would I grant you this," Azowyr bites, lunging forward. Euan moves to protect her but she gestures for him to stop without turning, throwing out her arm. Azowyr continues, face to face with her, "You've a debt already!"

"I had brought two offerings for you today," Annie answers smoothly, unflinching, "One complimenting the other. Allow me to offer one gift for my colleague's transgression and the second for your favor."

"I am but shadow...!" Azowyr claims in a withering yet booming voice, gesturing wide and hovering backwards as he expands back into a giant, "What could you possibly offer me? I do not share my brother's predilection for treasure."

Despite Euan rolling his eyes at Azowyr's theatrics, they both watch as Annie produces a small box from her pockets. Her fingers pluck out a simple seed.

"This gift originates from the deepest Umbral Silva of the Tenebrous Chain," Annie explains gently, cupping the small seed, "From the foot of Murk Mountain. It has never been touched by the sun's rays and now it never will."

Annie closes her eyes in concentration, her hands vibrating the air with her energy. The result is only slight at first, a small verdant bud peeking through a crack in the seed, but then all at once life springs forward. Deep green vines shoot out from her palms, curling and grasping at the empty shadows greedily. It soaks in Annie's energy, spreading across the plane for nearly half a mile and Euan blinks in awe.



With a second wave of energy, little black and purple stars unfurl across the vines—Shadowtongue Clematis. Their petals lick at the plane, enriching themselves by absorbing the silken blankets and release a strong scent akin to almonds only a touch more bitter. They thrive in this dark space and Azowyr hovers from flower to flower, nostalgic satisfaction painting his umbral face. 

"I offer you the scent of the lands which still thrive by utilizing your blessings," Annie's voice is soft, waiting patiently as Azowyr appreciates the blooms.

Azowyr could still see these lands through his windows and portals but hadn't been able to appreciate this scent in centuries, perhaps longer. Euan displays his own enjoyment, appreciating their mellow petals. These flowers were only able to grow in absolute darkness. He had only seen them in the most dangerous portions of the Chain or within the deepest caves.

"A considerate choice, Allmage," Azowyr compliments but his head tilts as Annie flinches. Euan's brows shoot up, his mouth hanging open as he watches her shoulders jump and stiffen. Azowyr looks between them and hums, craving his brother's insight in moments such as these, "And what is the second?"

Suppressing a sigh, Annie reaches for the larger box at her feet, feeling Euan's wide eyes on her back. Annie unbuckles and shuffles the cover off of the box and reveals a wooden beehive within, the inhabitants still hibernating. 

"My second gift is a hive of void bees," Annie explains and gestures to them, "To pollinate the blooms and craft umbral honey for your enjoyment."

Annie waves her hands over the hive and the bees awaken from their hibernation. Little black honeybees emerge from the box immediately, already making their way to the fragrant petals. Azowyr watches their activity, eager already for their unique product. It was only in the most obscure sources had Annie learned of his taste for their honey.

Euan can't help but stiffen as a honeybee nears him, all too familiar with their equally unique threat. Yet Annie is totally still before the hive, not showing a sliver of fear for the insects. She even raises a hand and allows one to land on her fingertip with a simple smile. Euan supposes the Allmage might have nothing to fear from such creatures.

"If I have earned your favor," Annie continues, "I will help maintain these gifts between my experiments. If that would please you."

"Your generation is fortunate to possess such a clever Allmage," Azowyr notes, shrinking back down and approaching her again. He pauses in consideration, the air tense with his silence, "I grant you my favor. You are free to come and go from my domain. But," his eyes narrow on Euan momentarily, "I never want to see that other fool here again!" 

Azowyr waits for Euan to nod his agreeance before returning his gaze to Annie. She offers him a pleasant, thankful bow before he turns back to enjoy his gifts. Azowyr seems to dismiss them entirely. Annie activates her boots and approaches Euan who is keeping a careful distance from the hive.

"I really hope I don't run into those when I'm in here," Euan jokes. He looks over Annie's face but she can't seem to meet his eyes. He tries to give her a lopsided smile as he continues, "'I cannae believe I've been flirtin' wi' the Allmage this whole time!" Annie winces, moving away from him.

"That's because I didn't want you to know," Annie states with an acidic tone, her face dropping into a scowl. 

"Ye think I care about 'is kind of thing?" Euan questions, popping an eyebrow at her. 

"I saw your face!" Annie bites, disgust scrunching her expression, "The way you looked at me!"

Annie holds her quivering shoulders as magic hums about her body, palpable. Her eyes pinch shut as she tries to contain the energy, fear touching her expression, and she kicks farther away from Euan as she tries to suppress it. Euan reaches for her but she shakes her head at him fervently. Annie takes deep breathes, Euan waiting in silence as she recomposes herself, and the energy fades. 

"We need to go," Annie states in a cooler tone but he maintains his frown, "They're likely panicking by now."

"An' they can keep panicking," Euan answers with arms crossed, "Annie I-"

"Lady Anne," Annie corrects him with an empirical tone and he blinks. She maintains a hard gaze, raising her chin as she states her title, "I am Allmage Anne Nash. Not your peer!"

"No, fuck 'at," Euan growls with a prickly expression, "I dinnae care whit yer used tae out there," Euan gestures to the portal they came through, "But Am never calling ye that!" Annie blinks, his denial assaulting her defenses, "Ye think I've been visiting ye every night just because yer making some toys fur ma unit-mates?"

"That's literally why you've been visiting me!" Annie retorts, tears welling in her eyes, "For my enchantments!"

"Damn yer dense," Euan grumbles in aggravation, "Ye think I'd be here dancing t' thir silly tune, enduring thir snobby bullshit fur anybody else?"

"I-" Annie visibly deflates as his words sink in, "What?"

"Am here fur you ye eejit!" Euan states plainly.

"But..." Annie husks timorously, wiping at her eyes, "The way you looked at me...!"

"I'd be a gowk no' t' be blown away," Euan scoffs and glances back at the flowers, "Seeing ye do something so beautiful!"

"You really..." Annie is hesitant but can't help but smile, "Don't care that I'm the Allmage?"

"I mean it explains a lot," Euan notes and she releases a breath of a laugh, "An' it's pretty badass. But all o' th' official shite?" Euan inclines his head to her, seeing her tension, "Fuck all o' 'at!" 

A smile breaks across Annie's face and she leaps at him, glomping Euan into a hug with immense relief as they fly through the plane. She feels his chest shake with laughter as his arms go around her.

"Weel," Euan teases, "If 'is is all I had t' do t' get ye t' hold me...!"

He feels her hands scrunch on his back as she gasps, his eyes catching her reddened ears as Annie freezes up. Euan smirks at her anyway but, as he had become accustomed to, Annie pulls away and hides her face in embarrassment. Euan remains uncertain of where he stands with her, despite their moment here.

"W-we should um," Annie stutters, her embarrassment lingering longer than usual, "Get back."

"Alright, alright," Euan sighs and holds out an orange and charcoal smeared hand, "C'mere then!"

Lumi paces before the portal, coiled with anxiety until Euan and Annie step out. Both mages breathe a sigh of relief but the Instructor doesn't conceal his dissatisfaction as he lets his shadow fade. 

"What in Luxis name-" Instructor Wen bellows at Euan.

"Compose yourself!" Annie derides him with an equal tone and the man blinks, gesturing toward the fading shadow with an open mouth, "If you can show some decorum," Annie admonishes him and the man's mouth snaps shut, "I have ample explanation!" Euan wears an almost proud grin watching Annie belittle the older man, her words causing him to shrink with shame. 

"Lady Anne...!" Lumi breathes as she approaches Annie, "We've been besides ourselves with concern!"

"Yeah," Euan scowls at her, "Because o' yer fuck up."

"Excuse me??" Lumi gasps. Annie folds her hands before her while planting her own derisive gaze onto the girl. 

"Miss Lumi was in quite a state," Instructor Wen tries to explain, "What happened?"

"Miss Lumi," Annie's words lash at the girl, "Was foolish enough to conjure light within the shadow plane," Wen's eyes widen and he sucks in a breath yet Lumi still seems ignorant of her mistake, "A grave insult to Azowyr himself!" 

"I..." Lumi breathes, her mouth dropping open as Annie's explanation sinks in and her eyes drift to the floor.

"I see," Instructor Wen states in a grave tone and Lumi flinches. 

"Thankfully," Annie breathes a sigh, "I had the foresight to prepare an extra offering. Which," her tone jumps and Lumi meets her eyes, "Lumi was quite helpful in preparing, at the very least." Lumi still winces, not feeling deserving of Annie's relative mercy. She knows without it she would likely lose the position which brings her so much pride. 

"You were successful?" Wen questions, his brows shooting up. 

"Yes," Annie's tone pops with her own pride, "I have Azowyr's favor," her eyes glide back to Euan and her lips curl up at the ends ever so slightly, "We're clear to pursue many more expeditions!"




"I think we're getting the hang of it!" Albert praises as the rest of the unit comes together.

"Easy for you to say," Longwei pants, running his fingers through Wulong's mane as she supports his weight. 

"Eh," Orin sighs, still catching his breath himself, "Kids doing what he's s'pose to."

"We're the same age!" Albert complains with a gruff expression. Orin throws his hands up and presses his lips together, suppressing his urge to retort. 

"What," Longwei narrows his eyes onto Orin, "No lofty piffling today?"

"No," Orin answers with forced civility, "We're trying to work as a team aren't we?"

"Yeah right," Longwei snorts, "Who clipped your wings?"

"I'm trying something new!" Orin answers with some difficulty, his face twitching as he crosses his arms. Tia fails to stifle a snicker at the look on his face and most of the group glances to her. She jumps as Longwei meets her gaze and realization washes over his face, a frown settling into place. 

"Are we done here?" Longwei looks to Albert, answered by a simple nod. 

'That was a lot of fun!' Bolor's voice echoes in their minds and he offers them a wave before trailing after Longwei, 'See you all tomorrow!' 

"Still getting used to that," Orin mumbles as they go, his eyes drifting back to Tia. 

"Yeah," Arabella sighs, worn out from practice, "I'm out too."

Tia turns back to Ifani and Albert as Arabella trails off, the slightest frown working its way onto Orin's face. Inge shifts uncomfortably as he eyes the trio, reaching for Brynjar and grasping the edge of his shirt. 

"We're going to the library next," Tia questions Albert, "Right?"

"Yes," Albert confirms, "It's one of the largest in the kingdom. If we're going to find an answer, it's there!"

"You guys are pretty diligent!" Orin approaches them with an easy smile, "Studying in your down time?"

"Oh," Tia squeaks, "U-um, not exactly."

"It's not really any of your business," Ifani states bluntly and Tia blinks at her, "What? It's not."

"We're researching a specific topic," Albert answers him, "For something personal."

"Well I wouldn't mind giving you three a hand," Orin suggests despite their attempt to brush him off, "That library is massive. More eyes are better right?"

"I'll throw my hat into that ring," Brynjar interjects, "Never seen a real library and uh," he flashes a smile at Ifani, "I'm good company!"

"I can't really help..." Inge adds, "But it would be nice to get out of the compound." Albert and Tia look to Ifani, pressing her lips together.

"Fine," Ifani agrees simply and they all begin making their way out. 

The group of teens receive their imprints at the gate and find their way into the city. This is the central hub of the complex, many branches leading to this massive crack within the mesa. Even the two primary branches touching both the valley and the Sonorous Plateau on the western end meet in this canyon. Grand architecture has been carved out of stone and crystal and elemental stones line the streets, passing energy from one stone to another to illuminate and power the city's enchantments. Intricately carved pillars and open forums are a common sight and so is the sound of flowing water, much of it cascading from above. Canals carry little boats underneath bridges, ferrying locals to their destinations while horses trot overhead. More water still is transported by aquifers above, flowing as steadily as the canals below. The entire city is a mixture of ancient architecture and near modern enchantments. 

The library itself is located centrally, considered one of the greatest treasures of the city alongside their colosseum. Both structures are connected by the primary forum, a massive marketplace stretching between the two structures. Inside the library three floors stretch upwards to a vaulted ceiling, every inch of every wall stacked with books and scrolls. There are multiple wings to the library as well stemming from a central hub and a second far more exclusive library runs underneath the entire complex accessible to only scholars and mages. 

"Okay," Albert takes in a breath, "It's probably best we split up. We're looking for anything to do with unlocking bound memories, any kind of loophole or workaround or at least how to identify the kind of binding."

"Who's trying to break a Binding?" Orin questions and Albert presses his lips together, "I'm not looking to pry but," Orin looks between the trio, "It's a lot easier to help if we know what we're looking for."

"Tia?" Albert questions her, his eyes sliding to meet her and she shrugs.

"We think I've had some memories bound," Tia looks to Orin and the twins as she explains, "But we don't know what kind or by who. We're trying to find a way around it."

"Has there been any pattern to the memory loss?" Orin questions with surprisingly serious gaze.

"There was a man," Tia answers with considerable uncertainty, "That gave me a flashback but I barely got a glimpse of his face. I don't know who he is." A grim silence lingers as she presses her lips together, lamenting she can't divulge the strange connections she senses.

"I'll be checking the underground sources," Albert continues into the silence, "They shouldn't have a problem with Inge accompanying me. Two of you should check the mental manifestation wing and the other two the material magic wing."

"I don't really know anything about material magic..." Tia admits.

"And I've got solid experience with mental magic," Orin jumps in, "Why don't we check it out together?"  

"Surprise, surprise," Ifani grumbles, rolling her eyes at Orin.

"Fine by me!" Brynjar grins at Ifani.

"We'll meet back in two hours. Please remember," Albert eyes both boys, "We're here for a reason!"

Albert holds out an arm for Inge, helping her past the tables and towards the center of the library. Brynjar watches her go before turning back to Ifani and the four teens depart, fanning out into their respective sections. Tia takes in the smell of parchment and her eyes graze over the seemingly endless rows of books. 

"Feeling a little lost?" Orin questions, plucking a book from a shelf nearby and looking it over before placing it back into its slot.

"I, um," Tia's face heats up, "I've never been to an actual library before."

"No libraries in Nippon?" Orin glances at her only briefly, eyes dancing over rows of books. 

"Not... public ones?" Tia answers approaching a shelf and eying it carefully, sounding uncertain, "Mostly only in schools. To be honest, I didn't really see a lot of the Archipelago. I only had my family's books."

"It may seem a bit daunting at first," Orin thumbs through a table of contents, "But you just need to know what you're looking for," a smile breaks across his face and he snaps the book shut, tucking it under his arm, "What about you, Tia?"

"Hm?" Tia turns back, finding him eying her carefully.

"Are you a bookworm?" Orin questions her.

"I love a good story," Tia answers with a natural smile, "It's such a beautiful way to get away from everything, get lost in another world!" she runs her fingers over the spines of a number of books with a fond expression, "People create such beautiful stories. And you?"

"I like to be well rounded," Orin answers, continuing his search, "Knowledge can be sharper than any sword. Places like these," he pauses to look over the building, "I have to admire the organization. Everything has a place!"

"You planning on wearing that frown all day?" Brynjar questions Ifani, her expression growing more dour, "Don't get me wrong, you're gorgeous smile or frown!" Brynjar laughs and Ifani stiffens, "But am I such poor company?"

"It's not you about you!" Ifani blurts but then pauses, her voice softening as she continues, "I don't like him being alone with her."

"Should I be worried about leaving my sis with him?" Brynjar questions with a raised brows until Ifani's expression drops into a leer, "Ah, Tia and Orin."

"I don't trust him," Ifani bites, skimming through a book, "He's a slippery creep."

"Yeah," Brynjar's sigh drags out, "Inge doesn't care for him either and she sees the good in everyone," he pauses in contemplation, "But people gotta learn these kinds of things themselves. Tia's a tough one, she'll take care of herself."

"She's exactly the kind of girl Orin preys on," Ifani states and her expression worsens as she continues, "Pretty, clueless, trusting. But I won't let him play with her like that!"

"I admire that about you," Brynjar answers and her eyebrows knit, "You're passionate about those you care for and you don't hesitate to protect them," he pauses to smile at her, "I hope I can earn that passion too!" Ifani's face heats and she sucks in a breath, stepping away and stimming, but his smile remains.

"Okay," Albert sighs as they all meet back together in the center, "Find anything good?"

Ifani and Brynjar drop a modest pile onto the table, neither particularly knowledgeable with material magic, but Albert's eyes pop as Orin plods down a considerable stack. Albert skims over a few of the titles, surprised by their obscure but relevant contents. His eyes dance between Orin and Tia but he knows Tia's current understanding of magic was too rudimentary to grasp these.

"Let me guess," Orin laces his words with light laughter, "You thought this pretty face meant I was stupid?" Albert blinks and Tia fails to stifle a snicker. 

"I am a bit surprised," Albert admits, looking over the titles, "These cover very... advanced concepts on mental magic," Tia's wide eyes slide to Orin as well, "But its a pleasant surprise! This certainly helps."

"So... now what?" Tia questions.

"Now I look through these and consolidate the information," Albert notes, his hand patting the stack. 

"Not every section is relevant in a number of those volumes," Orin cuts in, "I can mark the useful portions if that shortens the process?"

"That's an excellent idea!" Albert agrees and Orin takes a seat, immediately getting to work. 

"What about us?" Ifani questions. 

"I think that's about all you can help us with," Albert admits. 

"I'm going to have my own look around then," Ifani answers, taking off to peruse her own interests. Albert is unsurprised, knowing she was excited to discover new martial techniques tucked away in illustrations and manuscripts.

"Got something for you, sis," Brynjar pops out a book and Inge smiles.

"How...?" Albert questions and Brynjar taps his head, "Oh!"

"Everyone reads a bit differently," Inge explains as she settles in, "Some people are visual and others more verbal. I can't read anymore but this is still enjoyable."

"What's that one?" Tia points out an unmarked book Albert places on the table as he sits. 

"Oh, my research notes," Albert states, scribbling in it briefly, "My mother asked me to look into a topic while I was here but... I couldn't find anything. Even down there. Maybe you can have a look around up here while I read?"

"Okay," Tia agrees cheerily, "I can at least try!"

"It's a bit obscure," Albert notes, hesitating at first, "But... try and find anything you can on shape shifters."

"Shape..." Tia's brows shoot up and she loses some color, "Shifters?"

"Yes, I know," Albert sighs, "A spooky topic. It's odd I can't find anything though. It's as if someone scrubbed away every mention!" Tia blanks, her breath caught in her chest as Albert sighs to himself, "But now I just sound paranoid."

'Say something,' Duff cuts in.

"Um..." Tia mutters and blinks.

"Actually," Inge peeps, "I was going to ask Tia to read for me. It would be nice to hear someone else. Maybe Brynjar can look?"

"Oh, sure," Albert redirects. Brynjar hands his book over to Tia before departing. It takes Tia several minutes to refocus on the book but Inge is patient. 


Dance Partner


Loud bass rattles the canyon, causing crystals to hum with the rhythm and the stones even amplify these vibrations. A string of recruits, many dressed far more scantily than usual, delve into a branch of the canyon set aside for such events. Unfamiliar instruments reach Tia's feline ears as the music echoes off stone walls. The sun nearly grazes the rim of the canyon and would likely set in another hour or two. Despite this, the party had begun much earlier in the day. 

"You're going to want to put those away," Albert points to Tia's ears, pausing before they clear the corner, "It's going to be too loud!"

"Right," Tia chuckles, smoothing down her hair as she lets them fade.

The world dramatically muffles in her perception but this effect is short lived, the full brunt of the music overwhelming her senses as they arrive. The canyon opens up into a large pocket, countless recruits stuffing themselves inside. Massive crystals line the walls, the two largest sitting atop the stony stage. These amplifying crystals take in the sounds, greatly increasing the volume of the instruments plugged into them—working very much like modern amps and speakers.



Bright lights shine through various smaller stones, flashing over the throng of teens alongside performers' magic. The crowd swells and bounces to the rhythm while others hang around the periphery, chatting amongst themselves over the noise. Some braver recruits hang atop the rim of the mesa and many have taken to expressing themselves or dancing using their magic. Lights, flames and more toss about above the crowd, only adding to the hype of those below. Tia's heart pounds with awe and thrill as she takes in the sight.

"Albert," Tia's eyes dance about the gathering before turning to him, "This is incredible!"

"You didn't have anything like this in Nippon?" Albert questions and Tia's breathy laugh almost isn't audible.

"Definitely not!" Tia answers before pausing and bouncing her head around, "At least not that knew about!" she eyes the dancing swath of teens before looking to the performers, "Is this all recruits?"

"Every bit of it," Albert answers as they move closer and Tia's eyes pop as they walk past two snogging teens, drawing a laugh out of Albert, "It's all another recruit tradition!"

"And staff doesn't know about it?" Tia laughs in disbelief, her face heating at some of the less than appropriate dancing.

"They pretend not to," Albert answers, the two of them finding an empty corner to settle into, "But they were all recruits once." 

"I don't think I can imagine the Marshal as a recruit," Tia snickers. The music changes, harsh strums cutting through the air and into Tia's chest. "What is that??" 

"Electric guitar," Albert answers but Tia remains unfamiliar, "It's an ancient instrument! The vibrations of metal strings are picked up by magnets, creating electric charges which are amplified by those crystals." 

"We're hearing electricity?" Tia blinks, enjoying the guttural rasps of the music. The sound is deeply satisfying and cathartic to her. 

"I never thought of it that way!" Albert gives a cheery laugh at the perspective.

Albert falls into giving Tia a more detailed explanation of how the amplifier crystals and electric instruments work. As he does, Renard's eyes catch on Tia's yellow stripes amid the gathering, the petite boy slipping back into the crowd and returning to his friends.

"Best be careful, cousin," Leon advises Orin, eying him as he speaks, "Drea is a jealous creature."

"I can handle Drea," Orin assures him with a short laugh, a smile raking across Leon's face, "As long as I have your backing?"

"I'd hardly complain if you manage to pull this off," Leon's expression darkens as he contemplates, "It may be the only viable route to challenging the Stahlmann-Aquila alliance," his eyes drift back to Orin, regarding him ruthlessly, "To your own redemption. But what of her?" Leon sniffs in recollection, "It's a risky gamble, betting on that one!"

"Not as risky as you might think," Orin states with a steady smile. Leon's brows raise but both boys fall silent as Renard steps forward. Renard's eyes jump between them while Orin gives him an expectant frown. 

"Far west wall," Renard answers the unasked question, pointing Orin in the right direction, "Just her and the scholar tonight."

"Good," Orin exhales his frustration, his brows knitting at the thought of Ifani's continued interference over the last week, "Wish me luck, then!" 

"Happy hunting!" Leon encourages him, waving Orin off with a toothy grin. It falls away after a bark of a laugh, his eyes sliding to Renard instead, "You're free to go, petite souris, I have my own prey tonight!"

Albert watches as Tia's eyes glide behind him and a wider smile lights her face. He knows who it is before turning, meeting Orin's amiable greeting with a thin frown. 

"You look gorgeous tonight!" Orin flashes his own bright smile as he looks Tia over, brushing off Albert's reaction. 

"I-I wasn't sure it suited me..." Tia titters, glancing down at her dress. 

Dark orchid, puffy mesh overlays a far simpler dress like a wispy curtain, stretching across her arms and chest before swallowing the rest of her garment more tightly, cinched about her ribs. Tia's stripes pop underneath this see through material and Tia has even donned the charoite earrings Evelyn had gifted her. 

"You certainly caught my eye!" Orin answers emphatically, beaming at her with his signature dimpled expression. This wins him a flustered flush, Tia's eyes dropping to her feet despite her own wobbly smile.

"Is that really so hard?" Albert questions, narrowing a sharp look onto the rangy teen.

Tia tilts her head at Albert, not understanding the dig, but Orin's smile wavers. Orin wears his own flashy golden accessories and bright garb secured far too loosely than is practical, leaving glimpses of his athletic body readily exposed for wandering eyes. Albert's frown tugs deeper taking in Orin's appearance, instantly recognizing his intentions. He is far more accustomed to the sight of a preening nobleman flashing his feathers.

"Actually," Orin turns his attention fully to Albert, "I'd also wanted to ask you about our little project!" Albert blinks in response, "Did we settle on the aspect route?"

"Well..." Albert's eyes drift in contemplation and Orin takes his opportunity to wink at Tia, "I've narrowed it down to Irkath or Ranalis. But..."

"Those components are hard to come by," Orin finishes for him and a simple smile plants itself on Tia's face, enjoying the sight of them getting along, "We're no where near the Chain, perhaps Ranalis is our best shot."

"The spell is going to be..." Albert sighs before giving his admission, "More complex than I can do on my own. We may need a mage."

"Are you sure about this...?" Annie calls from across the apartment, eying herself in the mirror while Euan waits on the couch.  

"Ye'll be fine!" Euan assures her jovially, fiddling with Bubbles' toe beans on his lap, "Sides, if anyone needs t' let off steam it's you."

"I don't know..." Annie nearly mumbles, eying her dress, "Shouldn't I dress more inconspicuously?"

"I took a look already," Euan explains, "Ye'd stick out more if ye didnae dress up. Besides," he grins at Bubbles as she nips at his fingers, "I wanna see how pretty ye are under 'at get up!"

"W-well..." Annie tries to smother her embarrassment before continuing, "I'm still going disguise my hair but... how does this look?" 

Annie pads into her living room and Euan looks her up and down readily. Floral maroon lace hugs her neck, chest and shoulders while the otherwise black cotton dress cinches about Annie's waist before flaring freely to nearly her knees. She keeps her hair loose, only braiding the locks which touch her face.

"Why ye been hiding all 'is away?" Euan questions with a smirk, his fingers tracing her figure through the air as he rises to his feet.

"Because its embarrassing...!" Annie breathes and she steps to her workshop. She can still feel his eyes on her as she digs through one of her drawers. 

"Weel," Euan rolls the word around as she plucks out a ring, "Am definitely gunna need a dance wi' ye now!"

"I'm a terrible dancer," Annie mumbles as she slips on the ring. Her hair darkens to an inky black. She jumps, finding Euan just behind her as she turns around. He offers her his hand before they depart.

Firelight flickers in the plaza despite its nearly abandoned state, glinting across Ifani's sour face. She couldn't hear even the slightest hint of the party's music behind compound walls. Ifani had seen off Albert and Tia with a smile but now, alone in this desolate space, she didn't bother masking her dour mood. 

"Hey you!" Brynjar sounds and Ifani gasps.

Ifani's eyes dart to the twins, Brynjar guiding Inge around the plaza by the elbow. The sight still surprises Ifani sometimes. Inge carries herself so well, can be so perceptive of people thanks to her abilities, that it's easy to forget the rest of the world remains invisible to her.

"Good evening...!" Inge breathes as the pair pauses before Ifani, "Are you alone tonight?"

"Yes," Ifani answers, staring into the fire behind them, and the twins glance to each other.

"Not going to that party?" Brynjar questions, receiving a quick elbow to his stomach and a scowl from his sister. 

"I don't do parties," Ifani answers in a harder tone, "Too many people."

"Me too, actually," Inge answers and Ifani blinks, "Do you... mind if I sit with you for a while?" Ifani's eyes drift to Brynjar with a measure of discomfort.

"Oh don't worry about me," Brynjar chuckles, glancing to Inge briefly, "I can leave you girls to yourselves!"

"Okay," Ifani releases the word in the breath of her sigh, Brynjar helping Inge to the ground. He gives Ifani a quick smile before wandering off. 

"You know," Inge speaks mildly as he disappears, "If he makes you uncomfortable you can tell him to stuff it!"

Ifani chortles at the idea, looking over Inge's face. It was somehow soothing not having to dodge eyes prying for contact. Inge generally has a gentle, undemanding presence Ifani had slowly come to find enjoyable.

"It's not that he makes me... uncomfortable," Ifani answers after a moment of silence, "But I'm not used to..."

"You don't have to try to explain it to me," Inge peeps and Ifani relaxes, struggling to put what she feels to words, "I get it. He can be a lot all at once but... Bryn's also patient, even if it doesn't seem like it," Inge laughs, "If he pushes too hard, you can tell him to back off."

"Most people say it's rude when I do that," Ifani grumbles.

"Believe me," Inge insists, "He'd probably love it if you bossed him around!" A simple smile pulls at Ifani's lips but it falls away.

"I wish Orin was that manageable," Ifani hisses, her thoughts drifting again to the party. Albert had promised to keep an eye on Tia but she still couldn't shake her concern.

"He's very tricky," Inge agrees, pulling her cloak tighter around her body and seeming to shiver, "You're right to worry but... Tia is very headstrong."

"She's completely bullheaded!" Ifani complains but activates her form, warm air washing over Inge as it radiates out from Ifani. An appreciative smile graces Inge's face. Ifani's expression grows more solemn before she continues, "I wish I could be there tonight."

"Something so easy for most people," Inge states in a stark, tired tone that surprises Ifani, "Something they don't even have to think about. For me..." Inge's face wrinkles, "Feeling so many people moving all around me, their minds so loud all at once. On top of everything else already happening. It's too much."

"I don't know how everyone does it...!" Ifani states with exasperation and gestures as she speaks, "The flashing lights screaming into my eyes. Strangers bumping into me constantly with clammy, sweaty skin. All of those voices!"

"It's a lot," Inge's response is quiet, almost choking on the prospect.

"I'm surprised you... get it," Ifani admits, Inge answering with a wan smile.

"I know my form has a lot of perks," Inge continues, "But when I was little it was always too much to handle. I'd always have to find somewhere quiet to hide away," a silence passes between them, "I'd never let Bryn hear this but... losing my eyes made filtering all of it actually easier," Ifani blinks at her and Inge sighs again, "Don't get me wrong. I wish I could see every time I run my nose into a wall, every time a stray root makes me eat dirt, but the world can be so loud already."

"It would be nice to be able to 'filter' it," Ifani pauses in consideration before continuing bluntly, "But I think I'll keep my eyes."

Inge gives a loud, bark of a laugh before descending into chortles. She enjoys Ifani doesn't dance around her condition, most tiptoeing so carefully at every waking moment as if Inge herself weren't already aware of her blindness. Ifani frowns into the fire as Inge quiets down.

"I wonder what the music is like..." Ifani mumbles.

"Well..." Inge poorly stifles her smile, the expression breaking free as Ifani turns her face to her, "Bryn, being absolutely smothering in his consideration as always, thought we might still want to enjoy at least that much," Ifani tilts her head at Inge, the girl sensing the motion, "Do you mind a bit of telepathy?"

"Okay," Ifani answers, feeling relatively comfortable within the quiet confines of the empty plaza. 

Inge extends a link between Brynjar, Ifani and her own mind. With some concentration, she expands this link and allows all of them to hear what Brynjar can hear. Music from the party flows into Ifani's mind, bringing tears to her eyes and a grateful smile to her lips. Inge cannot see the expression but she can sense the muscles of Ifani's' face pinch as well as Ifani's gratitude, pouring through the link and dusting her own eyes with tears in return. Inge can also feel Ifani's heart flutter as she ponders Brynjar's consideration.

"So..." Orin rolls the word around as his eyes stick on the setting sun, "This is a party, how do you feel about dancing?"

"Dancing?" Tia's brows shoot up and uncertainty touches her face as she blinks, "I don't really know how to... um..."

"It's not too hard. You just-" Orin laughs and glances to those already on the dance floor.

"You don't have to if you don't want to," Albert interjects, Tia's shoulders dropping.

Orin's lips tighten into a thin line and his eyes drift as he considers his strategy. He recalls what Renard had on Albert, his trump card, but isn't sure he wants to be that aggressive tonight. Before he can make up his mind, Tia begins squinting into the crowd. Her eyes connect with those of another and Orin turns, a frown planting itself on his face as he spots Euan approaching.

"Look at you, moggy!" Euan laughs and ruffles Tia's hair, to her aggravation, "All prettied up. Ye almost look like a noble lass fur real!"

"Urusai!" Tia blurts with a pout but this is followed by a quick snicker. Tia seems ready to continue with something snarky but pauses as she spots the girl trailing after him, "Oh, who's this...?"

"This wee hen," Euan dons an almost proud grin and pulls her forward by her shoulder, "Is Annie!"

"Are you with Euan tonight?" Tia blinks at Annie, her face nearly as red as her dress. Despite her flush, Annie nods back and Euan's smile only grows. Tia gives a snort before she continues in a flat tone, "I am so sorry!" 

"Yer getting a mouth on ye!" Euan retorts and Tia grins back at him, extracting a snicker from Annie and melting some of her tension.

"Don't think I don't see what you're doing," Albert needles Orin in a quiet tone, shifting his attention. 

"And what's that?" Orin answers, matching Albert's tone. 

"We won't let you play your little games with Tia," Albert's voice drops and Orin meets his eyes, "You won't break her heart without consequences!" Orin gives a sniff of a laugh before returning his attention to Tia.

"I have no intention of breaking her heart," Orin answers and Albert squints at him, "My interest in Tia is real. I'm serious about this."

"Somehow," Albert's tone slides into a grumble, "That makes me more nervous."

"Oh there you are," Yang chimes, gliding through the crowd as they readily part for her, "I've been looking everywhere for you!"



Yang's scarce inky silks leave little to the imagination and vermillion feathers decorate her milky complexion, appearing almost ornamental as they dust her arms, hair and face. The markings which slide between these, stabbing across her upper body, shoulders and arms, glow and even appear to flow as if lava courses underneath her skin. Most notable are her six long, wispy tail feathers resembling a peacock's which hover about her svelte frame alongside unbidden, extensive ebony hair. Their movements are as airy and unpredictable as the girl herself and possess cerulean eyes matching her own at their ends.

"Euaaaan~" Yang half sings, her fingertips dragging over his shoulder, "I need a dance partner and everyone else keeps running away! You're not scared of me, are you?"

"Then put yer flichterin' feathers away, ye gommy!" Euan chides with a chuckle, his eyes tracking her fluid movements.

"I'm not keeping them hot tonight," Yang complains, wafting one between her hands, "As fun as that might be!" she pauses to titter before her gaze slides to Annie, "Ohhhh and who is this little bird?"

Euan glances back to Annie, hiding behind him, and is surprised by her expression. Annie marvels at Yang as if she were a wondrous work of living art, half timid and half breathless with heat sitting on her cheeks. This worsens as Euan pulls her out from behind him and Yang leans into her face, her wild orbs boring into Annie's. 

"You have lovely eyes, little bird," Yang hums with a satisfied curl to her lips and Annie blinks, "Perhaps more fire in you than even Tia over there!" Yang's eyes flit to Tia briefly, having much the same reaction, "So... which of you will dance with me?"

"How bout all three o' us?" Euan answers with a toothy grin.

Yang claps her hands together at the idea and spins onto the dancefloor with light steps, recruits dodging away from her long feathers as they swirl about her. Euan offers Annie a hand as he steps after Yang, Annie finding herself unable to stop herself from taking it despite her pounding heart. 

"That looks like a chaotic mix," Tia snickers, Orin joining her as they watch the trio disappear into the crowd. 

"What about you and me?" Orin questions her again.

Albert frowns, growing tired of his badgering, but it's also clear to see Tia isn't particularly unwilling. She glances to Albert, as if to ask him his approval, and Albert realizes he can't keep them apart forever. Tia must make her own mistakes.

"I guess-" Albert sighs.

"Hey, hey everybody~!" a loud voice booms from the stage, grabbing up everyone's attention, "We got one final act before the sun calls it a day and the real party begins. Here to kick us off in style, Major Fox!"

A masked teen in a flashy outfit, a full body leather suit covering every inch of skin, hops across the stage and the crowd brims with ecstatic hype. His mask gleams with teal luminescence, painted across vulpine features, and his black suit has similarly glowing lines. Tia glances to Albert to question him about this performer only to find her friend totally glued to the mystery man—his eyes lit with a unique passion. Tia hadn't seen Albert so utterly enamored like this before. She turns to watch Major Fox more carefully.

Despite not carrying a single instrument, sound leaps from Major Fox's body with each gesture and strange, unfamiliar tones drum into the crowd. An urgent beat and electronic notes drive the audience to move as he sings, drawing Tia's attention back to Orin. Tia finds her uncertainty melting away as he looses another charming smile, relenting with one of her own and following Orin onto the dancefloor. 

Tia lingers nearly motionless at first, glancing to those around them and trying to ascertain what was expected. She attempts to imitate them, her motions tenuous and choppy as she flails her limbs. Orin chuckles at the awkward display, taking her hands in his. 

"Don't worry about how they're dancing!" Orin assures her, guiding Tia's movements to match the rhythm more smoothly, "It's just you and me right now," he states, leaning closer, "Do whatever feels right!"

Tia's face heats but she keeps her eyes on Orin now, visibly relaxing and allowing herself to feel out the music. The bass rattles her chest and the beat touches her bones, she feels her muscles move with the beat as she takes it in. Tia's body begins to glide and bob alongside the notes. Orin slides to match her movements, a playful smile on his lips as Tia comes alive. Her body pops with the music, flowing easily now that she allows herself to.

"There she is," Orin breathes into her ear, spinning her around.

Tia can feel a warmth wash over her body and she feels swallowed up by the moment. Orin sways just behind her, the warmth of his body grazing her but remaining just out of touch, while his hands still swallow her own. The simplest contact still mesmerizes Tia and her fingers trace over his palm as they continue to dance. Tia spins around again, bouncing with the music and squeezing his hands as she bobs them about. She beams at Orin as her eyes bore into his, soaking in this pull she feels towards him.

Tia finds herself stepping closer to him and as she steps again, Orin takes a step back with a sly smirk. When he takes another step she follows him, maintaining the closeness between them and the two fall into moving back and a forth in this manner. Orin allows Tia to shorten the distance between them by the slightest margin each instance. By the time the song is over, she can feel his breath on her face and her eyes linger on his lips again.

"That was um..." Tia half-pants and half-laughs, her head spinning from the heat still washing over her, "That was great!"

Orin smiles in return but his eyes glide to the rim of the canyon. He pulls out a pocket watch, a frown tugging at his lips briefly. Orin gives her a lopsided smile after stashing it back away.

"It was," Orin finally agrees and he spots her relief, "We should do this again!"

"You're... leaving?" Tia's expression drops and his hand finds its way to her cheek, procuring a gasp. 

"I have to," Orin's tone is gentle and surprisingly somber before another smile lights his face, "There'll be more parties and my offer still stands, if you've figured out what you want!" 

Orin's hands slip away from Tia and her eyes follow him as he slips through the crowd, feeling accomplished. A smile lingers on his face despite the requirement of his departure usually leaving him keenly bitter. Yet as he turns the corner into the canyon he senses someone just behind him.

"What in Luxis name are you doing?" Andrea roars and his expression sours before he turns to her. Orin retrieves the pocket watch again, making a show of checking it before acknowledging Andrea. She glowers at him with heated eyes and he offers a huff.

"What am I doing, Drea?" Orin answers, gesturing dramatically.

"Did you think I wouldn't notice?" Andrea bites, stepping closer as if to threaten him, "Throwing yourself at that Minx twit again and again!"

"That's because I wasn't trying to hide it," Orin states plainly, riling her up further. 

"We had a deal!" Andrea shoves a finger into his shoulder but he maintains a neutral expression.

"Be realistic, Andrea," Orin answers with a cool tone, "That arrangement was never going to work!" Andrea blinks at his dismissal and he leans closer to her with a slow and gravelly tone, "What were you going to do when the sun goes down, Drea? How were you going to handle that?"

"I-I..." Andrea trembles and Orin leans back.

"I've found greener pastures, Drea," Orin imparts with an ounce of sympathy, holding her troubled gaze, "You should do the same."

Orin moves to turn away but Andrea grasps his arm with an uncompromising grip. She shoves him into the canyon wall, leaning close to his face with a sneer. 

"You know better than to cross me, Orin!" Andrea's voice is scathing but so is Orin's gaze. She feels the heat of a plasma dagger at her belly, the heat searing despite the barrier of her clothing. 

"And you know I could drop you in an instant," Orin threatens, dripping with malice as Andrea sucks in a breath, "Your vaunted defenses are nothing to me," his eyes graze the rim of the canyon again before they cut into hers, "And if you keep holding me up you know what will happen."

Andrea scoffs despite her trembling hands, releasing Orin. She disengages without another word and stomps back into the party. Orin straightens out his clothing before departing the event.  


Saying Hello


"Sooooo," Tia questions as she rejoins Albert, "You were really into that Fox guy!"

"Wh-what??" Albert squeaks, his face reddening immediately. 

"That's a reaction!" Tia laughs, popping up her brows. 

"I-I-I don't know wh-what you're talking about!" Albert stammers, his eyes shifting about in panic. 

"Why are you freaking out?" Tia questions, Albert unable to meet her eyes, "You'd think that-" Tia pauses and a grin overtakes her expression, "Do you have thing for them??"

"Fuck!" Albert breathes, running fingers through his curls as his face pinches yet Tia's smile persists, "It-it doesn't matter. H-he doesn't even know I exist..." his tone is mousy until his face steadies into a firm frown, "There's no point."

"Cuz you don't know who he is?" Tia questions, Albert still averting his gaze and remaining quiet, "You know who he is!"

"How do you do that?" Albert questions, narrowing his eyes at her despite her giddy expression. 

"Do you?" Tia insists, her toothy grin never wavering. 

"Yes, geez!" Albert snaps, growing crabby, "Which is how I know there isn't a chance!"

"Why, who is he?" Tia continues to prod him, extracting a frustrated sigh. 

"Sir..." Albert mumbles, inaudible over the music. 

"Who?" Tia questions again, deepening his flushed frown. 

"Sirius!" Albert hisses, "Sirius Cato."

"Ohhhhhh," Tia hums, trying to envision the two of them together. A smile tugs at her lips again, "Why not?" 

"Are you joking?" Albert bites in distaste, leering at her. 

"Is it cuz you're both boys...?" Tia questions in a high and uncertain tone, unfamiliar with the possibility. 

"No...!" Albert sighs, "Luxis you can be so thick!"

"Well," Tia questions, "What's the problem??"

"He's a house heir, Tia!" Albert emphasizes, his expression one of frustrated defeat, "A-and I'm just a commoner, a scholar."

"Why should that matter?" Tia answers with knitted brows, only seeming to amplify his frustration, "Albert, I'm a house heir!" 

"I-I mean..." Albert's anger deflates at her statement, "Yes but..." he falls silent, turning her words over in his head before he continues, "It still doesn't matter. He doesn't know I exist!" Despite his apparent insecurity, Albert watches as another idea flashes onto Tia's face


"I can't believe I let you talk me into this...!" Albert gripes, pacing while they wait outside the hall to the acting backstage. 

"Albert, relax," Tia insists, her eyes following him, "We're literally just saying hello!"

"No, you're right," Albert freezes, releasing a short breath, "I can do this!"

"Good," Tia answers, her eyes sliding past him, "Cuz here he comes."

Albert's stiffens up completely at her words. Sirius' eyes lock with Tia's and she gives him a curt wave. Sirius pauses at first but is quick to offer Tia a natural smile. Albert steps out of his way, his own smile less than relaxed as Sirius glances at him.



"Hey," Sirius sounds, "Tia right?"

"Yeah," Tia chuckles, trying to act naturally, "I realized I never got the chance to talk to you at my introduction, so I thought I'd stop and say hi!"

"Oh, cool," Sirius notes and his eyes drift into memory, "Yeah I guess we didn't. Drea kinda hogged the limelight with her drama," his laugh is light, "Girl doesn't know how to let loose. Saw you jamming though!"

"Yeah, all of this is great," Tia grins, "I never heard music like this in Nippon. Really makes you feel alive!" she sees Sirius' eyes drift to Albert again as his head bobs in agreeance, still quite stiff, and Tia elbows him with a smile, "This is my friend, Albert. He knows a lot more about music than I do!"

"Yeah?" Sirius questions, shifting his attention totally to Albert, looking him over, "Ohhh I've seen you around!"

"U-uh," Albert sounds meekly, his throat going dry, "I think we've got some of the same courses?"

"No, I mean like," Sirius's eyes squint in recollection, "On the music scene. Capital's a small place!"

"I've, um," Albert speaks a bit haltingly, "Seen some of your p-performances."

"Yeah, you said he's really good," Tia chimes in and Albert's eyes flash to her a bit heatedly. 

"Oh, nah," Sirius' mood drops, "It's not the best, nothing original."

"No, not those!" Albert corrects him urgently without thinking, seeing his reaction, and Sirius' eyes meet his, "I-I mean... um..." he can feel his heart quicken as he scrounges for words, "The music th-that I like..." Albert speaks slowly, backing himself into a corner before blurting his admission, "Is Major Fox's!" 

Sirius' mouth hangs open, his eyes darting to those around them. He sees someone nearby's head pop up hearing his alias and begin to turn. Panicking, Sirius puts a hand over Albert's mouth and shuffles them both into the shadows of the hallway. He watches the girl over his shoulder, looking about until her eyes land on Tia. 

"Oh hey!" she catches Tia's attention, a bright smile equipped, "Did you say Major Fox? Are you a fan of him too?" 

"O-Oh," Tia blinks, trying to keep the girl's attention on her, "I mean, who isn't?" Tia laughs. This opens the floodgates as the girl starts babbling about his music. 

"How did you even-" Sirius husks, more serious than Albert had ever seen him. Albert is frozen, heart pounding and face burning hot. The girl continues gushing to Tia, not seeming ready to disengage any time soon. Sirius sighs, "How'd you figure me out?"

"I-I-I um," Albert stutters as Sirius drops his hand, "Your name it... uh... Th-that's a long and-and complicated explain- um..."

Albert pauses, bringing a hand to his chest, and Sirius' eyes slide over Albert carefully. The girl pauses, her eyes catching someone in the shadows. Albert and Sirius flinch but Tia stretches out her wings in that moment, pretending to stretch, and keeps them fairly spread. 

Sirius watches this and pauses in consideration, his eyes sliding to Albert and back to Tia before landing on Albert again. A smirk plants itself on Sirius' face, garnering a sharp breath and widened eyes from Albert. With Tia blocking the view of them, Sirius relaxes, looming over Albert with a growing smile and leaning onto the wall above him with one arm.

"Are you trying to pick me up?" Sirius questions, a touch of amusement in his voice.

Albert's mouth opens slightly and he presses himself to the wall behind him, overwhelmed by a moment he could only imagine. Sirius' smile drops into Albert's hesitation.

"I'm sorry..." Sirius sighs, shifting his weight back, "I shouldn't assume..."

"N-no, I am...!" Albert peeps, his hand reaching out on impulse and landing on Sirius' hip. His eyes widen at his own gesture, Sirius chuckling at the flush that reddens Albert's ears.

"You're pretty cute..." Sirius teases, Albert's pulse jumping as he leans in closer, the tension palpable.

Unable to resist, Albert pulls him closer and crashes his lips over Sirius', surprising him with a searing passion. Sirius buries his hand in Albert's curls, feeling Albert's fingertips graze the skin on his waist as he grasps his hips with both hands and tugs him closer. 

"Okay," Tia chuckles, putting her hands up to stop the girl, "I think it's pretty clear you are way more knowledgeable about all this than I am! But my friends are waiting on me so..."

"Oh!" the girl gasps, her face flushing, "I'm sorry! I've been going on and on..."

"No, no," Tia cushions her embarrassment, "It's fine. It was nice speaking to you!" The girl gives a smile and wanders off, Tia releasing a sigh as she relaxes after the unexpected interaction. "Soooooo..." Tia sounds much louder without turning, Albert and Sirius breaking away from each other at her prompt, "You guys good or...?"

Tia questions, finally peeking back with some hesitation. She had a developed sense for when to give a couple privacy thanks to her very enthusiastic parents. Tia spots them standing too far apart, faces red but all smiles. 

"Yeah..." Sirius answers, his smile widening in Albert's direction, "All good," Albert gives him a wobbly smile in response, "Why don't you guys hit me up another time?" Sirius continues, "Somewhere more private. You can give me that... complicated explanation." Tia's brows shoot up, seeing the way they look at each other. 

"That would be great!" Albert answers, his voice a bit too high and quickly followed by a laugh. Sirius breaks his eyes away from Albert, landing on Tia.

"You're not so bad Minx," Sirius grins, "You make a good wing-woma-" he can't finish his own joke, falling into cackles. He just snickers, waving to them both as he leaves. 

"What happened to just saying hi!!" Tia laughs generously. Albert leans back against the wall, covering his face with his hands.

"That," Albert answers, his words muffled, "May have been the greatest moment of my life!"


Bad Technique


Albert and Tia stay for a few more hours after the sun sets, enjoying the music and chatting with Brynjar when he arrives. Tia waves Albert off as she turns toward her building, her body still buzzing from the music as she makes her way inside. She notices Andrea's door is cracked and tries to pad her way by quietly, her shoulders dropping as her foot touches the first step of the staircase. This relief is short lived. 

Tia sees the hand before her face before another arm wraps about her shoulders, yanking her backward as the first hand silences her yelp. Tia is half-dragged half-carried into Andrea's room as the much larger girl spirits her inside. Tia is shoved into the simple room, stumbling for balance as the door clicks shut. She whirls around with a question on her lips and a scowl readied, falling silent when she realizes it is just the two of them inside. 

"What is this?" Tia questions curtly, her eyes darting between Andrea and the door behind her. She can sense Duff stirring outside, unable to hide within her dress but already alerted.

"You and I need to have a little... chat," Andrea gives a laugh but her posture is hardly casual. 

"About?" Tia questions harshly, taking a step to the side and Andrea shifts her weight to keep the door inaccessible, "It's the middle of the night!"

"About you taking things which aren't yours!" Andrea bites, narrowing her eyes onto Tia.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Tia retorts, squinting at the girl, but this only incurs a sour frown from Andrea.

"You know..." Andrea hums, "I haven't decided if you're stupid," she takes an imposing step toward Tia, "Or a sneaky little snake. I know what to do with snakes," Tia shivers, feeling a chill as Andrea's tone becomes more vicious, "But stupid can only ever be put down!"

"Back off!" Tia growls, letting her patterns crackle with energy and exposing her fangs. Andrea's step quickens, shoving Tia into the opposite wall with her forearm and pressing it into her neck with trickling laughter. Sparks crackle over her skin but are ineffective as Andrea's body converts into aluminum. 

"I was leaning towards stupid," Andrea's voice admonishes her before turning sour, "But then I see you with her. How could an idiot win both of them over?"

"Who?" Tia husks, pushing against Andrea's grip.

"Orin," Andrea's voice lashes at Tia as a glower forms, "And even Ifani!"

Andrea raises Tia off the floor, pressing her arm into Tia's throat. Tia pulls and drags her claws across metallic flesh as she chokes, failing to pull the muscular girl's arm away. As fear begins to settle into Tia's stomach, she considers her options. Almost automatically, Tia begins gathering that cold, clammy power into her lungs again.

'Don't!' Duff is quick to advise her, already struggling to stop himself from intervening, 'Not on someone who knows you!'

"Do you think I'm going to sit by," Andrea continues in a seething tone, "While a foreign mongrel takes what's mine?" Tia winces at her words before her expression returns to anger.

'I'll only use a little,' Tia reasons, finding herself craving Andrea's fear already. She can feel Duff's concern bubbling through the link but she tries to concentrate.

Tia's eyes burn into Andrea's and she fills her lungs with the slightest bit of power. Yet as she braces herself to hiss at Andrea, the girl presses harder into her throat and cuts off Tia's breath completely. The magic burns colder as it sits in her lungs. 

"No, no," Andrea denies her, assuming Tia means to call out, "There won't be anyone to help you tonight!"

"Y-" Tia chokes, feeling her consciousness swim as Andrea's arm cuts into her jugular.

After an agonizing pause, a smile playing on Andrea's lips as she searches Tia's eyes for desperation, she slackens her grip to assure Tia remains conscious. A frown pulls at Andrea's expression, unhappy with the lack of fear dressing Tia's face as she draws in breath. She finds only rage in Tia's eyes, malice even. Andrea brings her own face closer to Tia's and a blade emerges from her palm. 

"I think it would be in everyone's interest," Andrea croons, dragging the tip of her blade across Tia's cheek and barely evading breaking her skin, "If you learn your place!"

Tia finally releases the hiss she prepared, the sound sliding out of her throat like a bow across a violin. She can feel Andrea's arm tremble as it rakes into her ears and her frown deepens. Tia had hoped Andrea would release her, that she might back away, and wonders if she needs to try something stronger. Before either girl can say more or try anything else, the door clicks open. 

"Ohhh," Yang hums, stepping into the room and pressing her fingers together with an eager smile, "What have we here? Can I join in?"

"Ugh," Andrea peeks over her shoulder and gives her roommate a look of disgust, Tia twisting and tugging to get away to no avail, "You are revolting!"

"Tia," Yang chimes and gives her a coy look, "I didn't realize we had the same... predilection!"

Tia gives Yang a quizzical tilt of her head not understanding Yang's meaning. Andrea's face wrinkles, unhappy to see Tia acting so casual while still within her clutches. She runs her blade into Tia's shoulder, careful to avoid anything vital, extracting a yelp and widened eyes nonetheless. Yang watches Tia's face go from shock into anger, enjoying the blaze in Tia's eyes but recognizing her own misperception.

"Oh, Andrea..." Yang admonishes in a sing-song tone, approaching the pair and moving so that her feathers float about Andrea, "I don't believe Tia is enjoying your technique!" Andrea's eyes widen as Yang's tailfeathers take on a rusty glow and she tenses as they waft nearer, "Consent is important!"

Andrea doesn't wait for Yang's plumes to touch her, dropping her form and letting her blade fade with it. Yang lets their heat fade with a cutesy smile and Andrea swats the feathers away from her face as she steps away. Andrea gives Tia one more pointed look before storming out. 

"Thank you, um..." Tia's eyes drift as she searches for her name.

"Yang," she answers, her fingers finding their way to Tia's wound, "Shi Yang, Vermilion Dynasty. If you care for all that," she pauses with fluttering laughter, "I certainly don't!"

Yang's magic is complex but undeniably searing and razor sharp. Tia feels as if volcanic glass drags across her skin and the soft plumes which follow are searing yet somehow soothing if not invigorating. Yang dips her fingertips into the blood dripping from Tia's shoulder and Tia winces, her brows knitting as the girl brings a few drops to her lips. 

"If you ever want a bit of fun," Yang brushes hair from Tia's face before releasing another smile, "Or just need to let off a little steam, come find me. I love a girl with so much chaos inside!"

"Chaos?" Tia peeps, circling around Yang but still watching her face.

"Oh yes!" Yang breathes, "You're brimming with it~! And yet..." she pauses and her smile thins, "You have a darker flavor too, don't you?"

"Darker...?" Tia jumps and her hand finds its way to her chest. 

"Andrea should be more careful," Yang answers in a cooler tone, "You're not the little mouse she thinks you are. I have an eye for these things!" she scans over Tia again and sighs, "But I'm holding you up when you need healing, aren't I? Too bad I can't share my form with you!"

Yang laughs, giving Tia a little wave to signal she's done. Tia offers her a grateful smile despite her nerves, making her way upstairs to change before finding her way to the clinic. Ifani is still up, reading in bed, but her eyes widen at Tia's wound.

"What happened?" Ifani questions, snapping her book shut. She watches the uncertainty pass over Tia's face, pausing her search for fresh clothing to consider. "What," Ifani insists again, "Happened?"

"Andrea," Tia finally sighs, not having a palate for lies. Ifani steps forward to take a closer look at the injury. 

"She stabbed you??" Ifani exclaims in disbelief. Tia shrugs, wincing at the motion with some regret. 

"She jumped me on my way inside," Tia admits, shuffling off the dress tenderly and frowning at the bloodstain on the fabric, "Some bullshit about... you and Orin?" 

"I'm going to cook her alive!" Ifani growls as Tia pulls on fresh clothes.

"Please don't," Tia replies breathily, Ifani's eyes darting to her with disbelief, "I..." Tia releases a ragged breath, "She came after me when I was alone, Ifani," she points out, "I need to be able to protect myself!"

"That doesn't mean you have to do everything yourself," Ifani insists as they depart, "You aren't alone!"

'She's right,' Duff echoes as they step outside, 'I think it's time I really become your familiar.'

If you have the time I greatly appreciate all feedback/critique of my work!

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