Chapter 4

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Magic Concepts


Scrolls shuffle and roll within Albert's arms, several more poking out of an overstuffed satchel slung over his shoulder as he approaches Minx Manor. His eyes linger on the spacious courtyard and his feet catch on the the steps of the large estate. As Albert waits before the manor doors, he reviews what he knew of this illustrious family. The doors swing open and an elderly woman of impeccable stature eyes Albert.

"Oh?" Evelyn hums with a befuddled expression, "You couldn't possibly be the tutor I requested, you're far too young!"

"I-I'm sorry if my age disappoints you, your Grace," Albert's words tumble out quickly and he gives her a short bow, brushing off her tone, "But I assure you I'm fully certified by the college! I have been b-blessed with Kanilwyr's Binding and am familiar with every document in the royal library. I am particularly well versed in magic classification, concepts, history-"

"Ahhh," Evelyn interrupts his rapid rambling, "You must be Sophia's boy!"



Evelyn looks him up and down more carefully, causing him to stiffen. Albert is scrawny and gangly with dangling dirty blonde curls, a large nose and attentive eyes.

"I suppose she'll be more comfortable with someone her age," Evelyn muses, "Come along!"

Albert stumbles after her, still reeling from her overwhelming presence. They enter into the library and a girl his age, as Evelyn had stated, stares out the window with a contemplative gaze.

"This is my granddaughter, Tia," Evelyn introduces her, the pride behind this statement never waning. Tia shuffles up from her seat and Albert gives Tia an appropriate bow of his head. Peculiarly, Tia imitates the gesture.

"No, dear," Evelyn corrects her and Tia blinks, "This is one of your tutors, um...?" 

"My name is Albert Monet," Albert responds politely, "We'll be going over magic concepts and history. Can I ask where your current understanding is?" 

"I, uhhh," Tia quickly grows embarrassed, squirming and hesitant, "I know everyone has two racial magics but that's... about it," Tia admits. Albert eyebrows shoot up and his mouth hangs open. He had never met a peer with so little knowledge of magic but as Tia's discomfort burgeons further, due to his astonishment, Albert tries to reel in his reaction. 

"Tia," Evelyn explains, a bit curt, "Was raised overseas, in Nippon. I'm afraid you'll need to start from the beginning."

"Nippon?" Albert gasps, dropping a number of scrolls in astonishment. He mumbles a small apology and tries to scoop them up quickly. Tia stoops down and gives him a hand, much to his surprise, with a warm but nervous smile equipped.

"The Celestial Archipelago is such a mystery!" Albert breathes once his scrolls have been recovered, "I would be fascinated to hear-" Evelyn clears her throat and he drops silent reflexively.

"Tia has a tight schedule, I'm afraid, so I must ask you keep on task," Albert replies with a meek nod and Evelyn's attention shifts to Tia, smiling at her granddaughter and speaking in a sing-song tone, "I'll leave you to it then!" Albert finds himself releasing a quiet sigh as she exits the room.

"I'm sorry," Tia apologizes swiftly, staring after the woman, "I don't know why she was so rude to you!" Albert shakes his head as he sets his bag down and lays his parchments on the table.

"It's fine, my Lady," Albert dismisses in a weary tone, "It was all perfectly acceptable for a woman of her-" Tia snickers into his words and he freezes.

"I'm sorry, I don't think anyone has ever called me 'lady'," Tia's laugh is breathy, "Please, just call me Tia!" Albert blinks hard at her before squinting, unsure of what she is playing at.

"I... I'm just a scholar..." Albert tries to explain but Tia stops him.

"I don't care about all that," Tia assures him, "At least when it's just the two of us, please, act the same as you would with anyone else. All of that... stuff... is too exhausting!"

Albert eyes her, calculating how he should respond. Tia takes a seat at the table into his silence and scoots her chair forward, producing strident scraping. There is a brief silence but as Tia looses another unsteady smile, Albert can see she is just as anxious as he if not more.

"Oh!" Tia squeaks with realization, "And if you wanna know about Nippon, I don't mind talking about it. It was my home...! But we should focus on all this first," Tia titters watching him try to stifle his excitement at the prospect.

"Okay..." Albert agrees, clearing his voice and joining her at the table. She gives him that sunny smile again. "So... the beginning?" he asks, receiving a nod from Tia. He plucks up one particular scroll, rolling it out over the table. 


The Ten Elements and their Aspects


Ten circular symbols are arranged into two columns. Just below each symbol are five linear monograms for each aspect while one additional monogram sits above—the names of the elements themselves.

"Are you familiar with the Erlithmanil?" Albert asks her. She bounces her head back and forth as she considers, "The Elements?" 

"I've heard their names before but... no, not really. My mom used to..." Tia frowns before continuing, "I've heard some legends and stories but I don't remember the details. I've never had a head for these things." Albert nods back to her and begins the lesson.

"There are ten primary elements," Albert explains, his tone that of one accustomed to narration, "As well as a handful of other minor ones. Each element possesses their own consciousness. They were the creations of Luxis, god of life, and Azryth, god of death. These elements, the Erlithmanil, created Emynea. Each of them are the embodiment of or the personification of certain phenomena."

He taps the two columns and pauses to allow for questions. Tia seems a bit mystified.

"They are living elements, once considered gods," Albert simplifies and this seems to register better, "Some of them had children, the Aethid, which are the minor elements. Some of these represent magma, sand, storms and even the matron of the Accian royal line, Sylthari the Celestial."

"These elements actually exist?" Tia tries to clarify.

"They did have physical bodies once, yes," Albert confirms, "Accia, this floating city, was originally their home and they walked the world gifting beings, beasts and plants with their power. That is how each of us has 'racial magic'. We inherit these abilities from our ancestors who were 'blessed' by them. We can inherit two blessings which blend together as our 'magic form'." He pauses as Tia starts making mental connections, her gaze drifting.

"'Used to'," Tia quotes him, "What happened?"

"That is a lesson unto itself," Albert states, restraining a sigh, "I'll go more into those events in another session. It's a bit complicated and there are contradictory accounts... but knowing the Erlithmanil is an important foundation to understand most magic and history."

"What are these then?" Tia asks, her fingers tapping the monograms.

"Those are the 'aspects' of the Erlithmanil," Albert replies, "Each element has five aspects. These divide the different pieces of the element they embody. Most are physical while other are mental," Tia scribbles more notes as he continues, "These aspects have their own planes, linked to the physical world through various portals, but only those with specific abilities can travel the planes directly. Nearly all of our inherited magic draws from a corresponding plane and it is our connection to them which enables our racial magic," Albert pauses, Tia appearing a bit confused again, "I'll draw them out for you but don't worry about memorizing them all right away..." Tia watches as Albert lists the elements, their aspects and what they all represent for her plainly.

Lithmor (Light):
Kalitho (Color)  |  Rithaldis (Radiance)  |  Mpertem (Joy)  |  Rylmar (Hope)  |  Kanilwyr (Knowledge)

Zalikar (Darkness):
Azowyr (Shadow)  |  Vokda (Void)  |  Siptalis (Despair)  |  Felryth (Fear)  |  Irkath (Unknown)

Ferith (Fire):
Flithmar (Flame)  |  Emryl (Heat)  |  Shil (Ash)  |  Corrust (Combustion/Explosion)  |  Zithvek (Passion/Anger)

Wylrith (Water):
Ithisda (Liquid)  |  Iska (Ice/Cold)  |  Vapri (Vapor)  |  Siryl (Sea/Implosion)  |  Lothvem (Love/Tranquility)

Ylithum (Earth):
Gokmar (Mineral)  |  Oril (Soil)  |  Martor (Metal)  |  Gokrilvek (Gravity/Strength)  |  Elbixur (Tradition)

Rylis (Air):
Oksi (Gas)  |  Yrisnil (Wind)  |  Sonildaz (Sound)  |  Fliris (Movement/Freedom)  |  Charnos (Change)

Raegeric (Energy):
Beranok (Electricity)  |  Ylixa (Acid)  |  Ralgot (Magnetism)  |  Ranalis (Thought/Mind)  |  Malok (Chaos)

Dalyeric (Decay):
Ithkor (Fungi)  |  Torith (Poison)  |  Veksit (Disease)  |  Bulok (Bugs)  |  Krithda (Order)

Fliral (Plant):
Barnok (Crops)  |  Maroksi (Grasslands)  |  Torrym (Forests)  |  Ithgalem (Aquatic)  |  Lithyr (Flower/Fruit)

Lunil (Beast):
Maralith (Mammal)  |  Riptoris (Reptile)  |  Iliog (Amhibian)  |  Lishil (Fish)  |  Besida (Bird)


Tia scans over the list and Albert gives her the illustration to keep.

"There are many theories, mysteries and philosophies studying and attempting to understand the intricacies and nature of these aspects and how they relate to each other," Albert's speech quickens again as he rambles, "But the important part for you to understand is how we name and classify all racial magic using these aspects. There are far too many potential forms out there to name them all individually, though some cultures have certainly tried, so instead we focus on the two abilities one can inherit individually. First by aspect and then by manifestation. For example," he pauses and Tia looks up at him, "Your family is famous for having 'Maralith's Form' or 'Mammal Form', meaning you can take on mammalian features—a minx specifically."

"What kind of magic do you have?" Tia prods, catching him off guard.

"I've inherited Kanilwyr's Binding and Sonildaz's Will," Albert explains and points to the aspects in his diagram, "Meaning I have 'knowledge binding' and 'sound will'. The second term in the classification describes how the connection can be used, its manifestation. Some manifestations are very common while others are incredibly rare. The rarest kinds are far more powerful and complex but tend to only surface in specific bloodlines. Body manifestations are an excellent example, considered the ultimate expression of an aspect."

"But..." Tia circles back, "What does that mean, 'knowledge binding'."

"I have the ability to perfectly remember all information and knowledge I come across," Albert clarifies and Tia raises her brows, "I can see it clearly in my own mind and can pull it forward as needed, including my own memories. For example," Albert points to another scroll, "I know every word in this scroll and all images within without ever having to open it again. Essentially I collect knowledge by 'binding' the memories to my mind." 

"No wonder your tutoring me!" Tia states matter-of-factly, "That's brilliant!"

"I-I mean," Albert stumbles over his words, blushing, "It isn't really any good in combat."

"Eh," Tia shrugs off his self-dismissal, "You can do a lot of good with that kind of ability. Unravel the world's mysteries!" Tia exaggerates and tugs on her ears, "I look pretty cool but yours seems much more useful."

"Y-your family's magic is renowned for it's combative potential…! But…" Albert mumbles, and looks at his scrolls again, trying to refocus on the lesson, "There are a few manifestations that are present for every aspect. Auras are a good example of this," Tia's ears pop forward, she had heard "aura" being mentioned before, "An aura allows the caster to generate, summon, or radiate their aspect within a certain distance of themselves but the effects will fade when the caster loses concentration or runs out of energy."

"Energy?" Tia questions, still tripping over the terminology.

"Magic energy, to be specific," Albert explains and his hand lands over his own chest, "We all have an inner well of this energy which draws from our lifeforce. How large this well is differs by person."

"I never knew there were words for all of this," Tia chuckles but tries to refocus, falling silent so Albert can continue. 

"Different people use these abilities it in their own way," Albert continues, "And for some elements an individual will summon a specific kind. Metals, minerals or plants are a good example. Gokmar's Aura allows the caster to summon a given kind of mineral. Whether this is cloaking their body in a specific gem, summoning granite barriers at a distance or flinging rocky projectiles at targets depends on the person and how they wield their aspect. Every aspect has an aura, even mental aspects."

"Grandma says I have an aura," Tia notes, "But I don't remember which kind." Albert blinks for second, hearing someone call the Dowager "grandma". 

"U-um," Albert stutters, "Unless the aura comes from your mother, you likely have Beranok's Aura from your father. Although its not unheard of if you manifest Flithmar's Aura from your grandmother..." Tia snaps her fingers hearing the name.

"That was it! 'Beranok'," she enunciates but then pauses, "You know my father's magic?"

"Yes, I've read many records and reports on different military operations," Albert explains readily, "Your father was an active and vital agent of the kingdom for many years—legendary even among Generals! Masterful in ambush tactics. He even secured the most vital victory against Zhongguo!" Albert rattles off, getting lost in his explanation again. Tia listens to him vacantly, as if listening to the exploits of a stranger.

"I still have a hard time imagining my father as a soldier," Tia admits when Albert pauses, "He's just a gentle goofball!" Albert wonders if they are speaking of the same man, finding it hard to believe the fierce strategist he read about could be gentle or goofy. "So," Tia sighs, "How does one.... 'manifest' an aura?" 

"You... you haven't used it before?" Albert tilts his head into his inquiry and Tia dons the same squirmy, discomfited demeanor she displayed previously.

"I used it once, on instinct," Tia admits, letting her markings appear and running a charge over her hand, "But I haven't been able to use it on purpose," she frowns at his growing confusion, already growing weary of explaining this to everyone she meets, "In Nippon," Tia repeats with a sigh, keeping her explanation brief, "People keep their magic hidden." She's expecting more blatant distaste as she slides her gaze to Albert but has to smother a laugh instead at his fascinated stare.

"What a curious way to live..." Albert notes thoughtfully, "Our lives are completely defined by our forms here. I can't imagine hiding them away." Tia shrugs, grateful at least for his lack of malicious scrutiny.

"It does make being here pretty exciting," Tia's laugh is slight and tentative, dissipating entirely as her eyes catch on Albert's scrolls, "If not a bit alarming to find how little I know." Albert appraises her before speaking.

"You're going to have a really hard time of it going forward," Albert agrees, "So let's dive back in!"




Albert grunts shuffling open the library doors. His mother, the librarian, offers a subtle but perky smile as he enters.

"You're late!" a girl's voice derides him. Albert startles, his eyes scraping the library to ascertain the source. He spots his childhood friend seated at a desk with a scroll rolled out before her.

"Ifani, you scared me!" Albert complains, shifting his bag to his other shoulder as a smirk graces her features, "I thought I told you I'd been contracted as a tutor?"



Ifani is lithe and wiry, taller than most girls her age, and her skin possesses a warm umber hue. Her bronze hair is braided and spills over her shoulders while her clothes are just as tidy. As usual, she keeps her eyes averted, watching Albert's movements instead.

"Don't you normally plan for like..." Ifani pauses to recall, "A week before starting up a new client?" her chair creaks as she leans back, "And why start up a new one with assessments so close?"

"Yes," Albert's confirmation is gentle but terse, focused on slipping scrolls back into their intended locations, "But they insisted I start right away." Ifani scoffs, eyes grazing the illustrations in the encyclopedia before her.

"Another noble slewing demands to you on a whim," Ifani mocks with an edge to her voice, "What is a week or two going to change?"

"Ifani, you're still a noble too," Albert reminds her.

"Am I really though?" Ifani questions, narrowing her eyes and throwing up a hand. Albert peers at her amid a long pause of exasperation.

"Yes," Albert stresses pointedly, "Yes you are," A heavy frown weighs on her face but she waits for him to continue, "Ordinarily, no, a few weeks wouldn't make much of a difference," Albert agrees, "But this one is different. She doesn't know the first thing about magic."

"What is she, five?" Ifani snickers, keeping track of Albert by watching his feet as he flits about.

"No, but- Oh!" Albert suddenly flips around, "I forgot to tell you the most exciting part!" Ifani watches him bounce and tilts her head, "She actually grew up in Nippon!" his exuberance earns a chuckle from Sophia at her desk, "She says she'll tell me all about it between lessons! We have so little recorded here-"

"Where?" Ifani asks, unimpressed.

"Nippon, the civilization of the Celestial Archipelago?" Albert reminds her but is met with another vacant expression, "The last landmass beyond Yaxiya before Vekaltor's Doldrums?" he pauses to consider her interests, none of his words registering so far, "Originators of the katana, naginata, kusurigama...?" Recognition finally washes over her face.

"Why would Accian nobility grow up out there?" Ifani questions with a tinge of suspicion and Albert plops down across from her.

"From what I've heard," Albert speaks in a near whisper, despite the practically empty library, "His majesty wanted to begin setting up relations and scoping out the archipelago. Duke Minx volunteered, insisted even on being the one to go, and stayed nearly twenty years!" Ifani sucks in a breath at the mention of Allen, "But he was forced to return suddenly and brought home a daughter." Ifani narrows her eyes and whispers back to him with annoyance.

"You're tutoring the daughter of Duke Minx and you thought where she grew up was the most interesting part?" she scoffs at him again but then speaks eagerly, "Did you meet him when you were there? What was he like?" Albert poorly smothers a laugh and Ifani glares, "What?"

"I'm sorry," Albert's shoulders jump as he laughs, "I just forgot how much you..." he trails off, Ifani's eyes widening before she scrambles to her feet. Albert glances behind him to see the source and quickly scuffles up as well, bowing.



"You're majesty!" Sophia calls out as Ambrose strides into the library, shadowed closely by Ghislaine. She bows appropriately as well and the king glances about the library, "What a pleasant surprise! Can I help you with anything today, sire?" he flashes a quaint smile before looking significantly at the children, "Oh!" Sophia squeaks, "Ifani, would you mind running Albert through some exercises? He could use more practice!"

"Yes, ma'am," Ifani's response is as stiff as her posture. They both bow again before absconding. As they pass by, Ghislaine offers a smile, giving Albert a chill.

"Good afternoon, Sophia," Ghislaine greets her as the door clicks behind them, "His majesty would like to commission your services for a new project."

Ambrose looms silently as Ghislaine speaks, watching the both of them. Sophia's mannerisms always reminded of him of a sparrow despite having no such form, the woman earnest and jittery.

"Of course!" Sophia chimes with a warm smile, "That's what I'm here for!" Ghislaine glances to Ambrose and they share a nod.

"We need you to begin researching a particular topic and organize a formal study," Ghislaine explains in a pleasant tone, "Compile what materials we have here and in the other libraries—you can have them sent here if necessary. Even the vaguest of references may be helpful as it's quite a mysterious subject," Sophia raises her eyebrows but still scribbles down his instructions, "Once you are finished, you are to brief those to be involved on the results and send the most pertinent of documents to my study as well as a copy of the compilation."

"This sounds like an exciting project!" Sophia chimes, "What is the topic, then?"

"Shape shifters," Ambrose replies gravely, giving her pause, "How to identify them, their characteristics." 

"That is quite an obscure topic," Sophia replies, blinking rapidly, "Very mysterious indeed!" she hums to herself before continuing, "Do you have a deadline in mind?"

"We expect results within three weeks," Ambrose denotes, "But you are to continue until I am satisfied with the results." Sophia gapes, speechless.

"May-may I ask why this is so urgent, your majesty?" Sophia responds with trepidation. Ambrose frowns at the woman but Ghislaine leans closer to her.

"This must remain in the strictest confidence," Ghislaine answers in a near whisper. She nods fervently and listens closely as he continues, "We believe there may be shape shifter spies among us from the Continent Beyond!" He watches, with an ounce of delight, as her eyes widen and a gasp passes her lips. Ambrose raises a skeptical brow at his advisor but allows him to continue, "It is vital we learn how to identify them and quickly. For the sake of the kingdom!" Ghislaine re-erects himself as her eyes dart about. Ambrose peers at Ghislaine, the pallid man offering the slightest of smiles in response. Sophia recomposes herself, suddenly resolved.

"I'll get right to work, your majesty!" Sophia states, determined, "I'll notify you as soon as I have anything substantial!" Ambrose nods his approval before they depart. Ghislaine hears her pulling scrolls off of the shelves before they even exit the room.

"Was that wise?" Ambrose questions as they navigate the halls of the castle. Ghislaine flashes his signature, spurious smile before responding.

"As you know, rumors can be a potent weapon when properly placed," Ghislaine answers, pausing to pique the king's curiosity, "If the right people are frightful of shape shifters among us, especially enemy spies, they may take notice and alert us to what we would otherwise never perceive here behind castle walls. If she must stay ever vigilant, she is more likely to err—especially if she is as young as my visions suggest. I'll plant more seeds where most beneficial."

"And if the rumors cause her to become more wary or choose to flee?" Ambrose questions, his own distaste for the prospect apparent.

"Shape shifters are always wary, sire," Ghislaine responds, suddenly deadpan, "And it's nearly too late for her to flee now."



Lillith lingers at the northeastern edge of her swamp with a companion, appreciating the stars before they set sail. An owl swoops onto her companion's shoulder and drops a small wooden tube into their hand. She waits as they unroll the parchment inside.

"To my dear mother," they read to her, "Your machinations are proceeding well and the wheel has been set into motion. The fool is eager. The cattle will gather for inspection soon and our net will be readied to ensnare your sibling. With reverence, your faithful child."

"He must be eager too," Lillith chuckles and rises to her feet, "His life's work is finally panning out!" she turns to her androgynous companion, "You'd best ready your disguise, love. Though," she looks them over, "This one will be missed."

"And you?" they ask and she watches their features rearrange to become more feminine, more Accian, and their skin lighten considerably.

"This time, my best disguise is myself," Lillith runs her fingers over her own skin, "Darling Lily!"


Tia is knocked flat on her back again, as she has repeatedly for the last hour. Her tutor tsks at her in disapproval.

"Your foundation must be firm!" he reminds her, peering over her as if she were some pitiful creature, "Again."

"What does that even mean!" Tia grumbles, scrambling up stubbornly despite her protest.

Evelyn sips her tea nearby, watching with shrewd eyes. Tia readies herself once again, grasping her wooden blade with both hands and bracing herself once more. She tries spreading her feet further apart this time but her stance is still awkward and uncertain. She grips the sword with her hands too close together, quickly finding herself in the mud again a moment later. Tia wonders if the man sought to humiliate her. Evelyn sets down her cup and glides to Tia's side.

"That is quite enough," Evelyn announces, helping Tia to her feet, "Tell me," she asks the tutor with a steely gaze, "How is she to know how to fortify herself properly if you give her no example?" the man appears to ruffle but Evelyn does not allow him the privilege to reply, "Clearly we need a more intuitive instructor," she pauses, narrowing her eyes into a scathing leer, "You are dismissed!" Offended but outranked, his face red as he gives Evelyn a curt bow and makes his way out.

"I don't think I'll ever be any good at this," Tia complains breathily with a subdued expression and perches on the edge of the fountain, "I'm not sure what I'm going to be good at."

"My dear," Evelyn replies in a high tone, standing before her with poise, "Swordsmanship, like many other skills in life, is something that takes time, practice and repetition to master."

"I just don't think I have the talent..." Tia pouts. 

"Talent is no substitution for hard work!" Evelyn states, dismissing the thought with a wave of her hand, "Of course, instinct and reflexes are still rather important."

"The General, um, Martin, did say I had good instinct," Tia states tenuously but Evelyn seems intrigued, "We were attacked by bandits and I shocked one of them when they were about to reach Dad," Tia explains and her eyes fall to her hands again, "I haven't been able to use it again, though."

"We do not expect you to learn everything overnight, Tia," Evelyn reassures her, "And wielding your aura in a dire situation, without any training, is a good sign of natural inclination."

"The tutors seem to disagree," Tia gripes with a scowl, "Most of them act like I've failed before I even begin."

"That tutor was ghastly!" Evelyn answers with exasperation, "Most of them are accustomed to students who have been training since they were very young, if not to teaching only children. You are nearly a young woman already."

"Children are learning how to use swords?" Tia questions, aghast. Evelyn offers a wan smile.

"When the means are available," Evelyn explains, "We begin this education as soon as children are physically able. Here in the capital this is particularly prevalent. My children began lessons once they turned five," Tia blinks, imagining her father wielding a wooden sword as a toddler, "I am still, and likely always will be, frustrated with him for depriving you of these advantages! Not everyone has the means to prepare their children in advance."

"Prepare for what?" Tia questions, squinting at Evelyn who purses her lips, "I enjoy learning to be less helpless but why would wealthy families prioritize learning how to fight?" Tia can see Evelyn's desire to answer, the explanation bubbling in her chest, but she bites the words down in restraint.

"I'm afraid,"  Evelyn answers slowly, her words popping with frustration, "That is a conversation you must have with your father. It isn't my place to do so," she pauses to frown, "He shouldn't drag his feet like this!"

"Everyone's dancing around the heart of something," Tia states in a cool tone, her displeasure apparent.

"You can be perceptive," Evelyn sighs, "You're going to need to be! You deserve the respect of knowing the truth. You ought to respect yourself far more as well!" Tia glances up at her grandmother with an ounce of shame and Evelyn takes Tia's hands in her own, "You stifle yourself for the comfort of others but the world would benefit from your passion, sharp tongue and ferocity! Of course, having the power to make your own way would certainly help," Evelyn chuckles and eyes Tia's ragged appearance, "With that in mind," she continues, smoothing out the material of her dress, "Let this old woman find you a more suitable teacher. Perhaps I should drag your father out here!"




"Good morning, Snowdrop!" Allen greets her. Tia trudges her way down into the great hall with heavy limbs. She shuffles into her seat and seems to melt into the table, burying her face in her arms.

"Training wearing you out quick, huh?" Allen chuckles. She groans at him in response before turning her face to the side to look at him.

"How did you even handle this as a toddler?" Tia grumbles. She watches surprise light up his face and she snorts. His gaze drifts past her and his eyes narrow.

"What have you been telling her?" Allen complains to Evelyn as she joins them. She pats Tia on the shoulder as she passes, smiling before taking her seat at the table.

"What haven't you told her?" Evelyn echoes his tone with a haughty leer of her own. Evelyn's face drops into a blank expression suddenly and she turns her head to Tia with soulless eyes. The air vibrates with her leaden chanting, "Izarith-kar-arylthur-hem... Urulnaut-kar-nautoth-wyrnaut!"

"Grandma…?" Tia questions but the woman is frozen in place. Allen begins to choke, sputtering and wheezing. Tears well in his eyes and he heaves in his seat before, finally, spitting up a slate black, tarry fluid onto the table. He gapes at the viscous tar before looking to Tia.

"I'm sorry..." Allen whimpers, "I'm sorry...!" He manages another gasp before his body constricts relentlessly, retching up glob after glob of the inky slime.

"Dad!" Tia jumps to her feet and reaches for her father but something in her chest tugs with the movement, pulling her backwards. Evelyn locks onto Tia, eyes darting frantically before fading away and leaving empty, shadowed cavities.

"They will bury you in secrets!" Evelyn wheezes, the air hissing into her lungs rather than out. Her lips dance with continued warning but she cannot speak, there is no sound.

Tia is tugged again, yanked backwards with force. She pivots around to find the same viscous fluid gagging her father is seeping out of the walls, furniture, floor and ceiling. It pools on the other end of the room before an ominous door, calling to her. This tar emerges from her body as well. Hideous sinewy ropes connect deeper within her chest, strung between her ribs and held taut through the cracks of this door. Blue-black maggots wriggle out of the creases as it draws her closer. 

"Help me!" Tia cries to her family but she cannot reach either of them, her father choking and her grandmother frozen and blind.

Tia swivels again, grabbing the ooze and pulling back with force. The sensation of the liquid offers a permeating chill, squirming, viscous filth sinking into her bones and spoiling her flesh. She inches closer, feet skidding against stone floor while the sinew taints and stains her fingers.

Her feet sink into the overflowing goop now and there is a banging against the door. The room pulses with an awful aura with each collision, the dread in the air peaking as it flings itself open. She stands before it, holding her breath and frozen amid absolute silence. Worms of stygian tar writhe and wriggle in a sea of fetid oil beyond the door and, with one last tug, Tia is engulfed by it.

Tia jumps awake in her bed, fighting the blankets she is wrapped in. Moonlight streams into the bedroom and she realizes she had been dreaming. Tia examines her hands, panting, but her skin is clear and clean. She looks about, finding Duff at the end of the bed watching her.

"I had such a terrible dream!" Tia sighs aloud, her distress touching the tone of her voice, "It felt so real..." Duff remains silent, seeming to study her, and she continues, "Dad has been hiding something from me and now I'm even dreaming about it!"

'Perhaps you are nervous about tomorrow?' Duff suggests and Tia groans.

"I get the feeling I'm going to hate every second of it," Tia gripes, rolling back over despite the nightmare. Duff watches her with a measure of concern through the rest of the night.


"Do you actually expect me to wear this? All evening??" Tia exclaims as a servant helps her pull the frame for the gown over her head.

"Of course!" Evelyn snaps too vehemently, "Anything less wouldn't be appropriate for this event!" Tia offers Evelyn an expression of disapproval and the old woman sighs, "I'm sorry, dear," she apologizes half-heartedly, holding a hand to her forehead, "I've had a time of it getting everything prepared!"

"I don't envy that!" Tia states comically and then sighs, "Can you run me through the names again?"

"Perhaps I should scribble down some notes..." Evelyn muses.


Downstairs, in the great hall and the patio garden, guests have begun settling into small groups. Allen is posted at the front entrance greeting old friends, rivals and their children or spouses. He couldn't shake his chill, the ghost of his old life haunting him stronger than ever tonight.

"Good evening, Allen," Ambrose greets him, seeming to catch Allen by surprise. Allen bows his head respectfully before greeting Ambrose properly.

"Good evening, sire. I'm pleased to welcome you to my home!" Allen speaks politely before turning to the young man accompanying him.

"This is my son, Aldric," Ambrose denotes, gesturing to him as he steps forward.



Aldric offers a charming but dignified smile. He is fit and handsome, possessing his father's dark hair and emerald eyes. He bears himself well, as is expected of him.

"Duke Minx," Aldric greets him politely, "I've heard so much about you from father!" 

"Hopefully the good things!" Allen jokes and offers a humble smile, "You look so much like his highness when he was your age."

Allen catches Ambrose's smile falter at this comment. A small toddler dashes in from behind them, tugging on Aldric's sleeve. Aldric beams and hoists the little one up into his arms, to Allen's surprise. She giggles before reaching for Ambrose, grasping the air with her tiny fingers.

"And this little delight is Princess Abigail!" Ambrose chimes as Aldric passes her to him. Unlike either Aldric or Ambrose, she has a tangle of white hair bursting stubbornly at the seams of her dual braids reminding Allen of Tia at that age. Abigail still shares their bright green eyes, flickering to Allen as she waves timidly.

"What a bright little one!" Allen remarks, waving back at her.

"I'm looking forward to meeting your daughter as well," Ambrose hums, "She might be one of your greatest surprises to amuse the court yet!"

Allen nods, bowing again as they make their way inside. Following just behind him is Martin, dressed fully in uniform and regalia. A tart looking woman approaches with him, seeming to overlook Allen entirely and eying those within the hall past him. Ben and Euan chat just behind them.

"I thought you hated these events!" Allen exclaims with a touch of laughter and Martin grimaces.

"His Highness insisted," Martin grumbles and juts a finger at Euan, "He's taken a liking to the boy, wants him to mingle with others his age." Martin sighs, clearly dreading keeping Euan out of trouble. Euan peeks inside eagerly, assessing the crowd with a smirk—particularly the women.

"Ahhh Beatrice!" Allen addresses the woman, finally gaining her attention, "Did you get stuck with this cantankerous grump?" 

"Stuck with!" Beatrice honks in her nasally voice, "More apt than most care to call it." Allen looks to Martin with eyebrows raised, understanding why his old friend was more miserable than he had left him.

"A pleasure to see you again, as always, Beatrice. Please," Allen gestures beyond him, "Enjoy yourselves."


After making the rounds with his father, Aldric is able to wander the hall alone and meanders around in search of more amicable company.

"So, you think she'll be a pretty one?" a familiar voice calls his attention to the patio door.



Florio stands in the threshold, a glass of wine in each hand and a charming smirk on his lips. As usual, a row of jagged thorns poke out of his collar along his neck and the scent of roses wafts from the diminutive teen. Smooth petals peek through waves of well maintained raven black hair, perfectly matching his pink irises and vivid attire. Aldric shakes his head, despite wearing a smile, and follows his flashy companion outside.

"Does it matter?" Aldric answers, sipping at his offered drink and assessing those in the garden.

"That's your problem, Al," Florio complains, "You have a bounty of beautiful, powerful woman ready to throw themselves at you," he states gesturing and winking at a gaggle of young woman watching from across the garden, "Yet you rebuff every one of them!"

"Ready to?" Aldric jokes in a deeper tone, "Just yesterday Zetian practically shoved Makeda out of her way to 'accidentally' trip into me," the two girls of mention avert their gazes as he glances to them, pretending to chat amiably with each other by the railing, "These woman drive me up the wall, Flor," Aldric complains, his eyebrows dropping, "I don't know why father insists they stay in the castle."

"Oh, we know why," Florio sasses, wiggling his eyebrows, and then sighs, "They're so thirsty for you, it hurts. I'm standing right here and not a single glance in my direction!"

"Believe me, Florio," a woman's voice sounds and he adorns a bitter smile upon hearing it, "You could be the only man at this party and it wouldn't do you any good."

"Andrea!" Florio chimes, turning to her and sucking in a breath, "You say that as if you actually have any interest in men?"



Andrea towers over Florio, brawny and angular with sharp grey eyes and fine platinum hair. Silver plating is woven into a minimalistic dress and sections of her actual body possess a metallic sheen as well. She cuts a more than imposing figure. She hoists a frigid leer in Florio's direction and he jumps minutely.

"I'm going to need another drink!" Florio squeaks and absconds immediately, disappearing rapidly into the great hall. She watches him flee and shakes her head, surprised he does so by foot rather than by his usual, more dramatic means.

"On your own tonight, Drea?" Aldric asks, stifling his amusement.

"Unfortunately," Andrea breathes a discontented sigh, "Renard is kissing boots, as usual, and Orin certainly won't attend, as he always cant." She spots Zetian and Makeda giving her the stink eye and stops to smile and wave at them as if they had done the same, squinting despite the gesture. "Cant seem to find Leon either," she finishes.

"Well, I'm sure he'll turn up," Aldric assures her, not concealing his distaste, "He would never miss a chance to trot himself out at an event. Besides, it seems Dowager Minx was very thorough with her invitations."

"Well," Andrea's tone jumps with laughter, "A new heir to the Minx line pops up, ruins quite a few aspirations. Everyone's going to want to see if they can take a bite of out her! The rumors-"

"Are rumors, Drea," Aldric reminds her and frowns, "We'll see for ourselves soon enough, I'm sure." She shrugs and hums in partial agreement before seeming to make up her mind.

"I think I'll take another look around," Andrea sighs, not waiting for a response before striding away. As soon as she's gone Florio pops out from behind the shrubbery, dusted by leaves

"That one is nuts," Florio notes, his voice too high, and he hands another half-full glass to Aldric, "She would gut me right here in this garden and not bat an eye!"

"All the best women are crazy," a baritone voice sounds, also from behind the shrubbery.



Florio nearly leaps off his feet and they both swivel to identify the source. A darkly dressed, macilent teen emerges from the shadows. His gloomy appearance matches the vampire black reptilian wings folded behind him and a sheen of equally caliginous scales frame his face. Faintly gleaming crimson eyes flash to Florio, set below imposing horns which drape smoothly over his scalp and compliment his handsome albeit bony face.

"But that never stopped me," he finishes with a coy smirk.

"Luxis help me, Danut!" Florio gasps, hand over his pounding heart, "Why are you always creeping up behind me!"

"I enjoy the sight of blood leaving you face!" Danut replies, his smile widening, and Aldric can't help but snicker at Florio's distress. The music in the great hall cuts off and servants begins guiding people back inside.

"Well," Aldric breathes with a sigh, "Here we go!"


"Are you ready, snowdrop?" Allen questions, knocking on her door. Tia laughs from behind the barrier, hesitating to emerge.

"You say that as if I could hide away in here all night," Tia answers, a measure of anxiety still lingering in her voice. The door creaks open and she shuffles into the hallway.



"You look like someone tried to make a maiko out of a monkey!" Allen jokes and Evelyn gasps.

"Allen!" Evelyn hisses and looks to Tia with concern.

Tia bursts out laughing in response, gasping some thanks to her corset. Allen grins, pleased she seems more relaxed. His own wonder over how different she appears from the starry wildling he knew still hides within his eyes.

"I feel like a dolled up monkey," Tia chortles, stretching to try and assess how best to move.

The dress is more elaborate than Tia had even imagined and the material is heavy despite the metal frame supporting it. Her grandmother had stuffed her into a ballroom gown far frillier than Tia would ordinarily tolerate. She is comfortable, at least, with the open back which allows her to move her wings freely—Evelyn insisted she must manifest fully throughout the evening. Tia is less thrilled with the jewelry Evelyn had her pierce her feline ears for, dangling every time she moves. However, she drew the line at makeup, unwilling to concede to even powder or lipstick.

"Honestly, the two of you!" Evelyn gripes, "This is the latest fashion, it took me days to track it down!" Tia takes a deep breath and hooks arms with her father.

Evelyn shuffles ahead of them swiftly, decidedly wanting to watch Tia descend with the rest of the gathering. Duff had disappeared earlier in the evening, deciding to "assess threats" in an inconspicuous form. He seemed to have mapped out every useful crevasse and shadow within the manor in preparation and wanders the grounds in the shape of a housecat. He even altered his fur to a sable brown rather than his preferred black.

"His Grace, Duke Allen Minx and his daughter, Lady Tia Minx!" the staff announces and Tia nearly holds her breath as they descend the staircase.

The nobility have stuffed themselves neatly inside and wait seemingly by rank to greet them. King Ambrose and his family are front and center at the base of the stairs, Tia's eyes catching on Abigail's white hair for a moment. She redirects her eyes down as her etiquette tutor had emphasized and bows as they reach the bottom. She counts out in her mind the appropriate duration before rising and smiling pleasantly, despite her nerves.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, your majesty," Tia speaks deliberately and as smoothly as she can manage.

Ambrose's smile is subtle but Tia is relieved she hasn't offended him yet. She feels he has a brooding aura about him, both his face and posture rigid and grim. Lofty and discerning, Ambrose displays an intimidating stoicism and exerts an expectance for respect with the slightest glance.

"Hmmm..." Ambrose hums, his pensive expression lingering as he appraises Tia and her heart races under his scrutiny. Finally, a pleased smile spreads across his face. "I wondered if I'd ever see another Minx child," he muses, his eyes flicking to Allen briefly, "It is, indeed, a pleasure Lady Tia." Ambrose nods to her in approval and she releases a sigh as quietly as she can, having held her breath in that strenuous moment.

"You leave us all with baited breath, sire," Allen chuckles lightly, "An appropriate skill for a king." Ambrose gives a humming laugh before he waves Aldric forward.

"Why don't you escort the young lady around and introduce her to the others," Ambrose suggests, "It would do her well to meet her peers."

"Of course," Aldric echoes back with a pleasant but neutral expression and gestures for Tia to follow him.

She bows again to Ambrose before trailing behind Aldric, other guests ogling her as they pass. A number of teens wait for them in the garden. Aldric had asked Andrea to gather them together, guessing beforehand what his father would request and Duff observes them from the shadows. He had been doing so since the party began and had already gotten a sense for what Tia was about to walk into.

'Tia,' Duff sounds as they approach, 'When you arrive, show no weakness.'

'What?' Tia answers curtly, nearing their destination.

'These children will eat you alive if you let them,' Duff stresses, 'Don't let them.'

 Tia has no time to consider Duff's advice or respond. The others had been waiting rather impatiently, a few of them bickering with each other, but everyone falls quiet as Tia and Aldric step outside. 

"Everyone, this is Lady Tia Minx," Aldric announces in a formal tone before turning to her, "These are your peers from the other Houses."

"U-um," Tia stutters, her throat going dry upon looking at the lot of them, "Hello." A few of them snicker until Aldric levels a frown in their direction.

"Why don't we introduce ourselves, hm?" Aldric suggests, eyes jumping between them, "Who's first?"



A blonde young man strides forward instantly, an arrogant smile ever plastered on his pointy face. His hands are stark white with maroon patterns cutting across both his fingers and face. Aldric is less than surprised and blinks at him with a deadpan expression, restraining a sigh. The boy steps uncomfortably close to Tia and takes a moment to leer down at her, despite not being much taller than Tia herself, and flashes an eerie smile.

"Leon Chevalier," he announces and leans further forward, his eyes assessing her reaction.

Tia is unable to restrain her scowl and her feline eyes narrow in warning. A spark jumps between her earrings and Leon flinches back. Despite this, he chuckles and smacks his lips, eyes flicking to Aldric briefly before he meanders back at his own pace. Aldric finds himself relieved he didn't need to step in.

"You're always so rude!" one of the girls complains and pouts in Leon's direction. Leon clears his throat and averts his gaze from her, suddenly meek. She perks back up immediately. "Hellooooo~" she nearly sings, strolling over to Tia with light steps.



She is extremely small, even compared to Tia, her hair close to sable in hue and her demeanor bubbly. As she steps closer, Tia notices the sheen of mint scales along the edges of her face and when she beams at Tia again, rows of serrated, triangular teeth are exposed. A long, fishy tail swings behind her, poking out from underneath a dress even frillier than Tia's. She even possesses gills along her neck, rows of pearls strung about them.

"I'm Adamantia Scylla!" she chimes, her voice high but pleasant, "I'm from the islands off the eastern coast!" Adamantia rocks back and forth on canine feet as she speaks, "You can call me Ada, or Manti or.... hmm I guess Tia would be confusing..." Andrea groans into Adamantia's babbling.

"This is going to take all night!" Andrea gripes and they all turn to her, "This is painful! Just list us off or something." 

"That's fine," Tia agrees, shrugging as Aldric looks to her for approval, and he waves his a hand to Andrea first.

"This is Andrea Stahlmann. Her House has always overseen the northern portion of the Eluzian Valley," Aldric gestures then to his friend with the black wings, "And he is Danut Cel Tradat. His house originates from the southern valley."

The morose teen offers Tia a charming smile in response, the gesture coming naturally to him. Aldric gestures then to Lucy, who stands between a boy and an winged girl. The boy appears to be her sibling. Both have fair features and bright blue eyes but while Lucy has blonde hair, he possesses raven black locks. 



"Lucy and Faustin are twins of the Aydem House," Aldric continues, "Their family is responsible for the plateau on the other side of the Fulgurant Mesa, west of the valley."

"Good to see you again, Tia!" Lucy greets her energetically, "I hope you've been adjusting well!" Tia answers with a sunny smile of her own and nods to her brother, who appears equally amiable but far more composed and thoughtful.

"And then we have Martia Aquila and Sirius Cato," Aldric continues, gesturing first to the girl next to Lucy, "Their families have made their home in the canyon complex within the mesa since the kingdom was founded."



Martia stands erect in a militant position, hands clasped behind her back as she maintains a neutral expression. She is quite muscular and strapping, cutting an imposing visage with keen golden eyes and bulky, metallic wings. Her dark hair, while wavy in texture, is elaborately braided about her skull and imposing avian talons emerge from beneath her simple dress.


A sheer opposite, Sirius hangs at the back of the group sitting leisurely on the edge of the fountain, seemingly lost in thought. He gives a light smile and wave in response to Aldric's introduction before staring aimlessly into the garden again. He is markedly handsome and spindly but has an otherwise nondescript and unassuming appearance with no visual indications of his form exposed beyond the teal staining his hands and throat.

"And then, lastly," Aldric indicates with an upward inflection, "We have Grusha Morozov, from our northernmost region of the kingdom, and Florio Espina, whose family calls the eastern valley home."



Grusha had been watching Tia quietly and occasionally whispers to Adamantia. She supplies a curt smile to Tia, nodding to her at Aldric's introduction but remaining silent. Stockier than most of the other women present, she is also extremely poised and has a glamorous appearance with her light hair braided and laid over her shoulder. Her hair and attire glitter with ice crystals which show no sign of melting while her arms appear molded entirely out of diamond.

Aldric appraises Tia as she looks from peer to peer. He's unsure of what to make of the awkward girl yet but is appreciative of her benevolent demeanor. However, he's still concerned with Tia's competence for her role, already seeming lost amidst the group. Tia turns to him while he contemplates, holding his gaze with green eyes much like his own.

"And... what about you?" Tia asks a bit gingerly and he inclines his head to her, "I um..." she hesitates with her wording, spinning her hands in circles, "I haven't heard your name yet?" Aldric blinks but quickly realizes his father had failed to introduce him.

"I am Prince Aldric Syltharis," Aldric denotes with a systematic rigidity. Tia nods vacantly, feeling she had heard his surname before but is unable to place it.

"So!" Andrea pipes up, clapping her hands together, "Now that we're done with... all of that," she states, staring intensely to the side before looking to Tia, "I had a question!" Tia blinks with an innocent astonishment, glancing to a few of the others before replying.

"Sure...?" Tia chuckles, trying to act as naturally as she can muster.

Tia wasn't sure if she had ever been amid this many of those her age without events taking a disastrous turn and her heart is pounding despite her displayed calm.

"Did you really grow up in Nippon like everyone has been saying?" Andrea questions, a faux curiosity concealing her inclination.

All of them seem eager to find out for themselves but Duff chooses this moment to stroll out into the open, intent on derailing the conversation.

"Oh, kitty~!" Adamantia sounds and bounces over to touch him.

"I wouldn't...!" Tia tries to warn her, reaching out her hand.

Duff hisses, hair raised, and prepares a paw to swat at her but Grusha manages to pull her friend back before she can reach him. Adamantia looks at Grusha with a pout and they lock eyes yet, without another word being said, Adamantia sighs and steps away. Before anything else can happen, Andrea clears her voice, grabbing Tia's attention again.

"Well?" Andrea insists, to Duff's frustration.

"Oh... um, yes," Tia admits freely, "I was."

Each of them expresses their surprise differently. Andrea, for one, narrows a frigid glare onto Tia which worsens gradually. Some of them begin chatting to each other about this admission or throw incoherent questions about Nippon at Tia, taking her by surprise. Sensing Tia's anxiety, Duff meanders to her and leaps into her arms, Tia floundering to catch him and peering into his eyes briefly before shuffling her grip to hold him. Despite the surprise, he can feel Tia gain some confidence with him at her side and he peers out at the teens. Aldric eyes Duff, a bit amused by the seemingly quirky pet.

"I heard," Leon cuts in over the other questions, "They don't have any magic there!" This garners shock from Tia at first, followed quickly by irritation as she perceives the smug smile tugging at his lips. 

"They have magic," Tia corrects him too harshly, "They're just.... really private about it." Leon laughs unnecessarily loud before addressing her again. 

"How do you know," Leon insists, "Did you ever see them use any?" 

Tia glowers at his purposefully antagonistic baiting. Duff flicks his tail, leering at the arrogant boy himself. Leon's eyes wander to him and as Duff peers into his eyes, the boy's face loses all color. Leon is rendered silent, trying to wrap his mind around this eerily ominous feline and the inexplicable fear settling in his stomach. No one else picks up on this exchange, not particularly bothered by his silence.

"Wait, wait, wait," Lucy gasps with genuine curiosity, "Do you even know how to use magic?"

Lucy's characteristically thoughtless inquiry causes a blush to rise from Tia's neck and drags a sigh out of Martia. Faustin is quick to grimace at his sister as well but Lucy blinks at their reaction, not understanding her mistake.

"Ooo," Andrea makes a strained face and speaks with whimsical exaggeration, "I hope you at least trained martially! It would be tragic for the Minx house to lose their only heir!"

"Andrea-" Aldric begins to scold. 

"I'm sorry?" Tia challenges Andrea with a scathing tone, her feathers ruffling.

Andrea laughs at Tia as an adult laughs at an angry child. Duff shifts his attention to Andrea but her eyes are firmly planted on Tia.

"I mean, you grew up abroadIf you're unfamiliar with magic and you can't fight, too...." she offers a fake grimace, "Assessments are, what, two weeks away? How do you plan to survive service when you're so far behind?"

Tia holds Andrea's eyes, her expression grim, trying to ascertain her intentions. Was Andrea trying to scare her, embarrass her or was she the first person to be blatantly honest since she arrived?

"Andrea," Aldric states more firmly while they stare each other down, "Tia is our hostess tonight." Andrea seems to ignore Aldric's warning entirely and Tia decides to risk seeming the fool.

"What," Tia speaks slowly, "Are you talking about?" Andrea glances to Leon and Lucy before locking eyes with Tia again, her expression betraying her mirth.

"You really don't know?" Andrea asks gleefully, "Assessments, service?"

Tia scans the others, her frustration mounting as she realizes she is the only one among them unaware and the familiar sense of being "other" cultivates rapidly. Aldric shifts in place, trying to muster the right words of explanation.

"Military service," Martia cuts in with a neutral tone, "Every Accian citizen, every one of us here, will serve the kingdom as a soldier." Tia blinks into her words.

"Military...?" Tia breathes before looking to Andrea again, "You said two weeks?" All of the strange comments, her grandmother's anxiety and her father's secrecy begins clicking together in Tia's mind. "I see," Tia seethes in a low tone, cold rage building in her gut. Electricity jumps between her jewelry again as Tia broods, her markings crackling with energy.

"Let me apologize," Aldric states, flickering a heated glance at Andrea before continuing, "On Leon and Andrea's behalf. This was all highly inappropriate."

"Thank you," Tia nods once to acknowledge his gesture and speaks as softly as she can manage without the anger quivering her voice, "For taking the time to greet me." 

She bows to Aldric one more time before making her way back into the manor, Duff leaping to the ground. Despite her size guests part before Tia anxiously at the sight of her expression. Aldric moves to follow her but nearly trips over Duff who darts between him and the door. Duff pauses briefly to regard the prince before disappearing past the balcony. Aldric stares after him, a sigh sliding out his nose while he considers the debacle. He levels a disappointed scowl at Andrea as he turns around.

"You know how I feel about foreigners," Andrea states as if to excuse herself.


Allen watches Tia ascend the stairs, a grim expression anchored on her face. He excuses himself and trails after her to her quarters.

"Snowdrop, are you-" Allen begins as he enters the room but his voice drops off as he meets his daughters gaze. Duff stands beside her in his natural form, malicious eyes stabbing at Allen as Tia rests her hand on him, Tia's rage flowing into him.

"What's wrong?" Allen questions, looking between them warily.

"How long were you going to wait?" Tia answers, her tone low, and she watches Allen's face drop, "How could you keep something like this from me!" Allen double checks the door behind him is shut.

"I wanted to tell you sooner but-" Allen tries to talk in a soothing voice.

"But you didn't!" Tia scoffs, "Instead, some haughty brat informs me in the most humiliating way she could manage."

"I was trying to protect you," Allen grows firm and her eyes flash with another spike of anger.

As Tia fumes, the walls behind her begin to darken, ordinary shadows becoming more opaque and stretching out. The words Allen had gathered up disappear as these shadows swallow the space behind her. A strange fear begins cumulating in the pit of his stomach and he struggles to ascertain the source.

"You haven't protected me once since we arrived," Tia scathes ruthlessly, "Not once," Allen sucks in a breath at her words, "And this wasn't protecting me!" Tia bites, speaking slowly, "You don't hide things from family!" As she continues to peer into his eyes, his fears begin flooding into her mind.

'Tia...' Duff tries to interject.

"No!" Tia barks at him before squinting at her father again, "You... were only protecting yourself and how you felt! You were afraid I would cut you off, that I would see a selfish, incompetent father!"

Allen's eyes brim with tears, drawing out the same from her. Tia clenches her eyes shut, flips around and approaches the window, trying to compose herself. As her anger dissipates into empathetic sorrow, the room returns to normal.

"I am horribly unprepared..." Tia states, her shoulders wavering alongside her voice, "But you were taking me to concerts and restaurants...! You promised me you would help me adapt to what was coming but you weren't even honest about what's going to happen!"

Tia turns and looks into his eyes again as a silence falls over the room. Then, before either of them can break that silence, a knock raps on the door and Duff dashes under the bed.

"I... I-" Allen stammers but Tia waves a hand at him, blotting her tears away with her other hand.

"The party isn't over," Tia states in a flat tone as Evelyn opens the door. She checks her appearance in the mirror once before gliding out of the room. Allen watches her go, staring after her even after she disappears. His mother lingers in the doorway, lips pursed.

"How did she find out?" Evelyn asks, monotone.

"One of the other heirs," Allen answers, his voice lacking any power. Evelyn turns to follow after Tia but pauses as he speaks to her.

"Is this how you felt," Allen asks softly, "When I left?" Evelyn turns to him, her eyes sympathetic.

"Yes," she replies in a small voice, "It likely is." He gives her an almost apologetic expression but they are both silent as she leaves the room.




After that night, Tia dives into her lessons with a new fervor. Her anger and determination driving her through the exhaustion. She spends every moment training or studying, seething and silent, avoiding or ignoring her father entirely. Days speed by all too fast in a blur. She was thankful, at least, that her exhaustion saved her from further vivid nightmares. Tia paces her room now, assessments just around the corner, reflecting on the argument.

"I need to tell her," Tia blurts, directed at Duff.

'It's a bad idea,' Duff states emphatically, as she knew he would, tired of the argument himself.

"I can't keep lying to her!" Tia insists, "It's exactly like, if not worse, than what my father did!" 

'Every person who knows puts you at risk!' Duff rumbles, 'She won't be as accepting as your father. She barely knows you.'

"But we don't know that! I just...." Tia insists, a sigh bursting forth, "She has been so supportive and helpful and... I'm not comfortable lying to her anymore! It doesn't matter if she's disappointed," Duff leers at her, doubting her resolve for the latter sentiment, causing Tia to frown, "Besides. I'll still technically have the family magic!" 

'One day,' Duff chides, sensing her resolve, 'You'll understand the necessity of secrets.'


"Tia, dear, is something the matter?" Evelyn questions, settling into the sofa of Tia's seating area and wrapping a shawl around her shoulders. Tia decides against sitting across from her, far too anxious, and alternates between pacing and squeezing the top of the opposite chair.

"I was thinking about what I said to dad," Tia admits, bringing a quick smile to Evelyn's lips, "I was angry with him for keeping things from me. I still am mad at him for that but it isn't right for me to accuse him when..." Tia watches Evelyn's face carefully, "When I've been keeping something from you since we met." Surprise passes over Evelyn's face momentarily but her face lightens quickly.

"I appreciate your consideration," Evelyn responds cheerily, "And it's good you're thinking over what happened with your father. But everyone keeps small, harmless things to themselves here and there. When you came here, I was still a stranger to you. I couldn't be angry with you for that!" Evelyn assures her. Tia retains her grimace and Evelyn's concern waxes as this doesn't assuage her granddaughter's anxiety.

"It isn't... a small secret," Tia admits and bites her lip, "Those who know about it keep telling me to keep this a secret but... you are my family and you deserve to know."

Evelyn finds herself beaming briefly, hearing Tia's acceptance and familial regard for her so soon, but concern creeps back into her expression as she tries to fathom what kind of secret Tia could possibly be keeping.

"Come here, sweet girl. Sit," Evelyn instructs and waits for Tia to sit across from her. She holds Tia's hands in hers as she speaks, "Whatever is eating at you will not change how I care for you. You are my precious, one and only granddaughter and I love you deeply!" Tia steadies herself, leaning back in her seat.

"I told you that my mother left us," Tia begins and Evelyn nods in response, "On the way here, we stopped at an inn near the mountains. That night, I heard my mother slipping out and saw her ride into the forest so rushed after her," Evelyn remains attentive to Tia's story as she continues, "I caught up to her but... the soldiers escorting us began chasing us up the mountain. When they attacked, I was injured and I lost my horse. And when I reached back up for my mother's hand," Tia chokes and has to clear her throat, not having voiced any of these events yet, "She was gone."

Evelyn is aghast, hands held tight over her mouth, and then rapidly furious. She already had a measure of disdain for this mysterious woman and Tia's tale only embitters her further. She barely restrains herself as Tia continues.

"When the soldier attacked again," Tia's tone is high and sheepish, "He, um, he knocked me off the mountain." Tia presses her lips together recalling the harrowing memory. The pain and injuries she endured had made the experience seem more nightmare than something that had actually occurred. "I... I should have died," Tia squeaks, glancing at Evelyn. 

"Who was this soldier," Evelyn seethes, shaking with anger, "I'll have him-" 

"Please, let me finish," Tia quickly interjects, gesturing for Evelyn to stop. Evelyn falls silent, quashing her own anger but still brooding over her threat. Tia is quiet, contemplating how to continue the story. "My memory is a bit hazy," Tia admits, her voice jumping again, "My injuries were really extreme and I was barely alive but... someone saved me."

Tia pauses again, the words catching in her throat. Evelyn is patient, offering her a reassuring smile. Tia takes a breath, her heart pounding amid the moment she had envisioned too many times.

"But when he saved me," Tia explains stiffly, "He made me... he changed me..." she gestures with her hands while she battles with the words, "Into a... shape shifter..." Tia finishes, mild and almost inaudible.

Evelyn's smile drops and her face drains of color. She stares at Tia, disbelief rendering her expression vacant. Tia waits, biting her lips and seeming to hold her breath. Evelyn's eyelids flutter, breaking away from the stupor of her initial shock, but she is still pallid and tries to rise to her feet, stumbling back into the chair. Evelyn's thoughts race through her own knowledge of shape shifters, the legends and folktales. Tears spring into her eyes and Evelyn is quick to cover her face with her hands. Her mind buzzes with the feeling of exposure as her emotions begin to overwhelm her.

"I'm sorry..." Evelyn whimpers meekly, "I-I need a moment. I just... I need a moment," Evelyn croaks, quickly rising and slipping though the door. Fear springs through Tia as her grandmother disappears. She takes in a harsh, raucous breath and nearly follows after Evelyn. Her hand freezes on the doorknob.

"What if you were right?" Tia husks, her voice weak and empty, "What if she wants nothing to do with me... or... or...?" Tia begins pacing the room, wrapping her arms around herself as if she might fall apart.

'Calm down,' Duff directs, only amplifying her anxiety.

"She must be so disappointed!" Tia's voice is a discordant squeak, pausing in place as tears trickle over her cheeks, "You told me so many times...!" 

Tia crouches down, wrenching her eyes shut and squeezing her head between her knees. Duff watches as her shadow expands, creeping out from beneath her and swallowing up the room. The frigid pall sucks all warmth from the air and as her breath quickens it wavers violently across the walls like fingers of a roaring fire.

'Tia!' Duff shouts, approaching cautiously and eying her manipulations.

She doesn't notice his presence, even through their link, hyperventilating. The room grows colder as her panic drags on, frost forming across various surfaces and strange black shards begin materializing all around her. Duff hesitates once, unaccustomed to providing comfort, but finally pushes himself into nuzzling his snout into her hand. She gasps at first, stiffening, but still finds herself relaxing into the gesture as she senses his genuine concern cut through her panic. 

'Breath deeply,' Duff directs steadily, his familiar baritone voice soothing, and Tia embraces him.

Tia runs her fingers through his fur and tries to match the tempo of his breathe until she feels in control again. The shadows and shards fade as she calms, the room slowly returning to normalcy before she opens her eyes.

"Thank you," Tia wisps, still shaky, and glances to the door, "It's been too long..."


Evelyn slips into her own chambers and finally lets the tears flow freely. She weeps, sobbing as she falls to the floor. Red embers leap across her skin as her emotions flow and she digs her claws into the floor, ripping at the carpet. Her despair transforms into wrath and she begins tossing furniture out of her way, searing all she touches as the flames rush over her skin. Evelyn shouts into the empty room, raging over the utter injustice. But as a knock sounds on her door, she freezes and the rage goes cold in an instant.

"Grandma?" Tia calls to her and Evelyn gasps, "Please, let me explain!" Tia's voice is taught with anxiety, tugging Evelyn to the door despite her hesitation. Evelyn clears her hoarse throat before responding.

"Just a moment, dear, I'm... um...." Evelyn's mind goes blank, shame giving her pause, "I'm a bit indisposed."

"Please," Tia's voice cracks, "Can we please just talk? I-I didn't want to disappoint you... I-"

"No, dear, no!" Evelyn gasps through the crease of the door, "I'm not-" her lungs deflate and she tries to compose herself, "I'm not disappointed, sweetie. I just... I didn't want you to see me like this...!" Evelyn admits with a wisp of a voice. Tia is speechless for several seconds.

"I don't care about anything like that!" Tia reassures her and Evelyn shudders out a breath. Tia pleads with her, "Can we please keep talking?"

Tia waits through an agonizing pause and Evelyn cracks the door open, just a sliver at first. With another pause, Evelyn opens up the door fully, her ears flat on her head and unable to look into Tia's eyes. Tia's eyes flutter over state of her grandmother and at the mess behind her.

"I'm sorry, Tia," Evelyn whispers wistfully.

"Is this... because of me?" Tia squeaks.

"No!" Evelyn denies instantly, holding Tia by her shoulders at first and then embraces her, "I'm not upset with you, I'm upset for you!" Relief washes over Tia, comforting Evelyn as well as she relaxes in her arms. Evelyn wipes at her face for a moment and sniffs. She glances back to her room, her expression thoughtful. "Why don't we return to yours?" Evelyn suggests, a hint of laughter lingering between them.

They both settle into their chairs, still shaky and emotional. Evelyn orders some tea to be left by the door, fetching it once the staff is gone and they both sip at chamomile and lavender.

"I'm so sorry, Tia." Evelyn breathes emphatically, "That is far too much for you to carry alone." 

"Dad already knows but... I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away..." Tia offers her apology quietly, "That I lied to you." 

"It's probably best you waited," Evelyn admits, a touch of amusement finding its way into her voice.

"I'm still sorry...." Tia insists timidly, "You were so excited about me having my father's magic! I didn't want to disappoint you." 

"'My father's magic'?" Evelyn echoes and Tia flinches, "Please, dear. Tell me about the real you. I promise it won't change how I care for you."

Tia sighs and closes her eyes. Evelyn watches, fright and wonder touching her face as Tia's features revert back to her true appearance. Her wild, bone-white hair billows down her shoulders and as her eyes open, Evelyn is struck by the indigo swirls.



"The soldier saw me, before I fell," Tia explains meekly, "I had to alter my appearance so they wouldn't suspect me but this is what I actually look like."

"Oh...!" Evelyn gasps, "White hair...?" Evelyn's eyes drift, losing herself in contemplation, but Tia doesn't meet her gaze.

"That's from my mom," Tia answers in a sheepish tone, eyes glued to her tea, "She was unbelievably beautiful. Before all of this, we were really close..."

"All the beauty in the world doesn't pardon betraying your child," Evelyn bites resentfully.

"Oh! Her magic, m-my magic..." Tia begins.

"Allen wouldn't believe I said this," Evelyn chuckles, "But it doesn't matter, dear. Caring so much about that now... seems very silly given what you can do," Evelyn muses and Tia cocks her head to the side, confused, "You don't know?" 

"I think there's a lot I don't know," Tia admits, "He can be really cryptic."

"Well..." Evelyn draws out the word, "Shape shifters are able to steal the forms of those they touch," Tia eyebrows shoot up in response and her mouth hangs open just slightly, "Effectively," Evelyn continues, "You can collect the racial magic of all those you come into contact with."

"That's...!" Tia breathes, "That's amazing!" 

"Accians hate and fear shape shifters, Tia," Evelyn wears a cynical expression as she explains wistfully, "Many believe these beings rob us of our racial magic, something so very personal to us. Though, given I still possess mine, it seems more superstition than fact," Evelyn sniffs, "Either way, most fear someone with so much power... and the legends about shape shifters are dark, terrifying and rife with betrayal, imprisonment and torture!" Tia swallows hearing this, "Not to mention their connection to-" 



Evelyn blanks and sucks in a breath. Tia turns and finds Duff emerging from the shadows, approaching Evelyn with his head low and his hackles raised.

"Duff!" Tia scolds, "Don't scare her like that!" Duff releases a huff but ceases his ominous posture. Tia waves him over and he sits at her side, staring at Evelyn blankly and garnering fright still. "This... is Duff," Tia introduces him simply.

"Is he...?" Evelyn wisps, her tone timorous, and Tia nods.

"I don't really understand how it worked," Tia explains, running her hand over his head, "But Duff saved my life. If not for him, I would probably be dead." 

'You would definitely be dead,' Duff corrects her flatly.

"'Definitely be dead'," Tia quotes him sarcastically, "He likes to be a bit mysterious," she continues chattering, "But he's also really protective. In fact," Tia frowns, "He practically sounds like dad when he talks about protecting me and keeping secrets."

"He's that intelligent?" Evelyn questions and Duff gives a low growl, making her eyes pop. Tia gives a bark of a laugh.

"Yeah, sometimes he's smarter than I am! Oh," Tia pauses, "But he isn't tame. At least, that what he keeps telling me." Evelyn shifts uncomfortably hearing this.

"Well," Evelyn reasons, despite her discomfort, "I'm very grateful, Duff," his ears pop forward and she speaks gently, albeit nervously, "If not for you, I never would have met my granddaughter. Thank you." 

'Hm. It's rare I'm wrong about people,' Duff praises her in his own way. Tia smiles in response and Evelyn notices the silent interaction.

"Oh um. We can talk to each other," Tia notes bluntly, "In our minds."

'Are you going to give away all of our secrets?' Duff complains and Tia grins at him.

"However did you-" Evelyn mutters but her eyes slide to the moon outside, "Oh, it's far too late, dear! We should both get some sleep!"

"Ok, um..." Tia stammers, rising out of her chair with Evelyn, "Thank you, for hearing me out."

"Thank you for your honesty, dear," Evelyn sighs, "Preparations are going to be far more effective knowing... this... I have quite a bit to reconsider..." Evelyn offers her another smile before departing and Tia slumps into her bed, overcome by relief. 


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