Chapter 12

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A perpetual rumble permeates the air trailing after vicious flashes and stark thunderclaps. Those below had come to dread what often follows these flickering claps from atop the mesa but to the twins, these sounds were ordinary if not comforting. The girl knew she would come to miss their lulling reverberation. The pair linger on the precipice of the canyon below, a mysterious other world they had only known through legend. The boy squats along the edge, his skin cracked and streaked by bright yellow. These markings retain an intense glow, never dulling or wavering. He observes two soldiers as they patrol the borders of a grand city in the center of the canyon. 

"Are we sure about this?" the girl's voice lilts as she questions him again, still reluctant for her brother to leave everything behind.

The boy turns to his sister, his gaze lingering on the marred, sinewy scars encircling eyes. Like her brother, she was forced to keep her form constantly manifested but she hadn't once in the entirety of her life been able to deactivate the pale yellow webbing her eyes and neck.

"We're out of options, Inge," he insists gravely, returning his eyes to the soldiers below, "There's nothing left for us here. We need a fresh start."

"You mean I need a fresh start," Inge corrects him and her voice falters, "Brynjar, you don't have to-"

"You're not going alone!" Brynjar cuts her off emphatically, "I won't make that mistake ever again." 

One of the soldiers peer up at the mesa, Brynjar instinctively dodging back out of sight. Inge remains still, cut off from view but well aware of their movements. 

"He didn't see you," Inge notes and Brynjar's shoulders drop, "But isn't it your plan to be discovered?"

"Inge," Brynjar is serious again, "We talked about this, you need to be more careful!"

"Even with you?" Inge peeps, "I'm not sure I can, Bryn... it just... happens."

"If any of this is going to work," Brynjar tries to speak more gently, "You have to keep your mind to yourself and stay out of other people's business!" Inge's face is painted with uncertainty and discomfort, the quiet girl practically squirming at the prospect, "You have to promise me."

"I..." Inge breathes and then sighs, "I'll try."


The Procession


The compound had come alive long before dawn, staff fussing at timorous recruits unsure of what lay ahead. Not all staff would make the journey, compound staff certainly wouldn't. Their work was nearly done. Yet for procession staff this was an ordinary transition they had and would continue to make time and time again throughout their career but regardless of however many journeys they had already seen, the nerves and cluelessness of new recruits undergoing their first march was more exhausting than the journey itself. They bark orders at the doe-eyed children, separating them by division and giving them a number of directions moving forward. In the days leading up to their journey, basic formations, movements and orders had been drilled into the children but this was never enough. They would only ever learn through the journey itself. 

As always, the Aerial Division would depart first and move ahead of the entire procession. Lined up outside the second gate, Tia feels quite apprehensive and exposed compared to how other divisions are preparing themselves. Infantry, Aquatic, Special and Ranged divisions would make the journey on foot, carrying their own belongings, and Medical would march as well each with their own pack animal for their requisite supplies. Control, Support, Command, mages and of course Mobile were permitted to ride but even they seemed hankered down by baggage. Tia carries almost nothing, flying ahead with little more than her weapon, a canteen of water and a handful of signal flares. She feels almost naked in comparison and she worries for Ifani, marching on foot while lugging all of her own possessions. Tia is at least grateful she could lend Albert her horse, the boy still gangly and unathletic. Despite the exposure she's truthfully relieved she won't be making the journey in a saddle.

"Alright, listen up!" Felicity barks, quickly drawing focus, "We've got a lot of green recruits today. I expect our seniors to set an example and juniors to pay close attention and follow orders!" she eyes them all with a hard gaze, "This is about more than just getting to the next compound, this is training. Until every member of the procession makes it to our destination, we are scouts and we are soldiers! I expect those with superior vision up front with eyes ready."

Felicity's gaze lands on Tia briefly. Tia stiffens as their eyes lock, after her interaction with Allen the night before, but while Felicity sneers she otherwise overlooks Tia.



Another woman steps forward then, Instructor Simona. Dark haired and willowy, Simona is a woman of extreme composure and serenity, reminding Tia of a tricking forest brook. Despite her demure demeanor she has sharp percipience and judgement. When manifested, she displays features of a barn owl and this adds to her mysterious appearance as well as to her critical perception—none possess a sharper ear. Felicity falls silent as Simona speaks, eying her with an uncharacteristic calm.

"The journey from the valley compound to the canyon compound will be significantly smoother than those to come," Simona explains steadily, "There are no major predators, natural hazards or aggressive locals within the valley. My advice to you today is to grasp the basics before we move through more volatile biomes." Simona pauses as sunlight breaks over the horizon and, for a moment, the entire procession falls silent. Then, just as abruptly, staff and recruits come alive together. 

"Let's go!!" Felicity booms, spreading out her wings and taking to the air.

With a fluttering heart, Tia follows after her aunt abreast a number of fellow recruits. Felicity leads them forward, Tia flanking behind three others as they initiate a V formation. Four other groups spread out alongside them, Martia among them, while Danut and the rest of their division hang further back guided by Simona. They rise higher than Tia had ever flown before, the valley sprawling out below them. A gasp freezes in her lungs at the sight. Tia knew her eyesight was better in this form but she hadn't realized how much better. She is able to make out fine details for nearly two miles with focus, quickly understanding why she and other "raptors" are at the forefront. Tia is unable to stifle her excitement, filling her lungs with crisp morning air, enjoying the wind thrashing through her hair and spreading her arms out with her wings. 

The Control Division follows next on horseback. In any other region, Control would be hard at work smoothing over the path for the rest of the procession or protecting their peers from the elements but the valley grants them an easy journey. Infantry Division is on foot behind them and this departure takes the longest by far as the largest bulk of recruits fall into this group.

While the rest of the Support Division wouldn't depart for some time, the more musically inclined members among them are placed throughout the procession playing in one synchronized tempo. Albert is among these, a number of instruments prepared for the day. He starts the journey with a snare drum hooked to his belt. Even the greenest recruits can march to this beat, in rows and carefully spaced apart, tenuously imitating the seniors marching ahead of them. It was the unremitting maintenance of this steady pace which would test their endurance.

From his favored perch Duff's head drops as he leers over the procession, exuding considerable contempt as he observes their procedure take shape. He considers the whole arrangement intensely unnatural. Human practices like these have always left Duff apprehensive and uncomfortable. As lines of children finish tucking themselves away into tidy rows, pack animals of varying species are guided after them by staff, departing with the food and general supplies they would need along the way. Duff had considered hiding amongst these creatures but in the end decided he'd follow along on foot once all had departed. 

Next is the Aquatic Division, marching much the same as Infantry in this terrestrial location. They are followed by the mages, wearing their ridiculous cloaks and following on horseback while heedfully guarded by security staff. It takes little to no time for this negligible party to depart, so few in number when viewing the entirety of the procession. The rest of the Support Division trails after them followed by the Command Division and the Marshal herself. Command is the brain of this machine and Support the voice.

Ranged and Special Divisions follow after them, muscle to protect the less combative recruits if they were to run into trouble—though Duff greatly doubts this leg of their journey would have any such incidents. By the time the Mobile Division flanks the procession, Duff can no longer see Tia or even the Infantry recruits. The compound is left an empty husk by the time Duff trails after them, as it would remain until the next rotation.

Throughout their flight, Felicity runs her students through a variety formations and maneuvers too cumbersome to practice inside a compound. She also has raptors like Tia and Martia test their perception, spotting and collecting small game for lunch. To the surprise of most new recruits they cut their flight much sooner than any of them had expected, a mere twelve miles along the way. Though, this distance was far from trifling for those on foot. Tia expected her endurance to be tested today by sheer distance travelled but instead, it's tested by drills and exercises while they await the rest of the procession.

As the day drags on, Felicity and Simona split the division in half, each taking turns hiding from or ambushing each other while the second half practices evasive and combative maneuvers in response. Their instructors are quite serious about these exercises but to Tia, it feels more like a sport or game. Despite the ease of the journey so far, Simona repeatedly assures them that while this flight had been uneventful, their division had the riskiest role of all. 

When Control arrives Tia and her cohorts refocus on maintaining a perimeter and keeping eyes on the progress of the procession while Control aids staff in setting up the campsite. Control recruits utilize Manipulation and similar manifestations to dig out ditches, smooth out the ground and raise walls, quickly shaping out their camp. When Infantry begins filing in, haggard and weary, the grounds are ready and supplies arrive just after them. Their only remaining task is putting up their own tents, dinner hot and ready by the time they finish.

Tia readily aids Ifani with their own, still considerably less exhausted than her roommate, and they both welcome Albert as he arrives, somehow worse off than Ifani. By the time the sun sets, the rest of the procession has arrived and most call it a night as soon as they have food in their bellies—quickly teased for this by senior recruits. Tia wonders how long it would take for them to make this journey so readily.


Meeting of the Shadows


Beneath the throne room, a great hollow chamber awaits the gathering of the King's Shadows. Men and women of umbral persuasion don their ceremonial robes in silence, as is tradition. Tradition and ritual rules these gatherings, their origins as cryptic as the entity they celebrate. These inky garments grant the ritual keepers the sight necessary to navigate the chamber within, any luminescence sacrilege in this space. Five await them as lesser members shuffle inside, all faces cloaked except for one: Ambrose Syltharis. Once everyone is in place, they begin. 

"Dazaryl-rithkar karith-nautgok," the Shadows chant together as one. In response, Ambrose takes his seat on a smooth throne crafted from naked stone. 

"Sylhem-aryldaz-othwyr-syl," Ambrose denotes and they all kneel at once, "Rise Unseen, Empath, Tormentor, Eye," Ambrose drones, four Shadows rising, "With four of five gathered, let us begin." All others stand and step back along the wall. 

"As the Eye," Ghislaine speaks first, "I have gleaned a new path to our King's desire," a string of whispers circulates, fittingly hushed, "We seek a newborn shape shifter, tethered to His familiar. She is the key."

"If His herald has been tethered," Nigel is nearly deadpan as he questions Ghislaine, "Isn't this shifter His chosen?" Ambrose frowns into the potent silence.

"The familiar is His link," Ambrose speaks gravely, "But he has chosen many who were unworthy. Do you think a mere girl more suitable than I, his descendant?"

"No," Nigel answers, his tone solemn, "I don't presume to know. I only serve, as the Unseen must."

"Is she truly just a girl?" Lola questions, already leaking with pity. 

"Ohhh," Deidre hums and then gasps with a smile, "I love working with children!"

"And you will," Ghislaine answers her, causing Lola to shiver, "Once we find her. That is our goal now," he pauses to regard all present, "Seek out all knowledge pertaining to shape shifters and ensnare any you come across! If you capture her, or any shifter, bring them to our Empath and Tormentor. If we do this," Ghislaine looks to Ambrose and all eyes shift to him, "We can resurrect our Dark King."


Ambrose's Shadows disperse after discussing their plan moving forward. Their robes hang neatly aside and the chamber is left empty once again.



Nigel lingers inconspicuously, often forgotten by his peers, until all others have departed. He slips back inside and triggers a secret door behind the throne, stepping onto a stone concealed in its shadow. He descends further into the depths below the castle but doesn't need his eyes to navigate these halls and passages. He knew every step, every turn and every trap, his father's guidance still fresh in his mind despite decades of absence. After traversing this complex web, Nigel finds himself in the true heart of the King's Shadows.

Ancient tomes and sacred artifacts lay within this chamber, lining the walls and shelves, but five structures are the primary feature. Five stone archways are spread evenly about the room and at the very center, connected by raised pathways, waits a large circular platform engraved with Zalikar's crest and circled by linear letters. Most of the stone within this chamber, whether on the walls, the archways or the pathways, is carved with ancient Accian alongside complex glyphs, laid down by Nigel's ancestors after the fall of their master tens of thousands of years ago.

Nigel can sense his forebears' tenacity when his fingers graze these walls, their specters gripping him with the weight of their history and service. The pressure of their grasp has grown unbearably tight with so few true Shadows left. Nigel makes his way from archway to archway, pouring a stygian elixir into wells mounted on the walls beyond each doorway. This breathes life into the carvings, the mysterious fluid trickling into place along the creases and crevasses and activating planar portals in the archways. Each portal is a different shade of black and each moves with their own signature texture including swirling charcoal smoke, a torpid obsidian vacuum, coagulating soot oil, clawing olive fingers and wriggling slate tar. Their corresponding carvings emanate these hues as well. Once all spells have been activated, Nigel kneels before the central platform. Despite his resolve his breath still shudders in before he speaks.

"Dazaryl-rithkar karith-nautgok," Nigel denotes precisely and the portals pulse, "Within your pall I remain Unseen. Master of Shadows, I seek your profound guidance."

Figures begin emerging from each doorway and move across the pathways before converging at the center. Azowyr stretches forward steadily, akin to a shadow streaking along a path as the sun sets. Vokda zips to the platform with imperceptible speed, noticeable only by the frigid air he touches as his vacuum eats away any warmth he contacts.



Siptalis lurches forward with great effort, burdened by the soot black oil running down his body which leaves him as heavy and agonized as the faces sliding underneath his gaunt skin, weeping the wretched fluid.



Felryth skitters forward in an unnatural position, his movements sudden and unpredictable as he drag him forward with his arms—limiting himself to just two unlike in Tia's nightmare. All of his movements produce the dry snaps of cracking bone, including his neck as his head twists and bends to regard the chamber and his brothers while fingers try to claw their way out from underneath necrotic skin.



Irkath hovers forward with dignity despite staining and befouling all he touches with a body consisting of wriggling maggots of slate black tar and sinew, his wide-eyed gaze piercing and unsettling.

These entities meet on the central platform, pressing into each other as they merge and coalesce until one being remains, towering over Nigel. Features of each aspect are expressed but his face remains simple shadow. Only Irkath's near-omniscient eyes are visible. Wriggling tar and thick oil slide down his blackened body and the air surrounding him continues to chill, consuming and snuffing out heat within the chamber. Zalikar allows a minacious silence to fall over the room, remaining still for more than a minute after his aspects have come together and enjoying having his mind in one piece after being spread too thin for too long. Nigel can feel himself lock up as Zalikar's eyes fall on him.

"Rise, Unseen one," Zalikar instructs, his bass voice rumbling Nigel's bones in this small space, "Why have you summoned me?"

"A threat to your revival has surfaced, master," Nigel states breathily, keeping his eyes downcast as he stands, "The false Shadows hunt your chosen."

"I know this," Zalikar answers with a hint of annoyance and his eyes narrow on the man, "What is it you seek?"

"Only to serve you, the true King of Shadows," Nigel answers, kneeling before Zalikar again, "I offer myself as your tool and beg for the guidance of your unfathomable wisdom." Zalikar's sonorous laughter bounces off the walls of the chamber and causes Nigel to tremble.

"Little Shadow," Zalikar continues, his voice retaining both amusement and derision, "How will you prove your dedication to me? I am not swayed by indulgent flattery or hollow oaths."

"I have marked myself," Nigel denotes and pauses to remove his shirt, "Into subjugation."

An intricate tattoo runs up his spine and cages his entire torso before collaring his neck. This earns Nigel the slightest smile from his master, even if he cannot see it. Zalikar gestures toward Vokda's archway, his palm facing the portal. An object ejects itself from the plane and flies into his hand.

"Then I grant you my voice," Zalikar congratulates him, holding this object out before his eager servant.

He drops a small box into Nigel's hands. Inside is a set of onyx loops with silver clasping to the stone, a strong enchantment humming within. Nigel removes the golden helix hoops he already wears and dons his master's gift swiftly, fastening them into place.  

"Now go," Zalikar speaks directly into his ears, each aspect ripping itself out of his body and returning to their planes, "You have much to do."


Stormy Girl


Halfway through the week, an aide summons Tia and the rest of her unit together. Tia approaches them, lingering in two separate groups with Orin on his own as usual. He seems particularly anxious. 

"Hey, um," Tia questions, approaching Ifani and Albert, "What's going on?"

"I was told we're getting a new member," Albert answers, his tone betraying his uncertainty. Tia can see the same in Ifani, stimming with a chopping hand and staring blankly at nothing in particular.

"But..." Tia states, dripping with ambivalence, "We haven't even reached the mesa yet." The others fall silent as she voices their mirrored concern.

"It's definitely suspicious," Orin agrees, bouncing his leg, "I wish they would hurry this up."

They aren't left waiting for long, Cassius approaching them with a young woman in tow, but she wears a gruff expression.



She is thickset and buxom with lengthy hair matching the sunset at her back and powerful amber eyes. She has quite the presence, appearing naturally confident and possessing an almost brutal aura yet there is a warmth to her as well. She leers over their group with a discerning eye before Cassius can introduce her, her eyes sticking on Ifani and then Tia. 

"I've got quite the surprise for you all," Cassius explains, almost giddy, "You've got a new unit-mate even sooner than expected!"

"Yeah," Orin's voice is scathing as it slides out, "We gathered that." Cassius blinks, Orin's behavior out of character.

"Yes, well," Cassius clears his throat, "Let me introduce Arabella Brunner!"

"No offense to you," Albert pads his question first, eyes dashing to Arabella, "But why is she joining us now?"

"Miss Brunner's original unit isn't working out for her, I'm afraid," Cassius explains delicately, "And I knew she was the perfect fit for all of you!"

"They didn't like me fucking the noble girl on the unit," Arabella states bluntly, unhesitant and unblinking.

Cassius' face drops into a displeased frown, squeezing his eyes shut, while Albert nearly chokes on his own breath. Aside from raw shock, the only positive reaction comes from Ifani, wearing a grin.

"Miss Brunner," Cassius continues with some annoyance, "Will be acting as your control support. I believe she'll be quite helpful overall. She'll also be your new roommate, Longwei."

"What," Longwei grates, not hiding his displeasure.

"I'll leave you all to get to know each other!" Cassius notes, quickly dodging away as usual. 

"So," Arabella chimes, tilting her head, "I hear this is the reject unit."

"No," Orin grumbles, quickly departing as well, "Just no." 

"Fuck you too then!" Arabella shouts after him, snorting in his absence. 

"Um... Arabella?" Albert questions, almost jumping when she looks to him, "C-can I ask about your abilities?" Arabella's eyes slide over the rest of the group, clearly curious for themselves. 

"What, you want me to just whop it out?" Arabella questions, "We gonna measure each other's dicks too?"

"N-no!" Albert stammers, "I didn't mean to... um..." 

"Could you just describe what you can do?" Tia questions, trying to take some of the pressure off of Albert, "I'm sure you wanna know the same, right?"

"I want a lot of things," Arabella muses with a touch of laughter, "Why don't you go first?"

"Okay! I've got Beranok's Aura and um..." Tia pauses, not sure how to properly describe her form and opting instead to simply fully manifest for Arabella to see for herself before continuing, "Ifani's got Emryl and Martor's Skin while Albert's got Kanilwyr's Binding and-"

"Imma stop you right there," Arabella cuts in, putting up a hand, "Might be hard for your type to understand but most normal people don't bother with all of those obnoxious names."

"My type?" Tia puffs up, "What makes you think any of us aren't normal!"

"Is that for real?" Arabella questions and gives a breath of a laugh, looking to each of them as she speaks, "Two nobles," she points to Tia and Ifani, "Some mousy egghead and two oddball Yaxiyans. Oh and that other douche is obviously noble too, uptight bastard."

"And what are you then?" Ifani questions with a bite to her words, "You must be another reject if you got stuck with us." Arabella looses a string of lilting laughs, seeming amused yet pleased by Ifani's assertion.

"I'm as gay as Luxis made me," Arabella quips back readily, "And..." she pauses to concentrate, her markings appearing across her body and gloving her hands. Unlike usual markings, these are not simply colorful patterns. Her skin appears to split apart and, from within these cracks, water drips out and flashes of purple electricity crackle. The sky darkens immediately above Arabella, gray clouds rumbling to life and threatening to break with rain as the air stirs with a growing breeze, ruffling her lengthy hair despite the bands binding it. She holds out her palm and with a quick flash, a snap of miniature lightning connects with her hand. Arabella cracks a wicked smile and speaks with great satisfaction, "I'm chaos!"

"Rylmer's Aura...!" Albert breathes, earning him a frown from the stormy girl.

"That sucks the fun out of it," Arabella grumbles, letting the miniature thunderhead fade, "But yeah, sure."

"You can make lightning too??" Tia questions avidly. 

"Too?" Arabella echoes, quickly eying Tia. Tia cracks her own smile, proudly presenting her hands and bringing several sparks to life between her fingers.

"That's cute, kitten," Arabella croons despite her smile and looks the group over again, "I'll be straight with you all. I don't give a shit about who you are outside of here. In fact," she pops a smirk, "Rejects are more fun! You respect me, I'll respect you."

"I can get behind that," Ifani answers before narrowing her eyes, "Once I see it."


Catch Me


After almost two weeks of travel the mesa had become visible to even ordinary eyes and their travel routine was beginning to set in. Infantry files in for the day and most hover around campfires with their dinner. Tia is posted along the western perimeter, keeping her eyes peeled for non-existent danger and eying the mesa in the distance, a striking feature that rises dramatically on the horizon. Tia had greatly refined the use of her eyes along the journey, quickly picking up movements and zooming in her vision when necessary, but its the sound of footsteps which catches her attention. To her surprise, Orin approaches her with a light wave and dimpled smile.

"What..." Tia questions with furrowed brows, "Are you doing here?"

"Oof," Orin recoils, "That's cold!" Tia presses her lips together and returns her gaze to the precipice of the mesa. Orin shifts from one foot to another, continuing to study her.

"Did you need something?" Tia sighs without looking to him, the silence growing awkward.

"I thought you might like some company!" Orin answers and chuckles, "But I'm sensing I might not be welcome. Can I ask you something anyway?"

Tia feels a pang of guilt. She didn't particularly dislike Orin. Primarily she remains confused by his behavior and the unfamiliar strangeness between them.

"Sure," Tia answers a bit more softly, turning an ear in his direction while keeping watch. 

"I thought you and I had hit it off pretty well," Orin notes leaning up against the tree Tia is perched on, "But somewhere along the way I seem to have put you off. If I'm being honest," Orin looses a light sigh, "I'm really interested in you. I wish we could get to know each other!" 

"N-none of that," Tia grumbles and he watches a flush work its way up her neck, "Is a question."

"Right," Orin chuckles at first, his voice growing more ardent, "My question is, how can I bring down this wall between us?"

"What?" Tia questions and turns to meet his eyes. 

"There's a wall between us," Orin continues with furrowed brows, gesturing back and forth, "And I wanna know how I can break it down."

"There's no wall!" Tia denies in a higher tone, averting her eyes.

"Hmm," Orin hums, tilting his head, "Are you sure?"

"Yes," Tia insists, looking back at him a bit stubbornly, "I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Okay," Orin grins, "I'm coming up then!"

"What?" Tia gapes as Orin begins scaling the tree, "Wh-what are you doing??" The long-limbed teen quickly finds his way up the tree, sliding across the branch carefully until he's right beside her with a charming smile in place. Tia glances down as she speaks, "We're too high up! What if you fall?"



"Well," Orin draws out the word before inclining his head to her, "I've got you right here to catch me!"

"I'm not really, um," a laugh slips from Tia as the scenario plays in her mind, "I'm not built for lifting people, I'd probably drop you!"

"Really?" Orin questions, placing his gloved hand over hers and peering into her eyes, "What are you built for then?" 

"U-um..." Tia jumps as her eyes rest on the gesture and she quickly finds her face heating up. Orin sees Tia stiffen, both her face and shoulders tensing despite her blush.

"Ah..." Orin lifts his hand away conspicuously, "I didn't mean to-"

"Uhh no!" Tia grasps her own hand, fingers grazing where his had touched her, "I-I'm just not... used to... um..." Orin looks her over, beet red and diffident, "I've never, um," Tia pushes out a breath trying to compose herself as her heart pounds. A stifled laugh slips from Orin's mouth and Tia blinks.

"See, this is why I wanted to get to know you," Orin's laughter is as light as his teasing, "I never would've guessed you were so cute and innocent!" Tia stifles a squeak and his laughter grows, "But try to relax, I don't mind taking things slow."

"Taking... what slow?" Tia's brows knit together as she watches him.

"I guess that depends," Orin's eyes bore into hers again, "On what you want it to mean. Getting to know each other or..."

Orin snakes at arm around her, Tia's eyes widening on his hand again as it grips her waist before darting back to his ardent gaze. His magic rushes over her as his arm brushes the small of her back. The energy is perfervid and torrid, piercing into her body with scorching intensity but also leaving a stubborn, intimate warmth in its wake. Tia's heart hammers in her chest immediately and she feels a warm fuzz wash over her as she looks into his glacial eyes. 

"Something a bit more exciting?" Orin smiles as he continues. 

"I..." Tia breathes, squeezing her eyes shut as her head spins, "I don't know... what I want..." 

"That's okay," Orin releases his hold on her, throwing his hands up with an easy smile, "Like I said, no ru-"

Orin leans back too far as he's speaking, letting his eyes go wide as he seems to realize this. Tia is quick to turn to grab him but his weight has already shifted too far and he begins to fall. Tia lunges after him with little hesitation, Orin blinking at the sudden willpower in her eyes. Tia's arms slip around him, one around his waist and another up his back, and Orin's arms cross behind her as well as her wings spread out. Tia pushes her wings laboriously, the two teens bobbing and slowing with each wingbeat but they still thud onto the ground hard enough to knock the air from his lungs. 

"See?" Orin coughs and laughs despite the collision, "I knew you'd catch me!"

Tia finds herself crashed over Orin, both still locked into a tight embrace as she reorients herself and her wings drape over them like a blanket. Tia gasps at the bouquet of unfamiliar sensations. Orin's warmth, his smell, his breath as his chest rises and falls, the feel of his body in her arms or the feel of his fingers as they slide down her back. She can hear his heartbeat quicken as she lingers on his chest, her own breath catching as she reshuffles to lift herself up.

"Gomen, I...!" Tia breathes, hovering over him on hands and knees as she gathers herself.

Tia pauses for breath as her heart flutters, that same lingering warmth washing over her skin too intensely. Tia's eyes drag over Orin's body as he lays vulnerable yet comfortable underneath her. Tia had never been so close to someone in this way and she feels almost feverish, intensified further as she meets his eyes. They burn into her own and he traces a finger up along her spine, procuring a shiver. Orin's lips tug upward at her reaction and Tia's eyes stick on them, watching them as he speaks.

"Are you sure," Orin watches her expression with some amusement, "You don't know what you want?"

Tia sucks in a harsh gasp, sitting up abruptly and scrambling to her feet with a scarlet face, a bit wobbly. Orin looses a string of chuckles before he sits up. Tia's turned her back to him, trying to get a handle over herself and her pounding heart. Orin sits cross legged, patient despite an arrogant smile. Tia pushes out a terse sigh before turning.

"I lied to you," Tia states, casting her eyes away as he blinks, "I know I've 'put up a wall' with you."

"Ah," Orin sounds, "So I did do something to put you off?"

"Yes," Tia sighs her reluctance and meets his eyes as she continues, her firm tone surprising him, "I don't like the way you treat the other members of our unit."

"Is this about... Longwei?" Orin raises a brow at her, "Cuz she-"

"No!" Tia cuts him off and he blinks, "That right there! You have no respect for him," he opens his mouth, shutting it as she scowls at him, "Yes, him. It doesn't matter how charming you are if-"

"You think I'm charming?" Orin's face lights up and Tia blushes again despite her frown. 

"Listen," Tia brushes his question aside and regains her firm tone, "Albert and Ifani are my friends and I respect Longwei and Bolor. I'm not comfortable with how you treat them!" Orin matches her serious demeanor as she continues, "That's what 'puts me off' about you."

"I suppose" Orin muses in a low tone, rising to his feet, "I've made an ass out of myself. A number of times," he releases a short chuckle and his voice softens, "It's not much of an excuse but can I be open with you?"

"Okay," Tia's smile is as simple as her answer, watching his face as he talks.

"I know I said I'm more than my family name but that doesn't mean it doesn't follow after me," Tia searches his increasingly serious, almost sullen expression, "I'm not in the 'reject unit' by accident, Tia. As far as nobility goes I'm bottom of the barrel, last rung on the ladder, whatever you wanna call it. And in the capital," a frown sits itself into place, "The only way a little fish like me gets by is by playing the game. Being away from that has been... a culture shock to say the least!" he looks her over again before continuing, "But we're not in the capital and none of you deserve my baggage. Maybe spending some with you might bring out my better side?"

"All of that nobility garbage is exhausting!" Tia gives another curt sigh and Orin laughs. 

"So," Orin questions with another magnetic smile, "Are we still taking things slow or did you change your mind?" Tia presses her lips together with a blush, nearly pouting, but his smile remains.

"Nothing is going to happen... between us..." Tia struggles with her wording, "Unless you can show me you're not a snobby jackass!" This leaves Orin blinking, stunned by the straightforward demand, but a grin is seeded in the expression. It grows as he regards Tia a bit differently than before.

"Alright," Orin agrees, "I'll keep that in mind. For now," he pauses, regarding the setting sun, "I'll stop distracting you." 




They were nearing the mesa now, its intimidating presence looming ever closer while the roaming thunderstorms the landmark is named after meander its surface. The Fulgurant Mesa was originally the favorite domain of Raegeric, the element of energy. The mesa itself bursts abruptly from the valley, it's tan stone forming a sheer wall. This incline rises higher than the mountains to the north and south, its presence almost alien amid the landscape. While the kingdom controls the canyon complex weaving through the mesa, the surface above holds its own mysterious country untouched by Accian sovereignty, their lands too lethal to those without specific blessings.



Malok is a mental aspect of Raegeric, representing chaos, and his mesa certainly lives up to these expectations with effects crafted by his own hand. Endless thunderheads roam the mesa, lightning striking far more frequently and erratically than any ordinary storm, and electrical fields scatter across the entire surface sporadically. Acid lakes, bogs, mist and rain, magnetic distortions, rivers and islands and even strange psychic pockets which warp the ordinary mind are rumored to call the mesa home.

One would think no human could make their home here but Raegeric assured any possessing a connection to his aspects, no matter the specific kind, could navigate all but the most intense zones. However, these effects are unforgivingly lethal to those not so blessed by him. In the kingdom's eyes the society within is totally lawless and insulated, as chaotic as the deity these inhabitants view Raegeric to be. Despite considerable expansion elsewhere the true nature, society and layout of these neighboring lands remain a mystery to the kingdom.

Tia observes the thunderstorms roaming the surface throughout their flight and hints of skyborne islands float in between. Even with her acute vision it's difficult to make out what lay further inside, obscured by curtains of rain and dense fog. As the aerial unit nears the mesa, they tighten their formations and even Felicity seems on edge. All eyes lock onto a thunderhead as it roams off the edge of the mesa, dropping a curtain of rain as it approaches a meager farming village. This by itself wasn't particularly alarming, these storms were known to strike the valley on occasion, but when the storm halts completely over the village, Felicity jumps into action. 

"Faaya, signal!" Felicity shouts orders alongside their matching hand signals. Faaya guides her formation to fall back. They set off their flares and fly in a specific pattern to alert the procession. 

"Two and four, with me," Felicity continues, "Scouts fall back and-" she pauses, her eyes catching on Tia as she deliberates, "You're with me," Felicity denotes gravely, stunning Tia. 

Two formations reassemble around Felicity, Tia among them, while Simona leads the rest of the division to land nearby. Tia could feel herself quivering, not sure what they were facing but trying to trust in her aunt. Yet she is the only new recruit in their party. 

The village is already in chaos as they approach, lightning crashing into buildings or villagers, seemingly guided by the assailants. Villagers act just as erratically, shrill screams sounding as they flee for their lives zipping into buildings, diving into ditches or even risking fleeing the village altogether. Warriors raid their homes and grab up anything they can carry, some sliding down ropes from within the cloud and others riding the lightning itself. Tia even spots the hull of a ship breaking through the barrier of the cloud.

Felicity signals as they approach ordering a "hit and run" tactic and Tia hones in on a warrior chasing a young woman down. She takes her sword in hand, not fully certain whether or not she could kill these total strangers, but she doesn't have time to think it over. His eyes catch on Tia  as she skims just over him, swinging her blade and slicing open his shoulder. However, Tia wasn't prepared for the resistance she would meet at such a speed and the sword is ripped from her hand, nearly breaking her wrist in the process. It lays on the ground just behind the man and she considers retrieving it.

'Leave it!' Duff barks as he races to her location. He is miles from the village.

Tia rises into the air again, imitating her allies by banking out of the village. They regroup, two among them bleeding but all of them alive. Felicity's eyes dash over each of them, signaling for the wounded to fall back and a flash of a smile touches her lips as her eyes graze over Tia, untouched. They had certainly left an impression on the invaders, the men watching as they circle back around for another run. They are regrouping as well, one man barking orders while two injured are lifted back up to their ship alongside pilfered supplies. They seem resolved to face Felicity's party, grouping together with eyes up.

As they dive at the men again, Tia is forced to default to her claws and aura as her weapon. The tension breaks as they close in and not all of them make it through the run. Tia feels the lightning connect with her but it is what follows which strikes her. She feels a boot on her back and it ruthlessly drives her into the mud. Tia chokes, unable to suck in a breath as the air is knocked from her lungs, but the warrior assumes her dead on the spot—any ordinary person would be from the lightning alone. He steps in front of her, refocusing his attention on those above.

Tia hadn't fallen very far, quickly regaining her senses after spluttering for air. When she opens her eyes she notices one other who had also been grounded. She is prone on her stomach, smeared in mud and seems to be reeling from a shock. The man responsible appears to be their leader and he focuses back on the girl as their peers flit away. His markings, looking very much like her own, light up as he readies another attack. Tia tears open the legs of the man who grounded her with her claws and scrambles forward as he goes down, leaping to cover the girl's body with her wings as their leader gestures. 

Tia's own marks blaze as the charge connects, rolling over her body harmlessly. Tia hovers over the girl, wings sheltering her as she turns to face the man. She bares her fangs and extends her bloodied claws but is otherwise weaponless. Without waiting for anyone to attack, Tia discharges a large shock over the road and this connects with most of the invaders.

Unfortunately, her electricity is as equally ineffective on them as theirs is on her. Only three of those present are harmed but one of their allies is quick to redirect her discharge from them, utilizing Beranok's Manipulation. This still causes the warriors to hesitate, astonished to see an Accian soldier with such a highly regarded blessing—a gift from their god. Yet their leader bellows with laughter into this silence, his men chuckling and sneering with him in response while the rest continue to send up the supplies they came for.

"Quite the tigress they've collared!" their chieftain hoots and Tia surprises herself as she produces a hiss.

The girl beneath Tia rasps in a breath as she stirs and her eyes pop as she takes in their predicament. She tries to lift herself from the road with trembling limbs but collapses back into the mud immediately. A sense of dread settles into Tia's stomach, knowing she can't possibly lift her quickly enough to escape. The warriors have fanned out around the two girls, quite confident of their control. Tia spots the formation preparing for another strike but is quick to return her gaze to those around them. The girl beneath her whimpers, failing again to lift herself as her muscles tremor.

"Accian cowards," the chieftain spits, watching them both with disgust and pity, "Sending children into battle!" Tia feels a lick of fear travel up her spine as she peers into the eyes of those surrounding them, their hesitation quickly drying up, yet she can also still hear the girl whimpering beneath her.

'Leave her!' Duff insists, closer but not close enough.

'No!' Tia denies tersely, unwilling to abandon her.

'You don't even know her,' Duff snarls. He knows how dangerously close Tia is to exposing herself.

'I won't run away!' Tia's declaration is vehement as the invaders step closer and a gasp leaps from her lips, 'Make them afraid...!' 

Tia summons the clammy, frigid sensation from her dream into her chest and sucks in as much air as her burgeoning lungs can tolerate. A strange calm settles over Tia as she begins channeling it, her fear falling away. Tia stirs the peculiar sensation into her breath as the invaders hoist their weapons at her, as much as she can muster in such a brief window, before releasing a strident hiss.



The entire party of raiders freezes up at once, several of them even shuddering or stumbling back as Tia pushes every ounce of air into the hiss. The smile on their chieftain's face drops away as a cold pit settles into his stomach from the immensely unnerving sound. Tia's eyes settle onto his as she finishes, the man's now steely gaze holding her own.

"What in Beranok's name are you?" she hears the ornery man grumble. 

Tia begins gathering the same power into her eyes but the man breaks off his gaze, glancing to an ally behind her. His ally moves to strike her, Tia hearing his boots squelching in the mud. Tia swivels and locks eyes with him as he slashes a hand axe from above. Terror rushes through him as he peers into her now blackening eyes, taking the power out of his strike, and Tia grips his arm to further resist the blow.

The axe collides with her shoulder considerably weakened and primarily bludgeons Tia, barely breaking her skin. The man's fright only amplifies as Tia continues to leer into his eyes, his knees wobbling and body trembling. Tia rips the axe from his hand as he blunders and brings her claw back to slash at him. He stumbles backwards before she can attack, cowering at her gesture. 

Tia can hear two more warriors sloshing behind her while a woman stomps forward to replace her retreating comrade. Tia considers altering her form, considers taking on more suitable abilities as she grips the unfamiliar axe, but the two behind Tia don't make it to her.

Despite the rain, flames roar over Tia's head and consume one opponent while the second is kicked square in the chest as Felicity lands on him. She doesn't hesitate to run him through and turns to the burnt man rolling in the mud, using both swords to rend his neck. Their leader glowers at Felicity as she tears into his men, his markings brightening as he charges up his attack, and Tia dashes to intercept. The axe catches his bolt and Tia pivots, running straight into the current with a blackened glower of her own.

Tia's eyes stab into his own and he feels his stomach wrench. He creates a second stream of electricity, connecting to the ship above, and grabs this current like a rope. He yanks himself upward before swinging onto a nearby roof and assesses his men. The road has quickly given way to full-blown battle. Felicity's recruits having taken on more aggressive tactics and switch to evasive maneuvers at their own discretion while his men struggle to adapt. Felicity herself locks onto him, the embers hovering about her body evaporating the rain as they collide.



"Fall back!" the chieftain booms, the invaders readily retreating at his word. Several bolts of lightning crash about the village to give them cover or transport them, ropes dropping down for the rest. Their leader rides one of these bolts himself, gone in a flash as he grips it. Their tactics weren't all that different from Felicity's, striking hard with a swift retreat.

The girl Tia sheltered releases a gasping sigh, overcome by relief as the rain fades. They all watch with wary eyes as the storm recedes back to the mesa and Tia's shoulders drop as they disappear. She cuts the flow of the strange sensation she channels, the black staining her eyes fading as she scans the village road. There are no bodies left behind and she's uncertain if any of those she fought lived or died. She's equally unsure whether she's relieved about this or not, more in awe of how rapidly events had unfolded. Tia eyes her hands, still bloody and shaking from adrenaline as her anxiety returns.

"What part of hit and run," Felicity roars, turning to Tia, "Do you not understand?!"

"She was injured!" Tia answers back and her voice breaks, gesturing to the girl, "Was I supposed to leave her behind??"

"You follow orders," Felicity chastises aggressively, "You don't-"

"She saved my life!" the girl squeaks desperately in Tia's defense, still struggling to move. Another recruit stoops to give her first aid.

"I think..." he explains to Felicity while examining her, "Her muscles tore themselves in response to the shock. She won't be able to move without a medic." Felicity pushes a long, seething breath through her nose before her eyes slide back to Tia.

"I expect a full debriefing," Felicity growls before stepping away.

Tia's face is vacant as she watches Felicity approach the other recruits, still reeling from her intense experience. Felicity barks orders, helping villagers assess the damage before they rejoin the procession. Tia takes a seat on the balcony of a villager's home to rest.

'I'm surprised you had nothing to say,' Tia speaks to Duff with a sigh.

'I had plenty to say,' Duff bites back not cushioning his frustration, 'But I'm not foolish enough to have a discussion in the middle of a battle!'

'I meant about that... weird power,' Tia breathes with wonder, putting a hand over her chest. She's still able to sense the link when she turns her attention to it. There were more but a fog lingers over her mind when focusing on them. Tia continues, 'Any time I start learning about or using my abilities you shut it down. Why not this time?'

'I don't suggest playing around with any of your abilities,' Duff answers with distaste and huffs, 'But today you had no choice. Since you insisted on playing hero!'

'I'm not playing hero!' Tia barks with a scowl, 'I just...' her eyes drift to where the girl had fallen, 'I couldn't leave her to die alone,' she can feel Duff's anger falter, 'I know what that feels like and I...'

'I understand,' Duff's voice softens, 'That part of why I saved you.' 

'We should talk more, Duff,' Tia notes after a moment of silence, 'What happened to staying close and facing things together?'

'Yes,' Duff gives a weary sigh, 'Today certainly drove home that I've been a neglectful guardian,' Tia feels his mind shift and become serious, 'Staff have been instructed to detain anyone with an unregistered beast. I didn't want any accidents.'

'Oh...!' Tia's brows shoot up but she is quick to furrow them next, 'See, you could've told me that!'

'It is within my nature to be secretive, Tia,' Duff explains, sounding almost forlorn, 'It's a wonder that it isn't in yours.'

'Fuck secrets!' Tia nearly pouts and Duff's laughs echo in her mind.

'I will...' Duff pauses to consider, 'Try to keep you abreast of the situation. But you must trust me when I tell you not to fuck with your abilities heedlessly. It will ch...' Duff pauses as Tia sniggers, 'What?'

'I've never heard you curse before!!' Tia shakes with laughter. 

'Haven't you...?' Duff wonders.

"Hey!" Felicity barks and Tia jumps, "If you're rested enough to sit there snickering to yourself then get your ass up!" She watches as Tia scrambles to her feet. 

"Yes, ma'am!" Tia gives her a salute, wincing as she moves her shoulder. Felicity grumbles complaints to herself as Tia rejoins the other recruits.


"You did what," Ifani exclaims as Tia explains the source of her bruised shoulder.

Tia was surprised to find healing magic's effectiveness drops the longer the wound sits untreated and clearly the other girl was a higher priority. The three of them linger around a campfire, sharing it with Arabella who seems equally intrigued and surprised. 

"They were attacking the village," Tia continues, "Had this freaky ship in the clouds and everything. Almost all of them had Beranok manifestations so I couldn't zap them but they couldn't use it on me either."

"Those were Storm Vikings, then," Albert notes, quickly drawing everyone's attention.

"What are Storm... Vikings?" Tia questions, totally unfamiliar. 

"Is she serious?" Arabella asks, a bit sassy.

"Tia grew up abroad," Albert mentions briefly before answering Tia's inquiry, "From what I've read, each of their villages are based on a magnetic set of isles at the heart of an eternal thunderhead. They craft ships out of the trees grown on these islands capable of sailing through storm clouds and raid nearby farms and ships for supplies. They're renowned for their powerful lightning magic."

"Okay," Tia mutters, "That's pretty badass." 

"I believe your grandfather, Titus, was originally a Storm Viking!" Albert states matter-of-factly, garnering only blank astonishment from Tia, "Before becoming a soldier for the kingdom, that is. He was quite famous amid that generation."

"You're definitely," Tia laughs, "Going to have to tell me that full story!"

"And here I thought you were this flimsy little kitten," Arabella's voice flits with laughter, "But really you're a tigress!"  

"Why do people keep calling me that?" Tia blinks and looks to Albert and Ifani, hearing this for the second time today.

"Tia," Ifani states plainly and gestures to her whole body. It had become her habit to casually manifest her ears and yellow markings. Tia looks herself over but still returns her eyes to Ifani, clueless.

"Ugghhhh," Ifani facepalms with both hands as she groans, "How are you this dense!!"

"The stripes, hun," Arabella answers frankly, "Stripes and cat ears."

"Ohhhhh!" Tia breathes, at times forgetting this was how everyone saw her. Not the celestial, water-bodied loner with moonlit hair Tia still envisions herself to be.

"Heh," Albert gives a crisp laugh, "'Tia the Tigress' would be a pretty catchy moniker!"

"Ah!" Tia gasps and her face lights up with astonishment and delight, "I'm like a raiju!"

"The fuck is a raiju?" Arabella asks with furrowed brows.

"In Nippon, the raiju is a tiger companion of the Raijin," Tia answers readily, "Which is the god of lightning!"

"Raijin is probably their name for Beranok or Raegeric," Albert notes, growing a bit excited himself, "Perhaps the raiju was his familiar? Are there more than one?"

"Do they do this often?" Arabella questions Ifani while Albert and Tia continue to chatter about Nippon. 

"Yeah," Ifani answers with a chuckle, "It gets kind of cute after a while."

"Hmmm," Arabella hums, watching Tia's excitement and the way her ears move as she speaks, "Yeah, definitely cute."


The Twins


The following day, the procession crosses into the canyon. While starkly different from the verdant rolling hills of the valley, the canyon possesses its own enchanting charm. Three features can be found throughout nearly every corner of the complex: rivers, crystals and waterfalls. Rivers are the centerpiece in every branch of the complex, fed by cascading waterfalls spilling sporadically along the walls. The endless storms atop the mesa produce an immense flow of water, some of this finding its way to the valley but far more to the rainforests to the south. Aquafers are built into canyon walls to direct these falls over the roadways while others flow more gently, gradually eating away at mesa stone over the centuries and crafting new branches.



Another primary feature are the crystals which jut out from the mesa walls in an array of colors and sizes, some with energy trapped within. Many are prone to illuminating when life draws near. When the roaming clouds occasionally clear, sunlight gleams over and refracts through both the crystals and waterfalls, crafting a luminescent dance across the canyon walls.

The walls themselves are pocked by caves and tunnels, winged citizen making their homes inside or miners digging out the more valuable crystals and ore within. All of this squeezes itself within the winding pathways of the complex and, of course, one could never forget the constant rumbling above, further past the rim. Sometimes, these rumbles vibrate the crystals and the canyon hums. Yet even when the sky is clear, electricity arcs chaotically upon the mesa surface.

Rather than flying ahead, the Aerial Division spreads themselves along the path to the compound, perching on the edges of caves or atop crystals, as their peers pass underneath. They keep their sharp eyes focused above, ready to signal at the sight of aggressors. Tia in particular is tasked with keeping watch, able to safely perch above the precipice and peer further in.

Their weary peers shuffle into the compound ahead of them, many with tears in their eyes after the hardest journey of their life. Yet. It isn't until all have filed inside that those of the Aerial Division return to their roles as ordinary recruits, protection falling back into the hands of security staff. The familiar structures, walls and even layout of the compound greets the procession readily and their embrace is a welcome comfort to both staff and recruits. They all sleep soundly, enjoying the commodities of baths, buildings and real beds.

Recruits are given the next day to spend however they please but most rest within the safety of the compound, lazing about and socializing. On the second day, the compound is back on schedule. Recruits pour out of their cabins at the seventh bell and into the mess hall. There are fewer among them this morning as a number of their most senior peers have moved on and into service. They leave their seats empty now but come dinner everyone would shift further left and the newest recruits would take their place in the gradient.

They all go about their usual schedules, sparring, training, studying, but as the sun is nearly centered in the sky, fresh and doe eyed teens shuffle through the gates and into the amphitheater. Tia is flying through the aerial obstacle course, watched very much the same as her own first day, and she wonders if they would hear the same speeches. Long after the new recruits begin blending into the compound, Unit Z909 is called to the amphitheater. Tia meets with Ifani and Albert along the way, quickly joined by Longwei and Bolor. Orin and Arabella are the last to merge with the party.

"I wonder if this'll fill out the rest of the unit or not," Albert questions and Longwei snorts.

"You say that as if you had to wait very long," Longwei states, "It was just Bolor and I for months." His eyes land on Tia and she knew he was assessing which he preferred.

This amphitheater appears considerably more barren compared to its counterpart in the valley, too arid for mossy carpets and the stone far more friable.



Two wait for them below and Tia studies them as they descend. The boy is particularly rangy and his light hair is similarly long, frizzy locks loosely bound behind his head. His eyes are a stormy blue and he sports a well groomed beard and a ready smile.



The girl beside him is clearly his sister. Her hair is a shade lighter than his and, like her brother, her skin is almost spectrally pale. Her appearance is delicate and ordinary overall but she has one feature which is impossible to overlook. Some cruel injury has left her eyes with harsh cataracts and the skin surrounding them is whitened by sinewy folds of scar tissue.

Both siblings are manifesting their forms, the boy's body gleaming with bright yellow cracks while darker mustard lays in between. The girl possesses thin, corn yellow lines cross hatching across much of her body and pale, creamy yellow lines resembling a web weaves about her scalp, eyes and neck. They even seem to stain her scars light yellow.

"I'm glad you came around!" Brynjar speaks comfortably with Cassius, naturally sociable, "Only a real monster would separate us." Cassius winces as his voice drops.

"Yes well-" Cassius pauses, his eyes catching on the unit as they approach. He gestures, Brynjar turning and offering a natural smile to everyone. He scans over the group but his eyes stop on Ifani.

'Beranok jolt my dead heart!' Brynjar thinks to himself and Inge groans. 

"Everyone, this is Brynjar and Inge Erling," Cassius continues, Brynjar's eyes remaining frozen on Ifani. Albert notices, his gaze switching between the two of them and Ifani scowls in his direction. Cassius continues, "Inge will be your command support and Brynjar your second close combatant!"

At this point, everyone has noticed Brynjar's blatant fixation. Even Cassius pauses, mouth hung open as he tries to understand what's happening. 

"What?" Ifani grates out, her tone hostile. A grin breaks across Brynjar's face and he glances to his sister briefly.

"Please don't," Inge urges, deadpan. 

"You," Brynjar chimes, sliding himself closer to Ifani, "Are by far the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen!"

Everyone blinks into his statement, Ifani's expression blank and frozen as she's left more stunned than anyone else. Brynjar moves to grab Ifani's hands but Tia jolts forward, grasping his wrist and stopping him just in time—Ifani's hands are searing hot already. Brynjar raises a brow at Tia in response and releases a small spark to shock her for grabbing him. This only causes Tia's marks to gleam as it passes over her harmlessly.

"She will burn you," Tia emphasizes while his brows shoot up, "If you try to touch her."

Continuing to shock everyone, Brynjar lifts Tia up effortlessly, despite not seeming particularly muscular, raising her up to his eye level without any resistance.

"I didn't think I'd meet an elding-sister here!" Brynjar chuckles with a bright grin. Tia releases her grip, plopping back down.

"A what?" Tia questions, squinting at him.

"Brynjar," Inge speaks up and he turns instantly, "You're being rude." He pauses, scanning over the rest of the group and finding confused and startled expressions pointed in his direction.

"My bad!" Brynjar apologizes, pausing to wink at Ifani before returning to his sister's side. Ifani's face is hot and she tugs repeatedly at her braids, not sure what to do with the unfamiliar, blatant affection.

"I hate to be the one to ask," Arabella pipes up, "Is she-"



"Yes," Inge answers before she can finish, "I am blind."

"You can't be serious!" Orin exclaims, dropping to a softer tone when Tia turns to scowl at him, "How are we supposed to function with a command support who can't see?"

"Miss Erling," Cassius speaks carefully, "Is in a unique situation. Yes, she is blind," Cassius admits, "But she possesses unique sensory abilities as well," everyone's doubt is apparent and Cassius sighs, "Could you provide us an example, Inge?"

"You," Inge points to Orin, "Are the tallest in the unit and she," she points out Tia, "Is the shortest. She also has... cat ears?" she pauses, a few of them still doubtful, "There are two staff walking behind us on the wall and one is limping from some injury sustained on the way here." Everyone's eyes dart to the staff above, confirming at least their number.

"How...?" Albert questions gently. 

"Everyone's body uses electricity to move and communicate," Inge explains, her voice soft and slight, "I can sense even the smallest amount. Also..." Inge closes her mouth yet every one of them can hear her as she continues, 'I can facilitate telepathic communication between all of us.'

"Oh, I don't like that...!" Ifani grumbles, hands over her ears. Tia gasps hearing another voice in her mind, familiar with the sensation but unaware anyone else could speak this way. 

"I'm sorry," Inge apologizes almost inaudibly, "I-I'll only use this when necessary, if you prefer." Brynjar watches his sister with a surprisingly grim expression.

"Ta mongol kheleer yarij chadakh uu??" Bolor cuts in with considerable excitement and surprise.

"No," Inge answers, shaking her head at him and then pauses to tap her lips, "I can't speak it..." Inge talks to just Bolor and he hears it in his own language, 'But I can understand what you think and make it so the others can understand, if you'd like.' Bolor nods rapidly with a beaming smile. Inge connects him to all but Ifani.

'Can you... understand me?' Bolor questions everyone and they all blink at him. 

"Yes!" Albert breathes, "Inge that's incredible!"

"It has it's benefits," Inge answers, a bit wistful despite her mild smile.

"What about him?" Longwei questions, a smile still clinging to his lips in response to Bolor's excitement, and draws Brynjar out of thought. Eyes dart about the group seeking out Cassius only to find he's snuck off again.

"I hate that man," Orin states in a gravelly tone, the sentiment appearing to be shared by most of them.

"Mine's a bit complicated," Brynjar laughs, his amiable demeanor lightening the mood, "I don't really know your all's names for em."

"If I could guess," Albert speaks up, "You clearly have a Beranok manifestation and... perhaps Ralgot as well? Th-That's electricity and magnetism."

"Yeeahh," Brynjar answers, "I know the aspects. Just not the second bit."

Brynjar scratches at his beard, deliberating his approach. He shrugs, brandishing the battle-axe strapped to his back. It actually appears far too large for such a slim guy but he handles it as if it were weightless. Brynjar gestures for them to move, the party splitting aside, and the lines on his arm glimmer brighter than the rest. He chucks his weapon into the seating and the blunt top of the axe smashes into the stone with disproportionate force, sinking in.

"Oh, shit!" Arabella almost laughs. 

Brynjar gestures at his weapon, this time the mustard marks lighting up instead. The weapon wiggles in the stone at first, Brynjar maintaining the gesture until the axe slips out of the stone and back into his hand. He tosses the axe into the air with one hand, spinning it and catching it again.



"There's that fun trick," Brynjar brags casually, "Can push too but..." he pauses to grimace, "That can get a bit messy. Aaaaand," his eyes slide to Tia and he grins, a bolt dancing between them at his gesture. As Brynjar shows off his abilities, his markings grow duller and duller especially as he shocks Tia. He grimaces as he cuts off the attack, "I probably shouldn't use all of it up here, though."

"Ohhh!" Albert gasps, realizing his manifestation, "That's Beranok's Charge!"

"Charge, huh?" Brynjar rolls the term around in his head, "Yeah, that's probably a good word for it." The rest of the group eyes Albert, awaiting his explanation. He shrinks under the attention but Tia nudges him with a smile. 

"He-he can store electricity in his body," Albert explains, growing more comfortable as he continues, "And use it for a variety of functions such as strengthening himself or his magic, restoring lost energy and even utilizing it as an aura. However... he can't generate his own. It's useless when he runs out."

"How does he charge up, then?" Orin questions.

"Well back home," Brynjar answers readily, strapping his axe back into place, "I'd go looking for a storm. Might be a bit tougher down here, though."

"You're from above the mesa??" Albert questions breathily and Brynjar winces, forgetting himself. 

"What do you do down here?" Brynjar questions Tia, seeming to want to glaze over Albert's question.

"Oh," Tia laughs a little, "I make my own?"

"Shit, really?" Brynjar dons a bright grin again, "Show me what ya got!" 

Everyone scrambles away instantly, practically fleeing out of her vicinity in fear of getting shocked. It wouldn't be the first time any of them were hit by a stray bolt during practice, Tia far from mastering her aura. Only Inge moves to the stands with dignity but halts as she runs her leg into the stone, cursing under her breath.

Brynjar frowns, chastising himself for getting distracted, but Albert jumps forward quickly to aid her. Meanwhile, Tia builds up a considerable mass of energy, more than she had ever dared to amass at once before, and gestures toward Brynjar. Tia can feel her energy lingering in the markings as they crackle, the static ready to discharge, but she can't project it.

"What's holding you up?" Brynjar questions, stepping closer.

"I have trouble," Tia answers with some effort, still concentrating to hold in the charge, "Pushing it out."

"'Pushing'?" Brynjar raises a brow at her, "Well you're not pushing anything! That's not what lightning does," he holds his hands apart for her to see, sparks lighting up between his fingers, "It about connection. Focus on where you want it to go and make a path for it."

Tia nods, not feeling she can hang onto it much longer and not wanting this much electricity to discharge aimlessly. Brynjar jogs a few yards away and gives her the thumbs up. Tia sucks in a breath, focusing on Brynjar and visualizing the path as he suggested.

When she releases the energy, it arcs to Brynjar with an incredible flash and he skids across the ground as it hits him. A raucous clap echoes through the canyon, security above tuning in with horror, fretting the boy must be dead. The earth around him is blackened and smokes but Brynjar himself wears a shit eating grin, his marks flaring and flickering brighter than he'd usually push them. He flexes his fists and laughs. 

"Daaamn!" Brynjar approaches Tia, gaping at her own attack, and slaps a hand on her shoulder. This pushes Tia forward, despite his attempt to be gentle, and Tia winces. "You got some juice in you!" Brynjar chuckles.

"Yeah..." Tia breathes, staring at the markings on her hands and then at his, "I didn't know I could do that!"

Ifani, Orin and Arabella approach Tia, expressing their own surprise and dazzlement. Even Longwei blinks at Tia, impressed despite himself. Albert hangs back, his eyes scanning over their group with a busy mind until Ifani spots him, nodding him over.

"What's that look?" Ifani questions, Tia pausing to listen.

"I know the unit isn't complete yet," Albert remarks, looking to each of them, "But I think we really have something here, if we can figure out working together."

"I guess you're the big brain here?" Brynjar questions and Ifani snorts at his wording, quickly going silent again as Brynjar smirks at her.

"Albert's the smartest guy I've ever met," Tia beams, Albert's face flushing with the praise.

"Alright, little dude," Brynjar jokes, "Let's hear what you have in mind!"


If you have the time I greatly appreciate all feedback/critique of my work!

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