Ch 8 - Run n Gun

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Allison climbed aboard the tank with Emilia’s help, it was then that she noted Emilia’s noticeable, and apparently commonplace attire. “More pajamas?! Really!? You wouldn’t happen to have matching boots would you?”

Emilia’s eyes lit up upon hearing this. “No, but now I want some. You’ll help me make them right”?! Emilia jumped up and down on top of the tank in excitement.

“We kinda gotta go, I’ll help you, just help me and hurry the hell up already” Allison ordered.

Emilia, given the promise of help on duckie boots, obediently got into the tank and began the basic explanation and walkthrough of the controls. Allison absorbed the information like a sponge, and took the controls, piloting the tank skillfully for one who learned 5 minutes ago. She headed towards the airfield.

“Oh, I forgot to mention. There may or may not be combat involved…” Emilia warned.

“What?! This is something that should be considered vital information”! Allison shouted back.

“Well, you can sit and bitch about it, or I can teach you how to aim and fire. Choose wisely”.

“You’re a little shit ya know that? Teach me already”!

The lesson began not a moment too soon. They ran into another vehicle. It was a 5-ton truck. Men were standing around it, equipped with various weapons, and all aiming in the direction of their tank.

“Emi, this isn’t live combat, right? Please tell me I don’t have to blow people up for an evaluation….”

“You called me Emi again….”

“THAT’S NOT WHAT’S IMPORTANT HERE! Just answer… If I pull this trigger, there’s not going to be an explosion and corpses are there”?

“Only if you score a direct hit on a person with the shell. It’s not going to explode… I think. Lemme check the ammo type. Emilia opened the loader and confirmed the ammunition was non-explosive. “Ok, we’re good. Might wanna hurry before they fire off the rockets. Those might actually damage this thing”.

“Shit” Allison screamed as she hit the button to fire, sending a shell flying towards the truck. Smoke cleared and the truck was covered with a large amount of paint, as well as a dent where the shell hit. The men surrounding the truck also dropped their weapons and waved.

“Hmm, not bad for a reflex shot. Anyways, there’s more coming. Ever rode a motorcycle”?

Allison continued looking at the road ahead, driving around or over everything in her path. “Twice, maybe? How is this relevant? I’m in a fucking tank”!

“Know what beats tanks”?

“Not off hand, why are you asking this. I don’t think I like where this is going…” Allison muttered.

“<System trigger: antishock pulse>. You really should pay attention to the radar by the way. Pretty sure I can count off for that” Emilia grinned, then stuck out her tongue.

“Huh”? Allison glanced at her, revealing a confused expression, just in time for the tank to take a heavy impact from behind. The tank was immediately disabled.

“<system trigger: pulse off> Well, get ready to run a bit. We’ll need to make it into the surrounding woods before that fighter makes another pass. Lets go. Oh, and before you ask, I knew that they would fire an electrical-type disabling round. It’s not quite an EMP, so I can counter it if I know in advance”. Emilia explained as she pulled Allison’s hand and led her out of the tank. The pair ran the short distance from the tank to the woods running alongside the road. After a few yards, they came to a pair of motorcycles.

“This is why I asked about the motorcycle thing. We need to get moving. I also forgot to mention that there’s a bit of a timed component to this training”.

Allison groaned. “You really aren’t the best at this whole ‘being an evaluator’ thing, are you”?

“Nope, now less talkin’, more haulin’ ass!” Emilia jumped on a motorcycle and started it up. Allison did the same. “There’s a narrow path through these woods. Use it to avoid being spotted from the air. You wouldn’t happen to wanna race, would you”? Emilia asked.


“Ok, fine, I’ll be serious…” Emilia sighed.

“No, not that, I was just going to say…. EAT MY DUST”! Allison shouted with a smile as she revved the engine and took off. The pair rode on for about a minute when Emilia fully caught up. “Hey Ems, what about helmets”?

“Safety second! There’s a ravine about a mile ahead of us. We can cross a bridge further down though. We should…” Emilia paused as if something interrupted her. “FUCK”!

“Uhm, Ems, no, we shouldn’t. Michelle is already worrisome enough” Allison replied as they continued to ride.

“No, there’s a fucking helicopter nearby. We can dodge a plane’s passes…but along the ravine path…”

“Can we jump it”? Allison questioned.

“Well, probably. The ravine isn’t that big, and at this speed…” Emilia seemed to be deep in thought.

Allison activated her comm-link “Michelle, you anywhere around”?

“Yup, good to see you know how to use it, newbie. What’s up”? Michelle’s voice answered.

“I need calculations. You are paying attention to my evaluations right”?

“Of course. What do you need to be calculated”?

Allison glanced back at Emilia before speaking. “We have a chopper in the area and the ravine trails kinda suck according to Ems’s intel. I wanna know if we can jump it and what needs to be done to do so”.

“You’re one’s crazy bitch! I don’t dislike that. Well, according to my tracking stuff here, you are going fast enough. You’ll reach the ravine in about 20 seconds. Don’t crash on me now ok, and don’t let that helicopter hit you, cuz I’ll be forced to shoot ‘em down, and you know how I feel about cleaning up messes <3. Just give it all the gas, Michelle, out”.

“I just got called crazy, by Michelle of all people… seriously? What the fuck”?! Allison muttered as they approached the ravine and pushed the accelerators to their maximums. They hit the jump and took to the air, flying across the ravine. Unfortunately, the chopper was hovering not far away, and due to the fast reflexes of the pilot and gunner, were actually able to notice and fire within the few seconds it should’ve taken to cross the ravine.

Allison was spared any damage, but Emilia’s bike was hit, instantaneously decreasing her momentum and also slightly damaging the bike. It was obvious upon impact that she wasn’t going to make the jump.

Allison glanced backward, dreading the outcome, as she watched Emilia leap off the motorcycle towards her. Before she could take any other actions, she had to brace for a landing, which she did. With a hard slam, she landed on the other side of the ravine, and with another slam, she was nearly knocked off the bike. Allison skidded to a stop and looked toward the ravine. A plume of smoke could be seen rising from where the bike must’ve exploded. She activated her comm-link “Michelle, Ems was hit! We need a medic or something now!”

Michelle’s voice echoed back “You really don’t pay much attention, do you? Have you checked the back of your bike”?

“I’m not fucking around, she…” Allison paused as she tried to get off the bike and run towards the ravine. Her shoulder was grabbed before she could get up.

“We’re still on a time limit you know…”

Allison turned around and stared at the face of Emilia, who was sitting casually on the back of her motorcycle. “What…”? Allison timidly muttered.

“I’m glad you care, really I am, and you did technically make the right call given the situation since this is training, but I’m fine, really. We need to move along though. We’re heavier on 1 bike and we lost time as is”.

“Allison, your comm-link is still on, so I kinda heard all of that. In any case, you jumped the ravine, if you hurry, you may actually come close to the course record. Move your ass and I’ll explain everything on the way” Michelle noted.

Emilia pat Allison’s shoulder and grinned “You heard the lady, let’s go”!

Allison hit the gas and they were off once more, at a slightly slower pace. Emilia answered the obvious question as they rode. “Remember, I’m not entirely human. Those lower legs of mine actually have small thrusters in them. I can’t exactly fly, but I can jump quite nicely, or stop a fatal fall. They are also good for instantly roasting marshmallows”.

“And they still function as normal feet”?

“Yes, much like the arms, they function completely as a normal human would. Mine just do a bit more is all. There’s gotta be an upside to being a cyborg, right”? Emilia leaned against Allison as they rode on. “I’m a little tired, so I’ll just relax for a moment. The path from here on is a straight shot anyway. We should be there in a couple of minutes.

Just under 2 minutes later, they arrived at airfield 4. This time it was Mark’s voice over the comm-link “Well shit, you and your insane stunt just cleared the course record by 82 seconds, and that’s the overall best record. There’s no point in even comparing the records for trainees”.

“So, aside from me needing to pay more attention to radar, I’m good”? Allison questioned.

“Nope, you’re reckless, impulsive, and crazy as fuck! You’ll fit in perfectly”!

“So, I’m not good, but I’ll fit in perfectly? How the fuck does that work”?

“Those actions would possibly get you kicked off of other teams. This team is already a mess to start with and adding one more like us shouldn’t be much of an issue. Also, seems you’re well-liked, more so by the girls than the guys at this point” Mark added.

“I really coulda done without that piece of information. How the hell am I gonna get decent sleep now”?

Emilia giggled “You could go sleep in Jesse’s room”.


“Oh, I think I upset her. What is it” Emilia asked, feigning innocence.

“Do you want your duckie boots”? Allison said with a cold grin.

“I TAKE IT BACK, I TAKE IT ALL BACK! I’LL BE GOOD I SWEAR! That was meaner than Michelle”! Emilia looked like a child who was about to have their candy taken away.

Michelle’s voice echoed over the comm-link again “you really should learn how to turn that off, but that shit was fucking hilarious. I’m proud of you newbie. You’re giving me more and more reasons to like you. Also, locking your door, won't help <3”

“OM MY GOD WHYYYYY?!” Allison’s wailing could be heard across half of the airfield.

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