Ch 5 - Tactical Manouvers

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Walls emerged from the inorganic floor, forming buildings and other structures. Road lines appeared in various places, indicating streets, and Allison’s display changed itself accordingly. Allison heard Michelle’s voice through the comm-link. “I have Mark assisting me up here in the control room. We think the challenge Jessica issued is kinda bullshit… so… we wont tell if you don’t. Anyways, my system has been ‘partially compromised’ by Mark, ‘your’ technical specialist. The enemies don’t have that intel. I can see all of you, and will be directing the patrols. I’m not exactly your friend either, but I’ve done all I can. The target indicators will be up shortly. Last notes, Javon is a REALLY good sniper. Avoid being out in the open obviously, but beware of high places and sniping points. As far as David goes, don’t fight him at close range, you won’t win. Fighting Jessica at close range is also a very bad idea. That’s all I got for you, I’m switching to the main channel now. I have 1 more announcement to make”. A click was heard and Michelle could be heard once more. “Alright fucktards. Each of you should have a light headpiece, equip it. Gotta do some standard data checks”.

Instructions and use of the headpiece were transmitted to Allison’s display, including a heart emote. Allison did as instructed and assembled and equipped her headpiece. She drew the long barreled pistol that Emilia gave her. It was still set to paralyzing rounds. Her display beeped and a objective showed up just outside the front door of the building she was at. She peaked her head out the door and saw a crate. She cautiously crept out and opened the crate. It was loaded with various weapons and a note from Emilia. The note read:

“Apparently they forgot to give you weapons, all you’ve got is the pistol I gave you earlier right? I’m pretty sure you’ll find something you like in there. You should have some info on whatever you chose in the display thingy. There is an infrared beam on the display, it’ll pull up any info you need on the weapon

Allison picked up an SMG (sub-machine gun), a pistol, 2 grenades, and the ammo for each weapon she grabbed. She then took out 2 detonators from the crate and set secured them to her belt. She set a third detonator on the side of the building for 10 minutes from now, and took one last look in the crate. She grabbed a half a box of mini muffins set off in the corner of the box and took her leave of the building after dragging the crate inside. 

She headed through the alleyways between the buildings, moving as quietly as possible. She was grateful for the change in clothing, despite the traumatic experience of actually changing. She checked her display and noticed an enemy approaching. She set a detonator and a muffin on the corner, arming the detonator for 4 minutes from now, and moved back around to the other side of the building, positioning herself behind the patrolling person. It was obviously David, who was moving on the display, at the pace of a steady walk.

David walked and came across the muffin. He stopped for just a moment to see make sure he his eyes weren’t deceiving him. Allison took the moment to jump from behind, firing a paint round at the back of his head. 3 shots and David fell to the ground in pain. Had the rounds not been paint, they would have killed him. Allison quickly left the scene as now attention would be noted there. She ran towards the objective, making it a point to avoid open areas. She would have 3 and a half minutes from this point to get to the objective. It was a small miracle that the gunshots hadn’t triggered an alarm.

She saw another enemy at quite a distance on her display. She assumed it to be Javon, and continued in the shadows, making sure to stay out of line of sight of that person. She left a detonator along the way, arming it for 90 seconds later. She circled around the long way behind Javon, being sure to close in fairly close, at least closer than what is the effective range of a sniper rifle. Gunshots rang out and her detonators went off simultaneously, making it unknown who triggered the resulting alarm. Allison dodged Javon’s attention and redirected towards a safe zone. Jessica had the same idea, and headed towards a safe zone as well. 

The shots Allison heard changed direction as she approached the safe point. Jessica was approaching her position. Javon was firing on her. Soon they would meet up, and likely both be under fire from Javon. Allison readied a grenade, tossing it several yards ahead and changed directions, intending to approach the safe point from another direction. She shopped and pulled out the SMG, quickly scanning its properties. She grinned. “I think I can work with this…” She took out a gray magazine and loaded into the SMG. 

Jessica approached the safe zone as the detonator went off, sending paint everywhere, and stopping her advance just long enough for the snipe from Javon to catch her in the leg. Jessica dropped and rolled, trying to avoid the sniper’s rounds. Allison turned the corner and fired wildly, sending rounds everywhere, except into Jessica. The rounds burst into smoke, obscuring the vision in the area. The sniping stopped, and Allison switched to her pistol. She quickly subdued Jessica, who was still rolling in pain from the sniper round, and retrieved her own objective. “I figured you had that. Normally, I’d save you, but… this time…” Allison casually stepped into the safe zone just as the 2 minute warning expired. 

“You crafty little fucker”! both Michelle over the comm-link, and Jessica, who was laying on the ground before her, said in unison.

“Well, I didn’t get back to my point, and my objective was taken… what does that count as”? Allison scratched her head.

“Well, technically, it’s a tie, but since everyone was watching as it went on, I’d say you win. At the very least, it was quite impressive” Michelle said over the comm-link. “I got the data I needed. Allison has cleared all psychological evaluations. She’s now cleared to begin heavy equipment evaluation”.

Jessica spoke up in the comm-link as well “You’re close quarter’s combat evaluation is also complete. By the way, you can check out all of your evaluation notes and scores probably around tomorrow morning. So far, it seems like you’re passing everything”.

“That’s good news. Can I take a nap now, I’ve had a bit of a tiring day…” Allison muttered.

“Nope, now for the customary newbie eating contest!” Jesse shouted.

Allison slowly turned towards Jesse. “You’re so full of shit…”

Emilia tapped her on the shoulder “Yeah, he was, but I’m not… TO THE MESS HALL”!

“God-damn you fuckers! Well, at least I get to eat” Allison sighed.

Allison walked with heavy, tired steps, partially being supported by Emilia, and with Michelle attached on her right. The result of the eating contest: Allison was utterly annihilated.

Allison hardly made it back to the room, being supported by a still rather energetic Emilia. “How can you still have so much energy”? Allison whined.

“Simple actually, I didn’t have practical training in infiltration and sabotage against one of the best in the world at it and force a tie. That does kinda kill a lot of one’s energy”.

“Who the fuck does that”?! Allison shouted.

“Well, to be fair, they also evaded one of the best snipers in the agency, and immobilized one of the best close quarters combat specialist in the country, and probably one of the best in the world, with a mini-muffin”.

“Wait, that sounds oddly specific…” Allison scratched her chin as if in thought.

“Lets make this simple…” Emilia turned towards an empty wall of the room and pushed a button on a remote which was of unknown origin. The wall opened and a 50 inch flat screen TV turned itself on. She fiddled through the menus for a few moments and started playing a replay of the training session earlier today. “You did good kid. You used your strengths, and obviously a bit of help, to overcome something that should’ve been a total loss. You’ve also managed to get Michelle to stop cursing…at least at you. That has NEVER been done”.

“Well, I guess I have had a rather interesting day. Learned a bit, got some good evaluations scores I think. Michelle said I was cleared to do what”?

“You’re now allowed to take the heavy equipment evaluation, the planes, helicopters, and basically vehicle and artillery training. If you really are gonna be the transport person, this is kinda important”.

“Oh, well, fuck…. I guess now is when I should be nervous”.

“Nah, you’ll probably be ok for most of it. I can walk you through a lot of it, though I’m pretty sure Michelle will insist on helping you now”, Emilia grinned.

“About that… why? You were gonna tell me something earlier when….” An explosion occurred just outside of the room door. The door was knocked off it’s hinges. “When something similar to this happened...”

Allison walked with heavy, tired steps, partially being supported by Emilia, and with Michelle attached on her right. The result of the eating contest: Allison was utterly annihilated.

Allison hardly made it back to the room, being supported by a still rather energetic Emilia. “How can you still have so much energy”? Allison whined.

“Simple actually, I didn’t have practical training in infiltration and sabotage against one of the best in the world at it and force a tie. That does kinda kill a lot of one’s energy”.

“Who the fuck does that”?! Allison shouted.

“Well, to be fair, they also evaded one of the best snipers in the agency, and immobilized one of the best close quarters combat specialist in the country, and probably one of the best in the world, with a mini-muffin”.

“Wait, that sounds oddly specific…” Allison scratched her chin as if in thought.

“Let's make this simple…” Emilia turned towards an empty wall of the room and pushed a button on a remote that was of unknown origin. The wall opened and a 50-inch flat-screen TV turned itself on. She fiddled through the menus for a few moments and started playing a replay of the training session earlier today. “You did good kid. You used your strengths, and obviously, a bit of help, to overcome something that should’ve been a total loss. You’ve also managed to get Michelle to stop cursing…at least at you. That has NEVER been done”.

“Well, I guess I have had a rather interesting day. Learned a bit, and got some good evaluation scores I think. Michelle said I was cleared to do what”?

“You’re now allowed to take the heavy equipment evaluation, the planes, helicopters, and basic vehicle and artillery training. If you really are gonna be the transport person, this is kinda important”.

“Oh, well, fuck…. I guess now is when I should be nervous”.

“Nah, you’ll probably be ok for most of it. I can walk you through a lot of it, though I’m pretty sure Michelle will insist on helping you now”, Emilia grinned.

“About that… why? You were gonna tell me something earlier when….” An explosion occurred just outside of the room door. The door was knocked off it’s hinges. “When something similar to this happened...”

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