Ch 14 - Squad Games - Round 1

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On the following Monday, clouds covered the sky and a light yet steady rain fell. It was but a minor annoyance and negligible factor for the well trained team of Javon, Jessica, and David. Michelle and the rest of the team stopped by at the field entry point to wish them luck and confirm the rules and objectives. It was Mark who spoke this time, which slightly surprised Allison.

“Ok, you guys know what to do. The mission is simple enough. Get into the facility undetected, gather as much extra information as you can, and get a picture of whatever objective the mission briefing says. Extra points are awarded for proper destruction of enemy equipment. I don’t suggest doing so however unless you are in danger of being spotted or something”.

“You know, I’m normally the one who goes over these things, but that was a good explanation, so I’ll let it slide. Formations and such, I’ll leave up to you three. I know David and Jessica work well together. Javon, just do your thing. Hurry and finish before the skies get any darker, or he’ll become a liability”.

“Shut up tiny” Javon muttered under his breath.

“So, any questions before you two get started on your mission”? Michelle asked, looking in David and Jessica’s direction.

The pair glanced at each other, then back at Michelle. In unison they asked “What about Javon”?

“Oh, him? He doesn’t seem to want to participate anymore… or live for that matter…” Michelle replied calmly as if it were a matter-of-fact.

“Whoa, who said I didn’t wanna live”? Javon questioned.

“You said ‘shut up tiny’. To me, that is a clear indication of ‘I want to die, please end my life Michelle’”. She answered while reaching towards her belt for a throwing knife. Allison crept up behind her, gave her a hug, and gently stroked the top of her head. Michelle calmed down nearly instantly. The now embarrassed Michelle simply muttered “good luck fuckers” as she stared at the floor.

The trio turned around silently and entered the field. The team to complete the objectives the fastest or without being detected would emerge victorious. Javon split off and took a sniping position, equipping a lens camera to record data as he scouted his surroundings.

Jessica also equipped a small camera, as did David. The pair moved quickly towards the facility, constructed specifically for this event.

Aaron’s voice could be heard over the comm-link. “I’m intercepting their radio transmissions. Seems the north team is quite alert. The south guard team is chatting and seemingly paying little attention. Javon, can you see them from your location”?

“Holy shit, that’s probably the most I’ve ever heard Aaron talk since I met him” David muttered.

“Now’s not the time for this. Javon, whatcha got for us”? Jessica asked as she steered the conversation back on topic.

“Yeah, the south team is just talking, not really paying much attention. Gimme a second to equip the silencer and I can provide a distraction”. Javon gave his recommendation and took action. He swiftly took aim at some unoccupied corner near the guards. “This will give you a few seconds. Use them wisely”. He fired his non-lethal training round, which in this case was a special round designed to not leave an impact mark and only serve as a distraction by making a little noise. It worked as the guards, where were just talking, stopped and walked off in that direction for a few seconds to check it out.

David and Jessica moved swiftly towards the outer wall in the blind spot of the cameras. Javon’s voice could be heard again. “Gimme just a sec to switch ammo. I’m gonna deal with the camera to your right. It’ll buy you about 3 seconds”. He reloaded and fired. “Go”!

The pair on the ground moved past the range of view of the camera, which had been hit by a bird shaped, light round. The object blocked view for just a moment, then fell away as if it were a leaf. David passed under the camera just as it fell away, picking it up and stuffing the item into his pocket as he passed. David smiled in admiration. “Remind me to never piss you off” he muttered into the comm-link.

“Will do. There isn’t much I can do from here aside from scout ahead of you and build a 3-D map. Data construction of the outer wall for your area is already complete. It’ll be up to you guys from here” Javon notified them.

“Alright” Jessica nodded as she spoke, stopping in another blind spot for cameras. She took out her grappling hook and flung it up the wall. After checking that it would support her, she started climbing, silently bringing herself to the top of the wall where the patrolling guards were. David followed close behind. They crept up behind the guards, quickly and easily knocking them unconscious. After dragging them to an empty corner, they moved inside.

Aaron could be heard on the comm-link again “I wish you hadn’t done that. Now I have to pay attention and radio into their network during the next patrol check”.

“Please and thank you”? Jessica replied.

Now it was Mark who could be heard. “I already hacked into their security systems and have an indication of where you are. I’ll try to maneuver the cameras so that you don’t get spotted”.

“I’m totally ok with this” David replied. It was a mere 4 minutes later that they got the photos of the objective that was required. After making a relatively easy escape with Mark, Aaron, and Javon’s help, team lambda took second place in infiltration and sabotage games. Their only fault was knocking out the guards, which made being completely undetected an impossibility.

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