Chapter 4

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Elana walked with her head high, she needed to look confident. Hell it was her sons of all sirens, who had brought a half-breed to the city. But she was sure that he was right about her parentage. And she was also sure about the baby being his. But why in sea's name was this happening, the Naiads choice to leave this city to spread themselves like a plague over the Nine Kingdoms. Bowing to some stuck up Dragon Lord, who didn't care about the sea. She stopped for a brief moment by the tale door, how would she address this. The Matriarch of the Rʻulaʻula family would deny every claim she would make about someone in her family. She of course didn't know who it was, but she was sure as it was her own bloody name. Elana took a deep breath and entered the council's chamber. The Matriarchs of other families were already present.

"Lady Pʻulaʻula, what am I glad that you could join use." Lady Rʻulaʻula said. "That makes talking about your son a bit easier." Elana had no doubt that they had no trouble doing just that.

"I am glad to be here as well, so that I can explain the situation. I myself have seen the girl, and I am a hundred percent sure that she is a half-breed." Elana started. Some of them gasped. "That in not all, a son of the Alani also claims that the inner Siren of the girl has song her song to my son." Another set of gasps.

"Lady Pʻulaʻula, do you have any idea who the father might be?" Lady Alani asked. Elana nodded and sighed.

"I have. Just note that I will not say this light minded. But the father comes from the Rʻulaʻula family." Elana said.

"What!" Lady Rʻulaʻula screamed. "You most be mistaken." Elana wiggled with her head. Could she have been? No.

"I am sorry to say Lady Rʻulaʻula, but I am not." Elana said, and the others started to whisper with each other. "Then here my last piece of information. The girl is with child, and was attacked by someone of her mother's race. Dumped into the ocean, treated like she is nothing more than shark food. My son only thought with his heart, not with his head. And the fact that he is the father of the child makes the matters only more complicated." All the Matriarchs except Lady Rʻulaʻula.

"I do feel for your son, and I can understand that he felt like he had no other choice. But the law is the law. She is a stranger, and no stranger is allowed inside the city. That girl will be allowed to carry her baby, but after it is born..." Lady Rʻulaʻula said, a coldness was clearly audible in her voice.

"Lady Rʻulaʻula, please reconsider." Lady Alani pleaded. "That child didn't have a choice in the matter, and if she is indeed fathered by one of the Rʻulaʻula family..."

"I can assure you she is not." Lady Rʻulaʻula said. "No members of my family would degrade himself to sleep with a naiad." Elana stepped forward, this was a clear insult to her and her son.

"Do you call me a lair?" Elana snapped. "Do you call me a fool?" Lady Alani looked Elana, she was not shocked by this outburst. Of course, she was not, Kalama was also seen with the girl, and he most likely have told her about the first encounter. Laduy R'ula'ula on the other hand was taken aback by it.

"No of course not." She was doubling back, Elana knew she would. "I am just saying..."

"That my son degrade himself because his heart answered the siren song." Elana completed her sentence. "That girl is a half-breed, that means she was fathered by a siren." 

"And until the father steps forward, her life will end after the birth of her child. I know this most not be easy to hear." Lady R'ula'ula said, condescending. "But the law is the law." Elana looked at the others, but she only could count on the support of Lady Alani.

"I will inform my family about your decision." Elana said. She turned around and walked away with big strides.

"You know even when the girl tells you the name of the siren who fathered her, Nina will never allow him to claim her." Lady Alani said. Elana had not noticed that she had joined her, but she was glad that she at least had some company.

"I know Meleia, but still I had hoped that the others would have more sympathy. She is so young, early twenties I think. And now her days are numbered. I need to find out how long she is pregnant, to give my son a timeline." Elana shook her head. "My poor boy, he started to believe that there was no one for him. No other female siren had song to him, and now that he has found the one..." Meleia lay a hand on her shoulder.

"The life of a Matriarch is not easy." Meleia said. "But you are right, we supposed to be leaders with a mother's heart. That is why the leadership has fallen on use." 

"Then tell me this, which kind of woman wishes that a baby becomes motherless. Not even hours after its birth, do not get me wrong women still die during childbirth. But to wish it, no that is not the kind of leader I wanted to be." Elana said and sighed. "Let's hope that some god has a plan, otherwise I do not think I will survive this."


Elana found Acale were she expected to find him, next to the girl. He didn't even look up when she entered his house. He was petting the girl's hair, while singing with a very soft voice. Elana almost got tears in her eyes when she saw him like this, and the song. It was not one she recognized.

"It is beautiful." Meleia said softly. "Is this their song?" Elana nodded, it most be their song. Tears started to well up in her eyes, she lost her song and husband two years prior. After one of the couple dies the song dies with them.

"How do I tell him." She whispered. "How do I tell him, that he would lose that song, in a matter of months." She had already warned him that this might happen. But still she had hoped, that the others had some heart. "I can't, Meleia. I can not tell him." Meleia nodded and stepped forward.

"So this is the girl I heard so much about." She said in a soft a motherly voice. Acale stopped with singing and looked up. 

"Yes Lady Alani." He said, and Elana's heart melted. She was still standing in the doorway looking at the sleeping girl. 

"That was a beautiful song, Acale. It really is." Meleia replied, and then looked at the girl. "Do you know her name?" Acale shook his head, Meleia then looked at her and nodded. "You were right Elana. She defiantly is from the R'ula'ula family, she those remind me of Nina's own daughter. Did she not have a son, Alekona." Elana nodded, and the noose around her heart became ever tighter. If this girl was indeed the daughter of Alekona, then she is also related to Nina. Then Meleia took a deep breath. "Acale, your mother those not have the heart to tell you this. But the council has decided, this girl will be killed a few hours after she has given birth." Acale nodded slowly.

"Then it is to me to find her father." He replied. And Meleia shook her head slowly.

"O honey, even if you find him. I highly doubt that he is permitted to claim her. Nina is unfortunately a bit headstrong. " She said. Acale looked at her.

"So you mean to say that there is no hope. That I will lose my love and my song?" He asked and Meleia nodded slowly.

"I am so sorry, Acale. I know you have been waiting for this." Meleia replied. Elana walked further into the house.

"Acale, when she wakes up, you need to be honest with her. So that she knows what is coming for her. You need to fill her days with joy and happiness. Discuss baby names, let her tell you all about herself. Her hopes, dreams, her hobbies. So that you can tell all of this to your child." Elana said. "I know it will be hard, but..." Her voice died when she saw the tears in his eyes. "I am so sorry, I wish that I..." Elana shook her head. This was too much, really too much. "I will help you every step of the way." 

"Mom?" He had not called her that in years. "Thank you for trying." She nodded and then walked out of the house. Breaking down as soon the door closed behind her. This was not right, her son and grandchild would pay for a Matriarch's pride. And there was nothing she could do about it. 

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