Chapter 7

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Marella was still subbing, she couldn't believe that this was her life. For one moment she had everything, but then her great-grandmother came in, and now she lost everything again. Acale still held her close to him, as if he was afraid that somebody would take her too. Well, in a couple of months. No she didn't want to think about that now, she needed to focus on the time she had left. She was still going to be a mother, and there needed things to be done. But not now, now she cried of the life she might have had. There was a knock on the door, Kalama opened it.

"Are you happy now." He snapped at somebody. "Your son was minutes away from claiming his daughter."

"My mother forbade..."

"Are you really sticking with that excuse, mom. Look at her, look at your granddaughter. Look at the life you and grandmother just have destroyed. Not only that, but grandmother also unleashed a war between families. So start to think for yourself this once." Anika snapped. Marella looked at the woman in the doorway, she didn't need to guess that this was her grandmother. Alekona and Anika were right, she looked a lot like her.

"She is not my granddaughter, she is not part of my family." The woman said, but Marella could hear the doubt in her voice.

"Then I hope that somebody else shares your bed this night, because I will not be there." Her grandfather said. "Can I stay with you two?" He then asked Anika and Kalama. "I can help with guppy."

"You do not have to ask, dad." Anika said and Kalama nodded. Marella then remembered guppy, she pushed Acale away and ran towards the bedroom. The toddler was fast a sleep, without a care in the world. Anika followed her and sighed.

"Those she has a name?" Marella asked. Anika shook her head.

"Siren childeren will get their name, on their second birthday. So parents know that the name really suites them. Until that time, they are called Guppies." Anika replied.

"So I am not even able to name my child?" Marella's hand went to her abdomen. Anika lay a hand on her shoulder.

"You really do not need to think like that." Anika said, what other way was there to think about it. She was going to day, a few hours after her child's birth. Anika pulled her closer. "O sweetie, I think it is better that you stop think about that. It will not do you or your baby any favors." Anika hugged her, and Marella started to sob again. "O sweetie. Kalama take guppy please." Marella barely noticed Kalama, sneaking past them, but she figured that he had grabbed the little girl from the bed when Anika softly pushed her to it. "Here, listen to auntie Anika. Lay down, get some rest. Tomorrow you are going to have a good a long talk with Acale, and Lady P'ula'ula." Marella lay down without a fight, and sleep took her as soon her head made contact with the pillow. 


Anika looked at the sleeping girl, poor thing. She had seen the hope in the girl's eyes, how the hope died down as soon those man took Alekona away. Never ever did she want to see that again, but unless they find a way to keep her alive. Acale took his place next to the bed.

 "Thank you." He said, and she shook her head. She had done nothing, except dragging her family into a war. She was not able to protect her big brother, or her niece. "She has a family that cares for her, and she will know at least that before... Before..." She understood that he couldn't get the words over his lips, saying out loud makes things suddenly so real.

"We will do our best, to protect her. She is family and family fight for each other." Anika said. She then looked at her father and husband. At least this part, those. "It is time to go home." She said, and she walked out of the bedroom. She was surprised that her mother was still there.

"Are you really going with her?" She snapped at her father. And he nodded.

"I am, I will not make my granddaughter suffer, I will continue the fight our son has started." He said, her mother opened her mouth. "And do not say that she is not family, because your mother said so. Sweetheart, your mother is toxic and shouldn't be someone in charge. She is the reason that our family is falling apart, and that happened even before Marella came here." He walked past her. "I am sorry, but I can't see any other way." He pushed her softly to the side and the three of them left the house. The streets were still filled with sirens, and all were whispering about what had happened.

"Mister R'ula'ula." Someone called. "Is it true that your son was dragged away so that he couldn't claim his daughter?" Of course, some of them wanted to know the full story, others on the other hand were content with their own version.

"This is true, the girl that was brought into the city is my brother's pregnant daughter. And my brother was dragged away before the full council could witness his claim." Anika answered in her father's place. "My niece, is currently sentence to death. And the sentence will be carried out hours after she gives birth to her baby." Some sirens looked at her in horror, others probably agree with it. "That is not all, my brother was dragged out Acale P'ula'ula's house. Which means that the R'ula'ula family stormed into the house and attacked several members, including Lady P'ula'ula herself. A woman who only wished to safe an innocents girl's life. And for those who think that she is not so innocent, I did not know that being born was a crime." She looked at a few from which she knew who were thinking it. "I am just stating the facts, I was inside that house when it happened. So was my father, and husband." Her father lay a hand on her shoulder.

 "And now that you know the full story. It is time for use to go home. It has been a long day, and we all could use some rest." He said. Some more questions rose up, but her father was right. Tomorrow the three of them together with Lady Alani needed to have a discussion with the council.  

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