Chapter 10

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It was cold and dark, which was no wonder. This prison has not been used for over two thousand years. The air bubble who once protected the building was long gone, and the type of algae that could destroy a sunken ship was nibbling on the building. Alekona wondered how much effort his grandmother had gone through to source off a cell that was still in tacked. Of course that meant in the center of the building, guarded by sharks and a giant squid. He shook his head when a hammerhead shark swam past his cell. Normally the creature will not think twice about attacking him, sirens were a great snack. But this place did something with them, and Alekona didn't know what it was. He had heard stories about this place, horror stories most of the time. Stories about ghost of former inmates, that still wonder the hallways. That was what had kept him up all night, the fear of seeing such a ghost. He hadn't seen any, but he had heard some sounds that, in his opinion, didn't belong in the land of the living. He moved away from the metal bares of his cell, not wanting to test his luck with the sharks. His cell was not that large, but it had room for a simple bed. Which of course was almost eaten away by the algae. He sat down and sighed, the thought of him being banished didn't scar him at the time. Not knowing that it meant spending the rest of his life in this prison, he thought he was simply dropped off in the middle of the sea. And that he was not allowed to come back to the city. His heart went out to Marella, his beautiful and brave daughter. She had wrapped herself around him, when they took him away. She went after him, not knowing in what kind of danger she was. Of course, she was protected by her pregnancy. But he believed his grandmother wouldn't have minded killing her then and there. She already broke view laws that evening, what was one more. He shook his head again, he most not think like that. Marella was fine, living her life with Acale. She was protected by his sister and Lady P'ula'ula, he needed to believe in that. Otherwise, the other thoughts would kill him.

"So I see you made peace with your faith." His grandmother's voice echoed through the cell. But he didn't look up, he didn't want her to see the defeat in his eyes. "I have brought some food, your mother is begging me constantly to at least feed you. Which you do not deserve, but I will not deny her this request. Not after she showed her loyalty to me." There was something thrown into the cell. Probably a seaweed sandwich, which was not enough to fill the stomach. But at was at least something. "Your offspring has made some strong allies. Of course Lady P'ula'ula was not a complete surprise to me, the woman has a huge bleeding heart and specially when her children are involved." Alekona wanted to say, as a good mother should. But he kept his mouth shut. "But Lady Alani and Lady Polū. No they are even weaker than Lady P'ula'ula. Only they got support from Lady Melemele, and that surprised me. I considered her one of the strong ones. A woman, with the heart of a man."

"Maybe her heart has not completely turned to stone." Alekona blurted it out. "I was always taught that the whole reason why women were in charge was because of their mother's heart."

"That is true, but that was a huge mistake. This system of that a mother's heart is a lot of sea cow dung. It left us weak, a laughingstock for others. We are simply hiding in the ocean, only killing those who come too close to our city. Only the whole reason why they come close is that they do not care if they do."  She said. 

"No they believe that we no longer there. We are nothing more than a myth." He corrected her, and he only knew that because of his time with Kelby. But his grandmother started to laugh.

"I do not have to wonder who told you that. The whore, who gave birth to that half-breed of yours." His grandmother said.

"Both of them have names." He replied with a growl.

"I know that, but I do not feel like using them." She snipped at him, and he developed a vile taste in his mouth. Was this hate, maybe he never experienced it before. But if those bars were not blocking him he would have killed her. No matter if he got attacked by sharks, or that giant squid after the fact. Marella would be so much saver, when this lady would no longer breath. But did his grandmother just tell him that Marella was protected by four ladies of the council, maybe she would be able to raise her child. Maybe she would be able to grow old and love Acale with all her heart, maybe even picking up the role of Matriarch if she stayed a red siren. "Do not look so hopeful, you will see that brat of yours, right before she dies. I do not need that bleeding heart council to carry out the law." Alekona's heart sank, he hoped with whole his heart that those around her kept an eye on her. But he knew that it will be all for naught, they had their eyes on him too. He lowered his head even further, all the joy was sucked out off his body. But he needed to stay alive, for Marella for the last time he was able to see her. 

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