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Just north of the courthouse, Madam Vanco waited in the lobby in the middle of an unfinished office building. The wiring sat open, along with some of the metal beams. The floor and the ceiling tiles sat in stacks on the floor. Dust coated every surface, including a bronze statue of a chimera on the wall with the words "Chimera International" written at its base.

Vanco smiled, reading the words. Chimera International bought a large plot of land in the center of Hazard City. They invested millions in infostructure for the city, but then the Kingpin came along.

Chimera manufactured medicine and shipped it all over the world. One of their boats was ceased by the police, and they found cocaine hidden inside a few of the containers. After, the Irish dock workers went on strike. The strike leaders asked for a pay raise that put them four times over their current wage. It was something Chimera couldn't afford, along with a few other requests. The unrest made the banks nervous, and they called every loan in at once. Chimera declared bankruptcy.

A trust bought the property along with every asset within Hazard City. The trust then donated it to the city government, who left it to languish until a suitable renter could be found.

Vanco smiled as she rubbed some of the dust off the bronze statue. She may have just been a whore in those days, but she remembered her high-class clients talking about that ploy. The first of many things the Five Families did to control the city. No business operated in Hazard City without their permission. Even her takeover of the brothels had to be a sanctioned event.

Another few minutes passed, and Madam Vanco stood next to an elevator tapping her four-inch heels. She folded her arms across her ample chest.

"I can't believe how long they're making me wait," Vanco said to the three men behind her.

A few more seconds passed. "Fuck this." Vanco slammed the elevator button. "Who do they think they are? Making me, of all people, wait."

"The man thinks he's God." A deep voice called out from behind Madam Vanco.

A dark-skinned man appeared and leaned against a round white pillar. His head was only a foot from the ceiling, and his body filled his white suit showing his muscle even through the thick fabric. Henrietta smiled.

She took a step towards the man. "Animal, you're the only reason I bothered to show up." Vanco reached up and straightened his tie, and caressed his chest. "How did you like the last offering we gave you?"

"Fragile." Animal came off the pillar. "Next time, give me girls who can take a few hits. You might get one of them back."

"There won't be a next time."

The elevator doors opened. Out stepped two men. One dressed in a white suit, his skin pale, almost white, a scar running down his right eye. His hands were bare except for a silver ring on his little finger. He was the hitman known as Ghost.

The other man was shorter, leaner, and older than Ghost and Animal. His skin was a shade of light brown, the same color as a cloth he wrapped around his head and the robe he wore. His hands were covered in a pair of light brown gloves. The fabric on his ring finger was cut off, showing a jade ring.

He walked over to Madam Vanco. Vanco smiled and took a few steps toward the man. "Marcus, how's life? Thank you for dispatching with that little whore. I guess you want your payment."

"No," Marcus said, "I have a message from the Kingpin. We protect you no more. We told you not to go after the prosecutor. We told you we would handle it."

"That wasn't me, darling," Vanco started.

Marcus held his hand up to silence her. "I don't care what lie you came up with. You don't touch ADAs unless we approve first."

"And who do you think you are? You're a dog for a boss no one ever sees."

"Watch your tongue, Vanco, or we will cut it out!" Ghost yelled from the elevator doors.

Animal pointed at Ghost. "And you watch yours, pup!"

"I want a meeting with him." Vanco stood face-to-face with Marcus.

Marcus smirked and shook his head. "He doesn't meet with anyone. Especially whores who don't know their place."

Vanco snapped her fingers. Three men stepped forward, pushed Vanco back behind them, took out pistols, and pointed them at Marcus's head.

"Say the word, boss."

All three men squeezed the trigger when Marcus moved. He reached into his cloak and pulled out a long, sharp, curved knife. Each man received ten cuts in only a few seconds. The old assassin turned to Vanco and presented the knife to her as her men fell.

Vanco's eyes widened. She grabbed the handle of the blade. Marcus didn't let go. He held on to it for a few seconds.

"You are not the first to run the whorehouses of this city. The Kingpin replaced one with you. He can replace you with another." Marcus let go of the knife. "To remember the message."

Marcus turned and walked back into the elevator, Ghost not far behind. The doors closed behind them, and they descended. "You're slowing down," Ghost said.

"Not as young as I used to be. Thank you for your help," Marcus said.

Madam Vanco rolled her eyes and walked away. Animal knelt at the bodies of Vanco's men and pulled a small white needle out of one of the eyes. Animal smiled.

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