Soul's Rest

“In the heart of winter’s silence, where shadows dance with fleeting light, lies Soul’s Rest.”
— Blythe's introduction to A Northern Tale

Nestled against the stoic Pinnacles that pierce the heavens, Soul’s Rest is a secluded haven shrouded in the melancholic embrace of an arctic desert. Here, time seems to stand still as if mourning its own passage. The northern seashore whispers tales of yore with each wave that caresses its icy shores—a symphony for lost souls seeking solace.


The settlement itself is an echo of existence; homes huddle together like weary travelers around a dying fire. Their wooden facades are weathered by relentless winds that carry secrets through cracks and crevices. Chimneys stand tall yet somber, exhaling plumes of smoke that waltz with despair into the endless twilight.

“The light here is different,” murmurs an old fisherman, his voice barely rising above the hush of falling snowflakes. “It carries both hope and sorrow in its arms.”

Within these walls roam hearts heavy with longing—each beat a drum resonating with tales of love found and lost in equal measure. Eyes gaze out towards horizons unseen, reflecting an internal struggle as fierce as any storm that lashes at this desolate shore.


In Soul’s Rest, Shadows are not merely absence but entities unto themselves—keepers of secrets and silent witnesses to lives lived quietly in defiance against fate’s cruel hand, slipping silently ashore in this distant corner of the world.


And so it stands—a testament to resilience amidst desolation; a flickering candle fighting against the encroaching dark.

“Here we breathe,” says a voice tinged with regretful wisdom. “Here we remember.”

As night descends upon Soul’s Rest like a shroud, one cannot help but feel ensnared by its poignant beauty—a beauty born from enduring through unyielding coldness; from loving despite knowing loss may follow.


This place is more than just refuge—it is where weary spirits come to lay down their burdens and where every stone tells a story drenched in bittersweet remembrance.

“Even amidst the ice-bound isolation, there is a warmth that lingers in the heart, a memory of what once was and what could have been.”
— Nian, reflecting on his travels in Pelage
Location under

Cover image: by Antonios Ntoumas


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Jul 28, 2024 00:49 by Jaime Buckley


Storyteller, Cartoonist,..pretty awesome friend =)
Subscribe to Life of Fiction to see the live results of all this worldbuilding.
Jul 28, 2024 16:49 by Deleyna Marr

Thanks! This is one of a couple of places I am looking forward to exploring in book 3!

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