Reflections of Strength

“In the face of Darkness, we stand unyielding.”

The Reflections of Strength are a formidable faction within the Reflections of the Light, dedicated to the tenet: “Drive out the Darkness.” These warrior monks are the embodiment of resilience and courage, their lives devoted to the relentless battle against the shadows that threaten Aubadeon.

“Our strength is the Light, our resolve unbreakable.”

Clad in armor that gleams with the purity of the Light, the Reflections of Strength are a sight to behold. Their training is rigorous, their discipline unmatched. From dawn until dusk, they hone their bodies and minds, preparing for the ceaseless war against Darkness. Each monk is a master of combat, their skills honed to perfection through years of relentless practice.


Their sanctuaries, known as Bastions of Light, are scattered across Aubadeon. These fortresses are both training grounds and places of refuge, where the monks meditate and draw strength from the Light. Within these hallowed halls, the air is thick with the scent of incense and the soft murmur of prayers, a constant reminder of their sacred duty.


The Reflections of Strength are not just warriors; they are scholars and philosophers, seeking to understand the nature of Darkness and the ways to combat it. Their libraries are filled with ancient texts and scrolls, chronicling the eternal struggle between Light and Darkness. Through study and contemplation, they seek to uncover the secrets of their enemy, to find new ways to drive it back.

“In every shadow, we see the challenge of our faith.”
— Reflection Proverb

Their missions take them to the darkest corners of Aubadeon, where the influence of Darkness is strongest. They venture into forsaken lands and haunted ruins, their presence a beacon of hope for those who have lost all. With every battle fought and every victory won, they push back the encroaching shadows, reclaiming the Light for their people.


Yet, their path is fraught with peril. The forces of Darkness are cunning and relentless, ever seeking to corrupt and destroy. The Reflections of Strength face these threats with unwavering resolve, their faith in the Light their greatest weapon. They know that their struggle is eternal, but they are undeterred, for they believe that every act of courage brings them closer to a world free of Darkness.


In the quiet moments of reflection, the warrior monks find solace in their shared purpose. They are bound together by a common mission, a brotherhood forged in the fires of battle and tempered by the Light. Their lives are a testament to the power of faith and the strength of the human spirit, a beacon of hope in a world often overshadowed by Darkness.


Through their tireless efforts, the Reflections of Strength drive out the Darkness, illuminating the path to a future where the Light reigns supreme.

Military Order
Parent Organization

Cover image: by Deleyna via Midjourney


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