Reflections of Health

“In every ailment, we see the shadow of Darkness. In every cure, the Light prevails.”
— Reflection Proverb

The Reflections of Health are a revered faction within the Reflections of the Light, devoted to the tenet: “Bring Light to the sick.” These traveling healers are the embodiment of compassion and dedication, their lives committed to battling the corruption of sickness that plagues Aubadeon.

“Our hands bring healing, our hearts bring hope.”
— Reflection Proverb

Clad in robes of soft, soothing hues, the Reflections of Health are a comforting presence wherever they go. Their journey is one of endless travel, moving from village to village, city to city, bringing the Light’s healing touch to those in need. Each healer is trained in the arts of medicine and magic, their skills a blend of ancient knowledge and divine power.


Their sanctuaries are not fixed structures but mobile clinics, tents that can be set up wherever they are needed. These makeshift hospitals are equipped with herbs, potions, and enchanted tools, all designed to combat the myriad illnesses that afflict the people of Aubadeon. Within these temporary havens, the air is filled with the scent of healing herbs and the gentle hum of incantations, a testament to their sacred mission.


The Reflections of Health are more than just healers; they are educators and counselors, teaching the people how to maintain their health and prevent disease. Their knowledge is vast, encompassing both the physical and the spiritual, for they believe that true health is a harmony of body and soul. Through their teachings, they empower communities to take charge of their own well-being, spreading the Light’s wisdom far and wide.

“In every cure, we see the triumph of the Light.”
— Reflection Proverb

Their missions take them to the most remote and forsaken parts of Aubadeon, where the reach of Darkness is often strongest. They venture into plague-ridden villages and war-torn lands, their presence a beacon of hope for the afflicted. With every life saved and every illness cured, they push back the shadows, reclaiming the Light for their people.


Yet, their path is fraught with challenges. The forces of Darkness manifest in many forms, from deadly diseases to insidious curses. The Reflections of Health face these threats with unwavering resolve, their faith in the Light their greatest weapon. They know that their struggle is eternal, but they are undeterred, for they believe that every act of healing brings them closer to a world free of sickness.


In the quiet moments of reflection, the traveling healers find solace in their shared purpose. They are bound together by a common mission, a fellowship forged in the pursuit of health and harmony. Their lives are a testament to the power of faith and the strength of the human spirit, a beacon of hope in a world often overshadowed by Darkness.


Through their tireless efforts, the Reflections of Health bring Light to the sick, illuminating the path to a healthier, more harmonious future for all of Aubadeon.

Research, Medical
Parent Organization

Cover image: by Deleyna via Midjourney


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