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Grand Prix of the Galaxy I

By VanitasWolf

37 0 0 13606

(Translated with the help of AI) In a future where the universe is torn apart by conflicts, a mysterious force called the "Eon" offers a final chance for peace: an intergalactic race, where the winner will gain eternal immortality for their species. Kai,...

Grand Prix der Galaxy I

By VanitasWolf

162 0 0 14019

In einer Zukunft, in der das Universum von Konflikten zerrissen ist, bietet eine geheimnisvolle Macht, der "Eon", eine letzte Chance auf Frieden: Ein intergalaktisches Rennen, dessen Gewinner ewige Unsterblichkeit für seine Spezies erlangen soll. Kai, ein...

Skamsen and the Lady: All 6 parts together

By ejmichaels

40461 0 0 0

All six parts now published together. Someone wants the Lady dead. She seems more interested in flirting with her would-be killer. Skamsen needs the Lady alive to set a trap for a dangerous assassin. She thinks it a delightful idea and doesn't seem to mind...

The Oblivion Chronicles: Book 4 - Love and Loss

By JHarris15

208424 15 0 74599

The Fourth Part of The Oblivion Series. The Shadow has returned and evil has seemingly triumphed. The group must adapt to survive without Alan Wolfrick, with the worst still to come, and not all will see the end. Hope remains as they meet new allies amongst...