In a world defined by elemental influence and scarred by the whims of their fallen gods, humanity believes they now follow their own path. The Kingdom of Accia seeks to spread their influence across all of Emynea, holding the fate of three continents within...
Iver has survived his first year at the academy. He managed to join the Sect of the Dark Hunter but must keep that truth veiled. The young Darkling is still recovering from a broken heart and the bitter sting of betrayal. But just when Iver thinks he knows...
Vair is my latest work, set in the early bronze age with a dash of classic fantasy. The world is divided into warring city-states each ruled by a powerful deity. Vair, the main character of our story, hails from the White-Wolf clan of the Azil Mountain Range. He...
A few extra tales or even non-canon content within the world of Emynea, off-shoots of [i]In Their Shadows[/i]! Most of this is going to be older, adapted work, while others are short stories written by EBelt ( Jacqueline Yang). Any one-shots I write will also...
In a world defined by elemental influence and scarred by the whims of their fallen gods, humanity believes they now follow their own path. The Kingdom of Accia seeks to spread their influence across all of Emynea, holding the fate of three continents within...
The world of Anogwin is fraught with danger. In this world of Elves and Dragons, is in an age where magic-powered technology known as Mystech is commonplace. But this world is far from paradise. Defensive walls are necessary for every city and town because...