In Which a Ceremony Occurs

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Good morning, everyone,” Jurao greeted the crowd of assembled nobles, “Thank you for coming to today’s event.”

There was a bigger turnout than they’d expected - many of the older generation nobles were standing behind the rows of benches that had been set out as a show of their strength, even if most kept glancing at the plants around them nervously. The younger generations filled the front half of the benches, and some sat on blankets spread out next to the benches - a suggestion from Beneford mimicking a human practice. They leaned forward eagerly, appearing very interested in the proceedings.

On stage behind Jurao, a chair had been placed on a raised dais for him. On a lower platform sat Minaz and Hujur, and on the stage level were the Department Heads - all in their station’s formal attire. Braelin was seated on the far stage left, his family seated behind him, while Milve sat on the opposite end. Petal was sat next to the Royal Gardener, tendrils wrapped around one of his legs and a few patting at the human’s face reassuringly.

There have been several recent changes that you are likely all aware of by now,” the King went on, “But we have not yet formally recognized. Firstly, that I have appointed a human to the newly created station of Royal Gardener.

For those who have not yet heard the story, Braelin stumbled through a rift between the realms. Unknown to him, he was pulled to the royal gardens by the will of Iescula, Goddess of Sieges and Plants, of whom he is Beloved.”

There was murmuring and the clack of hand fans opening in response to this - likely, the rumors of Braelin being Beloved had been circling, but it was a different matter to have it confirmed.

Jurao continued on, “This Blessing allowed him to approach the plants without fear. As thanks for their gift of food, he began to care for them using his knowledge from being a gardener in the Human Realm. He earned their affection, and the results of his hard work were obvious to me when I returned from my Union Campaign to see the gardens in such a wondrous state of health.

I forced the gardens to reveal Braelin to me, and soon appointed him Royal Gardener so he could continue to care for the gardens,” the King explained, “After there was confusion about how to address him with his new station, Braelin was granted a Minor Lordship to accompany his station.

However,” Jurao said, “It has come to our attention that Braelin is the son of the former king of a human nation, and today High Priest Milve intends to recognize him as a member of her faithful. In light of these considerations, he and his family members have been granted greater status as Middling Nobility. We would like to formally welcome Lord Braelin and his family as peers of the United Demon Realm.”

The latter part had been a last-minute addition by Hujur - his research into similar events had turned up a precedent for increasing the rank of those granted honorary priesthood, and a higher rank would grant him better protection and esteem.

Jurao wanted to walk across the stage, but he refrained - instead stepping back as they’d rehearsed.

Shakily, Braelin got to his feet - keeping his chin up but eyes on the stage as he walked to the center to meet the King. Petal made to glide after him, but was held back by Owren taking hold of one of its tendrils - something they had worked out previously.

Jurao was proud of his partner, though it hurt to see him so clearly uncomfortable. The King took out a bronze amulet in the style of the Royal Sun Crest and gently placed it over Braelin’s head - resisting the urge to do more than place a hand on the human’s shoulder and turn him so they both faced the crowd.

The gesture was met with applause - accompanied by a few cheers from the front, but only begrudging from the conservative members sitting and standing towards the back.

The King squeezed his partner’s shoulder reassuring as he could for the few moments they stood for the reacting - and couldn’t stop himself from leaning down to lowly say, “You’re doing well - you only have to be here a little longer.”

Braelin nodded, taking careful, deep breaths.

Jurao rose, giving his partner’s shoulder another squeeze before holding a hand out to welcome Milve across the stage. Reluctantly, he took his seat on the dais as the ceremony proceeded.

As the King said, Lord Braelin is Beloved of my Lady Iescula,” Milve said as he reached the center of the stage, “Iescula herself confirmed this when she visited the shrine in these very gardens, taking control of her likeness there. Therefore it is only appropriate to welcome him as one of Her faithful, that all may know he carries Her favor.”

The High Priest nodded down the stage, and Petal was finally allowed to glide to its chosen master’s side. It wrapped tendrils around one of his arms and a leg on the same side, which did seem to help.

By the will of my Lady Iescula of Stone and Leaf,” Milve said, moving to stand behind the human as Hujur retrieved an elaborate veil of plants and flowers from behind the dais and handed it to the priest, “I, High Priest Milve of the order of the same, declare Lord Braelin of Ae°Calikaslavven, as an honorary member of the Iesculan Faithful.”

As before, applause and cheers erupted from the front of the crowd - while the back joined in with far less enthusiasm. All fell silent, however, at a great sound of creaking.

The Cradle Roses behind the stage moved all at once - the one in the center shifting so its bloom properly faced the crowd, and the others nearby all turned their faces to flank it. The Blood Rose Thickets - which had been conspicuously bare - suddenly burst into full blooms. The Climbing Roses swayed on their trellises, shedding petals like snow as the entire Rose Cage Garden came alive with its own style of applause for its gardener.

In all the commotion, Milve flipped part of the veil over so that it covered Braelin’s face and said quietly, “This is the best I can offer.”

Very quietly, so much so that Jurao almost missed it despite being so close, Braelin replied, “Thank you.

They certainly put on a show for him,” Minaz remarked, as the garden - and by extension, the audience - began to settle.

Jurao hummed in agreement and stood to loudly declare, “That concludes the ceremony - Lord Braelin will take a seat in the pavilion nearby for any who wish to congratulate him. Please enjoy the provided refreshments as you wait for the opportunity.”

Milve stepped aside with a bow as Jurao stepped down - glad he could finally take his partner’s hand and pull the human to his side with the pretext of leading the way to the pavilion he’d pointed out earlier. Really, his partner’s legs gave out the moment Jurao had an arm around his waist, but the floor-length veil helped obfuscate the way the King was carrying him.

This caused a new eruption of cheers, though he did not understand why.

It took a few moments to get settled in the pavilion - since the formal portion of the event was over, it was now socially acceptable for Jurao to place his romantic partner in his lap; if ill-advised in the current court climate. But with Braelin still shaking from all the attention, there was no force that could have convinced Jurao to do otherwise. Petal settled itself in Braelin’s lap, and he seemed to find some comfort in petting the Crushfern.

Hujur and Minaz took up stations at the pavilion’s entrance to organize the well-wishers - including warning them that it was unlikely that Lord Braelin would reply to them.

Malson forced his own way through the crowd, and stood next to Jurao and Braelin to declare, “I’ll accept your wishes on my brother’s behalf!”

Minaz and Hujur shared a look Jurao recognized as concern, but they could hardly refute him in front of all the gathered nobility.

The rest passed by in a bit of a blur - despite his advisors’ misgivings, Malson was cordial and polite, if still loud. His princely education clearly served him well when he put it to use - and having someone reply to the well-wishers was of course preferable to no response from the intended recipient.

As expected, the more progressive and generally younger court members were the first in line to offer their congratulations - with most also expressing their support for their relationship.

Lady Dajor, head of the stone masons, was one such well-wisher, enthusing, “It’s so lovely to see the two of you together - it’s so very losven!”

I’m sure my brother appreciates your support,” Malson said, with a presentation smile that could rival Feyl’s on a good day, “But I’m unfamiliar with that term - losven?”

Lady Dajor laughed, “Oh yes, of course! It’s… well, it’s…”

It originates in saying something is ‘Lavven-like’,” Jurao supplied, having asked Feyl about the term when he’d first heard it, “Lavven was the first Ascended Demon King, and he implemented many innovations and new ideas during his rule - often ideas that seemed outlandish to demon society at the time. To say something is ‘losven’ is to say it shares those qualities, though…”

Though?” Lady Dajor questioned.

I would not say I consider our relationship is particularly unusual, other than neither of us having had a romantic interest previously,” the King said, “We enjoy each others’ company and felt a mutual romantic attraction - that’s all very ordinary, I think.”

Oh, well,” Dajor chuckled, “But the circumstances are… a Demon King courting a human is unusual, your highness.”

Yes, but I wouldn’t consider it innovative or original,” Jurao replied, “That would imply a broader agenda, wouldn’t it.”

I, well,” Dajor chuckled again, appearing nervous.

The King frowned as he considered it further, “It seems odd to use losven in the context of a relationship at all - my reason for courting Lord Braelin is solely that I like him; my station and his humanity are incidental.”

Braelin gave Jurao’s hand a squeeze, which the King was fairly sure meant approval of the sentiment.

But thank you very much for your support!” Malson said, ushering the still confused-looking noblewoman out of the pavilion.

More than a few other nobles expressed similar ideas that Jurao courting Braelin was progressive and losven in nature - and the King refuted the sentiment each time. While he didn’t mind Alae expressing a hope that their relationship would lead to a more favorable view of inspired demons, the implication of his relationship being a deliberate progressive measure bothered him greatly.

Once the more enthusiastic progressive faction had finished offering their congratulations and support - though the latter members seemed to have had their enthusiasm tempered - there were only a handful of the older and more conservative court members who came to do the same.

Lord Halvern - whom Jurao believed to be a moderate - was one of the first of the older generations towards the end. He sighed as he walked inside the pavilion, and said, “My child speaks very highly of you, Lord Braelin - they asked me to offer congratulations in their stead, since they needed to attend to department matters during the ceremony.”

This is Lord Halvern,” Jurao explained for Malson’s benefit, “Gaele’s father and Head of the Administration Branch.”

My brother speaks highly of,” Malson paused, “Your… offspring?”

Halvern nodded with another sigh. Looking over the King and his partner once more, he snorted and bowed, “And I offer my congratulations as well - I had my doubts, but… well. I hope your relationship continues to be as ordinary as you feel it is now.”

Thank you,” Jurao said.

I’m sure my brother is grateful for your support as well,” Malson said, returning the bow - though less deeply.

The other moderate and conservative nobles offered similarly brief and decidedly neutral sentiments which did not imply support as much as a lack of opposition.

With the exception of the last noble - Lord Goyl, a Major noble from a long line. He chuckled as he entered the pavilion, stating, “You certainly did your best to put the children in their place, your highness.”

I do not understand your meaning,” Jurao replied - and reached out to pull his partner’s brother back. Forvi and Feyl had specifically told him to watch out for Goyl - he had a reputation for being hot-headed and quick to challenge, but also crafty and difficult to predict.

Reprimanding them for politicizing your relationship, I mean,” Goyl grinned, seeming delighted at Jurao’s protective measure, “I wouldn’t have advised that course of action, personally - as King, everyone is always going to politicize your relationships; you really should take better advantage of it.”

I understand that my relationships fall under public scrutiny, Lord Goyl,” the King replied, “But that does not mean I wish to encourage the idea that I am courting Lord Braelin as a matter of politics.”

It would be a very poor ploy, indeed,” Goyl agreed, “Considering the ousted royal family of a usurped kingdom now aligning with the Empire will hardly bring the Demon Realm much benefit. However…”

The noble smiled and leaned stepped around to lean on one of the pillars exiting the pavilion, “The right-hand man of the current ruler of Asalban would be quite the catch.”

... you’re kidding,” Malson said, not seeming impressed.

Not at all!” Goyl smiled widely, tail swaying behind him, “Court me, and I’ll throw in my support for his highness’s recent decisions and current relationship.”

Sure, why not,” Malson shrugged.

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