In Which Older Brothers Are Terrifying

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You do not have to-” Jurao started.

Obviously I don’t have to!” Malson snorted, shaking off the King’s grip, “I mean, thanks for saying so! But honestly, this is just politics anyway - most people aren’t even this upfront about it!”

That’s certainly true,” Goyl smirked, then put a hand to his chest as he said, “Allow me to introduce myself properly - I’m Lord Goyl.”

I suppose now I’m Lord Malson Ealdwine,” the former prince replied, and rolled his eyes to add, “We’re very grateful for your support.”

Done acting?” Goyl asked.

Why bother if you aren’t?” Malson replied.

You’ve got to be kidding…” Minaz sighed heavily, looking into the pavilion from her position at the entrance.

It is a time-honored way to garner support…” Hujur added dryly.

Are you really…”

They all paused as Braelin worked to lift the flower veil off his face - Jurao helping.

Are you really sure about… that?” he asked, when he could look his brother in the eye.

Malson glanced around them, then met Braelin's gaze to reply, “A Queen’s Descent.”

Braelin blinked for a few moments - then snorted with some kind of comprehension as he said, “Ah, very well then.”

Goyl looked up thoughtfully, “I think I’m more of a Duke Wesmoran than Earl Channey…”

Malson’s face lit up red as he replied, “You are absolutely not a Duke Wesmoran!”

First impressions can be deceiving,” Goyl grinned, shrugging expansively. He was a sheep beastly demon with light gray skin and four black rams horns, two curling forward on either side of his head and another two sticking upwards. His short, curly dark blue hair was streaked with lighter blue, and he had vibrant green angular markings. And while he did have cloven hooves, his tail was that of a snake.

Jurao said, “I do not know what you are referring to.”

Human romance novels,” Goyl replied easily, “Though I didn’t expect to be cast as a leading man when I considered this plan - but now I know what I’ve garnered about human romance from those novels will work on this one, at least.”

I will shoot you if you try half the shit those kinds of leads do!” Malson replied, then waved a hand, “I mean yeah, the dangerous stranger thing is attractive, but it loses its appeal pretty damn fast the third you wake up to someone trying to stab you in your sleep!”

What?” Braelin asked in clear concern.

The third kidnapping was pretty tiresome, too!” the former crown prince went on, putting his hands on his hips, “I only agreed because you’re being so upfront about it all - it’s just the right balance of menacing with some assurance of safety!”

... I’m not worried about him anymore,” Minaz deadpanned.

Even Goyl looked concerned by the declaration.

It’s over now, right?” Ayelma interrupted further discussion by jogging into the pavilion.

It is,” Jurao said, “Lord Goyl was…”

Making a little diplomatic deal with your oldest brother,” Goyl supplied.

Malson jogged over to look around outside the pavilion area before turning to his sister to say, “He says he’ll give Jurao and Braelin his support if I fuck him, and I agreed!”

... you know,” Hujur said, “At least he did check for unwanted ears first.”

This is an entirely new kind of headache,” Minaz sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

Mal,” Ayelma groaned, “How has it been one day and you’re already on your bullshit?”

When did you start swearing!?” Malson demanded.

His sister grinned, “I’m not a kid anymore, you know!”

Um, what’s going on?” Meir’ril asked, approaching as well.

Malson already found a partner,” Ayelma snorted.

... it’s been a day?” her twin replied, then chuckled, “Well, I guess you haven’t changed much, either…”

... this is more fun than I thought it was going to be already,” Goyl snorted, and turned to Jurao, “I get a lot of respect from the conservative faction due to my lineage and physical prowess, but I’ve never really considered myself one of them - I just do whatever seems most entertaining or personally beneficial for me. So, as promised, you have my support, your highness.”

Jurao hummed, not particularly happy about the situation.

Braelin snorted, “He always wanted adventure… though I’m sure he would have wished the circumstances were different. I’m still kind of concerned about the stabbings and kidnappings, though…”

Do you think you can stand,” the King asked.

Yes,” his partner replied, then added, “Probably…”

Jurao helped his partner to his feet, letting Braelin test his weight on his legs before getting to his own feet.

I think I need to sleep for a while,” his partner yawned.

You worked hard today,” the King agreed, “Should I accompany you.”

Braelin shook his head - then nodded instead, “I thought to go to the cottage and ask Malson what he was talking,” he yawned again, “About, but I don’t think I’ll be awake long enough to do so.”

I’m sure there will be time later,” Jurao smiled, brushing some hair behind his partner’s ear in lieu of his usual tousling to preserve Feyl’s hard work.

You believe him?” Goyl asked - still casually leaning against the nearby pavilion pillar.

Why would he lie?” Braelin replied.

Goyl blinked, then said, “Hm, I suppose you have a point…”

Jurao accompanied his partner to bid his family farewell before heading to the King’s office. While Jurao had thought his partner would prefer to rest in their shared quarters, Braelin instead wished to remain in the same room - stating that the chairs in the King’s office would be comfortable enough for a nap while Jurao worked.

Seeing how quickly his partner fell asleep, Petal resting in the human’s lap once more, Jurao finally felt his own shoulders lighten since the start of the ceremony that morning.

Feyl stopped by with a change of clothes before the evening meal, and Jurao had to rouse Braelin for it.

Is your brother really courting Goyl?” Feyl asked.

He said he was going to,” Braelin sighed as he changed, “And I’ve never known him not to go through with something he said he was going to do.”

I see,” Feyl snorted, “Well, I suppose there are worse choices than Goyl…”

He seems more successful at courting now,” Braelin said, “He didn’t have much luck in Jost. Maybe he was right about people thinking pirates are more attractive than other people - I always assumed that was just his opinion.”

Well, probably not all people,” Feyl chuckled, “But rogues do seem to have a certain appeal for humans…”

What makes you say that,” Jurao asked.

Romance novels often feature them,” his best friend replied.

Are human romance novels popular in the Demon Realm?” Braelin asked, “Lord Goyl knew of them as well.”

Not anymore,” Feyl waved a hand, “But a few centuries ago they were all the rage in court - especially the more salacious ones. I wouldn’t be surprised if some still keep up with them as a personal interest. I don’t, but I did take part in the trend of it.”

I’d forgotten about that,” Jurao hummed.

I’m not surprised, since it never appealed to you,” his best friend chuckled, “Honestly, though, I wasn’t expecting you and your brother to be… this different.”

It seems to catch most people by surprise,” Braelin agreed, finished changing into more comfortable clothes. He reached for his hair and asked, “How do I undo this? It’s giving me a headache.”

Sleeping in it probably didn’t help,” Feyl agreed, walking behind him to guide his hands, “You just pull this pin here for the clip, and the end is tied with a band.”

Thank you,” Braelin sighed in relief, carding his fingers through the lot to undo the braid.

That should be the last big event you need to attend for a while,” the valet went on, “But Gavven has been planning smaller socials for you and Jurao to be seen together at court.”

Braelin sighed again more heavily, “Well, that sort of thing is important…”

Is it strictly necessary to begin so soon,” Jurao frowned. He understood it was important to be seen with his romantic partner due to his station, but he felt it could wait a bit as long as he went back to attending court events regularly.

You know how you were annoyed at the progressive faction treating your relationship like another trend?” Feyl asked, “Part of it is the mystery - sure, everyone has seen the pair of you around the castle and grounds, but those are just glimpses. They never get to see the two of you up close - so they’re filling in the blanks themselves.

The more they see of the two of you, the fewer blanks they’ll have to fill in,” his best friend went on, “And it will help the conservative faction to see Braelin as a person, not just ‘that human the King appointed because he likes him’.”

I did not-” the King started.

I know you appointed Braelin before you knew you had a romantic interest,” Feyl said, “And you know that as well - but you started courting so soon after Braelin’s appointment that it’s just going to look that way to most people.”

... Gavven is known for eir skill at setting up salons and social gatherings,” Jurao sighed, relenting, “I’m sure e will know the best groups to avoid tension.”

Absolutely,” Feyl nodded, “Gavven knows everyone - it’s honestly a bit ridiculous…”

It’s fine, really,” Braelin smiled, “I remember how these things went in Jost - it wasn’t much different, honestly.”

Well, you two better head to dinner,” the valet sighed, looking at the wall timekeeper, “I suspect you’ll be getting more questions about your brother and Lord Goyl.”

Most likely,” Braelin sighed, picking up his finery.

I’ll handle those,” Feyl said, collecting them and Jurao’s finery, “Since taking Jurao’s back is already an actual part of my job.”

Thank you, Feyl,” Jurao said, taking the lead as they left the office.

As Feyl had suspected, the questions at dinner were mainly about Malson and Lord Goyl’s apparently already-announced relationship. That and commentary about how the ceremony went.

Except for when Kloy, who had been mainly silent, asked, “Braelin, were you aware your brother has children?”

... he what?” Braelin replied.

He stopped by the clinic himself to ask if we had human contraceptives available,” the Royal Physician replied, appearing in thought, “And mentioned that he has two children - one being half-demon, apparently.”

... I was not aware of that, no,” Braelin replied.

Kloy simply hummed, not seeming to have more to add.

... what is your brother?” Festi asked.

Well,” the human gardener took a moment, then shook off his surprise with a sigh, “He has been a pirate for the past fifteen years, I suppose having children isn’t really so odd in consideration…”

There are a fair amount of demons in Asalban, since we trade through them,” Vajur snorted, “And I’m sure given your circumstances, he usually avoids mentioning them.”

That’s true,” Braelin sighed again, “And he mentioned having multiple partners…”

Gavven elbowed Gnori with a giggle, “So you still have a shot!”

I never said I was interested!” Gnori replied with a blush, slamming a fist on the table.

What?” Braelin asked.

Malson outshouted Gnori and it flustered him, so I’m just teasing,” Gavven waved a hand, “Pay it no mind.”

He did?” Jouvi asked, “But he’s so tiny?”

Oh,” Braelin said, then shrugged, “Well, not that it would be a problem either way, since Gnori’s a nice person.”

See?” Gavven grinned, “You even have Braelin’s approval!”

Gnori just grumbled and crossed his arms, tail swishing behind him.

Oh, Jurao realized, This is the ‘fun’ teasing Feyl was talking about before.

Festi started laughing, “This is like when Braelin showed up all over again! Some random human out of nowhere immediately getting inserted into court saying and doing outrageous shit!”

In a very different way,” Jouvi chuckled.

Perhaps I was too optimistic about things settling down, Jurao thought to himself.

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