
In the world of The Territories

Visit The Territories

Ongoing 4278 Words

Introduction to Fallon

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Chapter 2
20 Years Later
P. O. V: Fallon
I am exhausted. I hate travelling to the human realm. I hate dealing with the humans and all their paperwork and red tape. After 6 weeks of phone calls, meetings and filling in forms, I’ve finally got T.J.’s car on its way to the territories. He just had to have it. He wasn’t concerned with the logistics of getting it back home, as usual he just told me what he wanted, and I was expected to do it. I know it’s not really his fault I’ve always done whatever he wanted, whenever he asked. I’ve been in love with T.J. since we were kids. He had never noticed; I wasn’t on his list of wants. 
The small plane bumped and rolled to a stop. I slowly lifted my head of the window. This trip had really taken it out of me, I couldn’t wait to get home to my own bed. The doors of the plane slowly lowered, so I grabbed my carry on and exited the plane, onto the tarmac. There was a car ready and waiting for me. The airport staff were already loading the luggage into the boot. I was having to stay at the B&B on the small island for two nights before we would be in The Territories. 
The boot slamming closed pulled me from my thoughts. I looked up to see the chauffeur standing by the back door waiting on me climbing in. I turned around to face the plane and the airport staff again.
“Thank you everyone for the as always, pleasant flight. I hope you all have a wonderful day and thank you for your time and service.”
I turned back to the car and made my way to the back seat. I nodded a thanks to the chauffeur as I got in. The door closed and we were pulling away a few minutes later. I leaned my head onto the window again, enjoying the coolness of the glass against my skin. I just wanted to go back home, but there were six other girls who were joining me on the trip back to The Territories, at least it wasn’t just me. They would be joining me either tonight or tomorrow, then we would be in the Territories the day after.  
We soon pulled up to the small B&B. It didn’t look like much. Just an aged 3 story cottage, absolutely nothing remarkable, but in our world looks could be deceiving. The B&B was in fact The Gate to The Territories. We would all wake up the day after tomorrow in the same B&B but instead of being on this small, deserted island of the coast of Scotland, we would be right in the heart of The Territories. It was quite disorientating if you weren’t used to it. I would have to help the girls who had never been before. 
I felt sorry for the poor girls. They were being forced to go by The Council. From what T.J. had told me some of them had been born in The Human Realm, had never stepped foot in The Territories before. They might have a hard time adjusting, I would have to keep an eye on them.
The chauffeur opened my door, cutting of my worries for the incoming girls. I stepped out the car. I stood and took in the building in front of me you would never know to look at it that it was one of the most magical buildings in the world. As I was looking it over, two young men came out the front door to take my bags. It was the usual boys who worked here. We had gotten to know each other over my many trips to the human world to collect things for T.J. They were good kids, always looking for anyway to help. 
I rummaged around in my bag for my purse. The B&B was all paid for by T.J. in advance, but I always like to tip the boys well, they worked hard to help their family., The boys were brothers and came from a family of 8 pups. Their poor mother had just lost her mate and was taking it hard, so the boys and their older brothers had all gotten jobs to help pay for the things their mum and siblings needed. As I said good kids, they would make good pack wolves too once they were a bit older. 
I walked up the steps and into the B&B. The older witch who ran the place was as usual behind her desk working away. Eventually she realised I was there and looked up.
“Oh, Fallon, It’s you lovely. It’s been a while, it’s so good to see you.” 
“ You to, Mrs Anderson.” I said with a genuine smile, I love this old Witch.
“Fallon how many times must I tell you it's Pearl to you?” I laughed as she walked around the desk to give me a huge, motherly cuddle, another reason I loved this woman, she wasn’t shy to give out love, even if sometimes it was tough love.
“You know me Pearl I just always want to show my respect for my elders.”
“Less of this elder’s nonsense, I’m still 22 at heart.” She laughs out.
“How are my boys doing? I saw them grab my luggage.”
“Oh, you know them. They act like everything is normal all the time. They won’t ask for help. They only thing they let me do is give them first choice of any overtime.”
“Oh, Pearl I wish they would let us in. All I want is to see them happy.”
“Me too, love, until they do, there isn’t much we can do. So, you get your butt upstairs and have a rest. The other girls won’t be here until after dinner so do you want me to send you up some food in a few hours?”
“As always, you know just what is needed, that sounds perfect.”
“Great, well you head up, here's your key and you’re in room 12. The one with your favourite view once we get back.”
“Oh, you spoil me. Thank you, Pearl” I gave her a huge cuddle. This woman made my horrendous trips to the human realm worth it. I loved her like you would a favourite Aunt. 
I left Pearl to her work. As I started climbing the stairs to the first floor, I heard the boys coming down. I already have a tip in my hand ready when we eventually met. I had learned early on that if I tried to give them more than the normal amount, they wouldn’t take it. Pearl and I had come to a little agreement instead. I paid money every month to Pearl who gave to boys’ overtime at the B&B. I had to talk Pearl around to start with, she had already been giving the boys as much extra work as she could afford and didn’t want me paying for work, she would get the benefit of. She eventually agreed when I told her I was getting really good value for money, not only did I feel like I was helping the boys out, I also felt better knowing she had more help around here, and both she and the boys got to keep a little bit of pride. 
I got to my room and opened the door. My luggage was already on the bench at the foot of the bed. There wasn’t much point in unpacking, so I decided to leave it there, I was only here for two nights. I walked across to the big bay window on the other side of the room. It was one of my little happy places. Many nights I had spent curled up on the seat with a good book or watching the storms off the coast. There wasn’t much of a view while we were here in the human realm. Just a flat barren island, no plants or trees, no animals and not a single other building other than the B&B and the small aeroplane hangar and runway on the other side of the island. 
I sat down with my legs tucked under me and looked out towards the sea. It would have to be a good book tonight, the sky was all grey and the sea was calm, not a storm cloud in sight. Goddess, I hope that this is the last trip for a while. Everyone seemed to take more and more out of me. I got lost in my thoughts of what T.J. would be wanting next and if I would mean more travelling. I had no idea I had sat so long, and it wasn’t until someone knocked on the door making me jump, I realised it was dinner time. 
I opened the door to find the boys each holding a tray with huge grins on their faces. Despite my low mood I couldn’t help but smile back. I nodded my head towards the room and stepped back to let them in. In one corner of the room was a small table and two chairs. The boys put the trays down on the table. Before I knew it, I was wrapped up in the biggest bear hug from them both. 
“We’ve missed you, Fallon. It feels like months since we saw you.” Reilly mumbled into my hair.
I couldn’t help but giggle, “it’s only been 6 weeks or so.”
“Feels like longer. At least this time you’re with us two nights not just one.”
“Are you boys working tomorrow as well?” I enquired as they eventually released me.
“Yeah, we are. Pearl got extra from the council so that she could have help when everyone arrived. So even though we are too young to find our mates this time around, we are at least getting plenty of extra hours.”
“I hope you boys aren’t working too hard though. I know you do a lot at home as well.” I really did worry about these two, so young to be taking on so much.
“Our brothers and sisters have been helping out a lot more with us doing more hours.”
“That’s good I suppose. How is your mama doing?”
“The same really. She gets out of bed now to have her meals. It's not a lot, but it is a huge step in the right direction.”
“Hopefully she is on the mend, and you can go back to your mischievous old ways in no time.”
“Who us? Fallon, you know we are perfect angels, no idea where you get this, mischievous ways nonsense from.” The boys headed towards the table, trying to hide their chuckles as the lifted the lids of the trays. 
I ended up sitting at the table with Reilly while Rex sat on the floor, and we all had dinner together. I liked spending time with the twins and with them all stuck here till the day after tomorrow we were as well having dinner together. 
“So, one of the other girls is coming in a couple of hours. Do you fancy helping welcome her with us?” mentioned Rex as he put away their dinner things on the trays.
“Why would you need my help boys? With those dimples and all that charm you two have she wouldn’t even notice I’m here.”
“Well, she has never actually been to the territories before, she was born in the human realm. We’ve been told by the council to help answer any of her questions, but Rex and I have never been further than the island in the human realm. We have no idea how it differs from our world. We’re both kind of worried about saying something wrong.”
I let out a long sigh as my shoulders drooped a bit. I still felt exhausted, all I wanted now I was fed was a nice shower and bed. All it takes is looking at Reilly and Rex’s puppy faces for me to cave though. Damn boys and their dimples. They were going to leave a trail of broken hearts if they didn’t meet their mates at 21. 
“Fine I’ll come down and welcome her. I don’t know how much help I’ll be or if I’ll even be needed. Pearl will be there too.” The boys gave her huge, big grins. “On one condition though.” their smiles dropped a little. “You take those dishes down and get them clean and away for Pearl while I have a shower to freshen up.”
“You’re the best Fallon.” It was Rex that hugged her; he was usually the quieter and more reserved of the two. 
“Yeah. Yeah. Now move it the two of you, you’ve got dishes to do.”
The two pups bounced about making sure her room was back to being spick and span. I was holding the door open for them when they both leaned in and gave me a kiss on the check, making me blush. 
“Thanks Fallon” the two of them chorused at the same time, which at least made me chuckle instead of blush. 
Once they were out the door, I closed it and headed to my suitcases. I pulled out some jeans and one of T.J.’s shirts, along with my toiletries bag. I had a habit of stealing one of his shirts when I had to go away, they were comfortable and with the right styling could look smart casual. They also had to bonus of smelling like him until it was washed again, which this one had been at the hotel I was staying at in the Human realm. I decided to wear it again because being this close to home was making me homesick. 
I was all showered and dressed, ready to go down and find out who we were welcoming before they got here. I was sitting on the chair where I’d had dinner with the boys. I was looking at the bed rather longingly. I just wanted to sleep. Seems I just couldn’t say no to helping someone out.
I head down to the main reception area looking for Pearl. She would surely know who and what to expect. I find the old witch humming away while working behind the desk. I slowly walk up behind her. Using everything my wolf knows about hunting her pray. Just as I’m about to shout boo.
“I know you’re there Fallon. Nice try, but not this time.” I couldn’t help my giggles.
“How do you always know when I’m there? When are you going to tell me your secret?”
“A witch never revels her tricks young one. You should know this by now.”
I did know by now but didn’t stop us playing this game every time I stayed here. I would sneak up on her one day or figure out her secret.
“So Pearl, the boys asked me to help roll out the welcome wagon for the girls that are coming in, what information do you have on them?”
 “Give me a minute, and I’ll find the documents the council sent over.” She starts humming away, as she sorts through the stacks of documents on her desk. “Aha, found the blighters.” I giggle at her. 
She hands over the folder. I sit down on the couch that’s in the hallway, I start reading through them. There is a schedule of arrivals, a page on each girl which has all their basic details, and what their level of understanding of The Territories should be. The schedule says that first in today is Larkin, and she should be arriving in around an hour. She doesn’t know anything about The Territories, poor girl lost her parents as a child and been brought up by humans. She wasn’t even sure what she was. 
I was in my own little world when Pearl snuck up on me.
“Tea dear?” I squeaked as I jumped, with a hand on my chest.
“Damn Pearl, you can’t do that to a girl.”
“Sorry dear, but would you like some tea?”
“Yes please, that would be lovely.” I followed her to the kitchen. “So, the first girl in today is Larkin, the file says she doesn’t know what she is. What will the Council do with her?”
“Well dear, as far as I understand it one of my lot will be able to tell what she is. I’m sure I heard they are going to let her settle for a week or so then taken her to The Coven.”
I fall into silence thinking about what Larkin must be feeling. I already have a lot going on, but I can’t just leave her without a friend here. She must be so disorientated and lost with no one. 
I’m almost finished my tea when I hear the car drawing up outside. I look up and realise that Pearl has left. Sneaky old witch, I’ve no idea how she moves around like that. I get up and make my way to the lobby. Just as I round the bottom of the staircase, I hear their footsteps pounding down the stairs. 
“Fallon!” The boys jump the last few stairs and grab me in a huge bear hug. 
“Offt. Boys will you calm down you’re going to scare the poor girl.” I giggle at the pair of giant puppies.\A3
“Nah, we’re too loveable, you know that. Remember the dimples” Reilly grins at me like a loon. I just shake my head at him as we move to sit on the couches in the lobby. 
A few minutes late the front door is opened and the same chauffeur from earlier opens the door, carrying a rather heavy looking suitcase. He sets it down in front of the boys, then bows his head towards Pearl. He then turns and leaves but doesn’t close the door. We are looking from the door to each other wondering where Larkin is. Eventually I stand up, and I’m about to head to the door when a pretty little thing comes through it. 
She was lucky if she was 5 and a half foot tall, wild red hair, black framed glasses, and the cutest freckles across her nose. I hoped for her sake she wasn’t a wolf; those she-wolves would eat her alive. She glances up and sees us all standing and startles a little.
“Oh, em, hi, I’m Larkin. I hope I’m in the right place because this island is kind of deserted.”
“Hi I’m Fallon. This is Rex and Reilly, and over at the desk is Mrs Anderson. They all work here, and Mrs Anderson owns the place. And yes, you’re in the right place.”
“Hello dear, you want to come over and I’ll get you booked in and give your key and room number?” Larkin shuffles over to Pearl at the desk.
She seems shy and hesitant. Poor little thing has been thrown into a fantasy world she didn’t even know existed. The boys go to grab her bags and walk up the staircase. Yeah, they’re not much of a welcome party; the big bad wolves seem terrified of the little female. I hear Pearl finishing up checking her in. As I walk over Larkin looks totally lost. 
“Mrs Anderson I’ll take her up to her room if you like?”
“Oh Fallon, that would be wonderful if you could. It would let me get things sorted for the other girls. Are you hungry dear? We’ve already had dinner but once the boys are done with your luggage, I’m sure they will be happy to bring you something.”
“N-no, no, that’s ok. I wouldn’t want to put anyone out. You all seem so busy with this thing going on. Thank you though.”
I nod to Pearl, whilst standing behind Larkin. The girl needs to have something to eat, depending on what she is she could easily have a huge appetite. Wolves and Dragons especially have one, all the shifting burns of so much energy. I know Pearl will make sure she has some food, and the boys love looking after everyone. It’s the male wolf in them, it likes to protect and provide, especially for females. 
“Come on love, let's get you upstairs to your room. It’s bound to have been a long journey for you.” I take her arm in mine, trying to give her that little bit of support and encouragement. 
“Y-yeah it was. Thank you. Do you work here too?”
“No. There are 7 of us that were allowed to arrive later due to different circumstances. I work for the future Alpha King, T.J. He had something needing brought from the human realm to the Territories. I live there in my pack.”
“Oh, is it rude to ask what it is you are?” I chuckle a little.
“No, not really. I don’t mind you asking. You will get better at recognising what everyone is, if you have any questions, no matter how silly you think they might be you can ask me anything. Okay?”
“Thank you so much. I’m a bit overwhelmed with all this.”
“I can’t imagine what you’ve been and going through. The fact that you are here and not hysterical is awesome. You are stronger than you think” The poor girl blushes at my compliment. “So, back to what you asked. I’m a wolf. Although, if I remember right in the human realm, we are also called shifters or werewolves. The humans got some of the lore right but not all of it, but you’ll be taught about all the different species at The Academy, so don’t stress too much, okay?”
“I’ll try” she chuckles with the cutest little laugh I’ve ever heard from an adult. “So, you can really change into a wolf? Is it like a wolf wolf or more like what a Lycan is described as?”
“I’m a wolf wolf, I’ll show you tomorrow if you like. She needs a little run.” My wolf is wagging her tail like a puppy in my head. We don’t get much chance to stretch our paws in the human realm.
“You would do that for me?”
“Of course, you're going to see one eventually. At least this way it can be on your terms, right?”
“Why are you being so good to me? You don’t know me and yet you're helping more than anyone else has.”
“I think we are going to get along that’s all. You seem like a nice person, so why would I not help?”
“Well, whatever your reasons are, thank you. You’ve no idea how lost and alone I’ve felt since I found out about all this.” Larkin looks so sad as she tells me that. This girl had her world turned upside down and had no one there to help her turn it right side up. 
Whilst we’ve been talking and walking, we’ve made it to Larkin’s room. The boys are standing like sentries at the door. The door is opened into the room, and you can see out towards the ocean. It’s a beautiful view if it wasn’t so grey. 
“Oh my, the room is beautiful. Erm, Fallon?”
“Yes love?”
“The man who turned up to deliver my summons didn’t really explain any of this. I don’t think I can afford a room like this. Do you think Mrs Anderson will have something a little less extravagant.” I look at the female, and realise that although she is dressed smart, her clothes aren’t expensive looking. Her file said that she was orphaned young and put in the human social services. 
“Don’t you worry. All the rooms are paid for by the council as they are the ones summoning you. How about you go and freshen up, have something to eat, and a minute or two to yourself, then come find me? I’m right next door, to the right.” I point to the door a few feet down from where we stand.
“O-okay, but honestly, I don’t need anything to eat. If I’m honest I don’t have the money for room service either.” she bows her head a little in shame. 
“As I said Larkin, everything is paid for. Room and expenses. Plus, these cuties here love taking care of all the guests and, we can’t have them pouting because they can’t look after you, can we?” At my little jibe the boys pout right on cue. Larkin and I laugh at their cute faces. 
“See? They’ll bring you something up, ok?”
“Okay thank you boys, Rex and Reilly, right?”
“That’s us. We’ve put your suitcase on the stand, just in front of your wardrobe so you shouldn’t have to bend or lift it okay? We’ll also come and collect all the luggage when you guys are leaving. Don’t be trying to carry that thing yourself alright?” Reilly was always the talker of the too.
“I keep saying it, but I mean it thank you. You have all been so nice to me.”
“Your welcome love, now in you pop and I’ll see you when you’re ready and I’ll answer any questions you have okay?”
“Thank you.” She giggles that cute little laugh again. “See you guys soon.”
We part ways and I head to my room. I check my phone. There are about twenty messages from T.J. all asking if his new car is going to arrive okay. Not even one asking how I’m doing after six weeks in the human realm. It makes my heart hurt a little. Even after all these years I still hope that he’s going to show a fraction of the love I have for him.
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