
In the world of The Territories

Visit The Territories

Ongoing 4473 Words

Chapter 3 Arrivals

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After a long night of explanations and questions from Larkin and tossing and turning what was left of the night, I’m exhausted this morning. I couldn’t even sleep in; T.J.’s car arrives this morning at 8 am. I’m beginning to resent this stupid car. I’m sitting in the lounge at the front of the B&B watching for the transport truck.

“Cup of coffee dear?” I nearly fall of the chair. Damn Pearl and her ninja skills.
“How do you do that Pearl? I’m a wolf for Christ’s sake and one I never even scented you or heard you and two I can’t even sneak that good.” All she does is laugh.
“I’m still not sharing my secret dear. So, coffee? No offence but you look like you need it.”
“Please, that would be lovely. And no offence taken.” chuckling I look out the window again. I can make out the transport truck in the distance. It will take it another half an hour, at least, to make it across the island; you can see for miles here. I should have enough time for my coffee before I supervise the unloading and check the stupid thing over. 
“Is it here yet?”
“Oh, not you two as well. What's so special about this car, Reilly?”
“What’s so special? Try everything Fallon. How can you not be excited to see it?”
“I’ve seen the damn thing enough the last few weeks, I’ll be glad if I never have to see it again. But no, it’s not here yet, it is on the way though you can just make out the transporter from the window.”
The boys rush over and nudge me out the way. They’ve got their noses pressed against the window, if they were in their wolf forms, they would be causing a draft with their wagging tails. Pearl chooses that moment to come in with my coffee, saving the day, as usual.
“Thank you so much. I was up late with Larkin.”
“No, thank you for looking after the girl. The boys and I aren’t much help. It’s been decades since I’ve been to the mainland and the boys have never been. I doubt we would be much help in describing the differences.”
“Well, here is hoping that I helped at least. Now I must deal with this damn car.”
“Boys and their toys, huh? Did you notice on the arrival forms that one of the girls is coming along with the car? Afraid of flying, so they put her on the cargo ship with the transporter.
“No, I didn’t. Someone could have told me though. I’ve worked for weeks getting that cargo ship and transporter.”
“Think T.J. was supposed to inform you. He was there when the council went over the plans.”
“Great, he probably wasn’t even paying attention.” I huff. I try to do my best to make T.J. happy so that he sees me but the older we get, the more I realise that he won’t ever notice me in that way. Damn, that’s twice in the last 24 hours that male has made my heart hurt by doing nothing. Thing is though I couldn’t do all the things I want to working anywhere else. He pays me well to secure him his heart’s desire. I only work three days a week when I’m home and I don’t have to take trips like this too often. The rest of my time is spent helping the Royal Pack in any way I can. I like to keep busy.
 I have always been drawn to him and I can’t help the feelings I have for him. At this point I’m hoping that I do find my mate because maybe then these feelings would stop. I’m getting fed up being the one thing that’s not his heart’s desire. 
Once again, I haven’t noticed the time pass while thinking about that male; it’s not until the boys’ speed past me in a blur that I realise the truck must be here. I pick up my now empty coffee mug and drop it of in the kitchen before heading outside. 
There in all its glory, strapped and secure on the back of the transporter is the Koenigsegg Gemera. With its custom carbon fibre wrap, special edition alloys and trim. With only 300 produced and the release date months away, this was one of my hardest finds for T.J. The man better like it, he’s only ever seen photos of it, it’s different in the metal. 
I walk up beside Pearl, “I thought you said one of the other girls was coming in with the transporter?”
“She has, but she seems a little hesitant to get out the truck, shall we give her a few minutes to collect herself?”
“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. While we are waiting, I’ll make sure they are taking down the car properly and everything is there.” I go over to the guys; the boys are basically vibrating with excitement. I shake my head and laugh at them. Boys will be boys. I watch on as the guys from the transport company carefully start unstrapping and preparing to take the car off the truck. 
As we are all watching I catch Larkin from the corner of my eye. She’s leaning against the door frame looking at everything is going on. I think her appearance has given the other girl a little more courage to get out the truck as I see the door open slightly. Pearl is standing at the bottom of the stairs at the front door, so I go over and stand with her and wait to roll out the welcome wagon. Larkin makes her way down the steps to join us too; she is still so timid looking but, she is slowly coming out of her shell a little. It’s nice to see. 
The other girl has eventually come out the truck and is standing holding a carry on like bag with both hands in front of her, like it could protect her. She seems to take a deep breath, straighten her spine, and starts to walk over. I smile think I’m going to like this female, whatever her story is. She seems to have an inner strength.
She eventually reaches us, but before she can talk, I introduce everyone. 
“Hi, welcome to The Gate. I’m Fallon, this is the owner of the B&B Mrs Anderson, and this is Larkin. Larkin and I are also travelling back to the territories with you and the other 4 girls arriving later today.”
“Oh hi. Thank you.” She looks surprised at the warm welcome. “I’m Alexis, I’m a witch, and I’m probably going back for the same reasons as you and all the other girls.”
“Come on in dear, it must have been a long journey in that truck. Why don’t we get you checked in, and you can take some time for yourself. Leave that bag there and the boys will get it and bring it to your room.” Pearl takes her by the elbow and leads her inside, leaving me with the task of trying to pull the boys away from that car. 

A few hours later, once that stupid car is securely tucked away in the garage, we all gather for lunch, even Pearl and the boys join us. We’ve all mucked in a prepared and set out the food and table. The other girls are arriving at around 7 this evening, all four of them are coming at the same time. It was only Larkin, Alexis and I who had scheduling issue otherwise we would have all arrived the same day, so we were only staying one night in the B&B. 
I’m hoping that the other for girls at least know more about The Territories than Larkin and Alexis. Not that I mind helping the poor women find their bearings, but I’m tired and all I want to do is go home. I can’t leave Pearl and the boys with them though it’s clear that they have a lot of questions that need someone who is familiar with both realms to answer. 
It’s a little easier with Alexis though, her parents raised her in a small supernatural community in the human realm. She has just lost her mate though and the reason behind the summons is hard for her. Why the council decided that not only unmated people who were due to turn 25 in the next 6 months to 30 but also widowed people in that age group too is beyond me. Alexis only lost her mate a few weeks ago. There is no way that she will even want another mate this soon after losing hers. It seems cruel to me. 
Since we have a few hours to kill the boys and I decide to show Larkin our wolves before it gets dark later. Pearl being the awesome witch she is spells our clothes so they will disappear and reappear with our shift; it’s a shame it’s a once only type of spell, would have saved me a lot of nice clothes getting shredded. At least with the spell no one is getting embarrassed, or to cold. 
Pearl, Larkin and Alexis are sitting on the back porch of the B&B with the outdoor heater and blankets around them. The cold doesn’t bother us shifters, more so when we are in our fur. The boys and I walk down into the back garden, turn to face the porch and shift. Most wolves follow their human hairs colour. Like Rex and Reilly, their wolves are the same dark brown almost black shade as their hair is. Then there are wolves like me who looking nothing like their human counterpart. 
My fur was all white. Only a small handful of people had ever seen my wolf because of the unusual colouring. I had enough dealing with all the nasty girls growing up. Which was due to me being close with T.J. They either they wanted me gone, seeing me as competition or using me to get close to him. So, I usually only shifted and ran on my own or with family, Reilly, and Rex and of course Pearl. 
Although I didn’t know if I could trust Larkin and Alexis yet, I wanted to give them something. They both had had such a rough time that they needed something special. I had asked Pearl to have a word with them as I went to fetch the boys about keeping my colour to themselves. Only time would tell if they could be trusted, I hoped they could because for the first time in a long time I felt like I could have friends that had nothing to do with T.J.
“Oh, my goodness, Fallon! You are the most beautiful wolf I have ever seen.” 
“She really is, isn’t she Larkin?” Pearl responds.
“It makes me hope that I’m a wolf too, even though shifting looks painful and terrifying.” Larkin is practically vibrating in her seat. “Eh...Pearl is it rude to ask a wolf if you can pet it?”
“No, love, it’s not rude. It all depends on the wolf, some love getting petted, some hate it, and some can get aggressive if you do it without asking. So yes, it’s always better to ask.”
Larkin walks down the steps towards us wolves. I can see the boys’ tails wagging so fast behind them I’m surprised they haven’t taken of. I was sure that she would approach me first, but she shocks me by heading towards Rex. Although to be fair they are harder to tell apart as wolves than they are humans, so she doesn’t know which is which. 
She stands in front of him, hands behind her back and head bowed as if in submission. We had spoken about the whole dominance and submission thing last night, so it at least seemed like all the questions were worth it. Whilst keeping her gaze on his paws she clears her throat.”
“Ah so, I was wondering. No wait.” She scrunched up her cute little nose. “Would you allow me the honour of petting you, Rex?” 
How did she know who was who? If I’m not paying attention to the very subtle differences in their scent in this form, then I can’t tell them apart. It’s looking as though she might be a shifter or at the least a hybrid. She probably not even aware of what she can do with her senses and just thinks she can tell the difference. Although with that and a few other little observations I’ve made I’m really starting to think she must be a shifter. None of the other supernatural species could tell, to that degree of certainty. 
“Reilly? Would you also allow me the honour of petting you too?” Larkin’s voice snaps me out of my internal musings. He doesn’t even bother to nod at the poor girl he just nudges her hand up with his snout then sticks his head into her stomach. 
“Oomph. I guess that’s a, yes?” and there goes that adorable little giggle again. I stand and watch as she scratches behind the ears of both wolves. The boys acting like overgrown puppies wagging their tails so hard their whole bodies move in time with them. 
“Fallon,” I whip my heard around to Alexis, damn she is just as stealthy as Pearl is “would you mind if I pet you?”
I nod then nudge her hand with my snout. Her hands are so gentle as they run along my snout, face and then down my neck. She is watching her hands as they run through my fur. I catch the far of look in her eyes. It makes me wonder if she has been this close to another wolf since her mate passed on. While her hands are on my neck, I put my head over her shoulder and nudge her towards me. Her hands slid right around me as she snuggles into my scruff. I can feel her sobs in my chest but not a sound gets out. 
As a wolf we like the hierarchy that is created with The Council, but my wolf and I just lost a little respect for them having to console this woman after losing her mate and yet being forced to come here for this nonsense. While my wolf and I plot the painful demise of the Council in our heads, Alexis pulls back from me a little. 
I look down at her eyes, that are a little red and puffy now. She looks straight back at me, with no fear or challenge in her gaze. Her wolf was lucky to have her as a mate for the short time he was here. 
“Thank you, that was difficult but exactly what I needed. I hope that this will at least allow you to find someone who will love you like he did me. Then at least being forced here will have been worth it. You deserve to have that, Fallon.”
With one last scratch to my ears, she walks back into the B&B. I’m watching her walk back inside as I hear Larkin approach me. Instead of having her ask me if she can pet me, I bark and start to run around her playfully. The boys soon decide to come over and join me. We are playing like a pack of pups, while Larkin and Pearl laugh at us. My wolf is loving this, even when we are at home we don’t play with other wolves. We know it’s just not worth the hassle of letting others see our coat.
Soon enough our wolves are lying on their sides panting with their tongues lolling out our mouths, panting from all the fun. Larkin comes over and gives us all one last pet and ear scratch before we shift back to feet. 
“How about you three go have a shower and a nap and we’ll have diner around 5:30 for the other girls arriving at 7?” 
“Sounds good Pearl, thank you. See you all at 5:30” I wave to them all as I go back up to my room. 
As I am walking down the hall to my room, I hear Alexis softly crying in her room. I don’t bother her though. I cannot imagine the heartache of losing your mate, and that’s before I even experience the mate bond. Losing someone once the bond is sealed, I can only imagine is beyond painful. She needs a lot more time than the Council gave her before making her attend something like this. 

My alarm goes off at 5. I stretch on top of the bed, wishing I had snuggled in the covers instead. I really don’t know what is wrong with me, I had been feeling short-tempered, restless, and homesick since the start of this trip and, it seemed to be getting worse the closer I got to being home. I swing my legs off the bed and stand up stretching some more, a little stiff from the nap and shifting earlier. I slip on my shoes and head down to the kitchen. 
I find Pearl and the girls cooking diner. They are all laughing and giggling, and I can’t help but smile. Pearl has this way of bringing people out their shell and it’s nice to see the two girls smile and have fun. 
“Can I help by setting the table?”
“Of course, Fallon, dear.” Pearl calmly responds while the two girls jump and yelp in fright. I can only laugh, I will get that old witch one day. I go set the table while the others finish up diner. Just as I’m about to ask Pearl if the boys are joining us, they come barrelling in the kitchen. We all sit like old friends chatting and laughing around the table. As we are cleaning up, I feel a small pang for the girls arriving shortly. They haven’t had the same chance to build these bonds like the other 2 girls, who seem to be friends already, if the way they have been at diner is any indication. Hopefully they have bonded with each other on the way here. 
Once we are all cleaned up from all the delicious food, we all settle with a coffee or tea in the lounge at the front of the B&B, watching for the other girls arriving. I go off in a little world of my own again, daydreaming about T.J. This is the longest I’ve been away from The Territories, usually if he needs me when I’m away visiting a different part, I can usually get back quick. I wonder if he’ll have missed me as much as I missed being with him. We’re just friends but I am always around him working so even if I wasn’t madly in love with him, I would still miss him. 
“They’re here,” squeals Larkin, she is so excited to meet the other girls. A big difference to the shy girl who was dropped off yesterday. I’m beginning to think that she isn’t shy at all, and she was just nervous coming into all this unknown. We all walk out to gather on the porch as the cars drive up. 
When they stop the drivers, both get out and open the back door then walk around and open the other door. The girls all start getting out the cars, as the drivers go to the boot of the car and gather their luggage. 
All these girls come from different backgrounds and upbringings; it makes me wonder if they will have as many questions as Larkin did. As soon as the thought pops up in my head, I feel weary and tired. Goddess, I hope I’m not getting unwell. 
“Welcome ladies, please leave your bags our boys Rex and Reilly will take them up to your rooms for you. My name is Pearl, and I am the owner of The Gate B&B. If you’ll follow me inside, we shall get you all booked in and settled. Once you’ve had a chance to freshen up you are all welcome to join us for a nightcap in the lounge.”
I am so thankful to Pearl, I could kiss her, at least this way there will be more than just me there to answer questions. I might even get to turn in at a decent hour tonight. I see the boys bounding down the steps over to the cars. Being young shifters mean they can easily handle all the bags. They disappear inside and everyone follows them in after Pearl, with me bringing up the rear. 
I stand in the entryway watching as Pearl gets them checked in. I try to put the names to faces as she confirms who is who. I’m usually good at remembering names and faces but my brain is feeling a little sluggish either from my nap or just my general tiredness. One by one they all head up to their rooms for the night. Once they are all gone Pearl comes over and hooks her arm in mine. 
“I don’t know what’s up with you Fallon, dear but how about we go fix you up a quick coffee see if that perks you up, yeah?” I smile and nod at her.
This is why I love her; she seems to be able to see past the mask people put up for others. She must see I’m a little tired and run down. So, we head to the kitchen to make a coffee before the girls all come down. As she’s waiting on the kettle boiling, she potters around the kitchen putting together little plates of food, like biscuits, cake, cheese, and loads of other little snacks. I decide to give her a hand and start traying them up just as plates of sandwiches start appearing from the fridge. 
The kettle beeps and while she is getting our cups sorted, she’s also sorting out tea and coffee pots too. As she potters about getting things ready for the other girls coming down, she finally breaks the silence.
“You’ve seemed quieter than normal and a lot more tired than usual. Are you ok Fallon dear?”
“I’m sorry Pearl, you’ve probably needed a lot more help with the girls than I’ve given you.” 
“That’s not why I asked. You have done more than enough to help me since you got back. I’m more worried about you, you seem out of sorts.”
“I’m fine honestly. I’m just feeling a little homesick and tired from being in the human realm for so long. That’s all, promise.” I try giving her my most convincing smile as I reassure her.
“That boy better not have any work for you when you get home. You deserve a few days off at least after this trip. He’ll have to answer to me if he puts you straight to work.” This time I give her a genuine smile.
“Thank you, Pearl. It always warms my heart that you care so much about me. I have personal days scheduled as soon as T.J. gets his car.”
“Promise me you’re going to have those days off? I know you missy; you’ll be off volunteering either at the school or helping the old folks.”
“I enjoy helping, it makes me happy. All I can promise is that I’m not scheduled in to volunteer. I also swear that I’ll only go in if I’m feeling up to it?”
“I suppose that will have to do, seeing is it's all the reassurance I’m going to get.”
As she’s making out coffee, I start taking the platers into the lounge. On my trip back to the kitchen I pass the boys loaded down with the rest of the trays.
“Hi guys, thanks for the assist. You need me to lighten the load?”
“No, it’s ok we’ve got this under control.” I’m sure that came from Reilly. 
“Okay no problem, I’ll go see if Pearl needs a hand.”
“You should sit down and relax. We’ll help to bring everything through.” 
“Are you guys sure?”
“Yes” That was both at the same time, so I take the hint and a seat in the lounge. I hadn’t realised how tired I felt until I sat down. Now I just want to curl up and sleep. Pearl walks through from the kitchen with our coffee. She places mine next to me on a side table. Just as she is sitting in one of the other chairs the boys come through with the pots for the others. 
Before any of us can break the silence Larkin and Alexis wonder in the door. We all say hi and the girls help themselves to something to drink. As they are getting settled the other girls start coming in too.
“Pearl would we be best to do little casual introductions to help break the ice?”
“That might be a good idea dear. How do you think we should start?”
“Well, I could start us of?”
“Oh, that would be fantastic. Thank you, Fallon.”
“You’re welcome.”
Everyone is bustling about sorting their cups I can see the other girls are a bit more closed off than what Larkin and Alexis are. Hopefully they loosen up a bit after the introductions and can make friends, or at least have friends and family in The Territories. I can imagine how being stuck at The Academy without friends would be rather lonely. Once everyone is settled, I start the introductions. 
“Ahem, hi everyone. We thought that some introductions were in order. That way we all at least know each other once we get to The Territories. So, I’m Fallon, I’m a wolf shifter and I live in the Pack Lands part of The Territories. I work for one the alphas and have been in the human realm the last 6 weeks on business, which is why I’m late to The Academy. I’ve already met a couple of you that arrived early like me, but I hope I get the chance to know all of you. Thanks”
I sit back down as everyone looks around at each other hoping that someone else stands up next. I’m about to pick someone at random when Alexis stands up.
“Hi everyone, I’m Alexis, I’m a witch. I grew up in a small supernatural community in Scotland. I’ve just lost my mate a few weeks ago so The Council gave me extra time to get things sorted before coming here.” 
She sits back down while all the girls look at her with sad faces. I still can’t imagine how hard this must be for her. Larkin stands up next to her and gives her shoulder a squeeze before she starts.
“Hi everyone, I’m Larkin. I don’t know what I am. I lost my parents when I was little and was put into the human social services. So, I was registered with the council when I was born but have no idea what I am. All of this is new to me so if I ask or do anything that’s rude or offensive, please let me know as I’m still learning, thank you so much.”
I give her a big smile as she sits back down. I hope the other girls are as nice as Larkin and Alexis. 
“Ahem, hi. Erm, I’m Grace.”

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